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: Three thousand and thirty-three Dragon family ambitions (1)

In the morning light that was not yet fully lit, the rain fell like a white line on the ground, the melting ground exposed the wild grass below

The ground trembled, and the round drops of water began to falter on the blades of grass

A team of Central Abyssinians wearing fiery red robes appeared on the hillside outside Lanzhi City. This is a cavalry of more than a hundred people. The young men on their horses are full of spirits. They stopped neatly on the hillside. , Have their eyes on the city of Lanzhi in front of them, from their current location, they can overlook the range of more than ten miles near the city of Lanzhi, from the top, almost unobstructed

"Are you mistaken? The Lanzhi City is in front of you? No, you haven't seen it in two months, it has become so big!" A cavalry asked with a stunned expression.

"It shouldn't be wrong. Although we don't know what the situation is, we are seeing Lanzhi City." Long Linliang, captain of the Longjia Beacon Cavalry, took out the picture and carefully compared it. He looked back from the direction of Lanzhi City and coughed. The Lanzhi City, which is several times larger than expected, has puzzled the children of the Long family who have been to Lanzhi many times. Don’t say that they are the Longxue Mountains who have been on the border for several years. The building occupies an area of ​​more than ten years, and the dense houses inside are shocked like a city on a chessboard.

"Isn't it bigger? Isn't it different from the previous Lanzhi City?" Seeing the men are a little dazed, Long Linliang looked cold and said, "Even if there is any difference, it's impossible to stop my dragon family from going north. pace!"

"Yeah, Lanzhi City, as the main traffic route between northwest and southwest, is also the first gate that my dragon family must seize when attacking the northwest. According to the previous information, I heard that the whole army of the dragon family has been pressed. After that, did the empire's strength choose to retreat the same?"

"The captain is right. In front of a large army of more than one hundred thousand troops in the north of my dragon family, the Lanzhi City is not crushed. I only heard people who mixed into the city before saying that the empire was responsible for the defense of Lanzhi City. Still a Central Biya!"

"What! Central Biya?"

"As a Central Biya, but help foreigners to help abuse, there are such people?"

"Who said no, such a person should be damn!" The Dragon's beacon cavalry said that they were filled with indignation. They are beacon cavalry. The meaning of the beacon is both the cavalry responsible for reconnaissance and the cavalry used for alarm. It is the dragon In the past two years, the elite light cavalry specially set up to fight against the most difficult elite swift rides in the prairie army, each one is an elite child of the dragon family who is absolutely loyal and reliable to the dragon family. I was riding a high-headed horse purchased from the high price of Obaro. In terms of speed and impact, it is far more than the pawns of the prairie army. The hard bow, even if it is shot against the prairie people, it will not fall down. The battles of riding are all winning. Now even if the small grassland fast riding encounters the Longjia beacon riding, they will choose to go around. In terms of Centralbia, it can be regarded as an elite.

"The empire's defensive commander against Lanzhi is indeed a Central Biya," said Long Linliang with a cold, condensed voice. "And I was born in the former Yanzhou Army in Central Biya, and Yu Bai, the captain of Yanzhou Heavy Army, is said to be Surrounded by the prairie army, this person was still able to bring hundreds of people out of the layers of containment. The original Yanzhou army was the first war army of China."

"The funeral dog, what a crazy character

! The first strong army in China and Central Asia is now the western army of our dragon family. The Yanzhou army is already history. Even strictly speaking, the Yanzhou army is no longer a Central Biya! I heard that this time the head of the family was in Yanzhou, and the thorough eradication of Yanzhou’s military was a matter of relief, a group of things that carried the Lord for glory,"

Hearing that the other party was actually a Central Asian soldier from the Yanzhou Army, there was someone in the cavalry who spit on the ground with disdain. If it was before, speaking of the Yanzhou Army, the Longjia Western Army did not dare to be too big. , But now it’s not the same as before, Yanzhou Army is nothing! In the past two years, Feng Huoqi has fought against the prairie people countless. Even if the knife was cut into the bone and half of his body was shaved, who ever frowned, the most intrepid grassland eagle has also seen it. Where is there the position of the Yanzhou Army that was destroyed by the prairie army in one fell swoop? Especially when it comes to the battle of Yanzhou, every dragon family is ashamed. If it is not the Yanzhou army who fell to the prairie, tens of thousands of dragon families Elite, so much so that only a hundred people have fled back, and there is no brother who died in Yanzhou at home. It is not an exaggeration to say that all this is given by the Yanzhou Army.

"All right,

The imperial cavalry is still on top of these elite prairie cavalry. As for the empire’s several victories against the prairie men, to be honest, I don’t agree with it. I have the chance to count on the thunder god’s crossbow in my hands. It's a real skill after a real fight! "

"Did you see it? It's important to do the right thing!" Long Linliang raised his hand, and everyone stopped, Long Linliang said coldly to a cavalryman beside him, "Long Liu, signal to our army, ten miles from Lanzhi City Inside, Fenghuoqi found no trace of the ambush of the imperial army. It seems that the other party will not be stupid enough to attack twice, and the army can safely attack."

"Yes, lord!"

The young cavalry known as Longliu nodded, took a specially restrained long tube horn from his waist, and put it in his mouth to blow it violently. The long tune of the whistle was like a long and frustrating sound. The long horns in the hands came out, and the thorny eardrums were painful, but it made people feel a blood boiling. This is a special horn horn trombone specially made by the Dragon family. The sound made is unique and calm, so that the people who hear it do not have it. The pictures of the mountains are flashing in my mind independently, and most people can't imitate them, as the horn sound spreads to all sides.

"Woo woo woo"


"Woo... It's like it resonated with the mountains on all sides, countless similar horn sounds, endless and exciting, the whole earth seems to be torn apart, the direction of Kaishan extends from the arc of the mountain, One side of the Longjia military flag began to emerge. The top of the Longjia military flag that was previously hung with golden tassels was flashing light in the rain, and began to see the color of the military flag at any time. A black line was creeping behind. These black lines filled the top of the entire mountain range, the sound of heavy marching footsteps, countless feet lifted at the same time, and at the same time lowered, bringing up sand gravel and withered wild grass, the cracked breath had a violent breath The cold wind blew, and the 100,000 dragons drove up the mountains and over the sea. The muddy ground splashed and shattered under countless feet, or they were deeply stepped into the ground.

The rain in the sky hit the shoulders of the Dragon family soldiers. It was like a large white flower blooming on the ground. Under the rain, the queue began to stop under the Lanzhi City, and countless spears stood in a forest. Shining under the cold rain, more of the Longjia Legion are still entering from a distance. More than 100,000 Longjiajun troops are spreading out in front of the sea of ​​people. The Lanzhi City in front is like a torrent of people. The former small island may be submerged at any time. This time, the Dragon Family Headquarters can be regarded as coming out of the nest, as if a storm swept up, straight into the sky, light shooter, siege infantry, one by one, so many blocks People, the light red armor shows the coldness of the metal in the heavy rain screen, a tight and orderly team enters, and the ground is very flat,

"Master Longshan, it seems that the empire is abandoning Lange." A general of the Dragon family looked surprised

"Oh, what if you don't give up? Do you really think you can use Lanzhi City to stop my dragon family from entering the northwest?"

The veteran Longshan's face was cold and glistening, and his eyes were shining and aggressive. If he is familiar with him, he knows that this is an irresistible sign of the excitement of killing the Dragon Mountain. The armor on his body has been washed by the rain. On a mound, gazing at the Lange City with little response in front, the corner of his solemn mouth showed a sneer,

“It’s no wonder that the empire cannot do without giving up Lanji City. After all, in such a short period of time, it is impossible to adopt an effective defensive policy against Lanji City.” The generals whispered, and some of them pointed out that “at this time, also It’s just enough for the Imperial Army to erect two or three earth walls that are less than two meters low outside the city. Unfortunately, under the rain, we haven’t come yet, but it has already collapsed for the most part. It’s just a pile of soil. Piled up there, it is estimated that even the defenders have given up these earth walls"

"Haha" The generals of the Dragon family laughed, and they were still nervous about attacking the city of Lanzhi, which had long disappeared at the moment. It is really a disparity in the strength of the two sides. There are more than ten dragon families in the north. 10,000, and the Imperial Army in the direction of Lanzhi is full of 30,000 or 40,000. This is the figure that only the Imperial Cavalry withdrawn from the direction of Kaishan can be counted. The military strength of 5 to 1 is not even military. The civilians also know that there is basically nothing to fight in this battle, and the defect that the expansion of Lanzhi City is too fast is also completely exposed to the more than ten thousand dragons at the moment.

The city is expanding too fast to even consider the issue of defense

If it was the former Lange City, it was a mountainous stronghold in itself, with a small and compact layout. The outer stone wall was more than three meters high, occupying the mountainous terrain, and it is considered to be a sparrow. Lange City is just a joke. Think about it too. How could a royal princess like Princess Mingyue know the defense? With a fevered mind, she crammed hundreds of thousands of people into an area that could only accommodate more than 10,000 people. The city walls have been removed for a long time. In order to pursue the people who can accommodate the most people, it is necessary to expand the city area arbitrarily.

The original Lanzhi City, backed by mountains, the terrain is dangerous

Now, the area of ​​Lanzhi City is so heavy that it accounts for almost half of the hillside. At the first sight, you can hardly see the end. In order to widen the area, the mountains and rocks along the way have been dug away innumerable, and the steep sections have been flattened to be able to. There are countless wooden houses erected on both sides of the sloped walkway passing by the horse carriage.

"The empire really has a system for developing business. It can be turned into a small town in such a short period of time, which is simply a miracle." Longshan looked back from the direction of Lanzhi City, or if there were three or four years At the time, Lanzhi City will also build an expanded wall defense zone, even beyond the original level, with a male city that defies the Quartet and looks southwest. This is also a reason why the Dragon family must recapture the Lanzhi City. , Or it doesn’t take long, it will become a serious problem for the whole southwest, but now, after all, it is only two months. Lanzhi City is nothing but the Royal Language Institute except for the larger one.

! The generals are also full of confidence. The importance of Lange City is self-evident. How can it be possible for the empire to gain a firm foothold in Lange City!

"Let's move forward!"

Longshan waved his hand, and the Lanzhi City in front of him was not seen by him.

It was the ultimate goal to win the Lanzhi City with a sharp attack and kill the northwest hinterland. Although Longshan is arrogant, it does not mean arrogance. A veteran with thirty years of combat experience has long been irrelevant to the blood. Attack The empire seems to be arrogant to the limit. In fact, it has been secretly counted countless times. The so-called intentional calculation is unintentional, preemptive, unfavorable, and the imperial emperor thought that he could eat the Dinglong family. Bogey, how can these shallow Westlanders understand what is the mystery of speed

As long as the Dragon's movements are fast enough, before the empire comes and reacts, it first dives into the northwest. This battle is to fight unintentionally. No matter how strong the empire is, its roots are not in Centralbia. Even if it is a temporary troop deployment, the territory is vast. How many people can be mobilized?

On the contrary, this time the Long family poured into the northwest with the power of the country, which must have caught the empire by surprise.

As long as the empire’s trade route to Centralbia is cut in one fell swoop, as long as the time is dragged on for two or three months, the empire damaged because of business interests will choose to compromise. At that time, our dragon family will start negotiations again to really take the initiative. Quan, in the final analysis, the emperor of the empire was a businessman, could he still count on a businessman to be as tough as a warrior?

The loud shouting of "forward", like a burst, swayed to all sides,

"Forward!" The cavalry who passed the command ran in front of the rigorous queues of the Dragon family, watching under the eyes of countless pairs of bloodshot eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The horseshoe splashed in the hazy white rain Pieces of circles, a dragon squadron leader pulled out his saber, countless crowds of people moved forward like a **** burst, like black clouds covering the sky, with arrogant momentum, neatly marching The moving foot stepped on the mud in front of the earth wall of Lanzhi City, splashing a large frost like water vapor,


There was a trembling sound in the air, and countless glowing white threads burst from the direction of Lange City, crossing the rain screen, mixed in the raindrops falling from the sky, like a flash of light suddenly rising from the plane straight up into the sky, and then A white arc was drawn from the heights and fell towards the approaching Longjiajun

"It's an imperial crossbow!" Longshan's eyes squinted sharply into a line, so that the whole of Centralbia would have a look, whether it was my dragon family or the imperial army!

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(To be continued.)

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