Whole Nation

: Three thousand six hundred and sixty Lange City offensive and defensive battle (2)

"The Seventh Army and the Ninth Army are on the line. According to the attack plan, before dark, take the entire Lanzhi City!"

A dragon family herald cavalry with a red long-tailed pheasant above his head, like a meteor, flew past a large number of reserve forces behind the dragon family. Hearing this exciting voice, the dragon family as a reserve force A total of 23,000 troops of the 7th and 9th Corps began to line up

"Hear no, under dark, take Lanzhi City! The people in front have already laid down more than half of the outer periphery. Now you only need to apply a little force to completely crush the Imperial Army. Now it is time for these Westlanders to know me It’s time for the Bialong family to be powerful!” There was a burst of excitement in the queue. Originally, these reserve teams looked at the fiery fire in front of them, and saw that the outer streets were all hung with the Long family’s military flag, and they were depressed inwardly. I’m afraid it’s missed this battle, but I didn’t expect that at the last moment, the attack command from the battalion made these reserve troops boil like a ignited field.

"Go forward! Goal, southwest corner!"

The loud cries, as the elite of the Dragon family, were not really put into the battle until this moment. At the forefront was a heavy infantry team, wearing heavy armor, slowly crossing the **** morning light on the mountain road, Behind this heavy infantry regiment, one team after another came up in sequence, and one line after another lined up tightly and orderly toward the front. A large piece of shield was erected and the flash of the knife light was drawn out, which was saturated in the attack line. On the top, the elite troops formed by these dragon family children, under various incentives, the soldiers' eyes began to change from a pleasant to a lustrous bloodthirsty luster, just like a torrent of steel rolling forward, swooping into the mountains and seas and swooping into the city of Lange City. The southwest corner of the gap

The southwest corner is the section of Lanzhi City that is closest to the downhill slope, so the houses built here become very sparse here. The tactics of the streets and lanes that the Empire made the Dragon family headache, became very powerful here. The heavy infantry of the Fifth Squadron of the Empire Wilderness Regiment. They had just pressed the dragon soldiers who rushed back, and they saw more enemies coming in.

"Attention, come up again!"

The heavy infantry of the Fifth Squadron held their spears tightly, breathing violently. WWW.MianhuaTang.la's face is both serious and cold, and his hearts are beating fiercely. This time there are too many enemies. It feels like he is facing an infinite sea of ​​people.

"Kill!" The Ninth Army of the Southwest, which was invested in the attack, is all composed of the Longjia heirs. They are well-equipped, and the weapons in their hands are three-meter long rifles. With dense gun arrays, the prairie people suffered heavy casualties, so they were also hated by the prairie people as the teeth of the dragon family. It was a famous attacking force of the dragon family. Longshan will have the most powerful and best equipped 20,000 dragon family lineage. At this time, the battlefield was thrown, because although Lanzhi City expanded a lot, the overall terrain did not change much.

From the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, the layout of the entire city is like a triangular triangle with an underturn. The closer to the bottom, the larger the area. It will only start to gather after half a mountain, and gradually restore to the original size of the original Lanzhi City.

If the original old city wall of Lanzhi City is still there, the Imperial Army may be able to organize a second line of defense along with the terrain, but the old city wall has long been pushed away, and once the bottom periphery is broken, it is facing The general adverse situation of seawater backflushing

The full-scale attack of the Dragon family at all costs is to reverse the situation of the infusion after tearing the outer periphery. The elite of 20,000 intrusions is the strength of the infusion of Longshan. When the strength of the imperial army cannot be adjusted because of containment, it is suddenly invested. The absolute number of troops, even if the Imperial Army is strong, it will be the part to be broken.

The Long family is originally an infantry cluster. Unlike the Yanzhou army in Yanzhou, it mainly deals with the northern nomadic people. What the Long family is good at is the toughness. It is the set of the infantry cluster. Enriching veterans, the ability to grasp in this respect, and putting the reserve team into the imperial army's decisive power to defend the dead ends, is absolutely perfect.

Longshan looked at all this with a slight squint, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he was a little satisfied. The reason why he insisted on insisting that he should let all the troops in without fear of sacrifice, is to use Lanzhi City as the entire Longjia north. The whetstones of the troops and the strength of the imperial army are known to the whole of Central Asia. It is also false to say that the Dragon family has no worries, but now it’s okay. From the perspective of the morale of the current army, the fear of the original army for the imperial army Sense, it has already been wiped out at this moment, such a mentality is the capital that the Dragon family needs most for its rise. The great opportunity to defeat the empire is in the latest chapter of the Royal Language Academy.

! What's more, the superiority of the Chinese ethnicity in the ethnic nature of the Chinese people is the most important at this moment. The empire, as a Westerner, dares to reach out to the Central Asians, then let the dragon's sword be defended. The dignity of the Great Empire, everything is here to fight! Breaking the Lanzhi City and hitting the Empire Army, the entire northwest is equivalent to half!

"It's attacked, the southwest corner has attacked!" A general of the Dragon family shouted happily, pointing at the location of the southwest corner of Lanzhi City. I saw the attacking troops went all the way up and made continuous breakthroughs. I was pleased to say "Adult tactics are unpredictable. The Imperial Army never imagined that our army’s full-line attack was only an illusion. The real attack direction was actually the **** in the southwest corner! In just two months, these Westlanders knew the geography of Lanzhi City, even if it was It’s not as good as a large group of people for ten years!"

In the southwest corner of Lange City, the Imperial Army was indeed caught off guard. Thousands of dragon soldiers rushed forward with their shields in an astonishing momentum, just like a torrent of tsunami! Thousands of surging to the infantry line, like a file plunged into it,

"Kill!" The heavy infantry of the empire can only die on the top. The elite forces of the Dragon family collide violently with the elite of the empire. The steel strikes in a fierce collision. The screams are groaning and creepy. The blood infested the ground, but the dragon soldiers still relied on the advantage of the number of people

"Sir, the sudden increase in the strength of the Long family in the southwest corner has already broken three streets and is about to reach the center line!" From the previous report, Bai Wufeng's face commanded by the town commander was even more grim, and Bai Wufeng looked up. With a glance at the sun above, it has been more than three hours since the fierce battle. The Dragon family is not afraid of losing attacks, and the loss of the Imperial Army is not small.

"Herring, the trebuchet fully suppressed the southwest corner!" Bai Wufeng reported to the herald commander that the outer periphery was almost completely lost, but this also gave the Imperial Army another defensive heavy killer. If it has always been the outer battle, which is beyond the scope of the weapon, and now, the Longjia attack troops are put in, it is just right. Since the Longjia rushed to the southwest corner, then let the Longjia collapse first. Sharp front teeth again

Bumped, "Arrows from the direction of the Imperial Army hit the shield of the Longjia infantry and burst out with a crisp sound.

Go forward, rush, the Empire can’t stop, seeing the barrier line that is about to be crushed in front, the morale of the troops of the Dragon family attacking the southwest corner is like a rainbow, just at this moment, shouting "a piercing roar from the top of their heads After that, it almost covered the sound of the fighting below. The dragon soldiers below raised their heads curiously, looking at the position above, they saw a small black spot flying from a distance, and quickly moved from the eyes of the dragon soldiers below. A black spot turned into a huge stone ball,

"Watch your head!"

The strong shout was filled with fear, and the pace of the nearby Dragon soldiers paused

"Pappa" a round stone bomb hit like a meteor on the earth wall next to it, the mud was scattered, the unrelenting stone bomb was deflected by the impact, and plunged into the crowd of dragon soldiers beside the earth wall, just like A huge vortex swept all the nearby Dragon family soldiers in full, and heard a burst of howling bones. The good armor was completely twisted like paper in front of the trebuchet, and then the bright red blood was broken The limbs hit the collapsed soil wall, and the Dragon Warrior who had just raised the dragon and lived the tiger just now has become an unbearable meat on the ground.

"Asshole, what is this male teacher of female students

! "

An officer of the Dragon family squatted half on the ground covered with dirt and blood, blocking the body with a shield in his hand. The collapse of the earth wall saved him one, but the few men next to him had no luck. The tragic scene of being crushed by stone bombs underneath made the dragon family officer feel a little ignorant. This feeling of rubbing shoulders with death, even the brave warrior, would feel a little palpitated.

Just at the moment of his stunned god, more roaring sounds have been attacked fiercely. The one in front is just used to test the position. Countless rolling stones smashed down violently, blood splashed, soldiers fell in pieces, and so on Before the terrible mercury-like bombardment, the dense queue of the Longjia infantry was the target of the slaughter. The street where the place was dropped was directly crushed by the rolling stone and half collapsed, just like a living piece was dug out of that area and was caught in it. The Dragon family soldiers were either killed on the spot or buried under the collapsed soil,

"The ninth grid of the southeast corner, continue to launch"

The observer with the lookout in his hand shouted loudly. The criss-cross streets below are like a grid. They have already been marked by the observer. With the observer, the huge imperial megalithic catapult foot A ten-meter-high arm fell violently, completely like a giant standing on the high line of the Lanzhi City, shooting hard towards a certain box below

Dozens of assembled empire catapults, arranged in three rows, are bombarding the streets below according to the data provided by the observers

Each shock from the ejection caused the trebuchet wooden frame to roar, causing the dust around the ground to bounce up, but no one had time to control, the imperial soldiers were busy pushing the rolling stones into the catapult's projectiles. In the basket, hundreds of shirtless shirtless and strong slingshot riders struggled to pull the winch with both hands. The sweat on the body evaporated into white smoke in cold weather. In your ears, it is like the most beautiful symphony, which is also the sound of death,

"No. 6 is ready!"

"No. 13 is ready!"

"No. 8 is ready!"

One by one, full of exciting sounds, one by one, the sling arm that was pressed to the apex was filled with extreme tension at this moment. They are extra-large trebuchets used by the empire as a fortress defense. It is even more powerful than the trebuchet used on naval battleships. In the empire, this kind of trebuchet was too bulky and rarely moved after it was installed in a military fortress. These trebuchets were originally intended to be shipped to Dijing West Road as a defense For the purpose of knowing that the Long family’s ambitions for Lanzhi City, the fat man waved his hand and asked the cavalry corps of Muli River to take these heavy trebuchets to the south of Lanzhi City. The range or the weapon with amazing destructive power is undoubtedly overkill, but it is just right for the expanded Lanzhi City. As long as it is placed above it, it can be conquered. With the advantage of height, the original range is more than doubled. , Is definitely a weapon for ultra long-range strike!


With a violent shout, the heavy stone bomb was ejected again neatly and violently, just like a meteor, traversing a distance of hundreds of meters in front, and smashed down from the height to the dense street location below. In the area where the falling point hit, there was a sound like a heavy rain hitting the floor, like a sudden burst of vases, which raised smoke and dust.

Moving forward, the Dragon family officers screamed hard. In a flash, the men in front were severely hit by several rolling stones, and the soldiers swarming forward disappeared, and the Dragon family soldiers who climbed up the earth barrier expressed joy. Shouted, they were blown out of the earth by the overwhelming stone bombs, just like a toy thrown up high~www.wuxiaspot.com~Battered human body, twisted and broken weapons, the top of the officer’s helmet The red long-tailed pheasant was scattered in the blood rain at the same time, and the limbs were broken. With the stone bombs flying, it was thrown on the heads of people like raindrops. The dragon soldiers in the back scared and retreated, and there were soldiers with pale faces. Vomiting

'It's really miserable. Being chopped to death with a sword and crushed into a pile of minced meat by a stone bomb is completely different. Even the Dragon family soldiers who had just been killed from the streets where the corpses ran across the field were scared by the violent and **** scene in front of them. Now, "What kind of power is that?

! "In the distance, the generals of the Dragon family who had seen this scene were stunned. Although they were far enough away, they could also see the troops that had just been attacked retreating in a panic. The beaten chickens and dogs jumped. The opponents who have been fighting in the past years have been prairie people. Even the siege is used in the traditional equipment of the Central Latvian towers like Central Lagoon. I have never seen such a super-large technology created by the top technology of the ordnance from the Western Continent, which is dedicated to large military fortresses. Catapult, (to be continued. (www.MianHuaTang.la Marshmallow Novel))

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