Whole Nation

: Three Thousand and Seventy Dongfeng Lei (6)

  The news that Kaishan Great Camp was broken by the empire was like an earthquake that shook Guangbo and was not a tall city wall. The generals of the Guangbo group panicked and gathered in front of the embarrassed Longxue Mountain, eagerly inquiring on Longxue Mountain.

   "Master Longxueshan, what's going on?"

"The imperial cavalry attacked the Kaishan battalion at night. The troops I belonged to were disbanded. The other party's attack was very fierce. Our army was almost crushed and unable to organize resistance. I was killed from the emperor's siege. "Long Xueshan's ugly answer said that he was embarrassed by being questioned by a group of generals, but now he can only rely on these generals. Although they are also generals on the side of the Long family, they are not their own army. It’s the dragon family army from their own camp. Their superior is dragon stone.

   "Master Dragon Stone? Lord Dragon Stone should also be in Kaishan Camp..." Hearing Kaishan attacked by the emperor, the generals changed their faces and asked quickly,

"Dragon Stone has been captured by the empire, and soon the imperial army will be pressed to the front line of Guangbo." Long Xueshan took a deep breath and told the generals what he saw when he broke through, especially when he said his guard captain Feng After the hard fight, Long Xueshan's eyes were bloodshot, sweeping the generals' faces, and said with a condensed voice, "I know this will be very difficult, but we did not retreat, Kaishan fell behind, and the next one is Guangbo. Some people have been sent to report, but even if the battalion can dispatch the fastest rescue, it will take two to three days to be possible. Before the arrival of the reinforcements, we must hold Guangbo!"

   ‘Stick to the broad wave? "

   "This is a little kidding me!"

"Yeah, how can Guangbo not even count as a fortress? How can I stop the imperial team from advancing?" Hearing Long Xueshan asking everyone to stay in Guangbo, the generals were shocked and there was an uproar. Guangbo City strictly speaking Not a strategic stronghold, just a small city behind the border line, the old and dilapidated city wall, the eastern section was also washed down in the rainy season in April, and the restored wall was only three or four meters high, and there was no thickened outer city , And even to prevent the impact of the flood on the city foundation, even the moat was deliberately blocked with mud

This is a small and unremarkable city, used as a temporary camp site. If you want to resist the strong attack of a large number of enemies here, it is a fool’s dream. Besides, they will have to face it. They still have Thor and heavy crossbow vehicles. The emperor team waiting for a strong weapon

"I know this is almost impossible, but we have no way to choose," Long Xueshan said with a determined look and a decisive voice. "And I believe that within a month, the main force of the family brought by the family owner will return from the direction of Daizhou, now southwest Although its strength is claimed to be 200,000, in fact, we are very clear that most of the 200,000 people are temporary recruits, which can be called elite. I am afraid that there are not even 30,000 or 40,000. Once the imperial team breaks through Guangbo, going deep into the hinterland of the Southwest, has unbearable consequences, so we can only set up a defense line in Guangbo to block the emperor, and I believe that the family headquarters will definitely support us!"

The next day, the military orders from the Longjia headquarters made the Longjiajun in the direction of Guangbo boiling. "Did you hear, Longhaiyue’s Longjia fifth army, Longlin’s seventh army have been ordered to leave, and The family headquarters in the battalion has also been dispatched." The generals have a lot of discussions, and Guangbo City has become the focus at this moment.

  "So many dragons gathered in Guangbo, even if they are emperors, there should be no way for now. Now I just hope that the emperor will not dare to attack because of fear."

  Before the arrival of reinforcements, he sat in Longxueshan, Guangbo, and spent two days under great pressure. During these two days, he basically didn't close his eyes. The man had been sleeping on the wall and was sleeping for two and a half hours. The defeat of Kaishan made his troops almost lost. If he was still safe now Hiding quietly behind, the other generals would not listen to him, so he simply sat on the front wall of the city. In this case, even if the generals had opinions about sticking to Guangbo, seeing Long Xueshan is still the same, naturally it is Nothing is easy to say,

After all, Long Xueshan is right, they are not facing the prairie people with extremely poor siege power, but the empire that has really swept the Obaro mainland. In front of such opponents, no one dares to have the slightest care. , Sirius City, the Dragon family had a big loss, the three thousand Dragon family elite, even under the strong attack of the imperial team, did not persist for a long time, until now, there are still one thousand

The Dragon family soldiers are in the hands of the empire. With such a painful lesson, the Dragon family still has a fresh memory of the fighting power of the empire. Now the terrain of Guangbo is not as good as Sirius City, who knows whether it can stand until the moment the reinforcements arrive

"Temporary shot towers need to be increased. The iron bars behind the city gate are doubled. The smelting furnace is supported next to it. The charcoal fire inside cannot be stopped. Once the real emperor attacks the city, the iron will be melted with molten iron. All the pieces were welded to death! Long Xueshan said hoarsely, rubbing his temples a little painful, the frost in the morning, and it also condensed on his armor

"Let the Fifth Battalion transfer two more teams, and the gate position must be no less than a thousand!" Long Xueshan withdrew his gaze from the dark night scene in front of him. He knew that in accordance with the military regulations of the Dragon family, he lost his general. There is only one way to go, that is death, but the family headquarters has not mentioned this matter now, because it is still necessary to sit in Guangbo. Once the other army of the family gathers in Guangbo, in order to appease the military, The first thing in the family may be to kill yourself to cheer up the army,

   "What is the Empire doing?"

Long Xueshan feels that he is going crazy. His life is counting down. Anyway, he is dead. Long Xueshan is now eagerly hoping that the empire will attack Guangbo City and be able to die on the battlefield. How can it be more than in the face of the family Beheading is better! But the previous situation made Long Xueshan incomprehensible. After the empire made a breakthrough on the front line of Kaishan, the army did not immediately rush to Guangbo, but stopped in the direction of Kaishan. This anxious state made him I feel a countdown sound ringing in my head

   may be tomorrow morning, or it may be the morning after the family arrived. For him, Longxueshan, it may be the death period! Emperor, why don't you come!

Long Xueshan hit his fists angrily on the frosted wall brick, raised his head and looked at the sky, a ray of coolness suddenly hit his face, Long Xueshan raised his hand and wiped his face in amazement, wet cold From the palm of your hand,

"Is this?" Long Xueshan's mouth was staggered, and his head looked at more and more white lines straight down, wet his face and armor. The look on Long Xueshan's face didn't know whether to laugh or cry, why this It's raining!

"It's raining!"

   "Great, it's raining!"

The Dragon family soldiers on the city wall are also watching the rain falling in the sky at the moment, jumping and jumping happily, thunderous thunder, spreading all around, everyone knows that the most terrifying Empire Thor is greatly reduced in the rain. , Or even unavailable. For this understanding, it was not the Thor who had dealt with the empire positively, but the one learned from the house of Yelu

The Longs have been out of Guanglin River several times, and it’s not the same as fighting the Prairie once or twice. The Cavalry of the Prairie is terrible, but as long as you don’t face up, it’s not a big problem. There is still some guilty conscience, I have never really faced Thor, and I have no way of knowing how huge the impact will be on the human heart when the bursting fire bursts apart.

   So the Dragon family tried their best to avoid fighting with the main force of the Yelu family,

On the one hand, because of the disadvantage of infantry against cavalry, on the other hand, the Empire Thor is too terrifying, it is just a shot down, and everyone is destroyed, but once the Yelv family gathered a large army and stormed a Central Asian city, which happened to encounter the continuous In the rainy season, the grassland army, which was always unfavorable in the past, was under the not-so-tall city, and it took two months to fill it with human life.

In that war, the thunder of Yelu's thunder **** was exposed to the weakness of the rain, and the Yelu's family began to value the siege equipment of Zhongbia. Yelv Qiyeguang also gathered a large number of craftsmen to form a siege camp. When attacking Yanzhou , Showing an astonishing breakthrough,

   "Master, God bless my dragon family, it's raining, the emperor should not attack for a while" An officer from the Dragon family walked up with excitement, and put a rainproof hat on the dragon snow mountain standing under the rain

   "Yeah, it's raining" A trace of flicker flashed across Long Xueshan's face. As a general, wouldn't he be satisfied even if he wanted to die?

"Wow" The horseshoe stepped into the river and rolled up a white spray. The cold river flowed through the horse's abdomen. Hundreds of imperial guards crossed the front channel. The horseshoe rippled a circle of water. It was just at the Battle of Kaishan Muli River, the deputy commander of the Imperial Wilderness Regiment, said to the emperor in front hesitantly.

Dao, "Your Majesty, our army is now within a dozen miles of Guangbo. It only takes a single blow to capture Guangbo, completely opening the road to the southwest. Now the army is ordered to stop. Once the main dragon family arrives, we want to capture Guangbo. Wave is not so easy!"

"Taking Guangbo can indeed open the way to the southwest, but what we need to face may be the counterattack of the 300,000 southwest Longjia army, and the **** resistance of tens of millions of southwestern people. Fifty thousand emperors, how many years will it take to conquer the southwest?" The fat man smiled indifferently.

   "This... The subordinates understand!"

Mulihe's face was stunned, and there was a moment of enlightenment on his face. The emperor said nothing wrong. It was too simple for him to consider. The victory of the Battle of Kaishan was at most a victory. On the contrary, once the Guangbo was defeated, It is equivalent to pushing the southwestern dragon family into a dead alley. It must be an endless situation. If there are now 300,000 empire troops, the emperor will definitely hit the wide wave without hesitation, tearing this road into the southwest Mouth, and then hundreds of thousands of imperial forces swarmed in, but the problem is that the total number of empire in Lanzhi now adds up to 50,000

  No matter how powerful the imperial team is, in the face of such a huge disparity, the attack of Guangbo is to poke the horse of the Long family.

   "Send someone to Guangbo to say that the empire demanded a truce with it"

The fat man waved his hand "Before Kazan was hit, because the empire had to show its true strength to the whole of Centralbia, and now it is the same with the Dragon family. Now that it has won the victory, there is no need to entangle with the Dragon family. The empire is not interested in the southwest and can not cross the Guangbo line, but the area north of the Guangbo must belong to the empire."

   "Just such a condition? Isn't it too cheap Longjia!"

Muli River murmured a little unwillingly, did it come to the land of Centralbia, did the falcon king who has always slaughtered the country, also turned, if he was in Obaro, he dared to actively provoke the empire, Either they have paid out the sky-high compensation, or they have been beaten by the empire. When has such a good thing happened?

The corner of the fat man's mouth slightly lifted, raised his whip, and sneered, "According to the current situation of the Dragon family, it should also be not yet ready for a full-scale battle with the empire. The ten-day deadline for the release of Lange is more than just speculation. Try to test the bottom line of the empire. Anyway, everyone knows that this negotiation is only a period of relaxation, and it will not be taken seriously at all. As long as the main return of the Dragon family, a paper agreement, what use! As long as the negotiation conditions are not too harsh, The Long Family will sign it, and the rainy season in the Southwest is coming, neither the Long Family nor us are willing to face off in such an environment.

"The southwestern region has always been cold and humid~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A large part of our army is a prairie army with a dry climate. The most feared thing is this cold and humid weather device in the south, and there are many horses. Forcibly stay here, once it breaks out The plague is a big problem. Rather than doing this, let's show it first. Anyway, to the north of Guangbo, I didn't say it was just the distance to Lanzhi! Northwest, Yanzhou, and even Daizhou, but in Guangbo. North, as long as the rainy season passes and the mobilization of the imperial forces is completed, we can hold an agreement and ask the Dragon family to give up these areas."

   "Khan Wang Yingming!"

Hearing the coldness and humidity in the south, Mulihe immediately showed a sad expression on his face. That’s right, he was also a grassland man in the north. Due to the dry skin and hygienic habits, the grassland people went to the humid environment in the south and it was better to die. Various skin diseases are more uncomfortable than killing them. The Muli River was a little unwilling. It is already a wish to leave immediately, and the meaning of the north of the wide wave makes his corner of the mouth laugh. King Khan is awesome. He really never eats people. He knows that a paper agreement is meaningless, but it also makes the Dragon family eat a dumb loss. The empire has actually occupied the northwest and Yanzhou, but there are always After picking up the suspect that the Southwestern Dragons are cheap, as long as the Southwestern Dragons signed the agreement, the empire took over these areas from the Southwestern Dragons, and even asked the Longs to give up other places.

  North of Guangbo, this range is really too large. The Longs were also indignant that the empire was robbed by the empire. With this agreement, it is really a gang to work for the empire! (To be continued.)

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