Whole Nation

: 302 The Wind of the Empire (23)

In Lange City, the bright sunlight shines from the newly constructed hall. The golden light shines on the steps leading to the hall. Among the people coming and going on the street in front of the hall, Longxueshan is surrounded by a dozen guards. Coming down immediately, the family crest on the armor of the Dragon Family Army changed the face of everyone around, just like a piece of ice, letting people around unconsciously let go

   "Is the Dragon Family!"

   "Is the Long family going to hit Ranji?"

   "No, if you want to fight long ago, now that the Dragons want to attack Lanzhi, are you really afraid of the revenge of the empire?"

Whispering around came into his ears, Long Xueshan twisted his hand holding the whip tightly before raising his head, and looked at the town hall in front of him with a dignified face, although the heart was complicated, although the changes of Lanzhi City had been seen outside , But when you enter the city, you really feel the prosperity

   Both sides of the street are full of shops. It is almost difficult to travel between people. From entering the city gate, not only the guards of Longxueshan are stupid, but also Longxueshan is also dumbfounded. Is this Lanzhi City? This is the crumbled small stone road in the whole city. When it encounters the rainy season in the south, is it the muddy mountain city of Lange?

What's the appearance of Lange City? He hasn't seen Longxue Mountain, even if the wagon wheel can enter, the city is barely the storefront of several large households, and the main thing is the local specialties of the mountain. Within a year, that is, In the spring and autumn, there will be a caravan of caravans passing by here. Now, there is no trace of the original Lanzhi City. The stone roads are all the same, and at least four carriages are parallel. The street is two. The side is full of stores with a large number of goods,

Lange was originally a mountain town. Although the northwest turmoil did not spread to Lange, the rolling people from the north also had a great impact on Lange. In addition, the southwestern dragon family opened the door to the northwest to accept the refugees. The original Lanzhi people Some of them chose to relocate to the southwest, which caused the population of Lanzhi City to drop from more than 20,000 to less than 5,000, almost all who could walk, and most of the rest were unable to move south, or Reluctant to civilians in this homeland,

No one expected that Lange would become like this. It was a night of pheasant change, from an unknown mountain town to a golden arterial road along the eastern and western commercial roads, and tens of thousands of Central Africans from the wilderness of the empire. People, as well as countless businessmen from both sides, plus the migrants in the northwestern and southern regions, a small town of 20,000 people, stunned into a city with a huge population of 200,000 in a month and a half. The valued wasteland is now covered with countless stacked wooden houses

Here, no matter if you are an Empire, a Central Biya, a steppe, you are a business object, and you are the object of trading. As you leave here, it is also your own business to continue to live or die. In the area of ​​the Empire, Commercial trade is the core, and there is an empire’s guarantee that no force can dare to make it. In the two years after the empire intervened in China, such a concept has been accepted by all parties in China and the absolute force brings Stability is the main reason why Lanzhi City has become a golden place. Otherwise, who will be sawed back and forth, who dares to come here to do business?

   There was a wry smile at the corner of Longxueshan's mouth. If it was not the scene he saw with his own eyes, even if someone told himself, he was a sneer, a small Lanzhi City, those dignitaries who were full enough to support the caravan here? But the situation in front of me was naked there. The dignitaries from all over the world, the forces of all parties, really gathered in the mountain city of Lanzhi. Unexpectedly, the Lanzhi city turned into what it is in just a month and a half. The Empire, in the end What did you do to Lange,

I was still thinking about it. If I find an opportunity, I will occupy Lanzhi first. Then, even after the empire is investigated, I can say that Lanzhi City is just a river apart from the Longjia controlled area. In the past few decades, Lanzhi City has actually been the outer periphery of the recognized Southwest Dragon Family. For Lanzhi City, although there is no real name for control, it is a real controller. Long Xueshan believes that The control of the Dragon family for decades cannot be compared with the empire that has just settled in Lanzhi City for more than a month. Even in Lanzhi City, I don’t know how many people are expecting the Dragon Family to enter Lanzhi. In the mind of the Central Biya, the Empire is the best outsider! But now, Longxueshan is shaking


The situation made him feel helpless. If the Long family ruled Lanzhi according to the wishes of the original residents of Lanzhi city, the problem is that the people in front of them now, these people are Central Asians, Westerners, and even Are there Cao Yu people's faces, are they locals of Lange?

  Who knows how many forces are involved, let alone other foreigners, the flags stuck on the road of the Central African caravan are already making the heart of Longxueshan frustrated.

   The long golden wind flag of the Li nationality, the Ming dynasty party flag of the Song nationality, and various colors of flags, at a glance, like a sea of ​​flags,

Li Song's first-class gatekeepers did not say that since the Zhang family died in Dijing, and then the Li family was suppressed after going south, the Tang people were almost wiped out in Linhang. The military's four first-class gate valves left the southern Song nationality with power. The purple color that represents the second-class gate and the yellowish color of the third-class gate have a messy feeling in the wind of Longxue Mountain.

  Lanji City, how many caravans in China are there?

Now it is not the first-class gate valve that holds the authority of Centralbia, but the second-third-ranking first-ranking dignitaries who originally ranked first, especially the southern aristocratic group that has been suppressed by the north, but it is also in the north. After being hit hard twice in a row, the aristocratic group quickly rose up in the court and began to grasp the real power

Even if it is the Dragon family, it is still the will of the Southern Group. How can it not tear the face of these nobles of the second and third men who have real power, and the caravan flags of the second and third men of the nobles seen by Long Xueshan are almost It includes more than 80% of the current nobility in Central Biya,

   Long Xueshan's face was green all the way, the hand holding the whip rattled, his eyes were full of coldness,

More than one hundred thousand dragons of the Dragon family are fighting on the front line, and behind them, these door dignitaries are doing business with the prairie people, and just now, he also saw a second-rank door blue mountain uncle The leader of the team and the businessman of the Yelv family were on their shoulders, talking and laughing, and what they were talking about was actually weaponry.

If it were not for suppressing the anger in the heart, Long Xueshan almost took the sword and cut it over. It took so much effort to fight the death battle of the two generations of the head of the family, and the blood of more than one hundred thousand children of the Dragon family is such a result. General Long Family feels cold, but there is no way to do it,

  The Dragon family wants to win the hearts and minds of Central Biya, and the hearts and minds of Central Biya seem to be among the majority of civilians, but in fact, they are still in the hands of these Central Aristocrats

   For this, the Longs can be considered

A generation of famous generals, Long Yang, bathed in Yanzhou, carried the army of the Yelv family, and recovered the last dignity for Zhongbia, but how about it, the dignitaries said that the Long family reversed their actions and sacrificed the survival of Zhongbia for the benefit of the family, sinful evil, dragon The home was immediately infamous Sanli, which was scolded by countless people. Outside the southwest, Longxue Mountain was not only exposed to the south of the city of Xinhang, but also the streets along the way. Some people threw dirt and smelly eggs. It was like a mouse crossing the street. Everyone shouted. hit,

And the new owner, Long, broke into the prairiemen's area several times, seriously delaying the progress of the prairiemen to the south, so that the dignitaries could escape south safely, and the dignitaries immediately changed their words and said that the dragon family is a good person, a god, the teacher of justice, the dragon Family seems to be the **** of war in Central Biya, the savior who sings all over the world, no matter whether he goes up or down, inside and outside, when he mentions the Longjia West Army, he has no thumbs up to praise a good man. The situation, I just forgot, just over half a month ago, how did they scold the Long family and how to let the tens of thousands of Long family children die in Yanzhou?

   are all villains, a group of villains who forgot their benefits!

   I have told you long ago that the so-called heart, the so-called wind direction, and not these powers are what you say! But you just don't believe it, believe it now, your head has been cut off, and no one has remembered you well!

In the hall of the white dragon family worship hall, a new owner with a heavy armor and filial piety, the broken eyes, broken eyes, blood flowing, holding a jug, swearing one by one, the sound of clenching teeth and teeth, just like the impact of stress on the temple. Inside, the generals of the Dragon family who were kneeling in the Longyang Festival Hall, all with red eyes, stiff as iron, and a silent scene, could still make Long Xueshan feel panic-stricken,

  Long family heads of all generations are military masters, there are few hospices, most of them

He died on the battlefield, but his head was still cut off by the enemy. Only Longyang took office. Until a month ago, Longyang's head was returned to the Dragon family by Wang Ting. It was announced that he had been buried, but it was actually vacant in the altar. After a few months, the Longyang empty coffin was truly qualified to enter the tomb of the Longjia ancestor. A shriveled and frozen head, in cold weather, after running for more than ten days in the northwest, the facial features are condensed in Together, I can't see what I was, only the right ear is missing a half of the invisible earlobe, proving the identity of the former owner Long Yang

It was secretly buried on that day, and the Long family, which had not snowed for more than 30 years, was in Linchuan. The heavy snow like goose feathers filled the world, and the cold wind blew, blowing the city's white sails hanging for the tens of thousands of children killed in Yanzhou. , As if roaring, no one but the Dragon family knew what was going on

"Long Xueshan is below!" A young Central Asian man in the uniform of the emperor saw the Long Xueshan below, his eyes lit up, and he quickly came down from the steps. The family emblem of the Long family was easy to recognize, and Long Xueshan The weight of the body is as impressive as ever,

   "Your Excellency?"

Long Xueshan withdrew his gaze from the city hall in front. He seemed to take a light step on the steps and stepped down, but he wished to step out of a pit. He had originally planned to annex Lanzhi City. As Chaotang was unable to control the region, the noblemen of various regions in Central Biya were already representatives of all regions. Facing the reshuffle of the new power structure, they would naturally choose the one that was beneficial to them. Moving the city of Lanzhi was undoubtedly moving. Eighty percent of the nobility gate valve of Centralbia! Even the Dragon family can’t fight against the entire noble class in Centralbia

"In Xiabai Wufeng, the head of the Yanzhou Banner of the Imperial Wilderness Regiment!" the young man's eyes were shining and his expression looked grim. "Lanji City's defense is my responsibility. It is really not much experience. Master Snow Mountain saw and laughed!"

"Your Excellency is so polite, so young, he is already an important member of the imperial regiment, which is really admirable." Long Xueshan narrowed his eyes, knowing that the other party was ridiculing his ambitions for Lanzhi City. The Biya, even if he became an emperor's officer, would naturally not be polite, with a smile in his mouth. "It's just too puzzling to be a Central Biya who is willing to work for aliens?"

"Haha, Lord Longxueshan really is fast and quick, but unfortunately, these words are useless to me, I don't hide it, I'm from Yanzhou Army." Bai Wuguo grinned. The Yanzhou Army and Southwest Longjia from his origin were Known as the two major battle forces in China and the country, the two have been competing against each other for many years. Seeing Long Xueshan, a general in the southwest dragon family, has just been promoted to the head of the Yanzhou Banner of the Imperial Wilderness Army. Just a provocation, not to mention Long Xueshan’s ambition for Lanzhi City, even the blind can feel it.

"Yanzhou Army was born!" Long Xueshan's cold and proud face became solemn~www.wuxiaspot.com~Looking at Bai Wufeng, he looked at it for a few seconds before taking back his eyes. "I thought Yanzhou Army It’s all over. I didn’t expect to see another one here. I’m sorry for what I said just now. No matter what your Excellency is, at least Yanzhou’s army has drained the last drop of blood for Central Biabia. For the soldiers in China and Central Asia, I am not blind to the Yanzhou Army to the extent that the Long Family was blind. Master Yang Yang, the former head of the family, also wanted to reunite the Yanzhou Army in Yanzhou. Unfortunately... "" The sound of Long Xueshan stopped, and it seemed quite emotional

"Is the adult trying to say anything, is the Dragon family's good intentions?" To the surprise of Long Xueshan, the officer from the Yanzhou Army in front of him seemed to be cold, and even his eyes began to become murderous. Off

"Your Excellency, what are you?" Long Xueshan frowned, not knowing what he said was wrong. Under the gaze of the emperor, he snorted dissatisfiedly. "Don't the former owner Long Yang treat the Yanzhou army better? Wrong, I thought that when the Longyang heads were preparing in Yanzhou, they gave special care to the remnants of the Yanzhou army, and they also absorbed some people into the Longjia army. Unfortunately, the battle of Yanzhou was basically no. Well, even if you are not grateful, you don’t need this attitude?"

"Yanzhou military genre!" Bai Wufeng's red eyes were terrible. He saw Long Xueshan's blank face and gritted his teeth. "You still have a face to mention Yanzhou military genius? Did you know that just last month, my Yanzhou military genus? Have more than 80,000 people been ordered to be slaughtered by your Dragon Family Master Long Po"

r/>   To be continued.

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