Whole Nation

: Three thousand eighty-seven East Ting south (6)

The rain made the ground of the Lanzhi City more muddy. The fat man looked at the Lanzhi City in front of him, and still couldn't help but frown slightly. Almost half of the entire Lanzhi City was smashed, and the empire still invested more than 100,000 here. Of the funds are now being spent,

   "Your Majesty, these Central Biya people are..."

Rui Tangtingna looked like a bird, looking at hundreds of grey monks wearing grey cloths sitting on the high platform to read the scriptures. In front of these monks, thirty huge white sails fluttered in the wind. The man added a bit of solemnity, seeing such a scene, such a murderous woman who does not blink, such as Rui Tangting, also feels a pressure from the inner heart

"These are the monks of the Jingjing Road in the Jingjing Road, and their status is almost the same as that of our western continent." The fat man smiled and said unconsciously. "The Long family here has destroyed more than 30,000 people. According to people, these dead souls who have died in wars need to be overkill to survive, otherwise they will stay here and wander. I think they are not completely unreasonable. The location of Lanzhi City is unique, which is the only way for the North-South commercial road to die. With so many people, it always has an impact on the restoration of business. It is better to let the Extinct Zen Academy do a legal thing. Anyway, for the empire, there is no loss!"

"These monks are simply nonsense." Rui Tangtingna frowned, and dismissed her lips contemptuously. "My prairie people believe in longevity, and I always think that people die home, and death is not painful, but returns to the arms of longevity. , And have never heard of the so-called "dead soul"

"Besides, the 30,000 souls will be bad for Lange City? Your Majesty went to the North of Barrow in Western Europe, slashing and killing more than one million, and I didn’t see that one of those souls dared to come out and make trouble. These monks are just swindling and cheating. "Ridang Tingna's eyes flickered and she bit her lip," and the emperor's state religion is the sky religion. Why did the emperor believe in Buddhism in Centralbia? They all said that the emperor met a magical monk on the West Road of the Emperor Jingjing There is a Buddha's heart even at the point of enlightenment. Not only has the old Buddhist monk's monastery as the first monastery on Dijing West Road, but now these so-called monks come to Lanzhi City. Does your majesty really have to believe in Buddha? "

   "I don't believe in Buddha, but Buddha believes in me!"

The fat man's mouth laughed, the domineering expression in his tone was exhaustive, there was not much explanation, nor disdain to explain, and some things can not be said, religion has always been a double-edged sword, such as the imperial state religion sky religion, has long been removed The part of God’s divine power, the rest is only used to spread knowledge, which is an enlightenment for the spread of knowledge.

   And the Chinese Buddhism is famous for proclaiming the afterlife, proclaiming the suffering in this life, enjoying the blessing in the afterlife

This is a godsend for the empire that is worrying about how to stabilize the situation on Dijing West Road. After all, the empire is alien, no matter how good it is for the people of Central Biya, it will not be acceptable in a short time, but it is Put on a coat of Buddhism, the effect is much better

  The Central Biya people cannot accept the rule of aliens, but the Central Biya people have a natural sense of superiority in their own culture, and the foreign rulers who are inspired by Buddhism are obviously acceptable

Since the last visit to the Zen Palace and his entourage, there was news that a heavy minister in the empire was called by the heart of the Buddha. The entire emperor Jingxi Road was shaken. The Zen Temple was well-known, and the empire also expressed this. By default, a series of reform policies drove the entire Central-Biya of Dijing West Road crazy, canceled all the Central-Biya slaves, and re-divided the original land to the Central Biya according to the population, because the grasslands During the period of human rule, both nobles and civilians were classified as slaves. A large amount of land originally belonged to the nobles of Centralbia. At the moment, it was an unowned wasteland. The total population of God’s Jingxi Road was reduced by 60%. Above, sufficient land resources are enough for the empire to satisfy the Central Biya’s desire for land,

With the implementation of the new policy with the new division of land as the core, the empire immediately received strong support from a large number of civilians who lost their land in Central Asia. "Although the empire is a foreign alien, but since this alien can receive the call of the Buddha’s heart, then It must not be a fierce wicked person. Have you ever seen that the culprit will distribute the land so freely to all people? True Buddha, all others are fake Buddhas". Such a voice is everywhere in the West Road of Dijing, and suddenly

Compared to the land they came to, the Central Biya people are obviously more willing to believe that this is the result of the alien ruler being inspired by the Buddha’s heart. If they know the imperial people, they will know that the reform of the Empire on the West Road of the Emperor Jing has nothing to do with the Buddha’s heart.

In fact, it is just a copy of the empire’s policy in the occupied territories, but because of the cloak of the Buddha’s heart, it has achieved quite good results. The Central Biya, who was originally resistant to the empire, is already under the rule of the empire, and those originally The forces of resistance are now shaken. After all, they are gathered together in troubled times. It is okay to watch over each other in times of crisis. Now when we see the situation of Dijing West Road, we see that a large area of ​​land has been divided into peasants, and even the slaves have been canceled. Everyone has become a free man. Even if they want to leave the Dijing West Road, the empire will not stop them. In this case, who doesn’t want to move? Who still wants to die in the end? The empire needs the skin of the Zen Academy, and the Zen Academy also needs the support of the empire. The interests of both parties are the same.

"I knew that your majesty would never believe in the Buddha's heart." Looking at the cunning smile in the corner of the fat man's mouth, Rui Tangting spit out her tongue playfully. The chanting sounds of the monks in the Zen monastery drifted in the wind, and they looked good and beautiful, but if the **** of war like the Falcon Khan really believed in any kindness, it would be really disappointing. The man of Rui Tingna should be conquered Heroes of the Quartet, after giving up the idea of ​​rejuvenating Dongting, Rui Tangtingna has begun to truly return to the role of a prairie woman

Withdrawing his gaze from Zhaoshentai, the fat man's footsteps stopped and saw an imperial guard in front hurriedly, stopped in front of the fat man, and said with a condensed voice, "Your Majesty, just received the news, the Song Clan fleet broke the entrance to the Southwest River. Of Lichang"

"Oh, the tail of the old fox is still exposed after all!" The fat man smiled when he heard the report of the guard. "He went up against the river and launched an attack based on the fleet. It was two or three days earlier than I expected. If it is not the intelligence department’s eyes that have been staring at the Song nationality’s fleet, I am afraid that I can’t think of it. Song Que will come up with such a trick!"

"The Song clan broke Lichang, and the main force of the Dragon family on Kaishan's front line was afraid that it was about to be withdrawn," Rui Tang Ting said hesitantly, with a rather unwilling tone in her tone, although she had given up the ambition to restore the Dongting dynasty, But after all, there are still feelings for the Dongting tribe. This time, the various departments of the Dongting received the conscription order of the King of Khan, and a crowd of people went south. As a result, when they arrived here, did they just watch the enemy go away? During the time she was stationed, she also had a general understanding of the southwest map. She naturally knew that the location of Changcheng was the entrance and exit of the southwest river network, and the Guanglinchuan of the Longjia headquarters was exactly the entire southwest. The center of the tripartite intersection of the water network, from Guanglinchuan to Lichangkou, the river distance is not more than 100 miles. If it is downwind, it can be reached in two or three days.

"Withdraw? Can he withdraw? After hitting Lange City, you want to pat the **** and leave, how could it be so good!" The fat man's face showed a terrible look, looking at the mountain in the distance, undulating like a dragon lying on his back The mountain range is the Kaishan where the main force of the Dragon family is now. The fat man is really angry about the friction between the Dragon family and the empire several times. That is, the Southwest Dragon family, relying on the alliance with the empire, obtained a large number of excellent weapons from the empire. As a result, when they turned their faces, they did not recognize people and used the empire’s weapons to fight the empire.

"Submit the order, the army marches into Kaishan!" The fat man looked cold, his eyes full of murderous intentions, the Dragon family secretly wanted to step on the upper empire several times, to raise its reputation, then let the Dragon family know The shoulders of the empire are too high to slip on and can fall dead!

In the Longshan camp, a sealed battle report was piled up like a snow flake on the press table, and the wind lamps on both sides were measured in the dark, because the battle report came too much, so that the press table could not be stacked and slipped to the ground. . The veteran Longshan's eyes are bloodshot, and he is reading a battle report. The killing dragon mountain, which is said to bleed without tears, is now two tears dripping. The Song people attacked Chang, and the Longjia water army together with the defenders were five or six thousand. The elite was completely destroyed, and the Song Mountain Army was sweeping along the river. In just two days, the defenders from all over the Long Family were defeated and killed. The two sides of the river channel became the focus of the intersecting battle between the two armies.

  The reason why the Dragon family is the Dragon Family is the first battle army of Centralbia. It is because the Dragon family has been fighting against the Song nationality in the west for decades.

The elite, and now in the land of the river, the dragon family soldiers corpses spread across the field. The iron-blooded army forged by the dragon family for decades has been broken and broken, and the number of war dead and wounded has exceeded 10,000. Five or six thousand, for the hinterland of the Dragon family currently in neutral, this is almost 60% of the troops are killed. These are the elite that the Dragon family has cultivated for decades. As they were bitten by the Song clan, Longshan's blood was tumbling!

   "Song Que, an old man, so tactical, I want to devour my dragon family elites one by one!"

Longshan scolded loudly and threw the battle report on the ground fiercely. Because of the intense emotion, it caused the wounds on his body and a burst of coughing blood. As a veteran who had been fighting with the southern mountain people for 30 years, how could he I can’t see that this is a typical attraction tactic. The Song people deliberately pose on the upper reaches of the river to sweep along the river at any time, forcing the Longjia along the river to fight hard to block, facing the Song people who are in the crush of regardless of the number of people or the combat power. The mountain army is elite. How can these scattered Longjiajun be opponents? This is the viciousness of the Song tactics. It is a thorough understanding of the nature of the Longjia. Like the moths fighting the fire, the former servants and successors, how much troops can the Dragon family have until the mountain army pushes to Guanglinchuan?

   "Sir, the emperor moved, the former army has arrived at Kaishan Pass"

Just when Longshan was furious, a general ran in nervously, and the emperor was slow to move. The generals were speculating that the empire should not dare to enter Kaishan. This time, the empire sent out cavalry. The mountain combat is unfavorable, and the Long Family's 100,000 troops pulled the array on the front line of Kaishan, and the other party must also weigh the amount. Since the Dragon Family has given up attacking Lanzhi City, the empire does not have much meaning to continue to bite. Want to repeat the Battle of Kaishan? Just kidding, now Kaishan is already built like a golden soup, and the camps are connected together like a small city, standing on the mountain like a small city. There is no siege heavy equipment. To attack Kaishan is to dream!

   "It's a real leak and night rain" Longshan didn't even mention it in one breath, originally thought that the emperor might stop in Lanzhi City, but it just moved at this time.

The rising sun rises, Kaishan Mountain Pass, the attack line of the prairie cavalry formed by a team of queue lines, spread like a black tide in the sun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The sun shines on the armor of the emperor, as if in black Outside, it was stained with a layer of gold. The archers of the Dongting cavalry sent out a piece of arrow rain like a torrential rain. The countless loose bowstrings brought up a cold flash of arrows, and the locusts flew heavy armor arrows and shot into the dragon family. The infantry's body, striking on the infantry's wide phalanx shield, made a rainy crisp sound,

   "Is the emperor's attack just like this?"

Longshan stood high in a camp, overlooking the entire battlefield. The imperial cavalry shooter’s attack was indeed fierce and fierce, even if it was a real grassland shooter, but if you just want to rely on these arrow clusters, tear open Kai Mountain defense line, that's a joke, but soon, Longshan's face solidified, and I saw that the emperor below started to push up one heavy trebuchet, this kind of giant trebuchet, Longshan in Lanzhi City I’ve learned it once, and I’m impressed by the powerful power and range of this catapult. The camp walls built by the Dragon family in Kaishan are all cut down by trees. Although they are strong, they are not necessarily able to block this monster. Attack, this is the difference between the eastern and western combat concepts. On the eastern continent, not many catapults are used in field operations. Even the catapults used to defend the city are definitely not as large as the western continent. After all, the eastern continent does not have the west. The perverted castle-style fortress on the mainland

"No, you must never let the other person use a catapult!" Just as Longshan shouted angrily, a number of off-white roars had struck, and the rolling stones ejected from the imperial catapult dragged out an arc, just like a fall in the sky. The meteor hit a camp wall as fiercely as a row of screams were heard.

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