Whole Nation

: Three thousand three hundred and thirty-three East Ting south (12)

   The ground was clear with heavy rain and the spring mist was like white smoke. The road was slowly drying. The horseshoe stepped over, only mud splashed. A team of prairie light cavalry gradually stopped the horseshoe in a low-lying area in the front. The Mongolian Luo of the Fengtai Department raised his hand. The cavalry behind him stopped like a black line, and the vast plain was in front of him. Like a huge emerald carpet, extending from under the horseshoe to the invisible area in front,

In the cold eyes of Mongol Luo, there was a hint of fanatical color that was hardly noticeable. The area in front of me was the only road leading to the most prosperous Dijing in this land. If Dijing West Road, if it was not suddenly, the Katiba Department suddenly turned back, The Dijing West Road in front of us is already the sphere of influence of Fengtai Department!

"Young patriarch, after the depression in front is the area of ​​Dijing West Road. In order to stop us, the Yelu family has sent Dijing West Road to the Empire. Now it is the area of ​​the Empire. We just went in this way, just afraid we would cause trouble. ... "" A subordinate hesitated and said cautiously

"La Guye, what are you talking about, the young patriarch is the descendant of the golden family of the Tang Dynasty, and is the master of all the land chosen by God. If you walk on your own land, do you need to ask for the consent of others?" One followed. The sturdy young man beside Mongolia Luo raised his horse whip to beat the leading cavalry in Fengtai

"Ahuer, stop, Laguye is right. Just entering Dijing West Road will indeed cause trouble, and we are not here to find trouble. We still need to go to Dijing Plain!" Mongolian Luozui smiled. , To stop the young man around him, and ordered the men behind him to "flag the flag of Kaubu, and we will go all the way!"

   "Yes, the young patriarch!" The cavalry nodded,

   "Brushed" two banners with light blue patterns were shot by the cavalry,

Under the blue sky, the blue wolf head flag is more mysterious. The three-meter-long pure white tassel extending from the flag rises with the wind. When seeing this flag, Mongolian Luo’s hand is unconscious. The tightness, the smile just now, quickly turned into a respect

   "Go, let's go to Dijing!" Mongolian Luo raised his hand with a high face and said decisively, and then took the lead and rushed out in the direction of Dijing

"Go, go to Dijing" hundreds of prairie cavalry made a shout, followed immediately, like a huge smoke and dust wolf, the land in front of them was cut apart, the blue kawu flag into Dijing, it must be It's turned upside down!

"What's that?" A businessman on the road saw the team of prairie cavalry passing by, and saw the blue wolf-headed flag flying in the wind. His face was blank, but he didn't notice. The dozens on the other side of the road The prairie merchant who was driving the horses saw the horrified look of the blue wolf head flag

   "Sirius Kawu!"

"God, Sirius Kau! Who, who is so bold, dare to raise the Kau Battle Banner!" All the prairie people who saw this blue wolf head flag unconsciously dismounted and knelt down on the ground, towards The blue wolf head flag that galloped over, bowed respectfully,

  "Father, why do we kneel?" A three- or four-year-old child raised his head and his childish face was blank.

"Because it is Sirius Kawu, the mother of all prairie people!" His father was a prairie man with a Chinese character face, and he touched his son's head with his hand. "The blue wolf flag has a very special meaning on the prairie. Whether it is before or now, there is a default rule in the grassland, that is, the team that will never move the blue wolf head banner, because my prairie people use wolves as totems, in addition to the brutal and cunning of the wolf, but also because of the prairie people 'S ancestors were nurtured by a female wolf. The wolf is not only our teacher, but also our mother."

"That was a blue she-wolf with a whole body like the sky. That was Sirius Kawu. It was Sirius Kawu who taught our ancestors hunting skills. The original steppe ancestors were just ten sons of Sirius Kawu. One of them, with the help of nine other brothers, created his own tribe, and then moved to the prairie land south, and then opened the era of prairie people. The other Kau tribes still stay The land of the extreme north is responsible for the ancient origin of the grassland people, which also verifies the rumor that the grassland people originally appeared in Centralbia, in fact, are the northern people who migrated from the north land to the south

  The reason why the Golden Family is distinguished and respected by the ministries is also because of the close relationship between the Golden Family and the Kawu Family.

It seems to the prairie people that the ancestors of the Golden Family are also the sons of Sirius Kau

The rise of the Golden Family, the southern expedition, and the unification of the various parts of the grassland southward movement, the influence of the Kawu family was gradually overshadowed by the Golden family. However, a thousand years ago, the Golden family split because of internal problems, and some of them crossed eastward. After disappearing in the Eastern Mountains, the Tashan Mountains partly migrated to the western continent. It is said that the powerful prairie cavalry under the falcon empire is now descended, and some are returning to the northern ancestral land. A hundred years later, it moved south again.

  If the current grassland department is qualified to raise the blue kawu flag, then it is undoubtedly the Fengtai department

Under normal circumstances, the blue Kau flag has a special meaning, but in fact it is not very effective. At least the ministries at most are upholding the principle of non-attack, which does not mean that they need to be obeyed. Let the ministries obey, the Fengtai Department has long been the prairie king's court, but at this moment, a Kawu Sirius Banner is another matter. The Long family came to the Fengtai Department and has signed a truce agreement with the Fengtai Department.

This means that the Dragon family has recognized the position of the Fengtai Ministry as the leader in the Yelujia Group. Mongolian Luo is preparing to take this agreement and enter the Dijing Plain under the Sirius Kawu Banner, in front of the entire prairie people. In the face, humiliate the Yelu family's famous Yelu Hongtai scene no longer, once swept through the grassland heroes of Centralbia, at this moment it is an old man who dares to shrink in the Dijing Plain, although one of the two heirs of the Yelu family The Yelv Qi Yeguang is still there, but Yelv Qiye Yeguang is even more powerful, that is, a woman. In the history of the prairie people, there has never been a queen!

   It was the moment when all the prairie people said that the Fengtai Department was the head of the Yelu Group. It was the prairie wolf named Fengtai Department who walked into Dijing with the Kawu Battle Banner!

  Longyingkou, after heavy rain, the river surged. The river channel that had been blocked by logging was wide and desperate. The torrent of the river rushed fiercely to the beach and rushed to the east. The air is humid, so that the lonely Longjia military flag standing in Longyingkou has absorbed the moisture from the air, but it is heavy on the flagpole

"The flood is too big, all the logging has been washed away!" Long Jiajun's face was like this weather, gloomy, after working so long, it was finally blocked by half of the river, so rushing past In front of the flood, everything was in vain. The effect won by thousands of brothers’ lives became meaningless. This felt the blow of vain sacrifice in vain far exceeded the tragic death two days ago. Attack war

  The Long Family is close to the base camp, and it is less than fifty miles behind the Longyingkou, just behind everyone. There is no way back, there is no way back

Now I can only hope that the army in Kaishan can return in time. Guanglin headquarters can build more arrow towers and recruit more soldiers. If it’s not this torrent, we can fight for another day or two. but now. . . . . . Looking at the nearly doubled river surface, the Long family soldiers clenched their fists tightly and their bodies shook slightly!

   "Don't be discouraged, the Kaishan Army will return soon. We have also attracted the Song Mountain Army to the Longyingkou! One day and one night, how do we count, we all made a profit"

Long Xueshan's hoarse voice was like a torn drum, and the sound of his speech was all with a torn pain, but he still insisted that he turn the whole line around and continue to cheer his soldiers, but The low morale of the army can not be mentioned in one or two sentences. More than 10,000 dragons can still move, that is, six or seven thousand people. For a day in a row, the number of the following Song mountain army has reached the sea. The number of mountain flags, mountains and rivers, thick black clouds, entangled like cotton **** above the heads of the two armies, and the piles were higher between the heavens and the earth,

Relying only on the visual observation of the eyes, Longxue Mountain can already be sure that the number of the Song Mountain Army is at least 50,000. According to the military strength of the entire Song Mountain Army, it is safe to say that it is this time that it has entered the Southwest After the mountain army swept down along the river channel, why did the other party not attack, Long Xueshan was reluctant to think about it, in fact, do not need to think about it, if you are a Song Mountain Army, you see the Longjia Guanglin Army in front of you, Nor will he attack immediately, because this piece of meat is too fat, and eating single food is jealous. This is also the situation that Long Xueshan wants to see the most.


Since an attack was launched two days ago, the mountain army has been ready to launch,

It’s not that the mountain army leader Song Li didn’t want to attack, but because of the rain, the rain formed a mountain flood and opened the river channel. Whether it is necessary to win the Longyingkou river bank is not so necessary, if it is not the Longjia Guanglin The army, Song Li may have ordered the whole army to suppress it, completely killing the dragon family alone in front of him, but all kinds of intercessions in all aspects made him temporarily unable to issue an offensive order. Not everyone is willing to I saw the huge glory of the Guanglin Army swallowed on the head of the mountain army as a forward.

"Sir, the Guang Linjun is in front of you, obviously you can take it in one breath, why do you still need to wait for the fleet to bring it?" Within the Song Mountain Army, generals all surrounded Song Li, one of them was young The general said indignantly that he was wearing a uniform and a red cloak, and he could not see much of the temperament of the commander general, but he was more like a silent officer. The only thing that makes him look different from others is that his right arm is thicker than others. It can be seen that he must be a brave general

   "Yes, lord, this rain is too heavy, the camps have turned into quagmire, and then soaked, if you want to attack again, it will be more difficult!"

  The other generals also shouted one by one, I don’t know how many years have been deposited in the mountain. The mossy black soil is full of black oil, and the drainage ditches excavated around the camp are just flowing. Through the center of the camp, the flowing camp is full of water. This is because the Song people are mountain people, and they were not caught by the sudden rainstorm in the south. They were able to calm down in this humid weather, but ordnance. It is inevitable that it is drenched with water. Looking at the dark clouds stacked in the north, everyone knows that the next rain will not be light. Let this rain fall, how can you attack the guarded Longjia Guanglin Army?

   "Report, the order of the house owner" A fast horse galloped through the middle of the camp door, splashing a large group of mud spots, before directly reaching the big account of the army, the knight above jumped off the horse and hurried up.

   "What does the owner say!" Song Li almost rushed out

   Actually panted and said, "The owner orders that before the fleet arrives, they must take down the Longyingkou! There are blockers, cut!"

   "Okay, it's enough to have a family owner!"

Song Li's face was shocked. Sure enough, the family owner understood his difficulty. The brand of Guang Linjun was too loud. Each department wanted to hang a point. Instead, it caused him to be fearful. Now that he has the order of the family owner, he looks at it. Looking at the generals of the Song nationality army who surrounds them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The voice said seriously, "Everyone has heard that, and don't go back immediately to prepare, before the fleet arrives, take the dragon eagle mouth!"

   "Yes, lord!" The generals looked at each other, and they were reluctant to stay for a moment, so they ran toward their camp like crazy in the helmet. Before the arrival of the fleet, this is not a joke, just like this flood, the fleet came down the river, I am afraid that it will not be in the afternoon, who still has time to delay here

   "The above orders, attack the mountain!

  "A mountain army cavalry with colorful and colorful feathers on his head galloped through, and the camp suddenly rose up. Everyone was running around, and there was a low cheering sound underneath

Finally, it fell on his own head, and the officers of the Song Mountain Army had almost laughed from their hearts. What could be more famous than destroying the Longjia Guanglin Army, becoming a mountain hero A great opportunity is here,


Every soldier of the mountain army was tense at this moment, and the voice was like a mountain and a tsunami, as if hearing the mountain roaring. The long line formed by the mountain army began to line up at the mouth of the dragon and eagle. , It was crowded in front, so many people stepped on the ground, splashing the water on the ground, forming a white whirlpool flying around, and the light red armor of the mountain army began to surge like red tide There was no slogan, no sound, no other sounds besides the sounds of footsteps, there seemed to be only rhythmic rusty footsteps between heaven and earth

  Kill the Longjia Guanglinjun!

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