Whole Nation

: Three hundred and thirty-three Beihan (2)

In the eyes of the Central Biya people in the warm climate of the south, the prairie people from the north are already the most terrible enemies. The longbow fast horses can march hundreds of miles with only a little food, and then look like wolves from the dark. The group generally attacked, the corpses ran across the wild, the mountains and rivers were stained with blood, and the village was burning. Even if they encountered obstacles, these prairie people were as hard as fearless to die, until the sound of the horseshoes shaking the earth, like the tide Everything is overwhelmed. In many cases, the Central-African Army is not crushed, but it is crushed by strong students under the piling cavalry's stacking tactics like waves

The prairie man is the natural master of the earth. Even now, Zagoo Ironwood believes in this. In the winter two years ago, the prairie man has completed two historic breakthroughs, two southwards like a hurricane, two Dijing, who broke through the Central Biya people, eventually expelled the Central Biya people to the south. If it was not for the rise of the Yelu family, the prairie king’s court is now the master of the Central Biya people.

The helplessness of giving up the state of Yanzhou in the middle of the country, has always been like a fire burning in the chest of Zha Guo iron wood, the only thing that made him feel a little relaxed. In Yanzhou, he and the Dragon family hit Yelu before and after. The army of the family, which eventually led to the death of the heir of the Yelu family, Yeluguda, was also reported as the hatred of the Yelu family who inserted a knife in his back.

As long as these cold people are packed up, Wang Ting can go south again, and Zhaguo Timu thinks so. Although the gate of Yanzhou has been occupied by the empire, the mountainous hills controlled by the Fengtai Ministry are just east of Yanzhou. The place where it meets Daizhou is like cutting a small mouth at the edge of the defense line in Yanzhou,

This mouth may not even have a small mark on the map, but in reality, it is a large mouth with a length and width of thousands of kilometers. Zagoo Ironwood has visited it in person. The majestic Yanzhou long wall is here. It is already a short and low earth wall. It only needs to be overturned to open the gate to the south. The width of the cavalry cluster can also pass smoothly. There is the scope of the Fengtai Department, which is very concealed. Well, even the empire controlling Yanzhou did not notice here, the Fengtai Department has reached an agreement with Wang Ting on this condition, as long as Wang Ting can help the Fengtai Department to enter the emperor Jing, and take all from the Yelu family Power, the Daizhou line is the boundary, the south area is the Fengtai Department, and the north area is all handed over to Wang Ting.

The Fengtai Department has mastered 60% of the tribes of the Yelu family, especially when the Long family evacuated from Daizhou, more than 20,000 Fengtai Department soldiers originally captured were left to the Fengtai Department, and the cavalry's combat power has skyrocketed. When it reached 100,000, plus the strength of other ministries, it was entirely possible to eventually mobilize more than 150,000 coalition forces. In contrast, the Yelu family, whose power was greatly damaged, is now afraid that even 60,000 or 70,000 cavalry are barely patched together, and Under the aggressive momentum of the Fengtai Department, the people's hearts have collapsed, and the military's heart has fallen to the extreme. The Fengtai Department proposed such a condition. The main reason is that Wang Ting will attack the backyard base when he attacks Dijing.

  Wang Ting basically just needs to watch, you can easily get the entire Daizhou, hundreds of miles of fertile land, three or four million slaves, how can all be cost-effective

   "Khan, the situation is not right" Zagoo Tiemu heard a strange expression from a white-haired old patriarch next to him

   "What's wrong?" Zagoo Tiemu raised his eyebrows

"Don't the King Khan realize that the cold people seem to be lure our cavalry in deliberately, they are delaying our impact with human life!" The old man with white hair was serious and raised his finger to the front, condensed. Say, "The cold people have better physical fitness than us, and in extreme weather, they dare to fight even the wild beasts, but they were torn apart with just a shock. If it was a normal breakthrough, Then it must be like a sharp knife stab in, squeezing the cold people to the sides, but now, what I have seen is that our cavalry rushed in, but the cold people are not panicking backwards, but in Clearly spread towards both sides"

"What does the old patriarch Layeha mean? The cavalry has a natural advantage over the infantry. The cold people only want to spread to the sides if they don't want to die. Is there anything wrong?" Zagoo Tiemu groaned in dissatisfaction. Ever since they withdrew from Yanzhou, the patriarchs on the grasslands have become more and more arrogant towards themselves.

   "Khan King breathed his anger, the younger just felt a little abnormal!"

   I heard Zagoo Temu's tone strong

Dissatisfied, Layeha quickly bowed his head. Although Wang Ting was not as good as before, the temper of King Zhaguo Temuhan was not small. It was only a few days ago that he was tied to the patriarch due to the collision of the patriarch. Fifty lashes were beaten by the wooden pile, and his own body and bones could not bear the anger of this Khan king,

"As long as the horseshoes of our prairie people run, all obstructions will be in vain!" Zagoo Tiemu said coldly. "What's more, the cold people are mostly infantry. Even if the cold people are strong, they can't make up for the infantry. The natural disadvantage of cavalry, although the giant bear mountain in the cold area is said to have the habit of raising giant bears to fight, but even if there is, the number must be quite limited."

Zagoo Tiemu's voice paused, and continued, "This time it was more than 60% of the entire North King's troop, and a total of 60,000 cavalrymen in the royal court. I can't think of anyone who could stop it. , Not to mention that the cold regions are famously barren, and the level of iron deficiency is even greater than that of the grasslands. Look at the people in the cold regions, most of the weapons in your hands are like wooden sticks, even if they are inlaid with a few iron nails. Weapons, wooden sticks are tied with a sharp piece of spear, even if such an enemy, can they expect them to really fight with my iron prairie?"

  I don’t know who leaked the news, saying that Wang Ting and the Long family attacked the Yelu home army in Yanzhou, it was to help the Zhongbian people to slaughter the grassland people, it was a betrayal of longevity.

  Although such remarks have been forcibly suppressed by Zagoo Iron and Wood, the long-term request for the ministries to gather together really makes them complain.

The grassland department has no habit of gathering together, because the number of livestock and war horses that a meadow can bear is fixed. Too many tribes gather together, and the result is that they can’t eat enough. Only during the winter and fighting, The various parts of the grassland will gather together. After the Spring Festival, when the climate returns to warm, the various parts will spread out. However, this year is different. Throughout the winter, the influx of cold people has made Wang Ting have to gather all the departments to fight. It continued until the end of spring, because the nearby meadows had been shaved by hungry animals in the winter, and now there was simply not enough grass to grow. All the animals hungry throughout the winter, and a large number of deaths occurred in the summer.

   This is a sign of the plague! For the grassland tribes, there is no difference between the plague and the disaster of extinction. The hearts of the people are floating. The ministries require Wang Ting to fight in the fastest time. The cold people also feel the large gathering of grasslands.

The prairie cavalry's stacking tactics are like a side knife that is strongly pressed up. It strikes fiercely on the cold people. Every time it is pressed, it is a stack of shocks. As long as a mouth is torn, it will be like a knife edge. Pull away ruthlessly,

Cavalry tactics, under the interpretation of the prairie people, even have an artistic aesthetic. The machete with a handle sliding down the arc is quite technical. The world is full of terrifying shock and killing sounds. The prairie cavalry, following the forward head that had already rushed in, poured it into the front fiercely,

   Kill, the cavalry scimitar cut into the shoulder of the cold man, the wooden stick in the hand of the cold man hits the body of the prairie cavalry, shouting loudly, the scimitar pulled out, is the scary scarlet splashed

The attack line of the 60,000 kings' army under Zhaguo Ironwood is like a meniscus leaning forward. The first team, the second team, the third team, layer by layer, press up, cut the horse and step on, even if it is eaten The cold people of the Blood Demon Grass were also trampled on the ground by horseshoes. The corpses fell one by one, and blood spattered on the grass roots of the ground. A large number of fallen corpses made the ground sticky.

"Baikujaye, our loss is great, I am afraid that it will not last for too long, the impact of these prairie horses is too fierce, even if we subdue the blood demon flower, our soldiers have been trampled to death" a body The brawny man in half-length armor ran back from the front. The armor had been stained with blood, and he did not know whether it was a prairie man or his own.

"It's good to be able to do this. The blood demon flower can make Baigu's warriors immortal, but it can't stop the impact of the war horse." Baikujaye's eyes flickered and nodded to the cold man." Let your Let’s all spread out, let me know what happened next.”

"Okay, I will let them fall apart, I hope that what you said did not disappoint us! Just like we said in advance, one third of the battle must go to our White Valley, and those war horses are also "strong men." There was a grin on the corner of the mouth, and a gold inlaid with three red stones was taken out of the body

Trombone, put it in my mouth and vigorously blow


   A loud horn sound rose sharply, and the cold people who were still blocking the prairie cavalry in front of them heard the horn sound, and all of them were scattered to both sides.

   "Relax, thinking that the understanding of the prairie people, once launched a charge, will never take the initiative to stop"

Bai Kujiaye grinned and stared at the front of the cold people that was suppressed by the shock cavalry, his face was colder than a knife, just like the ice of the cold, the cold people are indeed actively going to the two. The line is scattered, and the infantry's disadvantage to the cavalry, even if it is a cold person, there is no cavalry type in the cold area, because there are no horses in the cold area, but there are various large beasts on the cold ice field

Thousands of years of struggling to survive, just like the prairie man's combat style has a deep hunting style, the cold people's combat method is also summed up against the large beasts all the year round. They don't know how to lure the enemy deep, but they know how to face The impact of the large beasts, of course, must be dispersed. When the large beasts fall into the trap, the cold people scattered around will quickly surround them and assassinate these beasts with their javelins, so the cold people's disorganization is just a kind of The illusion, even if it is shocked by the prairie cavalry, it feels like it is about to collapse. There is no slight panic on the face of any cold person. The body is hurt, tired, stiff, and the clothes are broken, but their eyes are still in their eyes. calm,

   Even the siege beasts have sacrifices, not to mention tens of thousands of prairie people

   They are waiting, the moment when the prairie people fall into the trap

To deal with the "traps" of the prairie cavalry, right at the foot of Baikujaye, the previous turbulent and dense crowd was to cover these traps. In front of Baikujaye, these invisible depth pits simply covered a Layers of soil, what is in the pit, only Baikujaye knows, the cold people deal with the beasts of things, naturally will not be anything good, in the cold cold place, the cold people can be hard frozen Digging out traps in the soil and digging out frozen soil to build caves are the basic survival methods of the cold people. Digging pits is the instinct of the cold people. Temporarily dig out such deep pits on the battlefield. For tens of thousands of cold people, it’s just the time between blinks,

  Prairie people can't see the back of the crowd even if they have better sight

Compared with the prairie people, the total number of people gathered in the cold area is 150,000 or 60,000, almost more than half of the men in the entire cold area. Even on the sides where the fighting intensity is not strong, women and children are counted. In order to fight, the winter is advancing and prolonging. The sun that originally came out in March has not yet come out. Because there is no sun, the lake as a habitat is getting more and more severe. Even the water source has been frozen. In the last winter, 50 to 60 thousand people in the cold have died. In order to save food and let most people live, 90% of the elderly chose to commit suicide last winter.

Throughout the winter, the population of the cold region has dropped by one-fifth. In the next winter, it is afraid that half of the people will die. This is the situation faced by the cold people. Going south, it is the only way for the cold people to live~www. wuxiaspot.com~ Even the mighty Giant Bear Mountain, he took out all the blood demon flowers that he had hoarded for three hundred years,

Either the cold people die, or the prairie people die, that's it. A deep sorrow flashed on Baikujaye's face, looking at the sky, the morning light is blood, the sun here is golden, and the cold sun is deep , Dark red is generally shrouded above the ice field, but this is the sun, and it has not been out for six months

When Bai Kujaye’s sight saw the prairie cavalry as if a horizontal line had broken down the outer layer of the cold people, and when the red people scattered in the cold people, their red eyes pounced on themselves, it was already certain that this In a war, I have already won. The prairiemen’s attack line seems to have scattered the cold people. In fact, they have also become scattered. The cluster advantage of the prairie cavalry is no longer, and the cold people have just begun the battle.

"Bump!" A violent banging and rolling sound, a prairie cavalryman with a scimitar suddenly flew up, and the horse under the crotch hit the ground like a step on the sky. On the ground, the blood was exploded like a squeezed tomato. The prairie cavalry looked at it with disbelief. Several crude spears of the cold people have been inserted into their bodies.

   The roll of the first cavalry has not attracted the attention of Wang Ting, but it has been a thousand grass

The original cavalry started to roll, and Zha Guo's face had changed, trap. . . The cold people dug a trap in the back, Zhaguo Timu saw the cold people scattered around him began to gather together in a tacit understanding at this moment, countless javelins were like dense raindrops that culled the rolling prairie cavalry,

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