Whole Nation

: 1991 East Court goes south (10)

From the Changhe River, the sun on the horizon reflected the sparkling water like blood, and a large ship parked in the river was flanked by red blood lines on both sides. All the heads hung down from the side of the ship. On the sail, there is a huge "Song" written in bright red human blood

"Clan Uncle, the leaky fish is already in the first ten miles and was intercepted by Master Song Li. I believe it will be wiped out soon! So, the number needed by Clan Uncle should be within 500" A young Song nationality dressed in mountain armor came up from behind and respectfully reported to a white-haired thin figure standing on the bow in front of him

"Although letting the other party escape for more than ten miles, at least I have not been disappointed. This time everyone's friendship, I will not forget Song Kai." The thin middle-aged man's voice was cold, like a cold wind blowing hard, he At this moment, his eyes were staring at the distant sunset, slantingly sprinkled on the spear tip of the Song Mountain Mountain Army, which entered downward on both sides of the river channel,

Song Kai, the No. 2 figure of the Song nationality, is also the leader of the Song national army. After the Song nationality, he is second only to Song Que. He is tall and thin, with a frustrated and indifferent face, typical of the South. The appearance of the mountain people gives a cold and ruthless impression, but it also has a terrifying brutality. This time it is the person who is responsible for leading the mountain army to clean up the Dragon family along the river. Strangling, in order to deter the dragon family, the heads of the dragon family officers who were cut off were all hung on the battleship used as the command ship.

Hanging the head of blood and hatred and their own flagpole or car, this is a symbolic habit of the southern mountain people, and Song Kai was responsible for cleaning up the Longjia army along the river this time. Even if he was killed, he had to strip off his armor and throw it in the mud for humiliation. The cruelty of his means was staggering, but no one from the Song clan said anything wrong with him, because Song Kai did have a relationship with the Dragon family. Five years ago, the pride of the Song tribe who infiltrated the southwest and was crushed by the Long family's head was the only son of Song Kai, Song Hengshan, the leader of the younger generation of the Long family because of its talent. Extraordinary, that is, Song Que, the head of the family, is very optimistic, and even marries his daughter to Song Hengshan, which basically shows the decision to inherit the Song head of the Song family

But it was such a young man, Song Kai’s inner pride, it was only a headless body that was finally returned to the Song nationality. Song Kai, who was only forty years old, had a white head in the night. The secret, that is, the dead body of Song Hengshan has never been buried, because Song Development vowed to use a thousand heads of the Dragon family to accompany Song Hengshan to be buried,

"Finally, I have entered the five hundred, Hengshan. I believe that when the fleet arrives at Longjia Guanglinchuan, the thousand will be full, and you can rest in peace!" Song Kai closed his eyes, murmured, and looked Leng Jun withdrew his gaze from the sunset between the ridges in front of him and turned to say to the young man. "Send someone to tell Song Li to pay attention. In front is the famous Longyingkou. The water is short and the river is narrow. It is the entire southwest river. From Lichang City to the narrowest section of the Longjia Lao Nest, a large ship like our army can only accommodate one pass at a time. If I am the Longjia, I will definitely not let go of the Longyingkou."

"Yes, I get it!" The Long family youth nodded and turned away. Tens of thousands of red Song armor shot like a long dragon down the river channel. Under such military might, even the surrounding southwestern mountain forests Embarrassed, it seems to show the rise of the Song nationality, the southern dragon family is losing its glory

In Longyingkou, the white-water torrent made thunderous thunder in front of a cliff, as if it had reversed the direction of travel, turning from south to west, and from the southwest river channel that had poured more than a hundred miles from the entrance to Chang, Here, it hit **** the corner of the largest mountain range in the southwest, forming an inverted current of the subsurface flow,

   Such a fierce collision, like the dragon eagle mouth at the moment, has been filled with deafening sounds of killing

The mountain army wearing red armor is like a red tide surging and roaring up loudly. The mountain army has never taken a shield. Because the lack of iron in the southern mountains and the need to open the mountain and open the way, the mountain army’s weapon is The heavy mountain knife, under the knife, even the armor will be cleaved. In front of them, the Long Family infantry's lance array

"Kill!" Looking at the mountain army that was rushing in front, the Longjia infantry array moved forward, and the spears in the hand came out side by side, and a piece of blood was suddenly opened, just like the southwest river channel running down the river, Song sweeping along the river channel Clan Mountain Army, finally touched

It was the first real resistance of the Dragon family. Among them, the Long family’s carbine changed from the western continent’s lance. The power displayed at this moment is even more staggering. This refusal carbine is five meters in length, only the front gun. The head is only one and a half feet, and behind the sharp-pointed gun head is a circle of round iron supports, ensuring that the gun tip can penetrate the target in front sufficiently.

When this five-meter-long carbine came out sharply, the Song Mountain Army rushed up and found that no matter how they jumped, they could never cross this distance and began to panic. The Mountain Army was originally among the mountain people. Elite, sturdy and extremely strong, everyone has a pair of iron feet, traversing mountains and rivers is even on the ground, and the jumping ability is even more amazing. Often, when fighting, they like to jump and kill each other, directly waving a **** machete, like an umbrella. Faced with the attack line, layer by layer, like the waves rolling, the mouth shouted with passionate shouts, the battle of the camp, the first morale, so many dragons in front of them were defeated, still care about this person ?

But soon, the mountain army felt wrong. The dragon family army in front of it was totally incomparable to the previous sergeants. This is the real dragon family army. They crossed each other, hacked each other, and the short soldiers were even connected. It is even more fierce than the mountain army. The mountain army that rushed up here seems to have encountered a block. It is immediately like a long strip squeezed by a heavy weight. It suddenly becomes twisted and becomes a curved arc moon shape, shocking The sound of the battlefield came from both sides of the mouth almost at the same time. The choppers of the Song nationality slashed violently on the barrel of the gun and slipped out a spark. Five meters into the body of the mountain army ruthlessly according to the horse lance. It looks like it was cut in by a red knife

   "Kill it up"

In order to boost morale, Long Xueshan was already in front of the battle front. He stood in front of the five-meter carbine and shouted madly. When he saw that the mountain army wanted to squeeze the carbine, he immediately pushed up with heavy armored infantry and madly cut. Killing, the short soldiers were in contact, the people were colliding around, the knife was blazing, the blood was spewing, beside him, he had laid down the corpses of seven or eight mountain troops, all covered with blood. ,

   "Adult, let's go back to the back first," the guards next to them were all scared. Before they had finished speaking, they were kicked away by Long Xueshan.

"Retreat, do we still have room to retreat!" Long Xueshan yelled, and Kaishan lost the humiliation of tens of thousands of troops in the war, making him like a beast at the moment, what face, what identity, was lost It's clean. This time, blocking the Song people's southward advance in Longyingkou is already preparing for a death. Longxueshan didn't know the news that the Longshan army had been broken in Kaishan, just thinking of fighting to die, just asking He was able to procrastinate for more than one moment, his general was fighting desperately, and the soldiers of his family were fighting like crazy.

   "Kill! Kill!"

A soldier of the Dragon family was covered in blood, his legs were cut off, and he still shouted in the mud. In his vicinity, his limbs flew across, various heavy weapons flew, various sounds sounded, and life was like cutting grass. Generally consumed, there are many people along the way, they already know that the Song Family Mountain Army has passed through, and the Longjia Army has all been killed, and the corpses have been swept across the field. It can be said that taking them as the line, there is no Dragon family in front. After that, they can’t stop it anymore, the Song clan fleet will be unimpeded, reach Guanglinchuan directly, and uproot the entire Longjia headquarters,

Song Li stood in the formation of the Song Mountain Army and watched that the front of the army was shaking steadily. There was no surprise on his face. Instead, his eyes were bright, revealing a sudden fighting spirit, and finally came ! I finally encountered a real dragon family army. The elite of the Wanlong Dragon family in Longxue Mountain had already blocked most of the river channel of Longyingkou with wood. It just happened to meet with the Song clan Qianrui. It’s the Song Mountain Army, who didn’t look at the embarrassed Longjia Army in the eyes, but soon, it felt wrong, and the previous Longjia Army was too powerful, and even With weapons he has never seen before, a five-meter-long spear, which seems to be the natural nemesis of the mountain people's melee, several times the mountain army's impact line was collapsed,

   "Sir, this time the enemy is wrong!" said a young Song nationality

   "Yeah, although the number is not large, but the morale is high, and the equipment is much more elite than the dragon family army encountered before." Other young people also felt this,

   "Of course it is different. Did you see the Longjia military flag flying high above?" Song Li smiled coldly, raised his whip and pointed to the Longjia military flag in the distance, saying, "Since ancient times, there has been a general in the Long family.

Just the habit of embroidering red thread on the edge of the military flag. For the military flag we have seen, how many red threads are there on the edge of the military flag? "

"Red line?" The young officers quickly paid attention to the military flag, and saw that there was a red line on the edge of the Longjia military flag. The number was so large that it was almost impossible to count. Each one could not help but say nothing. If each red line represents one The death of General Longjia, then what is represented by this military flag, I am afraid that there are thirty or forty. What kind of legion does the Longjia have, and so many generals have died in battle?

   "It won't be..." A Song young man murmured, his hands clenched, his eyes were like Song Li, a surprisingly bright, slightly trembling body, that was excited

"It's the Longjia Guanglin Army!" Another young man exclaimed in agreement. The others were all trembling. The Longjiajun in front of him was the garrison of the Longjia Headquarters. Whether it is combat power or equipment, it is the wide army of the dragon family!

   At this time, a Song clan Xunqi came from behind and stopped in front of Song Li. He reported that "Song Kai reminds adults to pay attention to Longyingkou!"

"Submit the order and tell the army to gather with me that we have encountered the Longjia Guanglin Army!" Song Li raised his hand with a look of excitement. Even though it was an enemy, there was still a heart of contrast flowing in the bones of Song's children. For decades, The Song nationality was suppressed by the Long family in the south for decades. To say that the Long family army impressed the Song family with great pressure, that is, the Long family is close to the army. This is an army that is truly completely composed of the children of the Long family. Although all the Longjiajun are called the Longjiajun by the outside world, in fact, in the hearts of the Song people who have been entangled with the Longjia for decades, there is only one real Longjiajun.

   "Is the Dragon Family Guanglin Army? Ha ha, finally encountered it, and the order continued, the whole army approached Master Song Li!"

A young Song nationality general who was pulling a machete from the body of the fallen Longjia army, after hearing the content of the summons of the cavalry, he smiled and stepped on the Song mountain in a pool of blood behind him. The army also stopped their hands together, and dozens of **** heads rolled down in the mud

The Longjia Guanglin Army, the elite of the first generation of the Longjia family masters, was based on the Guanglin Army. It extended the current Dragon family and won a banner of the Longjia Guanglin Army. It is definitely the Song family. The thing that several generations have dreamed of is to reassure these decades, because they have been suppressed by the Dragon family~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The best sacrifice of the dying generations who are depressed and dead, the fifty-mile line of the killing dragon mountain is not allowed to enter The iron law of the Long family, I don’t know how many people of the mountain people used red blood. In thirty years, it’s almost the time for two generations to grow up. The older generation of mountain people is regarded as a shame for life, and the younger generation of mountain people Revenge

   "Sir, the enemy is back!"

   An officer of the Dragon family turned his head to look at the nearby Dragon Snow Mountain, the tide-like enemies withdrew

The sound of the long trumpet horn representing the withdrawal was even more tragic in the sunset. Although it was only a brief collision, the Wanlong Dragon Army had already lost more than a thousand battles, and the Song Mountain Army had suffered more losses. At least two or three thousand corpses were lost. On the front line, fierce fighting is like fire, and the entanglement of dying to die is ten times more fierce than normal confrontation. Everyone seems to overdraw their energy and blood for the next few decades, but everyone can see that this is far from the point where these southern mountains are retreating.

"It should only be a temporary retreat. I believe that more mountain troops will soon be coming!" Long Xueshan took a deep breath without moving his face, and his face tightened firmly with the long sword in his hand. When the rift broke, the mountain army came quickly and retreated, which just showed that the other party had discovered the difference of the military flag of this branch, and it was also a last resort to erect the military flag of the Guanglin Army. The mountain army swept along the river all the way, except for this I don’t know how many are nearby. If the other party chooses to bypass the Longyingkou and go straight to Guanglinchuan, then everything he has done here is in vain. He must attract the Song Mountain Army at all costs, even if It's just one day and one night! Anyway, I will die here, I believe that even if I want to pursue my boldness, I can't help it!

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