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: Two hundred and sixty-three torrents (1)

The thick black-boiled gate of the industrial capital Sules opened slowly, and it fell under a hundred Samor... Hu Wei. The fat man rode across the moat of Kyoto. This time is different from the mood of the last secret trip to Beijing. The carriage of the Jones family that I sat on last time was also chatting with an old Jones liar. Pay attention,

Now he steps into the capital as the governor of the south. There are many soldiers outside the city, and life and death in Kyoto are just a matter of their own thoughts. They naturally have a domineering power in the palm of their hands.

Kyoto Krystal is more than its own city of Zhivading. There are different appearances, less of the bustle and hustle and bustle of Zhivading, but a little bit more extravagant noble. The tall stone pillar building reveals elegance and majesty, and the decoration of the gate of the mansion is colorful. Keep improving, you can see the exquisite white reliefs everywhere on the corner of the street's door court, just like walking on the art gallery

The streets in the city are north-south, with eight parallel stone slabs and four east-west streets intersecting. These twelve avenues are all pitted stones, which can accommodate more than a dozen horses walking side by side. It is a pity that the perennial horse-drawn carriages leave a little potholes on the pavement, which is incompatible with the exquisite decoration of the tall mansions on both sides of the road. The shop doors on both sides of the street are closed, and there are not many horse-drawn carriages on the road. Most passers-by have hungry dishes all year round. Although it seems that there is no shortage of food in Kyoto, it can be seen.

The Fat Horses went straight to the Southern Governor's Mansion at the southern end of Kyoto, and the horseshoes flew all the way. The armour of the 100 Guards Cavalry flashed with silver. Under the eyes of the passers-by, the fat man stopped the horse in front of his Southern Governor's Mansion.

The fat man looked up at the deserted door of the Governor's Mansion. The corner of the door on the eaves is covered with special nets, and the stone steps in front of the door are covered with a layer of gray. The passers-by are obviously very afraid of this place. They all walked far from the street. For those who stopped in front of the governor’s office Horse team. Pointing with frightened expression

"Slow! I'll drive" The fat man waved his hand to stop the guard who was about to open the door, rolled over and dismounted, and walked up the steps.

"Crunch!" The door full of spider webs was pushed open by the fat-faced fat man,

The cold winds blowing in the cold early spring brought a cool chill. The fat man saw the courtyard cold and lonely. The tender grass of Qin Tian covered the deep courtyard. The vibrant verdant green was mixed with the dust of the gray rocks.

Gee! It's really cool! The pommel horse is indifferent in front of the door! "

The sight of corruption in front of me made the fat man sigh, and it took so much effort to set up the Kyoto Federation, but it turned into a pile of ruins in only a month.

After entering Kyoto, the fat man realized that Duhan’s decision was not wrong.

Just now, along the road, the fat people now have a large number of dark posts on the corners of the governor's palace. There are still barriers for military blockades at all the intersections. It can be seen that the scene of the day has indeed reached a very dangerous situation. At that time, the royal family must have used the army to block the streets around the governor's house and force out the merchants. Ready to use force to pull out the nail of Samor's eyes, when Samor's Kyoto garrison had only a thousand people. The conservatives have eight thousand Kyoto city guards. Coupled with the 13,000 Kingdom Guards loyal to the royal family,

No matter in terms of strength or situation, it is unwise to force against the Kyoto forces, and only retreat was the most appropriate choice at that time.

The fat man asked the guards to clean up the deserted southern governor's house, and to live in the deserted shops on the four sides of the governor's house as a thousand guards who subsequently entered Beijing, first settled in Kyoto

at night. Hu Keqi led the guards out. Clean up the peeping eyes in the surrounding darkness. More than a dozen dark whistle arranged by conservatives were uprooted, the sound of crossbow arrows tearing the air mixed with people screaming the muffled sound of falling from the branches and the roof, making the seemingly peaceful Governor’s House strange and horrifying,

In the early morning, more than thirty **** bodies were lined up at the entrance of the street, which was Samor's demonstration of the conservatives in Kyoto. It is also a warning to all forces in Kyoto,

Those who perpetrate my true Moore must return blood to blood.

Fat Man Zema stepped on the side and saw several conservative spies mixed in the crowd to probe the brain, looking at the tragic corpse of his companion, his eyes full of terror, under the sharp glance of the fat man, they flashed Obviously retreating into the crowd, it is obvious to recognize that the fat man in front of him is that one. The infamous Southern Governor.

This time when going out, the fat man did not wear the mail. There were only a few Hu Keqili guards around, the fat man slowed down the horse at the entrance of the crowded street, preparing to cross the crowd,

The guards caught up from behind and surrounded the fat man in the middle to prevent the sudden appearance of the ear. Although Samor was under heavy pressure and could destroy the entire Kyoto at any time,

But no one can guarantee that there will be no one or two **** and faint families in Kyoto.

"Wow" Just as the Colts were about to cross the street entrance, there was a sudden disturbance in the crowd in front. Several knights wearing mail armour and iron helmets ran from the street entrance, and the horseshoes that flew over caused the crowd to see the shouts.

"What's going on! Jiuchuan raised his eyebrows slightly, strangling the crotch warhorse." Hu Keshou, who was in charge of the guard, became more and more victorious. He was at the forefront, and several knights didn't mean anything. Rushed towards the crowded street

"Ah" a civilian could not dodge. The horseshoes were knocked over by the flying horseshoes

"Kill the Samor Butcher!" a knight yelled at the fat man not far away. Withdrawing the knight's sword from the waist, "Look for death!" Hu Keqili, who opened the way in front, screamed, and touched the sword handle with his right hand.

The tall crotch under the hip made a long hiss. In a hurry, the "lock" cold light crossed, and the knight at the forefront ran with the sword into two pieces, the head and the broken sword flew into the air, and the blood-sprayed body was directly thrown from the back by the war horse.

The second knight was taken aback by his companion. Attempt to turn Lema sideways to "kill!" Hu Keqi Li rushed across the head with a sharp blow.

The cold light flashed, and the blood of the neck of the warhorse that had not turned was splattered, deflecting to the right like drunkenness, and there was a loud noise. The huge body fell on the corner of the roadside, the dust smashed,

The knight was pressed under the horse and struggled

"Go to death!" A knight rushed up from the left side, and the three-meter knight's spear turned into a sharp cold mountain, screaming at Hu Keqili's waist,

Hu Keqili just waved the sword in his hand and was at a time when the force of the old and the new was alternating. Facing this powerful shot, he had no choice but to hide. But with the help of the three-meter lance from Ma Shi, the power is very fierce, and the roaring sound drives people crazy.

The two horses passed by, and the "bore" sounded crisply.

The long-horse knight's warhorse screamed, his front hooves hurricane blood, and he suddenly knelt forward, as if hitting an invisible invisible wall. The knight on horseback was thrown hard and hit the street wall. Like a crushed can, never got up again

"Want to kill me! In my next life!" Hu Keqili laughed loudly and sprang out of his horse's abdomen strangely. It turned out that Hu Keqili had just moved in order to avoid the powerful shot of the other party. The figure quickly turned under the horse's abdomen. Not only did it escape this deadly shot, but also cut the front of the other horse's horse, then this dramatic scene appeared.

The few remaining knights saw Hu Keqili so brave. Frightened, he dared not step forward and turned around to flee. The guards wanted to chase them, but Hu Keqili waved his hand to stop it. "It is our duty to protect the safety of adults. Don't be fooled by others!"

Hu Keqi Li Lema turned back, the ice-cold sword drooped, and the bright red blood dripped down the sword. The warhorse stopped in front of the knight crawling out of the net. He snapped and asked, "Who are you?"

The cracking and killing intentions developed through years of war. With Hu Keqi's stern eyes, the knight was like a fall in the cold cave, and the swaying figure could not help but suffocate. The figure of the roaches stepped back and leaned against the wall.

"Why do you want to assassinate my adult? If you don't say it, I will cut off a piece of your meat to feed the dog." Hu Keqi waved his sword a few times

The knight looked at the Samor's guard who surrounded him. I thought of myself falling into the hands of the Samorans, leaning against the wall with a trembling body, and swallowing hard with a few sips of throat

"The glory of the north wind! The glory of the Stian family will last forever, but the butcher of Samor will die in the hands of my master!" The knight yelled in despair, his right hand flipped suddenly, inserted a cross-handled dagger into his chest, blood from his The chest and helmet came out, and the body was paralyzed against the wall. Obviously, he couldn't live as a "damn! It's a dead man!" Hu Keqili regrettedly withdrew the sword to the scabbard. . Still haven’t seized the job,

Hu Keqili turned and dismounted~www.wuxiaspot.com~ pulled out the short sword from the knight's chest and looked closely. The dagger handed it to the fat man riding on the horse, and his face was solemn, "Master, you see. Both of them should be The deceased of the Stian family! If the Stian family is really bad for adults, the subordinates suggest that the adults should leave Kyoto immediately."

The fat man took the dagger from Hu Keqili. The face of the dagger is bright and sharp, and the light can be discerned. It is a dedicated loyal dagger for knights. This dagger is a suicide weapon used by knights who are not willing to be captured on the battlefield.

A striking and splendid emblem of a banshee engraved on the short cross guard is the emblem of the north wind banshee of the Sisian family of the North Duke.

The fat man carefully touched the front surface with his fingers, and could feel the special texture of the rebar.

The fat man sneered with a sneer. "They are not from the Steen family! Although I don't know who wants to blame the Steen family, but I know that this is by no means the loyal dagger of the Steen family!"

The fat man handed the dagger back to Hu Keqili, and continued, “Although this dagger is made decent, it’s a pity that few people know that the loyal dagger of the Tian family knight uses northern silver iron! Not rebar! And I happen to be one of the few people who knows. I have dealt with Yin Hui of the Stian family before. This secret is known from him!"

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