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: 3402 The Wind of the Empire (4)

Fat men are riding on war horses, and their eyes are on rolling hills, snow-covered northwestern land, deserted villages abound, most of the villages are empty, not there is no one inside, but open the door, a family Nested in a cold room, it has been frozen hard for a long time. The child with big head and small body lay dead on the noodle tank. The noodle tank was clean as if it had been licked by a dog. The villages in the search range, at the back, have no meaning to push the door open. Famine is not unacceptable in the empire, but so many people who have been frozen and starved to death are seen for the first time, even if they are in the body. The battle-hardened Imperial soldiers were as murderous on the battlefield, and they felt uncomfortable with the terrible scene in front of them.

"Look at the good things Yeluguda has done"

The fat man sighed and tightened the reins of the horse. He said disdainfully: "The deeper the northwest, the worse the situation. Conservatively estimate, the frozen and starved bodies seen in the past few days have exceeded 200,000. For the millions of Central Biya people in the entire northwest, this is still only less than one tenth of the number. "This is the case where the empire accepted hundreds of thousands of grassland people. Otherwise, you will see a more terrible situation."

"What's the matter, on the grassland, those old and weak who have to be sacrificed every year because of lack of food, and who has sympathy" Yelv Qiyeguang disapproved, completely unmoved by the scene in front of him, but said coldly "The empire only saw these frozen and starved Central Biya people, why did they not see them, how these Central Biya people slaughtered my grassland people, the northwestern departments just left, these Central Biya people were immediately slaughtered and still Seventy percent of the prairie people in the northwest of China "Yellow Seven Glow Lights paused, showing the look of clenching teeth" No matter the old and weak women and children, they were cruelly executed. At that time, who went to speak for those tragic prairie people."

"And the Southwestern Dragon family also took away a large number of the northwestern young and strong, and also counted as keeping the seeds for the northwestern people. Didn't your majesty see these frozen and starved Central Biya people, most of them died in their own homes, It’s because they have decided to accept death, and since then, what else can they complain about!"

The fat man's face was stunned. Ye Lu Qi Yeguang's thoughts were so extreme. Even Rui Tang Tina was not so cold and ruthless, so you can imagine how miserable the situation of the Central Biya people under the control of the entire Ye Lu group will be. It is no wonder that the Northwest The **** dragon family composed of humans will fight against the elite cavalry of Yeluguda at the Beishan Racecourse in Yanzhou. He is stunned to kill Yelugda with a sea of ​​human tactics, which is too much hatred.

The fat man withdrew his eyes and hesitated and said, "Now the entire Daizhou has been blocked. Even if the people sent by the empire can sneak in, it is difficult to see Yelu Hongtai. Hello, you are also the princess of the Yelu family. Is there anything you can rely on? people"

Since it was decided to take Yelv's Seven Glows to Daizhou, there would naturally be no concealment about the current dangerous situation of the Yelu family,

Originally, Yelv Qiyeguang was not going to return immediately, but after seeing the intelligence of the four major departments in Daizhou, he immediately agreed to go to Daizhou with the fat man, and 100,000 empire army to Daizhou. The words are definitely like a big enemy, but it is at this time that the more the empire’s force against Daizhou is, the more beneficial it is to the Yelv family. With the pressure of the imperial soldiers coming to the city, the ministries are afraid that they will have no intention to elect new ones immediately. Leaders, and if you find that the 100,000 Emperor* was brought by yourself, I am afraid that the scene will be more exciting. If the Empire and the Yelvs join forces, even the four major departments will not be enough!

"It's useless, I have thought about it for a long time. In this situation, even if it is the people inside the Yelu family, my father wouldn't believe it."

Yelu Qiyeguang's long black hair fluttered in the north wind and shook his head ugly. "I know my father. Now all the ministries are gathered in Daizhou. The four major departments are privately involved in replacing the Yelu family, even if it is the Yelu family. "I'm afraid" that my father wouldn't believe it. The prairie owl died on the prairie because of betrayal by his celebrity. I don't know how many. Moreover, under the current situation of the Yelv family, everyone can't tell who is the enemy and who is their own. ! If I were the father, it would most likely be the conspiracy of the sender as an opponent!"

"Then your letter..."

The fat man blinked his eyes. If Yelu Hongtai didn’t believe it, it wasn’t everything. The sudden change of Yelu’s family status, the persecution of Yelu Hongtai by various ministries, Daizhou was already crying, and the undercurrent was surging. It might be one at any time. There was a big shock inside the Yelu Home Group. Now even if someone took a letter and told Yelu Hongtai, Yelv Qiyeguang was not dead, I was afraid that Yelu Hongtai would not believe it.

"Relax, my letter will be sent!" Yelv Qiye's eyes flashed a sly luster, and said solemnly. "And even if it is seen by others, it doesn't matter, because the letter can't be understood by ordinary people!" "

"A letter that no one else can understand?" The fat man's face was stunned, but he was quickly relieved, but forgot. Yelv Qiyeguang was originally a dead leaf bone dish from the grassland people who was responsible for intelligence. It was also expected that he would write letters in cipher language. Otherwise, once stopped by others, wouldn't it be exposed.

"Because the letter was written to a blind man, a person who can't see with both eyes, but who can see it more clearly than many normal people!" Yelv Qiyeguang said affirmatively, "This is a person who no one can think of. , If someone else finds my father, my father will not believe it, but if it is him, my father should believe it. My relationship with him, the father is one of the few people who knows!"

Daizhou, the sky after heavy snow is gray,

The cold wind hit his face, no one knew what Mongolian Tiemu was looking at, but every day, Mongolian Tiemu would stand on a dirt **** outside Daizhou City, staring with his incomparable eyes In the distant sky, several guards stood meticulously around. They seemed to be guards. In fact, they were more surveillance. Two days later, the people who went to Yanzhou to search would return. The young patriarch specially explained that the blind man must be seen firmly. There can't be any difference. Thinking of this person's blood flowing from the most noble gold family on the grassland, the eyes of several guards are full of a complex look,

"Excuse me, Tiemu, the disciple of the Holy Doctor, I'm Lucasa of the Kotayan Ministry. Eight years ago, the Holy Doctor cured my daughter. I don't know if you have any impressions?" I don't know what, one A middle-aged man dressed as a prairie man appeared in front of Tiemu Mongol. When he saw Tiemu Mongol, his eyes lit up, revealing a look of surprise. This is a middle-aged man with a good looks, wearing a robe of prairie people. Ride on a muscular brown-red horse, hands bent on the chest to salute

"Isn't the Tayan Department a fugitive empire wilderness? Why are you still in Daizhou!" Mongolian Tiemu hadn't spoken yet. The captains of several guards had stood up and looked at him fiercely. The Tayan Department was northwest. A small tribe among the prairie people,

"I have a common hatred with the empire. Both of my sons died in the hands of the empire. Unfortunately, the tribes weakened their bones and refused to avenge me. I will not go to the empire." Lucasa gritted his teeth in angrily. Said, "I have left the Tayan Department, and now I am an idle tourist, just living for revenge. They say that my army of grasslands is acting on behalf of the state.

"Idle tourists?" The captain of the guard gathered his eyes and looked up and down. The idle tourists are so-called wanderers on the grassland, people who are betrayed by the tribe, but don't underestimate idle tourists, because they can become idle tourists, or They are criminals, or nobles within the clan. Ordinary civilians are abandoned by the clan, and they are often killed by the clan. Only the nobility has such privileges. Seeing the other party is alone, the surrounding wilderness does not seem to be able to hide people. The tension on the guard's face gradually faded,

What can you do alone? As for the assassination of Mongolian Ironwood, this possibility is very small, because most people outside do not know the relationship between Mongolian Ironwood and Mongolian Luo, and this situation is not once or twice. Mongolian Ironwood follows the holy doctor. In the past ten years, almost half of the grassland tribes have traveled. I don’t know how many people have been saved. They have always been respected as disciples of holy doctors. They often encounter such a similar situation. The guards have become accustomed to it. This is also Mongolia. One of the reasons why Luo dare not commit suicide without permission. On the grassland, the craftsmen and doctors are the most noble, even above the ordinary grassland nobles,

"Ta Yanbu, eight years ago?" Tiemu of Mongolia hesitated for a while, and there were too many places to run, and he couldn't even see it.

"The Tayan Department, under the Ajitai Snow Mountain, is also such a winter. At that time, a big avalanche was encountered. A father brought a girl with frostbite. Lord Timu should remember it!" Lucasa's face was anxious, looking It's really anxious to get up

"Ajitai Snow Mountain...a father and a girl who suffered long frostbite?"

Mongolian Tiemu murmured, seemingly recalling, his body suddenly shuddered abruptly, yeah, how did he forget that thing, eight years ago, there was indeed a middle-aged man who came with a girl, girl It seems that it was crushed for a long time because of the avalanche, the body is very weak, and the body is frostbite everywhere, but I don’t know what I found is a terrible thing. My teacher who has always believed in the relief of life is a real anger. Rulei, at that time, she categorically refused to treat the girl, even without the girl’s father’s scimitar.

For this reason, his teacher still had a relationship with middle-aged people for more than ten years, and the two were considered to have a very good relationship.

In the end, I really couldn’t see it, and I privately told some ways to treat the snowstorm frostbite. As for whether the Tayan Department did not remember it, but Ajitai Snow Mountain remembered it, because the identity of the father and daughter was at that time. It has become quite prominent, not to mention, it is now the presence of resistance in court with the northern kings court. It is hailed as the fastest rising family in the past 100 years. Although it is not a gold family, it is the most popular family. , That is Yelu Hongtai, who is now in a sleepy Daizhou, and Yelv Qiye, who is dead

"My daughter has always remembered His Excellency Temu, so he personally copied this longevity sutra, hoping that His Excellency will accept it." Lucasa saw the look on Mongolian Temu's face, and finally let out a sigh of relief while speaking. A folded document was taken out of his arms, and he wanted to come over respectfully, but was stopped by the captain

"Give it to me, you can leave!" The captain of the **** reached out and stopped in front of Lucasa, said coldly, although he was not afraid of the other party's assassination of Mongolian Ironwood, it was very possible in various situations and almost no consultation , I took the paper from Lucasa and opened it. It turned out to be a tribute to the longevity of the prairie tribe, which was used to sing the longevity scriptures of the eternal life. , Drove away Lukasa, the captain of the guard grinned, and put the longevity sutra into the hands of Tiemu of Mongolia. "Unfortunately, it seems that this girl has always remembered you, a blind man. No matter how good it is, you can see See you?"

"My eyes can't see, but my heart can see." Mongolian Tiemu mouth slightly grinned, his hands clenched tightly on the longevity sutra, even a little trembling, Yelv Qiyeguang did not die! In addition to the memorial service on the grassland, the Changsheng Sutra also has the meaning of reporting peace to relatives,

Yanzhou, the head of the Long family, Long Bro, looked very solemnly into the conference room, glanced at the generals who were waiting for them, and clasped the report that had just been sent. The generals of the Long family were armored, and their expressions were tense.

"Homeowner, although our army is occupying Yanzhou, there is an increasing shortage of military food. This morning we can only guarantee one meal a day. I am afraid that if it is dragged on, the overall situation will be unable to fight," a general reported.

"Yeah, it is not a way to drag on. As long as the owner orders, my blood army is willing to for the pioneers of the army and sweep the road for the army," said a middle-aged general of the dragon family, who solemnly stood up and said, the general of the dragon family At about forty years old, a Chinese-shaped face and a fierce scar almost crossed the entire left face. It was Long Xiao of the Long Family Blood Army. As one of the former generals of the former family owner Long Yang, Long Yang died in battle. After Yanzhou, Long Xiao brought back two Longyang teeth and returned to the southwest with a wound, and repaired the clothes tomb for Longyang in the southwest. The scar on the brow corner of his face was cut by the prairie man’s scimitar. At that time, the blood flow was like a serious injury, and the prairie people rushed up like crazy. Everyone thought he was dead. Who knows that when the prairie people withdrew, Long Xiao himself crawled out of the corpse,

"The emperor* entered the northwest, and our army's back road was broken. The longer it was dragged, the more unfavorable to us!" Other generals also agreed. The land of the northwest has been regarded as the scope of the dragon family by them, but it is true To say that for the northwest, to fight against the 100,000 empire of the empire, I felt that the military strength was insufficient, and the generals looked at the Longjia family master Long Po, the victory of the battle of Yanbei Mountain that I just experienced, and now the Longjia army is popular. Excited, since the Yelvs were all fighting, the empire should be almost the same. With this idea, the generals’ fear of the empire was replaced by a strange emotion, killing the prairie people in the northwest and Yelugu in Yanzhou. Da, why can't you fight the empire? The owner has not mentioned it many times, the empire will be the future enemy of the southwest dragon family

Long broken eyebrows are tightly screwed together. Although the northwest is like chicken ribs, but the entire Central Asia knows that the northwest has been restored by itself. Now that it has fallen into the hands of the empire, does it really have the courage to fight? That wouldn't let the people of the world laugh at the Dragon family's deception and fear, and dare to fight the prairie people, but they are afraid of the Falcon Empire in the Western Continent! If it was before, Long Po might have endured it, but now, the Long Family has won battles and wins prestige, and it has been regarded as the backbone of countless Central Biya people. Even if you want to make it, China and Belgium Asians will not agree!

"How many were the northwestern refugees who followed us into Yanzhou this time?" Long Po looked at one of the generals responsible for the matter and seemed to think of something.

"There are only about 250,000 to 60,000 young people with good physical strength. Most of the people have fallen into the halfway before they entered Yanzhou," the general replied ugly.

"Only 250,000 or 60 million? Millions of northwestern refugees, only these finally arrived in Yanzhou?" Long Po's eyes flickered, there was no food in the northwest, and millions of Central Biya people were almost desperate. The only way is to Take these Central Biya people to find food~www.wuxiaspot.com~You can't go south. Although the south is where the Longjia is headquartered, the area where the Longjia is located is so large that it is not an area that produces food itself. These two years The war had already exhausted the original storage. If these millions of refugees were allowed to flow into the southwest, it would be a disaster for the southwest.

Since it can’t go south, it has to go north. The whole of Centralbia has seen its main dragon family defeating more than one hundred thousand grassland troops of Yeluguda at the Beishan Racecourse in Yanzhou, and also slaughtered Yeluguda in the south. A butcher of 100,000 people was beheaded in Beishan, but few people paid attention to the terrible situation in the northwest. Yeluguda harvested most of the food and caused the Central Biya people in the northwest region to freeze to death in the cold wind. Starved to death, the snow covered the ground along the way. As long as you sweep away, you can see the bodies that have been frozen into snow. You can only draw young and strong from it and fill it into the army, and before ordering the army to go to Yanzhou, to all Of the northwestern Central Biya people claim that the only way to keep everyone alive is to grab the grassland people, and to enter the area controlled by the grassland Yelv’s, Yanzhou is the inevitable gate

"Only after taking down Yanzhou will everyone have a way to live"

Long Po was standing in the cold wind at the time, as the long sword pointed out, tens of thousands of Long family troops entered Yanzhou, followed by a team of millions of refugees. If he continued to sit and watch the Northwest people starve to death, Long Po could not guarantee himself to Will the Longjia blood army built by the northwestern people be a mutiny directly, and the fighting power of the Longjia blood army is most vividly displayed in the battle of Yanzhou Beishan Racecourse. Although the Longjia blood army is poorly equipped, it faces the Yelv family The rushing cavalry horseshoe, the whole team was washed down and crushed, but no one from the whole army retreated, and eventually Yeluguda trying to break through was alive and dead.

The Northwestern people gave themselves to Yanzhou, so they should give the Northwest people a way to live and fight for the state. It is the only way to live now (to be continued.)

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