Whole Nation

: Three hundred and sixty-six flames of fire (27)

On the bend in the heavy rain, the rain splashed muddy

Li Long rode on the horse, glanced at the order given by the emperor in his hand, and his face looked so dreadful that it took more than ten seconds before raising his head to look at the arrogant Yu Fenglong in front of him, and his mouth was a bit cold. "Laughing," if it is someone else, I’m afraid how far I have been hiding. I’m afraid that I’ll be a little bit close to the Li family. Master Fenglong still ran in person. Anyway, my Li family still thank Fenglong This friendship of adults"

"Master Li Long is too polite to greet His Majesty to return south, and the Li family has all the merits to say. Your Majesty hasn't returned to the South, so he treats the Li family like this, really... Hey. I won't say, Your Majesty so orders, Naturally, there is the idea of ​​Your Majesty, I hope Lord Li Long can take care of himself!" Yu Fenglong shook his head and deliberately pretended to be a pity, "Since His Majesty asked me to stay in the north of the Great Riverway, then His Majesty South Going back, all rely on Master Fenglong to bother." Li Long grinned at the corner of his mouth, a look of frustration, letting Yu Fenglong on the opposite side completely see in his eyes,

"Master Li Long rests assured, Your Majesty returns to the South, I will do my utmost. After His Majesty returns to the South, His anger towards the Li family has also subsided. I find more opportunities to speak for the Li Family. I believe that Master Li Long will return to the south of the river. It won’t be too long.” Yu Fenglong’s eyes gleamed and he arched his hands.

"Lord Fenglong"

Li Long looked excitedly toward Yu Fenglong, who turned and left. When Yu Fenglong’s back disappeared in the distance on the corner of the road, Li Long’s excitement immediately disappeared without a trace, and instead changed to a mocking look. What a joke, when Li Long knew nothing about me! To say that the whole Chaotang least wants to see the Li family resurrect, it is the Yu Yulong and the Dragon family in front of him. The Long family does not want to see the Li family gain power again because of the unwillingness of the Wuchen to suppress Wenchen. The situation, because the Li family was overturned and overturned, and this Yu Fenglong master was entirely because he wanted to grab the greedy emperor from the Li family to this monstrous attack, and he did not hesitate to defame the Li family. With a pretentious face, he ran with the emperor's order. How could Li Long not know his thoughts? He just wanted to personally confirm that he had given up the emperor's thought of returning to the south.

"Sir, what shall we do now? The emperor deprived him of his identity as an envoy, and asked him to take full responsibility for the north of the river. This is not to make it clear that he will not go back to the south!"

A Li **** asked carefully beside him. The situation was changing too fast. The escorts couldn't figure out how they were a life-and-death emperor a few days ago. How to blink like someone else, this time deprived Li Longzhong of Belgium The identity of the special envoy, but he wanted Li Long to stay in the north of the Great River, this is why Yu Fenglong came by himself,

"Oh, at this time, these people are short-sighted to such an extent, all of which is still the case, still thinking about fighting for power and profit, completely ignoring the lives and deaths of millions of refugees who are stuck in the big river channel." Li Long seemed to think of something, blameless Said coldly, Le turned his horse's head, glanced at the big river behind him

Under the rain, the width of the river channel expanded even more. It was originally just over 100 meters wide, but now it is nearly 200 meters wide. The pontoon that was originally built on it has now completely collapsed, and the whole river channel is crying. The sound of watching the washed down pontoon floating in the river cried loudly, and some people tried to cross the water with good water. In the end, most of them were lost in the shadow of the rolling torrent and the heavy rain blocked the transportation of the river. , Resulting in a large number of Central Biya people still stranded in the north of the river, and these remaining people are either the worst of the displaced people, the lowest-ranking slaves under the rule of the Yelu family, or those who had helped Yelv The so-called traitor, whose family is suppressing the Central Biya, is now afraid of falling into account after the fall and refuses to cross the river. This time the Yelu family cleaned up the Central Biya, but regardless of their status, they were all drove out together. Similarly, the Central Biya who turned to the prairie when the prairie people went south, also did not escape the fate of the drive.

"Li Jiakang, how many people have passed since the Yelu family ordered to drive to today?"

Li Long withdrew his gaze from the direction of Dahe Dao and condensedly asked a captain of the Chinese character face behind him. For the situation of the Dahe Dao, the captain Li Jiakang was the person in charge of surveillance, with a full 150 The Li family guards, at intervals of one person in each mile, monitors the situation of the Nangui refugees across the board, and in the south of the big river channel, the Li family’s eye line has long been monitoring the situation of the entire big river channel.

"A group of fifty people has been staring in the direction of the Great River Channel. From Yelv's drive to Nangui to today, it is exactly ten days. It is conservatively estimated that the number of Nangui refugees crossing the Great River Channel is seven to eight million. "The captain of the **** paused cautiously and continued." According to the report sent by the family at the observation point south of the river a day ago, the number of people was roughly the same, but because of the lack of food, these refugees crossing the river It has not been resettled. The area near the river channel is now overcrowded. If it was not for the 300,000 Central Asian troops to be pressed against the river channel, it would have been impossible to clean up."

"Three hundred thousand troops, seven or eight million refugees, even if the Zhongbia Chaotang took out all the food, I am afraid that it will persist for a month. Now the army is under pressure and the situation can be controlled. Once the food is used up The army was not only withdrawn, but the time was when the riots broke out." Li Long took a deep breath and smiled coldly, complaining about the unfair treatment he suffered, and came out at once, these people who want to see the Li family joke At that time, I was afraid that it would be too late to cry. The entire Chao Tang thought that the Li family would use this opportunity to greet the emperor to return to the south, but in fact it was completely wrong and ridiculous.

The opportunity for the Li family to recover was not the emperor's return to the country at all, and the turmoil of the millions of refugees after the food was consumed was completely chaotic for the court and had to buy food from the empire. The responsible person in charge of the North of the Ada River, this seemingly joke-like position, will be the key person who controls the life and death of the entire Central Abyss. By the time the Central Abyssal Party is awakened, it is already a powerless situation. There are Li Yuehua on the empire side and Li Long on the Central Biya side. They are also members of the Li family. Even if the Central Biya side wants a temporary substitution, Li Yuehua can also use this to refuse to sell food to Central Biya, when the Li people come back, It is unstoppable!

"The empire promised to sell us food, but it sold us food at five times the price of food. If the money is not enough, let us use the tax rights of the six coastal ports to mortgage. In the emperor hall of China, the emperor It has not returned to the south yet, but the documents about food purchases sent back from the empire have caused an uproar in the entire court.

The prime minister, Long Po, had a sullen face, and on the table where the empire's document was ruthlessly, now is the time when the green and yellow were missing, the food price was already amazing, and with the spread of the news of the return of tens of millions of people from the country, the food everywhere The price has almost skyrocketed all the way. So far, it has more than doubled the original price. Now, the empire has to double the current price by five times. I feel that this is a condition that is simply impossible to accept. Even if the Central Treasury of Tsangya is evacuated, I am afraid that half of it will not be raised, but I will not buy food from the empire. At this time, who else can have so much? Grain sold to Centralbia

The other ministers looked at each other one by one, and under the fearful eyes of Long Pohong, the minister in charge of the house had to sternly say, "Where the empire is selling grain, it is simply taking advantage of the fire, five times the price of grain. The weight of the food purchased, which is an astronomical figure, is more than 50 million imperial gold coins when converted."

"50 million imperial gold coins..."

Long Po's face is also a horrifying look that is difficult to conceal. Because of its ease of use, and the huge circulation range, whether it is Centralbia, Obaro, or even the prairie people in the north, recognize the circulation of the imperial gold coins, so The imperial gold coin is now a recognized currency. As the head of the Southwest Dragon family, Long Po knows the income of the southwest region throughout the year, which is less than 10 million. Compared with it, I know that this time selling grain What a huge price it has to pay,

"How much is there in the treasury now?" Long Po walked back and forth a few times, stopped and asked

Another minister of the Cabinet of Ministers came up with a disappointed face and said, "50 million imperial gold coins are absolutely impossible. Even when Central Africa was in its heyday, it was also the sum of all income in a good year. Now, we not only lose In the most prosperous Dijing, the entire north-central area and even one-third of the south were destroyed in ruins when the Yelujia River crossed Linhang last time. Over one million refugees were just settled in the first two months. In order to settle these migrants, the state treasury spent more than 10 million yuan, and this year's tax has not yet been levied. Where to find these 50 million imperial gold coins, if you can get two or three million, even if it is zenith, this is still The tax was levied in advance on the six coastal cities along the coast."

"It's not that the tax revenues of the six coastal cities along the coast are generally around 5 million yuan. Why are there only two or three million this year?" Hearing the ministers of the Cabinet of Ministers, Long Po's eyes flickered and the tone of the palace was cold. The air is a bit cold

"This..." The Minister of the Interior Cabinet also felt that he seemed to be missing his mouth, and his face became very pale. The six port cities refer to the six large ports in the southern coastal area of ​​Centralbia, Centralbia. The empire is not good at maritime trade, so it does not pay attention to these six port cities, but with the substantial shrinkage of the Central Abyss area, the two emperors were broken, and the fiscal revenue was even sharply reduced, and now even one third of the original Less than that, the tax revenues of the six port cities are immediately revealed, which accounts for more than one-fifth of the current tax revenue of the Central Church of China,

Originally, Long Po thought that although there were fluctuations this year, the income of the six ports should also be 4-5 million. I did not expect to hear the words of the ministers of the Cabinet of Ministers. I immediately felt cold in my heart. Tens of millions of refugees need to be resettled. For food, although the taxes of the six port cities are not enough, at least they can be eased for a while, which is like a life-saving straw. But I did not expect that the six ports that had been taxed by five million yuan were now only two or three. One million, you don’t even need to think about Long Po, but you don’t know how many hands have intercepted and divided it. When is it? These people are so unscrupulous to such a degree!

The green muscles on Long Po's forehead swelled up, and the people in the entire hall were silent, and they could feel how strong the murderous heart of this first Central Abyss who wanted to kill, the minister was even more embarrassed. Shivering, the tone said with a crying voice, "Master Prime Minister, this matter really has nothing to do with my Cabinet. Last year, the tax at Liucheng Port was indeed more than 5 million, but it was already levied by the Songs for half a year earlier this year. All that can be left is two or three million."

"Let's get up." Long broke his teeth and waved his teeth. I knew that the Song people had swept a part of the goods and materials when they evacuated the Chaotang, but I didn't expect the Song people to take away the taxes from Liucheng Port. Some should have intercepted all that the Song people wanted to take away from the beginning,

"Master Prime Minister, in fact, we want to buy food, not just the empire," a minister hesitated and stood up and said, "It is said that as far as I know, there are big merchants from the Kingdom of Aden in the six port cities. We can buy food from them!"

"Buy food with the Adenites?" Long Po hesitated, foreign trade, he was completely unclear.

"This is absolutely impossible!" A middle-aged minister stood up and decisively said, "I have been an administrative officer in Liucheng Port for six years. I know that all the goods of Aden merchants come from Aden~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The cost of transportation by sea is not limited, and the quantity that can be transported is even more limited. For such a number of food transactions, if the carriage is transported by horses and carriages, it may be 3,000 or 4,000, and the transport by large ships may be more than hundreds. You want those big merchants in Aden to abandon carrying expensive goods and use hundreds of large ships to transport food to us. The price is hard to say even if it is ten times higher. On the contrary, there is a way to try it. If it succeeds, it may be temporarily Make up for the shortage of tax collection in the Six City Port"

"What way?" Long Po asked with a deep voice when he heard that he could make up for the tax losses.

"Last year, the Aden Navy attacked our coastal cities. Since that is the case, we can use this as an excuse to copy the homes of these big Aden businessmen. How many dare not say it, but there are definitely some taxes to fill in. of"

"Isn't this equal to fighting the Adenites?"

Long broke his mouth and grinned his heart indeed, but it was indeed a little emotional, but he also heard the country of Aden in the southwest. He was the overlord of the southern waters. He had countless large ships. He had crossed the sea many times to attack the coastal areas of Central Abia. , Long Po had to consider

It was at this time that a court guard hurried in and panted and said, "The newspaper said that there was a riot in the Dahe River area. Just this morning, hundreds of thousands of southern refugees gathered in the hoard on the grounds that they wanted to eat. Outside the Huangcheng Mansion where military food was gathered, the main court of Huangcheng Mansion strictly ordered the garrison to drive out the refugees. As a result, the conflict was caused. More than 1,000 garrisons in Huangcheng Mansion were beaten and killed by the refugees. The main court was strictly hanged on the flagpole. After being divided, Kucheng County, which was near Huangcheng Prefecture, was also hit by the refugees. The residents in the county town were looted by the refugees, and there were countless casualties. There were also urgent reports from the Taizhou military camp. The refugees were gathering towards the Taizhou military camp. There are probably millions of people..." 8

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