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: Three Hundred and Forty-Nine Fierce Fire (11)

Emperor Jingyang,

Yelu Hongtai looked at the report he had just got, and walked into the fat man's room with a laugh, swept the depression for many days, and said to the fat man, "Your Majesty, do you know, Long Po was in the meeting of the Central Asian church held the day before yesterday, Because of the suppression of the minister’s request to receive the call of the emperor of Centralbia, he was attacked by the group, scolded as a thief, and anxiously attacked, he fell down on the ground and hit his head and broke the blood. The commanding commander of hundreds of thousands of troops was the same The characters of the world will be forced into this by a bunch of servants who have no power to restrain the chickens. In fact, according to the power of the Yelv family, there is actually the ability to conquer the south. Signing the armistice agreement is just a matter of pushing the boat. It’s just a truce agreement, and it almost made the Dragon family owner Long to succumb to such a degree. I don’t mind signing such a deal for this kind of agreement. It’s best to be able to kill the Dragon!”

"Is the Patriarch Yelu a few days ago I still feel that I have lost money, why has it changed so much now?" The fat man was stunned. A few days ago, he forced Yelu Hongtai and the Central Emperor to sign a truce and marriage, Yelu Hongtai An iron blue complexion, but just want to swallow it,

"It's not a loss, I just feel that I have signed an agreement with such a thing. I'm afraid that someone will laugh at it after a thousand years!" Yelu Hongtai is worthy of being a hero, and his tone is naturally domineering. The fat man also said that what he called Understand, indeed, how such a cowardly person became the emperor of Central Biabia. I don’t know if it’s God’s intention to make people go, or whether the sky is going to destroy Central Biabia. Even the fat man is fighting for the dragon in Yanzhou. Yang feels worthless, it is not a thing, no wonder even his opponent Yelu Hongtai can't see it. Hearing that the Yelu family is willing to marry and promise not to go south, on the spot, he can’t wait to throw out the entire royal woman,

What is the difference between that face and those of the Central Biya people who donated their wives and daughters for the sake of prosperity and wealth, but fortunately to let the Central Biya royal family send the women over, if they married the women of the Yelu family In the past, it was estimated that Yelv Hongtai would never agree with her empire, but how lamentable the Central-African Empire was. How did it end up, such a timid emperor was cultivated, and it would be unreasonable for Central-Abia not to decline. Off

"It's a pity that if I knew that the emperor of Centralbia was such a thing, my Yelu family should have been chasing and chasing it at first, and it might not be possible to beat the whole south down." Yelu Hongtai's voice paused, with a sad look on his face. , Walked to the table next to it, picked up a jug of wine, and poured it hard. This was the previous room of Yelu Hongtai. Yelu Hongtai was naturally familiar with the furnishings.

"Actually, the Patriarch Yelu should know that at this time the Armistice Agreement was signed, and it was the Yelu family who really took the big advantage!"

The fat man calmly pressed a military report in his hand on the table, raised his head to look at Yelu Hongtai, a tyrannical gesture that swept the unexamined man in the central part of Centralbia in just two years. I looked at myself in a drum, there was a little bit of distress in my eyes, it was just pretending

"It seems that your majesty still doesn't believe me!" Yelu Hongtai slightly tipped his mouth, put down the hip flask, and looked at the bright spring light outside the window with some red eyes, with emotion, "I am really prepared to be a nominal Wang Tinghan Yes, all the affairs of the Yelu family have been handed over to the Yelv Qi Yeguang. I’m not afraid to tell your majesty directly, as long as the founding ceremony is over, the owner of the Yelv family will become the Yelv Qi Yeguang, but the Fengtai Department is really too much. Mongolian Luo broke through the Six Cities in the cold mountains north of my Yelu's house, beheading my Yelu's defenders for more than 10,000, and even sent the heads of the Liucheng's guards to humiliate my Yelu's family. If my Yelu's family continued to endure this way, I’m afraid that the founding ceremony is the laughing stock of the whole of Central Asia,

"And I have received definite news that this time the attack on the Imperial Messenger Group was carried out by the Mongolian Luo Mengzao. The other party was originally preparing to attack the Messenger Group, killing the entire Messenger Group and stolen it all in my house. On the head, after the failed raid, he shot Miss Brant Bonnie with an arrow. "Yellow Hongtai knew that with a few words of sympathy, he wanted to impress the emperor and decisively throw out the real content.

Sure enough, the emperor's face slightly moved, suddenly stood up from his seat, his eyes full of cold, and even let the air in the entire room cool a little "how did this news come from?"

"It's all in the grassland. Besides, the Fengtai Department has been under my Yelu family for several years. Who doesn't know who? The Fengtai Department has secrets in my Yelu family. Isn't my Yelu family in the Fengtai Department? This kind of thing is not difficult to check." Yelu Hongtai's expression is affirmed, and the decisive statement indicates that the news is absolutely reliable. The secret son's status in the Fengtai Department is very special. If your majesty still does not believe it, you can directly ask Yelv Qiyeguang, the secret son , Yelv Qiyeguang also knows, even this time the Fengtai Department's internal chaos, that is, the dark son did in the middle." Yelu Hongtai's pair of eagle eyes flickered, Shen Sheng said, and the thin mouth skin showed a little coolness. , Such an important secret son said to sell it and sell it, showing the true nature of Xiaoxiong

For the civil strife in Fengtai, the empire also received

The Mongolian Luo and Mongolian Tielie’s father and son fought because of tribal powers. This was a long-anticipated thing for the fat man. For the prairie people’s temperament, the fat man still knows a bit, so not only did the rise of Mongolian Luo At the slightest hindrance, it secretly contributed to the situation. Mongolian Luo was young and prosperous, and Mongolian Tie Lie was the master of the Fengtai Department. It was a strong age. It was like two wolf kings out of a wolf pack, destined Only one can survive

It's just that Mongolian Luo's decisiveness is still a bit unexpected for fat people.

It is said that Mongolian Tielie was defeated in front of Mongolian Luo’s reinforcements, and was caught and dragged by the war horse to Mongolian Luo. As a father and son, Mongolian Tielie, the former master of the Fengtai Department, watched him ride on the war horse Son, I begged Mongol Luo to let him go back to the northern grassland, hoping that the other party would look at the sentiment of his father and son, and only ask the sheep to live on the grassland to spend their lives

It stands to reason that Mongolian Tielie is still very good for Mongolian Luo, and finally fell into a situation where the father and son are competing, which is also due to the situation,

Most of the Fengtai Department has moved south, and the ones left on the grassland in the north are almost empty. Even if Tielie Mongolia is allowed to go back, there will be no more threats. However, not only did Mongol Luo refuse Tielie Mongolia’s request, Moreover, he shot through Mongolian Tielie's limbs with an arrow, which made Mong Tielie alive and died of excessive bleeding.

It is precisely because of the iron-blooded methods displayed by Mongolian Luo in this matter, which greatly catered to the expectations of other ministries. It was originally just prepared to give its 50,000 cavalry combat power, and it became as many as 100,000. The second Mongolian Luo went south all the way, almost straight to the periphery of Dijing, and the grassland forces along the way were almost unblocked, and they all gave way automatically, you can see everyone's attitude towards Mongolian Luo, not optimistic about the Yelu family

"Monroza is the heart of Mongolian Luo, this attack on the imperial mission should be Mongolian Luo's plan" Yelu Hongtai said in a low voice

After hearing Yelu Hongtai’s words, the fat man thought about it for a while, and Ji could have been sure that 80% of the incident was caused by the Fengtai Department, because the biggest beneficiary of the attack on the Imperial Mission was the Fengtai Department in the north. I never thought that I would always go to the Dragon family in any way. I even went to see Longxue Mountain, the special envoy of the Dragon family. But in any case, Longxue Mountain just left the head of Yeluguda and insisted that there was nothing. I know that in the end, the fat man has no choice but to let Long Xueshan leave,

No matter how bold Yelu Hongtai is, at this moment, there is no need to deceive the empire.

It's no wonder that the Dragon family will be so fanatical, and even use the head of Yeluguda to cooperate with the gimmicks, which has attracted the attention of all the forces of Dijing. Even himself, he was almost deceived. Who would have thought that it was really deadly One blow will be the Fengtai Department in the north. Thousands of cavalry troops have infiltrated the Dijing area, and they don’t know how the Fengtai Department did it.

The Long Family and the Fengtai Department secretly united such a secret, even they were half guessing and half Mongolian, not to mention that other forces would not think that way at all.

Emperor Jing is the home of Yelu's family. In Fifty Miles of Emperor Jing, he can mobilize thousands of prairie cavalry to assault the Imperial Envoy. Except for Yelu, no one else can do it. The Fengtai Ministry undoubtedly grasped this, almost Just settled the crime of the Yelu's attack

If it’s not that you happened to be involved here, knowing that this thing was definitely not done by Yelu’s family, I’m afraid that Yelu’s parents are full of mouths and can’t explain clearly, and if they are still far away from Dijing West Road, I’m afraid they are really there. It's hard to talk to Yelv's face in anger!

The fat man looked at Yelu Hongtai with a sullen face. In the eyes of the emperor, Yelu Hongtai shrank his head, and quickly said, "The Yelu family is weak now, and it is difficult to guarantee the defensive power. The emperor is not chaotic, and he dare not have too many movements...?...

The fat man's nose snorted heavily. "Dijing area, you are more familiar than me. I just want to know if Mongolian Luo came across Lengshan towards Dijing. If it were you, which way would you go?"

"I will go south along the Hanling line" Yelv Hongtai said almost without hesitation. "At the beginning, when my Yelu family went south, I was leaning towards the emperor along the front line of the Hanling. Although the emperor is on the great plains, most of them are not rich in water and grass. The prairie, more than one hundred thousand cavalry, is probably driven by two hundred thousand war horses, crossing Lengshan to Dijing, there are still five hundred miles away, if you want to drive it all, the war horses must be able to eat enough, general The terrain on the plains is absolutely unable to satisfy so many war horses. Only the Hanhe area, which used to be a battlefield, has such capital to support war horses. And the prairie people have always been a tradition of camping by water grasses, in order to solve the problem of horses drinking water."

"So Mongolian Luo either does not come, or it must come along the Han River"

"Hanling, as the most important place on the Han River, is located on the outskirts of the Dijing Plain. The junction between the Han River and the Sishui River. The passage to the south is always the most important military fortress on the Dijing Plain. Known as the Emperor's North Portal, Yelv Hongtai's voice paused, his eyes full of memories, he sighed and said

"After bypassing Yanzhou, the exhausted army headed south to break through the road, because our army penetrated the line of defense of the Chinese people in Hanling with thunder and blindness, causing the Chinese army to be in danger. Shou, and finally was forced into the hinterland of Dijing by my Yelu family, and then I have the situation of my Yelu family now."

"Han Shui? That was when the Central Biya gave you twenty Thors in vain?"

The fat man seemed to think of something, and he skimmed the corner of his mouth disdainfully. That empire kindly sold it to Twenty Thunder Gods of Centralbia, but the result was that the generals of Centralbia would not use it. It fell into the hands of the Yelu family. If not, the Yelu family wanted to expand so quickly, breaking the tradition that the prairie people are not good at siege, it is simply impossible, not to mention swept the country in just two years. In the middle, as if he had become an overlord, the fat man said, looking at a map of Dijing hanging in the room, he saw a large river channel from the west to the east sloping north of Dijing, just like a sky crest lying in the north of Dijing. From the position point of view, it can indeed be called the Dijing portal

"Hanling is a blessing place for my Yelu family!"

Yelu Hongtai nodded and twitched at the corner of his mouth. "If I can get on the horse, I will go to Hanling and wait for Mongolian Luo, but I am old and have no energy to avenge Yeluguda. It is only a success, I can see that although the grassland is a heroic land, since it is the result of the heroes, it is the mutual dumping. I am tired and old. Even if I continue to support the Yelv family, how long can I support it? It might be better to save some energy, maybe you can put a bunch of beautiful women to work hard for a few years, and maybe give birth to a few strong men for the Yelu family, so this time, although my Yelv family can’t adjust the combat strength, but Can be used as the backing of the empire and fully support the empire

"Is the Yelu family really no soldiers? Isn't there still 30,000 Baihe pro-armies who haven't moved?" The fat man's eyes were scorching, and Yelu Hongtai's tone was unwilling, how could he not see it, but since Yelu Hongtai chose In order to rely on the empire to establish a nation, one must inevitably accept the result of relying on the empire to establish a nation.

At this point, Yelu Hongtai, an old fox, is quite self-knowledge. The meaning of the words just now is to tell himself that he is completely decentralized, and he is ready to focus his energy on continuing the blood of the Yelu family, fat man. I’m not afraid to tell Yelu Hongtai that as long as the military power of the Yelu family is still there, the empire is not at ease, and the basic factors of the prairie people are strong. Although Yelu Hongtai is already sixty~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but in addition to looking haggard, In terms of appearance, it still gives people a sense of being old and strong. Maybe they can work hard for a few years, and they can add a few younger brothers to Yelv Qiyeguang. This is also a hidden danger for the Empire to control the Yelu family.

"Tomorrow, the command of thirty thousand Baihe's pro-armies will be handed over to Yelv Qiyeguang, just hoping that your majesty will not fail the warriors of the Yelu family, you can drive them and beat them, but don't let them die in vain!" Yelu Hongtai I gritted my teeth, knowing that as long as the Yelu family had power, the empire would not be completely assured. Now it has reached such a point that if the empire pulls their hands, the Yelu family is the result of the demise, and this time the Fengtai Ministry is targeting the Yelu family, If the Yelu family wants to not send troops, it is impossible. Since it is unavoidable, then simply hand the Bailu pro-armies of the Yelu family into the hands of Yelv Qiyeguang,

In this case, even if any unfavorable order was issued by the empire, at least it would have to look at Ye Lu Qi Yeguang's face,

In order to make his daughter's dowry richer, Yelu Hongtai was also fighting, sighed, "Your Majesty, the Baihe pro-armies have been handed over, even if my son can grow up, Yelv Qiyeguang should have been firmly grasped for a long time. Everything about the Yelu family, these newly added Yelu family blood, at most is just a tool for inheriting the Yelu family, there is no possibility of fighting for the power of the Yelu family at all, so your majesty can rest assured."

The fat man is silent. What can he do if he can force an ambitious prairie owl to this step? After shaking his hand, the fat man rarely said with a serious voice, "Since Patriarch Yelu is so, then I have nothing to say. Five days later, at the ceremony of the founding of the Yelu family, I will send someone to send the head of Mongolian Luo to be a chat about Yelu. Patriarch’s compensation.”

"Your Majesty is true?" Yelu Hongtai was shocked and couldn't believe it, 8

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