Whole Nation

: 255 Tyre's Shame (4)

Floating means that Tirnate ran away. The **** of that one left the known bilian! "Atlet stood upright with indignation, and the sword in his hand was chopped on the stone pillar next to it, bringing up a slip of Mars,

Atlet was very dissatisfied with the body of the counterfeiter exchanged for life and blood. This time the assault force invested 5,000 people, and the surrounding troops responsible for dragging the defenders, nearly tens of thousands of main forces, nearly a thousand The casualties, in exchange for this meaningless body, no one can swallow this grievance, if Hu Keqi force stopped, this body was already smashed into a meat residue by Atlet

"Bring the corpse to Lord Governor, this matter must be reported to the Legion immediately." Hu Keqili waved to the soldiers waiting at the door, patting the shoulders of the still-infighting Atlet, "Atlet The captain doesn’t have to blame himself. You’ve done a good job, and it’s not our goal to fight Tiernerante. The main hall of Tyre is our main goal, without Tilburg, no With the army and territories, Tirnarant, the cunning guy, can’t afford to turn the waves.”

The Samor Falcon flag slowly rose from the spire of Tilburg. This caused a lot of shaking in the hearts of the Tyre defenders in various streets. The people of Tyre looked at each other in a hurry. Without Tilburg, without the Tyre family, everyone seemed to be taken away from the main heart and blindly. , Hesitant, bleak emotions infect them

"Captain, are we still fighting!" A young Tyre soldier stared ugly at the Samor Falcon flag flying in the main hall, his weak body forced him to lean against the wall,

In the corner in front of him, Captain Tyre, who was wearing cotton armor, was sitting in his thirties. The malnourished complexion made him look old, with blood stains oozing from his leg cotton pants.

These are soldiers recruited from refugees, and the Tyre family has selected many such people from the refugees.

They are the young and middle-aged people in their families, and they are the support of a family. Many of them have hungry wives and children waiting for food. Such people carry something called responsibility, which can make the cowards become real. warrior

Even in the face of the aggressive Samoan army, even if Samor’s sharp crossbow shoots through their bodies, they still choose to fight back, just to use their lives and perseverance to exchange a little more food for their wives and children’s homes in exchange for a little more life. Hope to continue,

They don’t have protective armor, that’s something that the regular army has,

Cannon fodders like them, can be divided into a slightly cold cotton coat is already a great gift. Most of the weapons are temporary iron gunheads. They are the cannon fodder of the Tyre army, and the Tyre assigned them to the front of the street. They are the biggest casualties in this battle.

At least more than 10,000 people fell on the streets of the city. The whole city is crying for them,

Streets stained with blood and crumbled ruins, their tired figures appeared on the barriers again and again, blocking the footsteps of the Samoan army with their flesh and blood

For a bit of poor food, for their wives and children who are still hungry, they are tired of standing in the corner despite being tired and unable to stand up, although the wounds on their bodies have turned into blood clots, they are still fighting with the Samor army. For a whole day,

The corpses filled the streets, and blood splashed the surrounding walls, in this battlefield of killing. Even the warm sunshine in the sky can't make them feel warm,

Only when the eyes of his wife and son Xiyi flashed in their minds, their numb eyes flashed. "It's okay, it's time to surrender!" Team Tyre sighed a long time, and a weird numbness in the corners of the tired and numb lips made him smile. The wooden spear in his hand was thrown in the corner.

The Tyre family is over, and it doesn’t make sense to stick to it. The new owner of the Tyre blanket is the Samor. This is already one. Indisputable fact,

Rumors about the cannibalism of the Samorians. The captain of the refugee is completely noncommittal. Whatever the news, he can deceive those inexperienced young idiots. In fact, many people know,

It was not only the Samorans but also the Tyres who ate people during the snowstorm, but most of them who had known the truth had been dealt with in secret. But such a speculation can be confirmed, such as why many of the food the Tyre family puts are neck meat. For example, why are refugees always missing in the city,

There is even one. The drunken Tyre Guardian broke a scandal. Some time ago, in order to solve the food crisis, the Tyre family did not catch any prey in the large-scale army hunting. Thousands of people carefully searched the mountains around Tyre City. As a result, I didn’t even catch a pheasant feather,

The dizzy commanders of Tyre called up Winter Bear’s idea. They dug a bear hole in the mountains and the mountains. As a result, hundreds of people were killed by ten angry winter bears. Finally, Commander Tyre looked at it, but it didn’t matter, but If you don't bring enough food down the mountain. The family will definitely blame themselves,

He finally thought about it. Losing the move, slaughtered a group of refugees in the mountains in the name of suppressing the rebellion. All of their bodies were made into victory meat and given to the refugees. Externally, it is said to be a prey hunted by the Tyre army. There are some things, even if no one says, everyone is well aware,

In this snowstorm, if there is prey on the mountain, who will come out to flee, the Tyre family is simply deceiving themselves,

Some refugees ate human teeth from their faces, and just spit them on the ground casually. They continued to nibble at the small pieces of meat like a thumb, even if the pieces of meat could chew in their mouths for a long time. You can still see the bloodshot, bite in your mouth like a piece of **** wood, everyone must bear it

The food is just that. You don’t eat. Someone is rushing to eat, if starved, everyone will eat you tomorrow

"Slow, if I am beheaded by the Samorans, you can help me take this back!" Captain Tyre, who had blood on his body, stood up against the corner. His leg hurts and he gritted his teeth. He took out a small bag from his arms and gave it to the young Tyre soldier. "This is the amulet your sister gave me when I came out. Your sister will know me when she sees it. !"

The sunset glow dyed the entire city of Tyre to gold~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A team of Samor's army began to clear the battlefield. Because of the fall of the main hall of Tilburg, the resistance of Tyre City basically came to an end, and the Tyre soldiers on the barriers constantly threw down their arms and helped each other out of the street to surrender to the Samor Army.

The Tier walked past the Samorian army in speculation. Everyone didn’t know how the Samorans would treat themselves, beheaded, hanged, nailed to a wooden frame, various cruel death methods circled in their minds, but soon they became wrong,

The Samor soldiers consciously gave way, no one arrested them, nor embarrassed them. The Samorians just dispersed them to dozens of distribution points, a bag of frozen fish was unloaded from the carriage, and the delicious fish soup was rolling in the big pot on the side of the road. Wrapped them

These ragged, scarred Tyres used their crude weapons, and the spirit of perseverance. Won the respect of the Samor warriors,

"Hurry, hurry, next!" Chef Samor handed them a bowl of fish soup. The friendly attitude of the Samorians relieved the fearful Tier people. More Tier citizens came out from all corners, and the Tilburg people's decisive resistance collapsed in front of the hot fish soup.

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