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: Three thousand seventy-seven Dream painting Jiangshan(23)

Looking at the Beidouqixing hanging in the dark night sky outside the carriage window, Yelv Qiyeguang can already be determined. The direction of his true travel is now Yanzhou North. I believe that now searching around for Yelvuda will only think that he must be heading towards the south. Yes, because to the north is the sphere of influence of the North King's Court. According to the identity of his daughter of the Yelu family, there will never be any good results in the hands of the North King's Court. It is no wonder that along the way, almost no Yelu family can see The army, on the contrary, saw a lot of cavalry in the prairie department, which was drawn toward the south.

The grassland tribe cavalry equipment of these brigades south can only be regarded as rudimentary, but the sturdy atmosphere of the horse riding light is undoubtedly revealed that under such severe cold, these grassland cavalry are only wearing a frizzy leather armor, letting the cold wind Blowing cheeks blue, ice condensation on the eyebrows, but one by one unscrupulous look, showing an extremely terrible tough physique, carrying a prairie bow, gazing just toward the south, and really worthy of being tough The horseback people of China have always been dominated by nitrated hard leather armor, mainly because the grassland iron ore is poor, but the animal leather is very rich, so the light cavalry on the grassland is the main fighting force, generally after adulthood So I have my own scimitar

"It's Wang Ting's!"

Just glanced at the prairie cavalry who passed by the caravan, Yelu Qiyeguang's pretty face was particularly solemn. It seems that the role of the twenty thousand Wang Tingwei's assault has appeared, and the Yelu Army paused when it should be the least. The pace of offensive allowed the original first-line assault tactics to be practiced many times, completely defeating and succeeding.

You know, although Wang Ting is not as good as before, Wang Ting is Wang Ting. Even if the ministries do not buy Wang Ting, the number of tribes directly under Wang Ting’s vassals is as large as three or four hundred thousand. Yanzhou, these vassal ministries have remained on the grassland, just like a house dog. Originally, according to the plan, Yelv Jun should hit Yanzhou to the capital of Beijing at once, taking advantage of Wang Ting’s lack of response, and quickly sent Yanzhou to Beijing. The ties with the left-behind tribes in the grassland were completely cut off, and then the huge amount of siege equipment carried by the Yelv Army was used to completely wipe out Wang Ting’s main force in Yanzhou and go to Beijing in the shortest time.

But now, it is obviously impossible!

"To be honest, has Wang Ting already reached an agreement with the empire? Don't deny that if there is no empire's willingness, how can these grassland kings heading south appear on such a large scale in Yanzhou North?" Yelv Qiyeguang bitten He gritted his teeth and seemed to admit his fate. He looked back hard and looked at the other prairie woman sitting opposite him with a complex expression.

Since yesterday, the imperial caravan that saved Yelv Qiye has given Yelv Qiye to the woman in front of her, and the accompanying people are no longer caravans, but hundreds of prairie cavalry, or else Only the Empire Caravan of dozens of people dare to walk casually in Yanzhou, where the two sides of the army are already gathered, it is really courageous, even if Wang Ting can control his own headquarters, for these miscellaneous The grassland tribes are not necessarily useful, and the woman in front of them is totally another matter. Even if they are placed on the grassland, other tribes are not afraid to provoke her easily.

"Wang Ting is Wang Ting, and Lily Department is Lily Department. It was impossible at the beginning, and now it is even more impossible." The woman on the opposite side withdrew her gaze from the window and smiled charmingly. If I belong to Wang Ting, my sister should not be at this moment. It’s north of Yanzhou, but it’s right that Yanzhou goes to Beijing!"

The woman doesn't care if Ye Lu Qi Ye Guang's gaze can kill people. She is also an acquaintance with Ye Lu Qi Ye Guang, and her identity is not necessarily worse than that of Ye Lu Qi Ye Guang. Wherever she cried, if it weren’t for Yelu’s family, Yelu Qiyeguang would see her lower her head and saw herself as a sister,

She is the princess of the Lily Department, one of the five major tribes in the grassland, Li Suye, known as the golden phoenix in the grassland, and the phoenix is ​​the symbol of the woman's noble pole, which is the same in the north and south of Centralbia, although the appearance is not as gorgeous and wild as Yelv Qiyeguang , But there is an amazingly exquisite beauty on her body, a pair of noble and compelling Danfeng's eyebrows and tails are slightly upturned, giving people a hazy mist like water and fog. Looking back, even a stable man will feel one. A stunning sense of explosion, the long silk on the head is tied with gemstones into a long bun, and in a reverie gesture, it hangs down to the very attractive buttocks buttocks sitting on the chair, a prairie woman's wide robe Nor can it conceal its striking bumps. From the age point of view, it is about twenty-four or four years old, which is the most familiar age of a prairie woman.

If it is said that the first beauty on the grassland is Yelv Qiyeguang, in addition to the fact that Yelv Qiyeguang is indeed beautiful, it also somewhat touted the rise of the Yelu family today, but before the royal court was not divided, five Six years ago, there was a demon with three princes who were in the heart of the prairie king's court. She was Li Suyejia, and the same was the name of the golden phoenix. If you follow the normal track, the hostess of the prairie king's court is like It's already prepared

"Did Lily Department have already turned away from Wang Ting?" Yelu Qiyeguang was stunned, and Li Suye's disdainful tone could be heard. Lily Department should not have stood on the side of Wang Ting. If so, then Li Suye A appeared What does it mean here?

"Actually, it's nothing. This time I just came to Yanzhou on behalf of the Lily Department to deal with a tribal dispute. By the way, I made a big business." Li Suyejia smiled calmly, and there was also a kind of hibiscus in the dark carriage. Qing Lingxiu breathed out, revealing a fascinating beauty of male and female killing

"Yes, Wang Ting's main force is going south. The large grassland in the southern part of the mountain must be vacant. It's not a day or two that your lily department is coveted. Now that Wang Ting is overwhelming, your lily department can take this opportunity to get Shannan. Even you have come forward. , I believe this time the matter has been satisfactorily resolved"

Yelu Qiyeguang's mouth showed a bit of sarcasm, and looked at Li Suyejia on the opposite side with a bit of Min Ran. Li Suyejia was embarrassed. The Lily Department was indeed interesting to Shannan Pastures. At first, he had thought of letting Wang Ting use Shannan Pastures As a condition for marrying Li Suyejia, only later as the Wang Ting split the civil war, the Yelu family emerged suddenly, the Wang Ting became thin in the West Mountain, and the power was shrinking. It was impossible for a Tiannan grass field in every district to get the full support of the Lily Department. Yelv Qiyeguang Intentionally speaking, it was embarrassing Li Suye

Shannan Grassland is the most abundant area of ​​water in the grassland Wangting. It is 30 to 40 miles long and wide. It is a famous area of ​​rich grass and grass on the grassland. It has always been stationed by Wang Tingwei. Now Wang Tingwei mainly moves south, and Wang Tingwei has mostly arrived in Yan. State, it is obviously impossible to continue to occupy Shannan pasture, but Lily Department wants Wang Nanken in the name of Shannan pasture.

Li Suye Jia took a deep breath, the tall chest trembling, staring at Yelv Qiyeguang for more than ten seconds, until the face of Yelv Qiyeguang changed, he sighed and said, "To be honest, I Now I feel a little jealous of you. I did come for Shannan this time, but in fact, compared with a big business later, Shannan is just an addition. Tell me, what is your relationship with the emperor of the Falcon Empire? "

"I have nothing to do with him!" Yelv's seven luminous eyes blinked

"It's okay? It's okay, the Falcon Empire is willing to take a hundred-odd thick grass field as a condition, let me Lily Department personally **** you to Onna wrong?" The envy on Li Suye Jia Qiao's face was continued, and continued "The negotiation Shannan is just You didn’t even know it, just half a month ago, my princess of the Lily Department had already arrived in the north of Yanzhou. At that time, you were in the limelight and attacked Yanzhou in three days. After breaking through the outer periphery of Yanzhou, seven days have passed half of Yanzhou, and Wang Ting has been in a mess. Various rumors say that Yanzhou must be captured by your Yelu family, so I didn’t even think that I needed the lily department to go out.

"But the empire immediately entered the Yanzhou caravan with 27 caravans. It seemed that the caravans were in fact emperors. In addition to doing some smuggling trades with their left eyes outdoors, they were just behind your army of Yelv. The empire believes that you will be in trouble. Who would have thought that your commander-in-chief of the Yelu family would become a fugitive in the blink of an eye"

"What? You mean the empire knew that I would have a problem?"

Hearing Li Suyejia's words, Yelv Qiyeguang couldn't help standing up, how could it be! Judging from what Li Suyejia said, the empire had already arranged how to rescue itself as long as it had attacked Yanzhou. That is to say, the empire knew that Yeluguda would come out to seize power, which is really incredible. If you don’t know that Li Suyejia is a bit jealous of herself, she is indeed a very free-spirited person, otherwise she would not be charmed by the three princes of Wang Ting, and she would not stand alone until now.

Yelv Qiye really had to wonder if the whole incident was planned by the empire, but thinking about it again and again, it felt absolutely impossible. Yelvuda was just defeated by the empire in the wilderness. If it is not running fast, maybe Became the first young patriarch of the Yelu family to be captured by the empire, saying that Yeluguda colluded with the empire to sell hundreds of thousands of northwest tribes, which itself can't stand the scrutiny, and his own troops attacking Yanzhou are mainly Daizhou. The loyalty of the troops and the Gaul army from Algeron Julia, the acting state army is unquestionable, Algeron Julia’s hatred of the empire is more obvious, and now even Yelv Qiyeguang is confused, how is this going? Thing!

"Although I don't know what judgment the empire came from, it should be so, and I found the Lily Department in particular, because only the Lily Department can pass in Yanzhou so unhindered."

The corner of Li Suye's mouth was full of crying and laughing, and this matter was completely beyond her understanding, saying, "The empire even took advantage of my relationship with the New Khan King, and opened up the conditions that my Lily Department can never refuse, Just to rescue your Yelu family, do you still say that you have nothing to do with the emperor?"

Three days later, the carriage entered the area of ​​Imperial Oncho, and the outside of the carriage was already completely frozen with snow. Pieces of yellow grass stems were frosted together. From a distance, it looked like a swollen earth. The scene in front of him made Yelv Qi Yeguang's fingers clenched at once,

Onna Prairie, two years ago, the Yelv's family encased 300,000 grassland tribes. It was from here that they went south and used this as a starting point to move the war of conquest that swept across the central part of Centralbia, and now, I came back here! On this vast grassland, it is like a forgotten person

It is undeniable that Li Suyejia is indeed a very good intimate, knowing the contradiction of Yelv Qiyeguang. "Teana's novel "⒉ So I didn't mention the situation of the night of the rebellion, as long as Yelv Qiyeguang did not speak, it would not continue to question

Only one look and one action of Ye Lu Qi Yeguang can understand her meaning. This can't help making Ye Lu Qi Yeguang think of the people who arrange all of this in the back, and feel a sense of being seen through, reflected in the heart, but it is Extremely indignant, why should I just remind myself that it is not good, obviously knowing that a problem will burst, but why not tell me?

The battle of Yanzhou, the most crucial battle of Ding Ding, the Yelu family can establish the superior position of the new Khan of the Yelu family by defeating Wang Ting. At this point, you can become the first queen of the Yelu Dynasty, but now, everything has become a dream,

why! What is wrong with me? why did not you tell me!

The morning light slowly revealed from the east~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A trace of gentle tearing the earth's darkness, the hazy light reflected the frost on the ground, flashing a cold light, the snow on the ground has not yet Completely melted, there is still a thin layer, reflecting the scary white light,

Suddenly, there was a slight tremor on the earth, all the dry grass began to shake, the crystal frost fell down, the tremor of the ground became stronger and stronger, and even the blades of grass shook violently, the more the shaking action The more fierce it is, the last is finally completely broken, helplessly falling, and tightly attached to the earth.

In the distance, it seemed that the spring thunder burst into the ground. It seemed that a torrential flood swarmed in, because of the violent shaking, the sand and gravel in the grass seemed to dance, jumped up and down, and then fell again. Just like there are many invisible big hands, pick them up and put them down, it seems that the boiling water is dancing, countless long and exciting sounds come from afar, and the whole earth seems to be torn apart. Numerous black shadows appeared in an instant, filling the whole land without any gaps,

"Is the Emperor!" Yelv Qiyeguang heard a low voice from Li Suyejia next to him. The worship of the strong is the nature of the prairie people, regardless of gender. At the first sight of the imperial cavalry, Li Suyejia was habitually associated with The cavalry of the Lily Department made a comparison, and the result was no comparison at all. Not to mention, the sky and the clouds changed color, and even the sun that had just emerged was covered by the eagle flag of the empire. I couldn’t see the slightest sunshine, densely packed. The ground cavalry, the red long tasseled helmet, and the whole body are thick black armor, densely arranged on the snow-covered ground, just like a turbulent tide that can drown all the momentum in front, even when it was placed in the era when the king’s court was not divided, Only the most elite Wang Tingwei has this momentum! (To be continued.)

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