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: 2010 Emperor Jing's Trip (5)

   Lichang lost his guard, Song Kai's No. 2 character Song Kai died, and the 15,000 Lichang Song garrison army was annihilated. The news spread that the world was shocked!

All forces are waiting for the southern mountain to break through the southwestern Longjia headquarters in one fell swoop, and the dragon family's two-year soaring momentum has shot down the dust. The news is that the Song nationality's retreat was cut off by the dragon. Trapped in the southwest, this drama is really unexpected.

No one knows how Long Po, who is thousands of miles away, returned to the southwest without knowing it. He only saw that Long Po family head Long Po was like a **** soldier in the wind and rain, and the pro-army attacked Lichang in several times. In the case of rushing, Long Po personally ordered the beheading of two unfavorable Longjia captains. Finally, the Longjia army defeated Lichang, and successfully attacked the tens of thousands of Song troops in the southwest, blocking the southwest hinterland, although The tens of thousands of troops of the Song tribe are still sound, but the large fleet that the Song tribe relies on is already obsolete.

News came out that the first thing to occupy the Longchang of Lichang was to push the entire rubble of Lichang into the mouth of the Lichang River channel. The ten-mile-long Lishi River channel, even if there was a big current, the fleet could not Passed, without the fleet, the tens of thousands of troops of the Song clan would have lost their dependence, and they had to walk out of the southwest.

And this is exactly what Long Po wanted the Songs to do. This time, the army that accompanied Long to break back to the southwest has experienced a series of elite **** battles in the north, and the number of people has reached as many as two or three hundred thousand one after another. In contrast, although the number of the Song Mountain Army is claimed to be one hundred thousand, in fact, apart from the fifteen thousand elite who died in the battle from Lichang, the other invested troops are five or sixty thousand.

   A small dragon eagle mouth, more than 10,000 dragons, let the Songs attack for two days

  If it is not so delaying time, the Song people should have already captured the Longjia headquarters at the moment, instead of sinking into the southwest hinterland like here, there is no way to advance or retreat! Such a Song Mountain Army, how to face the dragon-breaking army that swept the more than 100,000 powerful prairie army in the north, the Song people played this time, and finally took the opportunity of revenge, and it is about to break the Longjia base camp To make up for decades of frustration, but the result was at the Longyingkou, which was less than thirty miles from the Longjia headquarters, and the Long family seized the opportunity to make a comeback.

   was originally a good chess piece of the Song nationality, and in the blink of an eye, it became a terrible killing dragon.

The Dragon family is already absolutely strong. There are still 30,000 troops in the camp, and there are 200,000 in Lichang. There is also an extraordinary master Long Po sitting in the town. The tens of thousands of mountain troops of the Song nationality are sandwiched between the two dragons. The pie in the middle of the military cluster, even those who do not understand military strategy, can see at a glance, what else is this playing! There is no possibility of resistance at all. Whether Song Que can come out of the Southwest alive, I am afraid it is a problem, the sky of Central Biya will change! All forces can clearly feel this. The Song nationality suffered a disastrous defeat and said nothing, even the old people of the southern mountain people would have to fill in.

The Song ethnic group, whose power is greatly damaged, is afraid that they have no power to control the power of the Central Church of China

It is the Dragon family. Although the losses in this battle are also large, most of them are local troops. The elite is still there, and the 300,000 troops brought back by Long Po are filled into it. As a martial weapon of the big fleet, the Longjia Army only needs to flow down the upper reaches of the river channel, and it can easily cover all the areas of Chaotang in China

   "To summon Baihe to withdraw his troops from Sanchahekou to Dijing!"

With this report, Yelu Hongtai, the head of the Yelu family, straightened his eyes and was silent for more than ten seconds before taking a deep breath. The heavy tone was suffocating. He knew that the possibility of the Yelu family going south was completely Lost, the Sancha estuary, which is located in the south-central part of the central river, may be the grassland people in the north. It has been able to reach the southernmost position in history. Because the Long family gains power, it is not only a change of authority in Central Biya. There are also strategic adjustments in China and the Central Asian side. The Long family is not a weak and impoverished Chinese central court, nor is it a self-righteous Southern Song nationality. The Long family is the only strong opponent who has been entangled with the Yelu family for two full years.

  The Dragon family is in power. The first thing to do is to go north and inevitably go straight to Dijing! This is the will of the entire Central Biya people, the shame and grief of all the Central Biya people, and also the opportunity for the Dragon family to justify their obedience to the local giants and reign as the emperor of Central Biya,

   Such a chance not seen in a hundred years, how could the Dragon family let go!

  The Dragon family attacked Dijing,

   If it was the former Yelu family,

I’m not afraid. The problem is that the Yelu family is not the same as before. At the time, the Yelu group that swept together to sweep Central China was actually severely divided into three camps. Since the battle of Yanzhou fiasco, the reputation of the Yelu family has plummeted. Regardless of the fact that the power has shrunk, even the controllable area, that is, the Dijing area, even the strongest 80,000 Baihe pro-armies have been abolished to less than 40,000, the strength has been greatly reduced, and the Fengtai Department in the north has completely The Yelu family breaks up, and has gathered three of the Yelu family's four tribes. No matter the number or strength, they have begun to surpass the Yelu family. Now they are entrenched in Daizhou and Fengzhou. Lying in the middle, I'm afraid it has already suppressed Dijing

The other ministries scattered between the two forces either had their own weight and watched the situation or saw that the Yelu family had no power to control the situation. They began to secretly contact with the Fengtai department and waited for the Fengtai department to go south to share the fat of the Yelu family. Meat, in the face of the Dragon Family’s massive advance north, it is impossible to rely on these tribes,

"Father, I just received news from Dijing West Road that the Mongolian Luo of the Fengtai Department held the Sirius Uka Banner into Dijing." Outside the gate, the clear voice of Yelv Qiyeguang was heard. An emergency report came in, and his face was ugly,

   "Mongolian Luo holding Uka Banner into Dijing?"

  Yeru Hongtai's face was surprised, some could not believe his ears, wouldn't it be wrong, how could Mongolian Luo come to Dijing? Still holding the flag of Sirius Uka to Dijing! I asked again, and after getting the exact answer, Yelu Hongtai's old face suddenly raised an irritation,

Bastard, this is definitely premeditated. What a shrewd character is the old fox Yelu Hongtai. When he confirmed Luo Jindi in Mongolia, the first thing he thought of was how did Long Po return to the army and Luo Jindi in Mongolia. Half a month ago, Long Po was still in a front-line battle with the Fengtai Department in Daizhou, and in a short period of half a month, it should have been a two-sided battle between the flames, but this time there was such a tacit truce, and then Long Po quietly took the army back to the southwest, while the Fengtai Department was eagerly holding the Sirius Uka Banner into Dijing

   This kind of thing is a coincidence, who believes! There is no doubt that Long Po wants to withdraw from the front line of Daizhou. It is a strange thing not to have a secret truce with the Fengtai Department. The Fengtai Department dared to come here to poke the nerves of the Emperor Yelong's family. Premise

   This is *naked betrayal! The Fengtai Department collaborated with the Long family,

When I thought of my son Yeluguda, it was probably because of this that I killed Yanzhou, so that the situation of the Yelu family was so bad that I haven't replied so far. Yelu Hongtai's face is green, his teeth are gritted, and his old face is full of murderous intentions. Yelv Qiyeguang who watched was also secretly shocked. It has been a long time since I saw his father’s look like Yeluqiyeguang. He was afraid of Yelu Hongtai’s impulsiveness. He quickly said, "Father, killing Mongolian Luo will only make things more true for me. Yelu The family is disadvantaged. Although Mongolian Luo deserves to die, the offense of offending Sirius Uka, once spread, all the grassland tribes will immediately rise up against the Yelu family, that is, under our own people, they will immediately rise up and rebel!"

"As for how to let Mongolian Luo shake into Emperor Jing, I'm afraid the Yelu family will fall apart!" Yelu Hongtai's face was cold, suppressing the inner roll, and a long sigh, said, "Sirian Uka is recognized as a prairie man. The ancestor was the **** wolf who raised the golden family. According to the rules of our prairie people, no one can be the king of Sirius Uka. Even the former Khan, facing the flag of Sirius Uka, only bowed his head. Not to mention that my Yelu family is not a royal family. Mongolian Luo held the Sirius Uka flag and entered Dijing. He came to sweep the face of Yelu family fiercely. Let all prairie people have a look. Who is The most qualified family to take the throne in the Yelv Group"

Yelu Hongtai's voice paused, his face dignified and said, "If you let him walk like this once, even if my Yelu family hold back this tone, those tribes who are still watching will immediately fall into the arms of the Fengtai Department and have to admit, The person who came up with this solution is so shameless! This is a one-hit killing of the Yelu family. The problem is that the Yelu family has no strategy to deal with, only waiting to die!"

   "Actually, we are not completely helpless!" Yelv Qiyeguang seemed to think of something, hesitantly said

   "What way?" Yelu Hongtai's eyes flickered

After a while, is there really a solution to this lore?

"Mongolian Luo Jindijing is nothing more than to shake my Yelu family's heart. Although Sirius Uka is the wolf ancestor of my prairie people, it is after all the component of faith, and the actual deterrent is not very strong, even if it is The ability to shake people’s hearts is also quite limited”

The dark eyes of Yelv's seven night lights shone brightly, his voice paused, and then he lowered his head and said, "Compared to Sirius Uka, there is actually one person who can deter all prairie people if this person... ..."


Yelu Hongtai's face changed a bit, and he interrupted Yelv Qiyeguang to continue. His original hot eyes, but now became like a sharp blade, fell on Yelv Qiyeguang who bowed his head and dared not stare at himself, his nose was heavy Sighing, "Although my marriage between the Yelu family and the empire has been established, I still have Yelu Hongtai, and he is still a hegemony, not a puppet that needs other people's control. You can't wait to give the Yelu family to the empire. If this is the case, I can only say that Yelu Hongtai was blind!

"Father, you know, I don't mean that, I mean to say!" Yelu Qiyeguang's face was pale, and white jade-like teeth bit his lip. "We can pass the empire and let the Yelus become king! As long as the Yelus are on board Wang Ting, what can even Sirius Uka do? I just want to shake the ministries, but once my Yelu family became a king with the support of the empire, those forces who are still watching, have to consider me Yelu Is the unity of the home and the empire able to contend with the Fengtai Ministry!"

   "Are you saying that the empire will support the Yelus as kings?"

Yelu Hongtai's eyes were red, as if he was shocked by electric shock. Where was the whole person stunned, and he was king? It was Yelu Hongtai's wish to struggle for a lifetime. In order to be king, the Yelu family took 300,000 grasslands to the south and bathed in blood The battle swept through Central Biya, in order to be king, he presided over the battle against Yan with his old body. When the Yelu family was the strongest, he already touched the edge of the throne with one hand, but because of the fiasco of Yanzhou, he not only lost ten. Tens of thousands of troops, even their own sons died in Yanzhou, and the Yelu family claimed that the king was already an impossible dream. Now, they have been brought up by Yelv Qiyeguang. How can it be said that it is not heart-warming!

"Father don’t forget, the falcon emperor is not only the emperor, but also the sweat king of the two prairie people. When he entered the east, he even played the name of a descendant of the golden family." Yelv Qiyeguang smiled slightly, she After all, I have been paying attention to fat people for a long time, and I understand the situation inside some empire. I immediately told Yelu Hongtai about the situation of the prairie people inside the empire.

Yelu Hongtai certainly knows about the fact that the empire has prairie cavalry, but I never thought about that. Now I heard Yelv Qi Yeguang said that the emperor is still the sweat king of the 7 million prairie people in the east and west courts, and his eyes suddenly burst. He is Wang Tingxiang of the Prairie~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In charge of Wang Ting's internal affairs for many years, how could he not know what 7 million Prairie people mean, even if one-third is male, that is also two million bow control cavalry Among them, there are still five or six hundred thousand young and powerful combat forces, which is the most prosperous period of the former Wang Ting. The number of prairie people on the northern grasslands of Centralbia is about five million.

After all, there are frequent internal battles in the various parts of the grassland, and the rise of the strong is often due to internal fighting. The accumulation of the population is extremely slow. After the death of the former Khan king, the civil strife of the court, the three princes are fighting for the position of the Khan king. Of the eight armies in the Eastern Ting, three armies were all consumed in internal consumption. Coupled with the squeeze of the empire’s eastward advance, there were as many as two hundred thousand grassland warriors who died in the hands of the empire, and then the wilderness of the empire During the war, there were also six or seven hundred thousand prairie clans belonging to the empire. There are two major prairie groups in existence, the Yelujia Group has about two million. Wang Ting controls one million, and the remaining one million are just some of them. Most of

   "So, the Emperor Emperor's Khan of the Prairie is deservedly named" Yelu Hongtai's eyes have already begun to shine, and a so powerful Khan court is in front of himself, how come he didn't see it? The Emperor of the Empire, King of the Prairie Khan, such any identity is enough to push the Yelu home to the altar of the king's court. As long as the Yelu home becomes the king's court, the Fengtai Department will be dumbfounded. No matter how powerful the Fengtai Department is, it will still be It’s not Wang Ting, let alone the Emperor of the Yelu family fighting a powerful grassland empire that controls the 7 million grassland people. It is more than enough to seal the Yelu family as a king.

   If it was before, the imperial emperor would definitely not do it now, it is different now. How can it be beneficial to enclose his father-in-law as King Wang Tinghan!

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