Whole Nation

: 302 King Yelv's Court 6

The bright spring sunshine shone on the wall of the side of the river channel in Guangmu City, and the rapids of the river hit the gray stones at the corner of the city and swelled a white foam.

The river wind blew the princess Mingyue's white long skirt flying, and stood at the mouth of the river outside the empty Guangmu City. Mingyue princess looked at the six imperial dragon-tooth battleships that were still here two days ago. None, a pretty face is confused, because the empire has only more than a thousand troops in Guangmu City, so these six imperial dragon-tooth battleships are already the strongest deterrents to the entire Guangmu City, and the biggest rely on Princess Mingyue

But now, with the departure of the imperial battleship, Princess Mingyue felt something faintly in the breeze

Taking a deep breath, Princess Mingyue turned from the pier and walked into the black carriage that was parked behind. She looked at the dark-haired man opposite him and asked, "Your Majesty told me the truth, did you agree to let the Song people go north?"

Seeing that it could not be concealed, the fat man could only embarrassedly looked away, glanced at the empty port outside the wagon, and nodded and said, "Yes, the empire did promise to let the northern waterway open and let the Song nationality fleet go north, and the six dragons I also ordered the warship to leave Hiroki."

"What does this mean, Your Majesty?"

Princess Mingyue's pretty face turned slightly blue, her teeth clenched her lips tightly. This is Hiroki, which is the core of the waterway in the northwest and southwest. She has received an order from the empire to release the waterway in the north. How could the Long family be willing to let the fat that has already arrived slip away, and it is very difficult to block the Song nationality fleet on the river channel, directly from the road directly to Hiroki is undoubtedly the first choice

Now let's transfer the six Dragon Tooth battleships, and the Long family army presses the mirror.

"Relax, the Dragon family will not come to Guangmu for a while, and within a day, the 60,000 Imperial Iron Riders from the Lanzhi City will arrive at Guangmu." The fat man shrugged his shoulders and said slightly, "I know what you are worried about. On the contrary, what I am doing now is to give the empire real control over Hiroki."

"What does your majesty mean? The army marched forward, is it to avoid fighting with the Southwest Dragon family again?" Princess Mingyue rolled her eyes at the fat man, and she couldn't help but despise the fat man fiercely, even if it was I also know that once the empire and the dragon-level battle, Hiroki is inevitably incapable of being preserved, and the tragedy of the Lanzhi City is not unseen. Once the war is together, Hiroki is destroyed, and then there is only a ruin.

The fat man nodded his head with no thought at all, his eyes began to become fierce, and Ning said, "I won't say more explanations. You stayed in Hiroki for a while. Can you tell me that people in Hiroki In your eyes, what do you think of the empire's **** of Hiroki?"

"The invasion of aliens is naturally full of hostility in the city, and such an answer, Your Majesty is satisfied!"

Princess Mingyue hesitated for a while, gritted her teeth, and said, although she didn’t want to say it, it was undeniable that in the eyes of the Guangmu people, the empire was an alien, and even her long princess was not scorned by others. Princess Mingyue stared fiercely at the fat man smiling across from him, that is, the guy said that everything from Lanzhi City to Guangmu City, which covers a range of hundreds of miles, was handed to herself, and that she, as the Princess of Centralbia, must be popular. As I said, the royal aura is there. In fact, it’s really that Guangmu, it is not the case at all. How can I forget the southwest, the southwest that has been suppressed by the Central Asian royal family for decades. In the past ten years, Chao Tang has never appointed a Southwester to be an official. Chao Tang is also capable of decomposing the southwest dragon family. Such a southwest, how can there be any feelings for the royal family of Centralbia, did not blast himself out Hiroki, it's already very polite

But by all means, I just believed, and jumped into the whole pit without looking back

The identity of her long princess, not only could not make the heart of Guangmu people gather, but was swearing. Most of the nobles in the city were also related to the Dragon family, or they had an unclear relationship with the Dragon family. Where would they listen? As for the Longjia ceding Guangmu, even the locals of Guangmu believe that the Longjia ceding Guangmu is only a strategy of deferral. As long as the war in the Southwest is over, the Longjia will inevitably regain Guangmu. Under the circumstances, not to mention the respect for the princess Mingyue of the entire Centralbia, and in the face of the deep maliciousness of the entire Guangmu City, the princess Mingyue can only be described by four words.

Now when I hear the culprit who cheated myself, I even asked this question, and I immediately hated my teeth.

What the royal family wants is deceiving, big deceiver! Princess Mingyue couldn't help biting her teeth.

The fat man didn’t care, and he didn’t care about the bright eyes of Princess Mingyue, he just grinned. “It’s so simple that even a child knows it, I thought you understood it, but fortunately, the Dragons didn’t dare to be blatant. To deal with the Central Biya royal family, this alone is enough to be your chance to control Guangmu. You are indeed right. The Long family ceded Guangmu only temporarily. Once the main force of the invading Song clan is wiped out in the southwest, the next step is the army Press Guangmu! So letting the Hokkaido open and let the Song people go north, is it to deal with this problem?"

"Your Majesty said, unite the Song clan against the Dragon family?"

Princess Mingyue blinked her eyes, her face froze for a moment, and her head turned around, and she suddenly reacted. Why didn’t she think of it? Although the empire is powerful, it has a capacity of 60,000 or 70,000 people, and it is still a cavalry. The mountains in the south can't be displayed at all. On the contrary, it is the dragon that smashed the prestige of the Song clan, with 300,000 dragons in their hands. If the army is really moving northward, besieging Guangmu, even the empire can only retreat to the advantage of fighting. Only the Plains can fight, but if the empire and the Song clan join forces, it is another matter. Even if the dragon is broken, it has to be weighed. Can it carry the empire and the Song clan together? "

"The Song clan asked my empire for help. Isn't it the same? With this opportunity, the Song clan joined forces with the Song clan to deter the dragon family and let the dragon family completely give up the heart of reclaiming Guangmu!" The fat man waved his hand and slowly moved towards the carriage. In the middle, Ning Sheng said, "Even if the Long Po Army is in hand, but in the face of the empire and the Song clan, whether they can recover Guangmu or two, even if they finally defeat the two, the Long family will lose the capture of the Central Church of China. Excellent time for power

"Compared with the power of Chaotang, compared with Guangmu in a district, as long as Long Po is not stupid, he will know how to choose, and the Song people will not die this time, although the strength is damaged, but after all, it is still the main preservation, and the Long family wants one move. Mastering the Central Church of China will inevitably be confronted by the Song people, and it will take at least a few years to complete. Long Po spent so much effort, what the Long Family of more than one hundred thousand troops have been fighting for, is not this As long as the focus of the Dragon family shifts, at least for a few years, the Dragon family has no energy to recover Guangmu. Only when the Dragon family truly gives up the heart of recovering Guangmu, can you really gain a foothold in Guangmu. You always understand this. Right! "

The fat man licked his dry tongue and took a sip of a glass of water on the table. When the Long family agreed to cede Hiroki, he knew that the Long family would never swallow this breath. To swallow this bitter pill, what is needed is strength, but here is far from the empire, and the Dongting Army transferred this time will not be stationed for a long time, so it can only adopt this strategy of pulling tiger skins, although the Song people are weak and alone It's hard to fight against the Dragon family, but after all it's a southern snake. If you can create the illusion that the empire and the Songs are joining forces, even the Dragons will have to consider giving up Guangmu, as long as the Dragons and the Songs are in the middle. Biya Chaotang pinched, even if the empire really got a foothold in Hiroki

"The six Dragon Tooth battleships have been sent out"

The fat man put down the glass in his hand and said, "The general of the Dragon family stationed in Guangmu is Longtaishan, and Long will break the confidant in his heart, otherwise he will not be ordered to guard the direction of Guangmu. The battle of Yanzhou was that he killed Yeluguda The 20,000 people under the command of the elders all followed the dragon to break through the elite of the northwest. The Song people went north and died all the way. The morale of the army is almost consumed. If they are blocked by Longtai Mountain, they may not be able to break through in a short time."

"At this time, if the Song clan was blocked, then it would be a loss of prowess. Since the Song clan can't move, then we will simply push him. The six dragon-tooth warships go down the river. If Longtai Mountain is not blocked Forget it, if you really want to stop the Song clan fleet from going north, it would be bad luck for him!

"Killing" the mudflats of the river, the attack lines of the Song clan were defeated in front of the Longjia army formation, and the Longjia shooters shot at close range, originally to deal with the heavy armored infantry of the Western mainland, and now shot at these Song clan The damage to the mountain army was terrible. There was a tremendous noise. "Ah, ah..." The screams continued, and the charged Song Mountain Army fell halfway. The successor moved forward bravely,

The first row of archers in the Longjia archer has squatted down to wind up their bows and arrows, and the second row of archers has started shooting again. Another terrible metal storm has caught the middle of the Song national army. The mountain army already lacked shields. People are accustomed to short-term aggressive combat methods, thinking that heavy shields are too obstructive in the mountains, so the casualties were particularly heavy when they were attacked by bows and arrows. They were shot down by bows and arrows. They were shot like hedgehogs and screamed. Before the battle, there was a pungent blood in the air, and the red mist was scattered. It was the mist formed by the evaporation of the fresh blood from the sun, and the blood of the Song Mountain Army was flowing in vain.

"Homeowner, this is not the way to fight!"

The senior Song people are also anxious. Now they can see that the gap between the two sides is too great. When they invaded the southwest and slaughtered the Longjia defenders, they thought how powerful they were. , But in Longyingkou, because it was at night, so everyone did not see the face of the Longjia Army Array, and at the moment, under the sunlight, the Longjia Army Array was clearly visible, although the mountain army had full of fighting intentions, but The gap between weapons and strength is quite ruthless. Compared with the well-trained and well-equipped Longjia regular army, the way of the mountain army swarming is really too far away, just over half an hour, casualties There are already three squadrons. In front of the Longjia army, the dead bodies are heavy and the casualties are heavy. The turbulent attack wave of the mountain army is like a sea wave hitting the reef and smashing it.

"Subordinate the fleet to march in, press it up and say it again!" Song Que's expression dignified and wanted to drip water. The unfavorable situation is shaking the fighting intention of the entire Song Mountain Army. If it is not done at this time, then it is true Only waiting for the broken part in front, since the Dragon family's goal is the warship, then simply push the warship up,

"Forward!" The tall ships began to move forward. The huge hull was like a giant beast on the river channel, pushing the white wave waves, and the huge roulette on the side of the hull made a banging sound that beat the water. The warship is moving forward like a row of fortresses,

"Are you here?" Long Taishan watched the Song family finally move forward again, and raised his hand slightly behind him. The fleet must not be allowed to pass, and the trebuchet gave me a fierce fight! I saw more than a dozen fireballs rising from the direction of the Longjia army formation, dragging a black tail, traversing a distance of two hundred meters, and fell down fiercely toward the head of the Song nationality warship. The fire hit the hull. On the deck, it burst open, and countless red fire spots pounced on the four sides. The Song soldiers on the deck fluttered in a panic. Just one place was extinguished, and another fireball burst, and suddenly several Song soldiers were involved. Go in ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and suddenly turned into a fireman, with a screaming cry from his mouth, and the fire spread on the deck, although the fireball of the Central African stone thrower is not as terrible as the implosive fire bomb of the empire , But most of them are infested with grease, and the wind on the river is so strong that it almost rises from the point of fall, and it blows like a dragon,

"Kill!" On the beach, the two hundred dragon cavalry of Longtai Mountain finally broke out. They rushed forward and rushed to the flanks of the Song Mountain Army. The sound was amazing. The flash of a heavy sword was glaring. Hearing the sound of the impact of the sword and the friction of the iron armor, the ferocious horseshoes crushed the mountain army positively, rotating violently, quickly spreading to the left and right,

"It's cavalry!" The Song Mountain Army made a terrified voice. During the Battle of Longyingkou, the Song Mountain Army was cast a psychological shadow by the cavalry. I didn't expect to encounter the cavalry here.

"Homeowner, the fleet is blocked, the river beach can't be attacked for a long time!" Song Que's nails have been deeply pinched into his palm. In front of him, the herding soldiers rushed to report one by one. Not listening to the order, even the soldiers in front, the wolf running to the rabbit suddenly made a desperate howl, and some already ran back in a panic, this is the mountain army that poured his countless efforts? Such a chaotic situation, even if it can be stabilized, I am afraid that I have lost the fighting spirit. Song Que couldn't help but close his eyes and couldn't bear to look at it again.

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