Whole Nation

: 306 Dongfeng Lei (2)

In the direction of Kaishan, the Longjiajun had not yet felt the danger from the empire. The cold wind in the winter night destroyed the dry grass in the mountains, blowing these poor vegetation layer by layer, and the Longjia soldiers entered the tent in the middle of the night Only a few of the sentries were still standing on their posts, and the flickering fires were extinguished a lot. The outer sentry towers and several campfire basins were each hung with several illuminated wind lamps.

"Attention, back to the camp" There was a loud noise in the camp, the closed wooden gate suddenly opened, and the sound of the tumbling horseshoes came from far and near. It’s heavy, even if it doesn’t do anything, it’s full of water vapor when you turn around, even more so for the night cavalry returning from outside. The clothes inside the armor are soaked by the fog of this cold night, and the mountain wind blows The cold, biting bones, and the southwestern dragon family are typical southerners. They belong to the ethnic group in a warm climate, and they are not used to the tradition of the northern nomadic people who eat and drink on horseback. So at night, the night cavalry will return to camp

   "Thank goodness, I finally came back, I thought, I'm afraid to wait until dawn tonight?"

The figure squatting by the fire near the camp door stood up one by one and hurried towards the cavalrymen who were about to stop. They were wearing clothes of the fire number and had no armor. These were the logistics of the Longjia army. Strictly speaking, they are not regarded as regular soldiers of the Dragon family, but are debris personnel recruited by the Long family from the refugees,

   does not need to go forward to fight, so naturally it does not need armor, not even weapons, their duty is to assist the logistics of the army

An officer of the Dragon family stopped the warhorse first, and jumped off the horse with a solemn look. He handed the bridle of the warhorse to a running veteran who knew him, and said in his mouth, "Old money, this time But pay more attention to it. In the past few days, I have spent much time in the mountains outside. The horses have lost their fat, and some of their horseshoes are afraid of a lot of wear. Feed them well, so that blacksmith Wang will re-start a horseshoe nail overnight. Or else, the adults will give orders tomorrow, and the horses will not be able to leave the battalion. Under the military order, they will kill!"

   "Adult, don't worry, you can't miss you"

It was an older logistics soldier with a smile on his face. He was about fifty years old. His hair was white and his temples were white. He accepted the bridle of the war horse and promised to be cut off because of delay a few days ago. In this situation, the veteran also knew that the officer was kind, so he was not dissatisfied with the reprimand of the young dragon family officer.

  The army is not outside, not to mention it is still in wartime, under the military order, killing every minute is common. These temporarily recruited logistics soldiers are punished for making mistakes, but there are also a few, but there is no option to escape.

   "Then go!"

   The officer waved his hand impatiently and was able to be recruited by the Dragons. For these people, it was already lucky

Despite the poor compensation given by the Dragon family, the Long family army is well treated. A Long family soldier can receive half a catty ration a day, and these logistic soldiers can also receive three or two rations every day. You can also receive another three or two grains as compensation in the same way, but this is real grain, not depreciation money after the grain is discounted. Now how expensive is the grain, it has long exceeded the price set by the Dragon family. If the price is discounted according to the limited price , It is a big loss, and in many cases, even if you are rich, you may not be able to buy food,

Only the Longjiajun have such real treatment. As long as the province is saved a little, at least the old and young can get a bite of gruel, and more than one million refugees are still blocked at the southwest gate. In addition, the Northwest Territories even starved to death for more than one million. They were recruited by the Dragon family. At least they did not starve to death. As long as they survived this period of time, they would not be able to find a way out until the spring starts tomorrow.

The old logistic soldier called Lao Qiantou quickly led the warhorse to the back of the corridor, and the manger was already covered with a thick layer of forage, and the grated bean cake was mixed inside. This treatment, The old money man couldn't help but swallow a spit and muttered in a low voice

   "What kind of world is this, even horses eat better than people. These expensive war horses purchased from the Western Continent are consumed every day, I am afraid that they can feed tens of thousands of people."

The old Qiantou sighed, his eyes complexed with emotion, and his mouth was full of bitterness. His name was Qian Ke. Strictly counted, he was still a small aristocrat who lived in the vicinity of Linhang. food,

But it was also worry-free, and Linhang was defeated by the prairie army in one fell swoop, and the surrounding areas were also destroyed by chaos.

It was also the battle of Linhang. The old man who lived in the south saw the prairie man’s hoof raging for the first time, killing people like a horse. It was only after finding an in-law in the southwest that it was settled down,

   But the situation in the southwest is not as good as the outside world thinks

Qian Ke originally thought that the Southwest could be described as wind and water in the past two years. The Longjia Army threatened the world and hid in the Southwest. There is no need to fear the grassland people. , Tens of thousands of elite deaths and injuries were exhausted, vitality was seriously injured,

   The new owner, Long Po, immediately regained his vitality in the shortest time, immediately broke the limit of only 300,000 soldiers in the Longjia West, and began a large-scale expansion.

In the heyday of the Longjia Army of the Southwest, with a population of more than 10 million people in the southwest, the largest was the Western Army supporting 178 thousand or 80 thousand, with some regional auxiliary troops, the total number did not exceed 300,000, and Long Po became a new The head of the family is constantly proactively attacking the outside world, but recruiting all the inside. The total population of the southwest is still around ten million.

  Now, the Longjia Army, which has been heading north from Guanglinchuan, has exceeded 300,000, and the total number of auxiliary soldiers registered and recruited in various places has reached more than 600,000.

This is also impossible. The whole of Central Asia only saw how the Dragon family was invincible, but few people saw it. The elite Western army forged by the Dragon family for decades has already been consumed by several wars. Human warfare, although the prairiemen who hit the helmet lost their helmets to remove their armor, the Dragons themselves were not thousands, tens of thousands of battle damage, the infantry fighting cavalry was originally filled with human life, so there are so many elite troops, it can withstand several consumptions, so later , The Dragons are already using elite troops as commandos, recruiting civilian soldiers on a large scale to fill the gap in combat power

   The standard for recruiting soldiers by the Dragon family was 16 years old and above, 50 years old and young, strong and strong.

And now, all men under the age of 70 are registered as auxiliary soldiers of the Western Army, and men under the age of 40 are all recruited and incorporated into the various armies of the Western Army. Even women, they are also responsible for the transportation and maintenance of the army. Old men as old as Qian Ke must also be recruited as front-line logistics soldiers, and they also need to advance and retreat with the same line of combat troops.

The shortage of soldiers in the southwest region is unsolvable. Unless the southwest opens the door completely to allow the influx of people from Central Biya, the result is that the entire southwest will be in turmoil. Long Po chose to lead the main force north, hoping to get it from the northwest. Accidental soldier addition

Otherwise, it will continue to be consumed in this way. Even the Dragons themselves don’t know how long the Southwest can last. The current Dragons, like a horse-drawn carriage accelerated by force, can only go forward frantically. Once they brake, the result may be to rush out of the cliff. The broken bones!

The night was deep, and no one noticed that in the Kaishan Longjia Barracks two miles away, a team of black cavalry stopped the war horses, and the **** eyes of the Muli River swept across the flames in the wilderness of the mountain valley ahead and lifted up. Hands, countless black cavalry teams began to converge towards his position

The second quarter of the second half of the night is like a bright sickle, illuminating the nearly bare ground in front, the horseshoe of the war horse is stepping on the broken small stones in the mountain, killing" With Muli River waving his hand violently, In the shadowy night, under the water-like moonlight, the imperial cavalry in black armor began to lay flat, and the wind rushed to the face, swept over with the cold fog of the night, no one spoke, only the wind blew. The crackling of the flag of the army, and the rolling fog pushed by the war horse, is a huge shocking force.

The roar of horseshoes immediately caught the attention of the outposts outside the camp. A sentry opened his eyes wide and looked forward. The excitement before the killing was entirely out of biological instinct. The imperial cavalry chose to tighten their bodies and roll forward. The impact queue, starting with more than a hundred people, gradually covered thousands of people and tens of thousands of people, densely covering the earth, as if the entire earth was rolling towards the front, like a torrent of torrents, which appeared in this name at once In front of the Longjiajun whistle, the enemy attacked! "The shouting shouted,

  The soldiers of the Dragon family panicked and ran out of the tent. They saw the gate of the camp being directly hit by strong horses. The cavalry with spikes on the front of countless horses were like avalanches.

Coming down from the front, the entire camp was like a sieve shot by countless arrows, and countless cavalry slammed into the fence on the periphery of the camp, like a rotating spiked flail, heavily smashed into pieces On the thin armor, the fragments of the wooden fence splashed. This was a temporary camp. I never thought of a counterattack one day. The fence outside the camp was a decoration. I heard a crackling sound and was pressed by countless. 'S black armored cavalry broke down directly,

   "enemy... enemy!"

The old money head was frightened by the scene in front of him. The whole person fell on the meadow in the stable. He saw countless black cavalry passing like lightning, and the weapons of these attackers were like flashing in the morning light. The ray of light is extremely sharp, piercing the armor of the Longjia Night Soldier is like piercing a layer of thin paper,

   "Ah" tragic cry, mixed in the impact of metal and flesh and blood

It was almost a face-up, and a night watch team in the camp was overwhelmed with swords and swords, flesh and blood flying, and the battle was so violent that the old money head was as pale as paper. Many dragon soldiers were directly caught before they got up from the tent. The galloping horses got involved and turned into a ball of meat on the ground. Some dragon soldiers who hadn't responded, saw a black shadow rushing out of the white mist, and they had been attacked by the opponent's sharp empire. Like lightning, stabbing through their bodies fiercely with horsepower, chuckling, a Dragon soldier who hadn't had time to respond was punctured on the spot, blood poured out of the incision with viscera, and the corpse was hit by the war horse. Go out and hit the wooden post of the nearby tent,

   "Pap" wooden pillar was broken and broken from the middle, the whole tent collapsed, you can see someone struggling inside

"Sir, we have been attacked!" An anxious voice of a Long family officer woke up Longxueshan who had drunk the night before. Longxueshan jumped from the bed with bloodshot eyes and jumped out of the bed. The saber on the head of the bed went out,

   "What anxious, a night attack, do you break the courage of my dragon family?"

Long Xueshan has not yet realized the seriousness of the situation. After all, it is a camp of tens of thousands of troops. Looking around, who can have such a courage nearby, it is estimated that it should be the intentional harassment of Lanzhi City, but when he was angry, Unveiled the tent, the scene in front of him almost made him stupid

The sound of horseshoes like the thunder of the sky has completely covered all the sounds between the world and the rows of cold black armor, the dark red reflected by the campfire scattered in the camp, like the same row of rows leaping against the coast The trend of steel, the impact of the camp is scattered everywhere ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The camp is full of running people, most of them are still wearing a single coat, even without weapons, they ran out of the tent from the tent, Under the squeeze of the black armored cavalry, which has almost straight forward, it has not ran out, either it was hacked or trampled, and the red-brown human blood has stained the ground of the barracks.

For the Dragon family soldiers who were suddenly awakened, the scene in front of them was a nightmare. The black cavalry plus the excellent warhorse weighed more than half a ton. When the weight of this tonnage exceeded fifty yards per hour The high-speed speed bump hit, the only result of the flesh and blood body was being hit like a toy, the wind was roaring above the head, the sound of the horseshoe was screaming near the ear, the knife was rolling, the human body was scattered, just like the violent black cavalry took everything The living creatures in front were crushed, and the gleaming blade of light instantly turned into blood,

   "Poo" blood exploded like a mist, half of his body was cut off by a cavalry like a demon, his face flew out with a stunned expression, and the lower body had been drawn in by the horseshoes of armored horses,

If the Dragon family is truly elite, or they will organize resistance, but most of these soldiers are recruited civilian soldiers. Where have they really dealt with such a scene, just think that they can run as far as possible, don’t say formation Resisted, even the weapons felt too heavy, and many of them were directly dropped

   "Shock, crush them!" The black armored cavalry who had attacked in the distance shouted, which was obviously an alien language, which made Long Xueshan shudder, Empire! It is an imperial cavalry! No explanation is required. The cavalry like the flood discharges, except for the prairie people, it is an empire, (to be continued.)

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