Whole Nation

: 261 Strange Goods

The young man did not dare to delay it, and the young man did not dare to delay it. He said that he had checked the warehouse number carefully, but a certificate of inspection with the blue seal of the business alliance was issued within a few minutes.

Hu Keqili took it politely and stuffed it into his pocket. His face was cold and said, "This matter involves the confidentiality of the Samoan army. If this matter spreads, our Supervision Department will come to you! That was not the case then You're welcome!"

The young man's face turned cold and sweaty, nodding like a chicken eating rice, "Of course, of course. Little understand!"

A group of people walked out of the trade office. The fat man asked Hu Keqili to follow Brentin to warehouse No. 63 to check the situation. He accompanied Hu Lunfeilin to the Hulin branch in Japan to see the construction and training. The Hulin was An important ally of Samor, for this branch in Japan, the fat man did not dare to sloppy. He went there in person. He had a sincere surprise that reflected Samor and better understood the situation of the Hulins.

At night, when the fat man returned to the governor's palace, the long-awaited Hu Keqili greeted him, "Master. You can come back! This time I opened my eyes!"

"Oh! What do you see? Isn't it more terrible than the battlefield where the corpse ran across the field!"

"Sir, you are really laughing, you haven't seen it anymore, the entire warehouse No. 63 is filled with thousands of goods" Hu Keqili waved his hand exaggeratedly

"The most annoying thing is that all the cargo packages are marked with our Samorian military supplies. We asked the warehouse manager. According to him, there are more than a dozen such warehouses full of military supplies. Most of them are food Dominated by cloth. There are probably more than 10,000 pieces,

If it were not for me to see it with my own eyes, I would never believe that there are so many goods marked with military supplies stacked in our warehouse in Zhivadin! That's enough to equip a flag group! "The fat man's face was solemn, and he said after a moment of silence. "You see clearly? Confirm all are military supplies? This is not a trivial matter, you know the thing about Tulum Ende! "

Hu Keqili heard that the fat man mentioned Tulum Ende, and his face could not help changing slightly. That day the screams of Tulum Ende before he died seemed to be echoing in his ears, which not only brought out dozens of people from the Tulum family , Even a group of people in the business alliance has responded quickly

"Sir, I have carefully read the label imprint on the shipment. That is not a real munitions mark! Our munitions seal is made of high-grade frozen red dye for march transportation, and the water will never fade in the rain. And those Although the imprint looks like that, it is wiped off with water. All of them are the most inferior light red dyes, but now all the marks are used by the North Army. Is this rate related to the North? military?"

"Oh!" The fat man sneered in the corner of his mouth, staring at the lit lights in the city of Rivadin, and said slowly and meaningfully, "You are wrong, this matter should have nothing to do with the North Army. If it has anything to do with the North Army. They simply have You don’t need to do so much, just ship the goods directly! The most likely thing is to impersonate the North Army’s military supplies and cross the North Army’s defense line.”

Hu Keqi nodded in agreement. "Adults said that I was too negligent, but where did these goods go? They even need to impersonate the military supplies of the North Army. Do they want to go north. Do they want to go north? . "The sudden change of Hu Keqili's face" turned the stormy waves, so the matter was too big, too big than the Tulunand incident, nearly 100 people died last time, the scope and personnel involved in this incident seem to be wider , I'm afraid it's bloody

The fat man said coldly, "You guessed it. These goods should go to Kyoto! Now the price of Kyoto has skyrocketed due to the embargo. That is, a warm cotton jacket has been sold for two silver coins at a high price. Such a large number of the most urgently needed goods, I'm afraid I've already passed five million gold coins! The fat man said, "They are really good! As long as they pretend to be the military supplies of the northern garrison, they will be able to pass through the blockade without knowing it. Ship the goods to Kyoto for a fortune! It's a pity that it was spoiled by the Salanders"

Hu Keqili suddenly realized that "no wonder they don't allow the Salanders to inspect their goods. They must have planned to use those warehouses as a secret warehouse for hoarding private goods from the beginning, but they don't know what went wrong. This led to a part of Salander. The goods are also mixed in. Naturally, these shipments of Salander are even more unlikely to appear on the form of the trade office! Because these private goods have not yet been shipped out! How dare they ask people to pick them up at warehouse 63 .

There was a trace of chuckle on the corner of the fat man's mouth, "I'm afraid it's not just that simple. I even suspected that the Saranda incident itself was a flaw. How tightly organized are these people, how could it be possible to put such a large shipment of Saranda goods? Wrong warehouse? You immediately sent someone to secretly find out the details of the Arsenal family, especially the background and interpersonal relationship of this person in Britting!"

Hu Keqili stunned, "Does the adult suspect Brittany has a problem?"

The fat man said solemnly, "Is he okay? I'm not sure, but this Briting is by no means so simple on the surface. It is a family that can have a trade relationship with the wolves of the sea. It should not be too formal. People, the biggest possibility is that this Arsenal family is also smuggling, and as a result, it was eaten black by the counterparts of Zhivading! We can follow the line of the Arsenal family and completely pull out the entire smuggling network."

Hu Keqili nodded doubtfully and said, "What about the goods? The subordinates were afraid that they would come to us from the trading office to check the goods. They quickly transferred the goods. When the time came, we wanted to find them again. I was afraid they would not be so lucky. Now!"

Fatty silence? After a while, "We don’t want to move that batch of goods first. You will send people to closely monitor the various exits of the warehouse. I will let the Supervision Department dispatch people to follow up on this matter. I believe that those people already know about the prison." . tonight. These people will try their best to get the goods out. You sent someone to follow, and I want to see who ate the bear heart leopard gall, and even dared to smuggle under my eyelids! "

"The subordinates understand what to do." The subordinates immediately arranged their staff to handle the matter. "Hu Keqili nodded respectfully, and led away.

The fat man watched the flashing lights of Zhivading. The cold moon hangs high in the air, the white moonlight floats on the ground, and the peaceful breath permeates the Zhivading. The soothing sound of melodious piano came faintly from a distance, and the fat man could hear God for a moment.

Zhivading South Street, Lidastov Palace

A housekeeper-like character hurriedly ran into the collection from the courtyard gate and came to the bedroom in the backyard of the mansion, panicking and said, "Adult! Adult is not good!"

"Calm! How many times I said, no matter what, don't forget that we are the Hertha of the North! Don't let outsiders read our jokes!" Lidastof turned red, disappointedly put down the glass in his hand, red Of honey-colored wine ripples in the glass,

Ever since he used to do business, the once overlord of the northern smuggling industry has been keenly eyeing the fat and oily Kyoto trading line. In a more relaxed environment and the Samoan military intends to put it underwater. It took Lidastove only half a year to restore his own smuggling network. Although it has not reached the scale of the original Hertha in the north, it is also regarded as one of the major smuggling organizations in Zhivading.

However, the recent Kyoto embargo made Lidastove feel very depressed. Many goods on the Kyoto smuggling line were put on hold. This was undoubtedly a slapstick when Lidastove was ambitiously displayed.

"Adult, it's not good! The supervision department of the Governor's Office of Zhivadin is here!" The housekeeper gasped. Lidastov stood up solemnly, with a lingering look flashing on his face, and the name of the Supervisory Department of the Governor’s Office was beyond the name of even the murderer like Lidacus.

"Who is this?" Lidacus stood up pretending to be calm and asked while wearing a trench coat. The butler straightened the slightly sloppy clothes and respectfully said, "We don't know it, it's a very young monitor." Officer! There are also several Samorian soldiers with smiles on their faces, but I don’t know why, I intuitively told me! This young inspector is dangerous, like.

"The housekeeper hesitated with a scar on his face. I was looking for the right words in my heart

"Scary?" Lidastove smiled without anger. "It's the first time that let our Tomahawk Toron of Horta say terrible words. You were the master of the Silver Cross Knight!"

"Knife! Yes! Toron heard Lidastov's words, and an uncontrollable shock came out of his body. "The young man was like a warrior! "

"Unleashed sword!"

This description reminded Lidastov of an acquaintance. His face suddenly became ugly, and he seemed to remember something terrible, and said in his heart, "No. Isn't that the uncle is here!" Thinking of this, Lidastov dared not delay any more, and even the trench coat was too lazy to organize, Running hurriedly to the front hall,

Lidastov walked into the hall. Sure enough, he saw the fat man looking at him with a smile on his face, sincere and sincere, but the flash of light in his eyes occasionally flashed, causing Lidastove to feel cold, and others didn't know. Lidastov is very familiar, the more honest and sincere the fat man smiles, the heavier his heart is.

Lidastov lowered his waist and shivered uncontrollably. "Honorable Governor Dustan, your humble servant salutes you!"

"Oh! Everyone is an old acquaintance, so don't want these vain sheepskin gifts." The fat man smiled at the corner of his mouth. "This time, I came to you with a big fortune. I have a batch of goods smuggled into Kyoto. I think about it

The fat man said, pointing at Lidacus, "This is the most suitable person for you!"

"Adult is really funny." Lidastov heard the fat man mentioning Kyoto smuggling, and quickly bowed his head awkwardly. I didn't know what medicine was sold in the fat man's gourd, and he was terrified. "Kyoto is an adult's sphere of influence, what is the adult's thing?" We have a stake!"

The fat man looked at Lidastov, who looked down. Silently said, "You can choose not to agree to this matter. I can find other people! But you know my style~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The more confidential things, the less you want to know too much, I only Believe in the dead

The fat man's voice was not finished. Lidastove was sweating heavily, and the threatening words in the fat man's words were too obvious. As the governor, he wanted to destroy himself, and he did not like strangling an ant. Lidastov waved pale and waved. No, no! Master, let us know what happened!"

"Hehe!" The fat man sneered a few times, and his mouth twitched * "I like to talk to smart people! But I don't like people who are too smart. Such people don't live long! Do you understand what I mean?"

Lidastov's head chick nodded like a chick. "Please rest assured, we must make this matter safe and sound! No trace of the governor's house will be left.

The fat man stood up and threw a note in front of the fearful Lidastov, said coldly, "This is the number of the warehouse where the goods are located, and there are some requirements for the handling of the goods. Remember, I don’t want to hear the Governor’s Office follow this It doesn't matter! Otherwise, you don't want to be in the range of Samor!"

To send away the fat man, Lidastov opened the note with a bitter face, the boss who opened his eyes when he stared, and the corner of his mouth was a little loud before he was relieved, and he gave the note to the butler in despair. "You send someone to transport these goods immediately. Go out and remember to follow the instructions on the note!"

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