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: Three Hundred and Fifty-one Fierce Fire (12)


3051 Fire and flames (12)

The civil war in the prairie Yelu's family finally opened on the Han River

The river wind blew fiercely and the battle flag flew, countless prairie cavalry stopped horseshoes in the north of the river channel, the battle flag was like a romantic roll of the sea, and the black line of the cavalry queue was like a large black cloud covering the north of the Han River The big river that was going east with the torrent of water in front of my eyes showed that a sky-striking killer was stirring the clouds on this earth,

As Yelu Hongtai said, the Mongolian 100,000 cavalry really came down along the Han River

Countless cavalrymen appeared on this land like a torrent of torrents. After learning that the empire sent troops to Daizhou and broke through the Daizhou North Line day and night, the Mongolian 100,000 cavalry did not mean to retract. On the contrary, it has accelerated the speed towards Dijing. Time has finally reached the end of April in early summer. Both sides of the Han River channel have once again become the focus of the attention of the entire Central African continent.

The Fengtai Department moved 100,000 south to Dijing, and the heir of the Yelu family Yelv Qiyeguang also led the 30,000 Baihe to the north, and the area where the two sides collided was the Han River.

"Yelü Banner appeared in the south of the river!" A scout cavalry came from the front and rolled up a soot until he pulled the war horse in front of the Mongolian Luo

"What is the strength of the Yelu family?" Mongol Luoyan waved his hand to the scout cavalry, and had experienced the torture of father and son. The young golden family descendant had already begun to have a bit of domineering. He is a prairie wolf who has completely let go of his bondage. With his group of wolves, he must prove to the whole world that he is the most powerful wolf king in the prairie's heart. Under such conviction, his cold face is much colder. There are a lot of steel-like temperaments in it. Mongolian form, as a branch of the golden family thousands of years ago, is originally steel in the prairie language, meaning ruthlessly.

"Although it is not very clear across the river bank, but roughly from the scale of the military camp, about 30,000 people" the scout replied

"Thirty thousand people, so to speak, the Yelu family drove out the Baihe pro-armies who crushed themselves at home!"

"It must be that the current Yelu family, in addition to the Baihe pro-military, where there are 30,000 people!"

More than a dozen generals of the Fengtai Ministry and other tribal generals heard this news, and they all showed a touch of excitement.

One of the generals with a scar on his right cheek flashed fiercely in his eyes, and there was also a disdainful voice in his mouth. "I didn’t expect that the ground mouse of the Yelu family finally dared to leave the emperor’s nest. Otherwise, I would think that the Yelu family who led us across the grassland, after spending two years in Dijing, Yelu Hongtai increasingly regarded himself as the master of the prairie, and everyone as his slave!"

"Haha, General Agula, I can't say that. Emperor Jing is a good place. I've been there in person. Even the wind blowing on my face is a woman's fragrance, and the bones of the old man are soft. Not to mention Yelv Hongtai, where do you still remember the cold winds and snow that brought you down south, and I heard that he has now handed over all the Central Abyssal slaves to the empire management, so he did not hesitate to dispose of those who opposed the empire People, otherwise, why should the empire support him to become King Yelu?"

"This guy is simply a traitor in my grassland, just an old dog raised by the empire, what qualifications are called King Yelu"

A white-haired patriarch even gritted his teeth and said, "If you know that the Yelu family will become like this, where would everyone desperately follow the old fox to go south? What is the area of ​​Central Asia where there are gold and silver wealth, what is in Centralbia? It can make the tribes prosperity and growth, which are all deceptive lies. In two years, the ministries have killed each other, and they have fought several battles with China and Central Asia. They have killed more than one hundred thousand. The gold and silver wealth that they have in the end is not yet All fell into the pockets of the imperial merchants. The Yelu family only had the empire in their eyes. When did we have the interests of our prairie people? Such a Yelu family should die and destroy the Yelv family. It is the will of the eternal life. We are upholding eternal life. Heaven’s will is fighting, what else can be scared!"

"Yeru's heavy soldiers lined up in the Han River and were ready to rely on the Han River to fight against our army. What do you think?"

Mongolian Luo waved his hand, interrupting the scolding of the generals and tribal chiefs towards the Yelu family, squinting, sweeping over the wide and somewhat excessive river in front of him, this is the season of early summer flooding, the Han River in front of him The river channel has widened from the original 30 to 40 meters, soaring to more than 100 meters. At a glance, the waves slammed on the bank dyke, and there was a burst of reverberation. The muddy water like the white line was hovering and circling. A vortex of water was formed on the river surface, and inside it was mixed with debris spurred from the upper stream. One of them was a tree stump that was about seven or eight meters long, with a waist-like thickness, which undulated in the water surface, but blinked. Time, has been rushed out of the tens of meters away, and soon disappeared under the eyes of everyone

Such a speed of water, such a width of the river surface, changed the face of the prairie people

"What can I do? The water flow is so anxious that our cavalry can't pass it!" A Mongolian Luo's subordinates took a ugly face and took a deep breath. "It's not that the Yelv's family went south that day, but it was easily passed by cavalry. How did the river reach us in front of us, so it became so ugly and broad?"

"I know this!" It was the patriarch who just scolded Yelu Hongtai. He was one of them. He suggested that Mongolian Luo should follow the road of Yelu's house and follow the Han River. It was also proposed by him. I saw him saying, “At the beginning, the Yelu Army used Yeluguda as the striker and ran into Baili directly to the Han River. Then Yelvuda personally ordered to cross the river, and he personally took the lead in jumping into the river. Immediately following, in addition to being forced to a dead end, the more reason is that the Han River faced by the Yelu family was the dry season of spring. As long as it jumped on a horse, the depth of the water is the most. At the height of the horse’s body, he could not overwhelm his head, and the Chinese and Afghan Army did not expect that Yelu Guda would dare to cross the Han River in one breath without any precautions, so that the Yelu family easily crossed the Han River, and we are now in early summer of April It is the rising period of the Han River. The river is not only rushing but also deeper than war horses. It is impossible to use Yeluguda's hard way to force it! It is impossible at present! The only way now is to cut down trees to form a row of trees to force the crossing. Fortunately, there are dense forests on both sides of the Han River. As long as the Mongolian Luo ordered, I believe that at most one day, our army can build enough wooden platoons!"

"Now there is only one way!"

The Mongolian Luo nodded coldly, but also looked very helpless. People are not as good as the sky. Mongolian Luo did not expect a big river. It turned out to be a problem to block the 100,000 army. As a northern nomad, it is not very good for the river. It is important to note that in the north, there are not many river channels, and most of them are not very wide. It is like on the grassland. The sudden progress of the cavalry cluster is simply ignoring the river channel. The river channel on the grassland can be seen from 20 to 30 meters. It’s a big river, but when you get to the Central Biya area, the river becomes magnified several times, and dozens of times. The grassland people are the invincible warriors on horseback. On the boat of the Central Biya people, it’s a group of soft feet. Look at the elite Baihe pro-armies of the Yelu family. The tragic performance in the Sanchakou river channel in the south shows that thousands of grassland warriors arrived on the river channel, and even three or four hundred Central Biya people could not win. The man cut his head, hung it on the cabin, and lost the face of the prairie man

"Then the whole army felled trees, formed a row of wood, and began to attack tomorrow!" The other generals agreed that the Yelvs wanted to rely on the Han River to prolong their suffocation. How is it possible, but the left and right is just a big river, and it can be turned upside down!

Just as the generals went to the various ministries to cut down trees, a general in the Fengtai Department approached Mongol Luo and whispered, "The patriarch, the imperial army's invasion of Daizhou, I am afraid it will not be hidden for long. If you let others I know, I’m afraid there will be a wave of military heart."

"Aren't you ordered to cut off the news from the north? ‘Mongolian Luo’s two fierce eyebrows frowned slightly and glanced cautiously around. There was no one other than the confidante, so he whispered.

"Although the news on the north side was cut off, but the time is long, I am afraid that all ministries will have doubts."

"It doesn't need to be too long, as long as it breaks the Han River, within three days, I can reach the emperor capital." Mongol Luo took a deep breath, his nose sighed, and looked at the Han River that was rolling away, as long as he broke the Han River River, to the south of the river, even if the ministries knew the news of the imperial army's raid on Daizhou, looking at the imperial Beijing that was close, could they turn around and kill it again?

"Yes, I see!" The subordinate nodded, and Mongolian Luo suddenly ordered the whole army to advance Dijing. In fact, it was to widen the distance from the north. Now the messengers from all the ministries have been secretly detained, so each ministry I don't know the news that the empire has sent troops. After all, the empire sent troops and the Yelvs sent troops. It is completely two concepts. Even if the various departments hate the empire, they have to admit that the military strength of the imperial army is sacred to the world. With pragmatic characteristics, there will inevitably be tribes to withdraw from this southward army, the arrow has left the bowstring, how can it be pulled back again!

Never allow it! when! "Mongolian Luo's eyes are fierce, and his cheeks are irradiated by the sun on the grassland all the year round, and he is cold in the dark. The empire attacked Daizhou. What he had foreseen when he went south this time, although the Fengtai Department is strong , But against the continuous suppression of the Yelv home and the southwest dragon home, the killing of the two sides was rolling, and they interrupted the two empires

Mongolian Luo knows very well that even if the Fengtai Ministry takes out all the fighting power in the face of the empire, it may not be enough to kill the empire in one battle.

Therefore, returning to the army to rescue Daizhou has no effect at all. Instead, it is a waste of fighters going south. Since Daizhou can’t keep it at all, it naturally has no intention to keep it.

Moreover, because of the fierce fighting between the Fengtai Department and the Longjia Army in Daizhou, especially after the fiasco of Longshibao, the Fengtai Department shrank the entire family in order to avoid the Dragon Family’s edge, and ordered the withdrawal of more than 200,000 people from Daizhou in order. In the Luyang area to the east of Daizhou, Daizhou has long been destroyed by the riotous Central Biya people, and even materials have been lost countless. Daizhou, which was originally used to support the Yanzhou barrier, has long been empty. Starved rats, now in Daizhou, are in a gap state. If not, how could the Fengtai Ministry not adopt the previous strategy of forced repression against the hundreds of thousands of Central Asians left by Longyang? Semi-gentle fixed management,

The Mongolian Luo has long seen that the Central Biya people left by Longyang hate the prairie people, but they also hate the empire, and privately think that if the empire is not too strong, the Long family is forced to abandon the northwest into Yanzhou. They don’t need to abandon the old and the weak in their homes, let them survive and die in the cold winter, and follow the Dragon family from northwest to Yanzhou, and then into Daizhou. All the way, I don’t know how many people died of starvation. Among these In people’s minds, it’s all imperial damage. It’s because of this that the Fengtai Department concentrated these Central Biya people near Longshibao, as if they were blocking the empire from going south from Yanzhou. The human barrier is just that these Central Biya people do not know this, and they thought that the Fengtai Ministry cared about how strong the Long family was, so they took special care of them, and even some Chinese Biya people moderately ruled the Fengtai Ministry. With gratitude,

Treating these Central Biyans will not be a complete kill, but just occupying a place, there are millions of restless Central Biya, there is no slight guarantee of security~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Liao is advancing towards the south of Daizhou, and is engaged in a war with the three or four hundred thousand grassland people gathered in the Daizhou area. When the enemy is on the back, even if it is the Imperial Army, it will only be the outcome of the defeat. It is best that this war leads to The ministries are badly wounded. In this case, besides being able to follow the Fengtai Department closely, there will not be a second choice. Therefore, it is not the Fengtai Department that is the first of the empire's descending south. Hundreds of thousands of Biya people, those who expect the Fengtai Ministry to be the leader of the horse, and the imperial army is strong again. After such consumption, where there is fighting power to continue to attack the Luyang area where the Fengtai Ministry is really located,

Praying mantis catches cicada cardinals! At first, I encouraged my father and son in Fengtai to fight, but now I want to be alone, how is it possible! This is when my Mongolian Luo is a three-year-old child!

Mongolian Luo's cold eyes were palpable, his fingers clenched violently, and there was a gurgling sound. His mind also flashed dead corpses from the chaos in the Fengtai Department, a burning tent, and crying to find his parents. The child, licking his owner's cold horse, his father Mongolian Tielie was full of blood and unwillingness. In the civil strife, although there were already the results of the best efforts of both parties, more than 30,000 Fengtai tribes died. Wando Fengtai’s best warrior will always sleep forever and become the road of the King of Khan, destined to be a road of corpses and blood, he personally beheads his father, he does not regret it

Just like there is only one wolf king in the wolf pack, he believes that if the victory is the father Mongolia Tielie, he will kill him without hesitation

The Fengtai Department has already made up its determination, then it is time for the various departments to fulfill their obligations to the Fengtai Department,

In the extremely difficult March, I finally got through. Please search () to see the most complete! The fastest updating novel. . .

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