Whole Nation

: Three hundred and seventy-one evasion (4)

With a long wind, in the military village on the side of the big river channel, looking from the height to the surrounding river channel, a temporary military village cascades to form a long line, the road from the river to the south line is tightly jammed, the military wall Above, the soldiers were silently patrolling. In the rain, the armor on the body looked extremely cold and cold. I don’t know how. The heaven and earth arrows seemed to have a stagnant atmosphere. This is the barracks of the Dragon Snow Mountain, the special envoy of the Central Biya, This time there were 3,000 Dragon family soldiers accompanying the Longxue Mountain. After crossing the river, they would no longer go north, but just came back to the river and camped, waiting for the empire to come and approach.

At this moment, a middle-aged man stood at the top of a tall wooden arrow tower, with his armor pressed against his sword, the wind roared behind him, and the robes blew high. A dozen dragon generals stood respectfully behind the middle-aged man. Long Xueshan, who is the special envoy of China and Biyadh in contact with the empire, is also among them. It is clearly forty years old when he is the strongest, but the two temples have shown their white color. Just standing there can make the aspect ratio Yalong’s dragons are so respectful, naturally, it is the first general of Central Biya who was seriously injured in the Chaotang report due to the raid, and the prime minister of Central Biya, Long Po, is only the famous general who was seriously injured in the report. It is a body armor, like a statue, looking at the vast emperor in front of the complex.

"If it wasn't for the Emperor of Centralbia suddenly emerged, this should be a different scene at this moment. The 300,000 Central Asian army will not be used to suppress the displaced people, but to set foot on the cultivation of my Central Asian community for thousands of years. Treasure land for living, expelling those prairie people out of the north of Yanzhou, making me Centralia again the center of the whole earth!"

Long Po face looked back in a complicated manner, and his fingers clenched tightly. He spent so much energy. After years of **** battles with countless dragon boys, he was eventually returned to the south by the cowardly Central Emperor. The attack became a smash. In any case, the Dragon family was just a local warrior, with no foundation in the Chaotang, and no interest in the southern provinces.

If the emperor's life and death are unknown, in order to seek protection from the prairie people going south, the ministers, the provinces in the south, or the prime minister who could bear a warrior, even eventually acquiesced himself to replace the Central Biya royal family and become a new one. Lord of Centralbia, but now the situation has reversed overnight. The emperor who abandoned Dijing and fled twice suddenly came back. He also signed an armistice agreement with the prairie people who made the whole south uneasy. The tens of millions of Central Asian slaves who had driven the prairie people to promise to be put back in the Dijing area, in such a short period of time, did not even allow themselves to react

The whole church was facing the wind, and it fell to the emperor overnight. All provinces responded fiercely to the emperor's return. Even those civilians who seemed to have forgotten how embarrassed the emperor was, also shouted "The Holy King returns to the south." It seems that one night, he has changed from the savior of the Central Biya to the rebel of the whole Central Biya,

Thinking of this, Long Po only had a wry smile, the Dragon family bleeds countlessly for Central Biabia, and the casualties of his children are even more incalculable, but the result is that the Songs raided the southwest for thousands of miles, and the Chaotang side was cold and isolated on the Dragon family.

Centralbia is over!

Although I don’t know why the emperor who disappeared for more than half a year suddenly appeared in the Emperor Jing’s house, Long Po also guessed that this matter must be related to the empire.

If the Yelu family holds the emperor's trump card in the hand, it will be taken out long ago. How can it not wait until the overall weakness, and have to curl up in the emperor Jing to take it out, and this time to take it out, in addition to embarrassing himself, There is no benefit to the Yelu family itself. The enemy of the Yelu family is the Fengtai Department in the north. The Fengtai Department wants the Emperor Jing. It is afraid of the patience of the Emperor of Centralbia. Because he feared that the Emperor of Biya was in Dijing, he gave up the strategy of Dijing who was in the house of Yelu.

Reminiscent of the time when the emperor of Centralbia suddenly appeared, it was when the Fengtai Ministry went south, and the long-prepared Northern Expedition was about to be launched, but because of this accident, all his hard work was drained. Hanshui was defeated by the Allied forces of the Empire and the Yelv Family, and more than 200,000 people of the entire family were extinct. The imperial forces completely enveloped northern Central Biabia. I knew that such a clean sword-throat method was used to kill the ordinary Liaoyuan means. In addition to who can lay out the emperor, Long Po believes that since the emperor arranged everything in the back, this turmoil in the big river is definitely not just about letting the refugees hit the south.

But what if you can see it?

The ministers' eyes only looked at the emperor returning to the south, eager to stand in a row to take advantage of the interests, who had the intention to see the life and death of the Liumin?

The local provinces were busy presenting tributes to welcome the emperor's return to South China. Although they knew that there were millions of Southward returnees in the Dahe Riverway, they thought they were far away from themselves and the spread they could receive was extremely limited. In front of us, if we can operate it properly, the pace of entering the province as a heavy minister from a local province is equivalent to taking a big step. In fact, the provinces around the world also believe that the resettlement of these southward refugees is ultimately the court. How much can responsibilities have to do with local provinces? What's more, on the river channel, 300,000 elite soldiers trained by the Dragon family to suppress the chaotic people, how can they not cause too many fluctuations for these southern returnees?

Just like now, the army marched northwards in chaos, and the turmoil was almost quelled in just a few days. Under the separation of the army north, it was already honestly afraid of riots.

"If it wasn't for the North Advance Army to inform these refugees that the empire had promised to sell food, they would soon have food relief. How could millions of refugees settle down in just a few days, wait and see, once discovered Without food, these millions of refugees will become the real fire of the prairie, the southern province, the central church of Zhongbia. The fastest update... Ha ha "Long Po withdrew his gaze from a distance, his mouth snorted. , His last thoughts of the Central Church of Central Biya turned into a grunt in this mumble, and since then, Central Biya and the southwestern Longjia are no longer entangled, since the Long can not become the master of Central Biya Then you can stand alone. According to the strength of the Longjia army and your knowledge of the military power of Centralbia when you are prime minister, even if you swallow Centralbia, it won't take too long! In Long Po's eyes, this old house in Central Biabia, which has been completely decaying, only needs a light push, and it will collapse overwhelmed.

Stand up! He chose to take the initiative to withdraw from the Chaotang battle, just for the army to leave Guanglinchuan again, but this time it was not a battle against the Yelu family of the grassland, but a Chaotang Chaotang! At this moment, I am afraid that I am watching my own joke. The joke’s first general in Biya, who was attacked by the refugees in the main camp, was seriously injured. Waiting to see it. It won’t take long for me to kill him back. Let everyone know whether the name of China's first general will be a fake name!

"Homeowner, the Empire is here!" A general of the Dragon family suddenly raised his finger to the front

Long Po looked over with the direction of his subordinate's fingers, and his complexion could not help but change, Imperial Cavalry!

I saw that the front was full of smoke, the edge of the earth, the black cavalry clusters came flying, the cavalry lances were tilted down neatly, as the horses jumped, a cold flash of light, uniform black armor, important parts were inlaid with bright and swaying protection The mirror, composed of three thick horizontal rows, is pressed like a black cloud towards this side. From a distance, it looks like a huge dark cloud covering the front ground, the red helmet of the iron helmet, and the metallic sound of the slight impact of the armor leaf. Comes with the wind, among them the cavalry in the middle position, behind the armor is the big red cloak raised with the wind, like a large cloud of fire burning spreading towards this side

"What does the Imperials mean! Such a momentum, where it comes to negotiate, it is to fight at all!" The generals of the Dragon family all changed their faces, holding the weapon unconsciously in their hands, so many imperial cavalry had enough More than 10,000, to deal with such camps in front of me, if it is really a strong impact, I am afraid that only one impact will be destroyed, and the empire has never been a kind person.

The most typical example is the case of the Fengtai Ministry that was shaking the whole Centralbia some time ago. The empire and the Fengtai Ministry started a war, and the Fengtai Ministry Mongolian Luo planned to attack the imperial mission in the Dijing area. , Many people want to see how the empire will treat this incident,

Blood to blood, tooth to tooth, this is the empire rule that everyone knows

However, the Fengtai Department is not a small force that can be destroyed, but it has the support of more than half of the northern Central Biya, more than 200,000 ethnic groups, and 60,000 or 70,000 elite cavalry. It has vaguely replaced the Yelvs as the grassland overlord. Posture, even the North King's Court admitted the status of Fengtai Department

The Fengtai Department headed south, encroaching on more than a hundred thousand coalition forces of various ministries, destroying and ruining all the way, almost without obstruction, and directly killed the Han River, which was only fifty miles away from Dijing.

The emperor Jing who is all Yelu's family is finished this time. As long as more than 100,000 grassland troops cross the Hanshui, it is a situation of attacking the emperor Jing. The Yelu family is full and there are only more than 30,000 people left. It was meaningless, but the result was that overnight, the empire strongly intervened, just using more than 20,000 cavalry, it attacked the Fengtai headquarters camp frontally, and then fought back and forth with the white army of the Yelu family Baihe, and sent the Fengtai department south. Road, a complete end in Hanshui

Even the future Golden Khan Mongolian in the grassland people's mind was cut by the empire on the way back to the clan. The news came out that the whole Central Bolivia was in an uproar, and no one thought that the Fengtai Ministry would be defeated like this, and then An army order of the empire completely wiped out the 200,000 Fengtai tribes,

The Fengtai Department attacked the imperial camp, causing more than 200 casualties in the empire

The Empire retaliated against the Fengtai Department, decapitated more than 200,000, and the earth was stained with blood for more than a hundred miles. The once-famous Golden Fengtai Department was completely history. In the future, the name can only be heard again in the singing of the passers-by! No one expressed doubts about the empire returning blood to blood and teeth to teeth.

This is the empire. In between the hands, there is the disillusionment of life and death. The corpses are millions. This is still the case, and only half of the country is left. For the empire, I am afraid that it is not as powerful as the prairie people who are powerful.

To say that the empire will take advantage of this opportunity to destroy the camp in one fell swoop and kill all the so-called negotiators from the Central African Republic, and no one will feel uncomfortable at all, the dragon will be sullen, and the expression will be terrible. What a panic! If the empire wants to get started, where needs such a blatant name, such a momentum, only need to launch a raid after night, our army can't stop at all"

"Yeah, if the other party is going to attack the camp, it is indeed better to put it at night!"

"Submit the order, open the gate of the camp!" Long Po's eyes narrowed into a line, and he said loudly that he was not the first time to fight against the empire. There were more than one hundred thousand dragon family troops who died under the empire's sword. If it wasn’t for the battle of the Southwest that made the Dragons move their bones, it wouldn’t take long to wait before they chose to launch the battle of the Northern Expedition against the weaker Yelvs, but they really saw the appearance of the Empire’s elite cavalry, and the dragon broke up calmly Don’t look away, secretly swallow a spit, the other party won’t really start a fight without saying a word, in fact, he also has some drums in his heart, the two sides have such a huge combat power, even if there is a reaction, there is no effect, only hard The scalp, even the camp door is open,

If the other party really has a problem, seeing the camp gate wide open, they dare not venture forward. After the camp, there is a large river channel, just in case of a surprise attack, they can also withdraw from the camp to the south bank.

"I said that this method would have no effect on the Dragon family!" Li Longqi was riding on the war horse, not only did not panic in the distance, but also slowly opened the gate of the camp, took a deep breath and quietly to the side Li Yuehua, who was standing immediately, said that the rain hit Li Yuehua's armor and fell on the scarlet velvet cloak behind the armor. It can be seen that the water flow almost fell down the cloak and landed on the ground.

"I didn't expect a Dragon Snow Mountain in the Dragon family, and even had such a courage. It was indeed a little underestimation of the Dragon family!" Li Yuehua's mouth slightly flicked, and he drove forward, using cavalry to charge the opponent, this is Li Yuehua's idea, the Long family's rebelliousness, the whole of Central Asia knows that Li Yuehua has the intention to kill the Long family's sharpness with this method. Although the tone of the negotiation has been set, it can always suppress the other side. There are some benefits, not to mention that this time the Longs have to escape. If you do not find the opportunity to exert pressure to gain more negotiation advantages, it is a waste of such an excellent opportunity.

It's just a pity that Li Yuehua didn't know that the main thing in the camp was not Longxueshan, but that the emperor, even the imperial emperor, evaluated it as the most extreme.

The queue of the imperial cavalry finally stopped about 100 meters away from the camp. Long Po also breathed a sigh of relief. If the other party continued to move forward, it would be easy to really go to war. After all, no matter how bold Long Po, they would never ignore it. Tens of thousands of cavalry rushed into the 100 meters without any movement. The generals of the Dragon family saw the tens of thousands of imperial cavalry, and began to quickly spread out from the two lines.

An imperial general came up from the back in the middle, and a Central Asian official wearing a red robe followed the stopped horse

"That's the Central Asian costume?"

The Long family looked at Li Long from top to bottom, and their eyes were all confused. Who would have thought that there would be an official from the Central Chapel in the Imperial Cavalry Cluster, and it seemed to have a close relationship with the person in charge of the Empire,

"Isn't that Li Long!" Someone murmured, someone in the general knew Li Long,

"Li Long? Is that the Li Long who recovered the emperor?"

"It's him, I know him, absolutely not wrong!" Longjia camp is already in an uproar

Long Po also recognized that the middle-aged man was Li Long. He felt Li Long felt north of the river, and he didn't expect to meet again in this situation.

"How could Li Long be with the Empire!" Long Po's eyes were frozen, and he felt a bit bad. The appointment of Li Long as the deputy to the negotiation or the appointment he wrote, originally thought that after the Long family swept away the grain, they would This black pot was thrown on the head of the Li family. Anyway, the Li family is weak now. Neither the emperor nor the minister of the court would like to see the Li family rise again. And Long Po also hated Li Long for finding the emperor, so that all the hard work of the Long family would be paid. To the east, even the Long family had to temporarily evade to the southwest, so they simply killed the Li family completely, but unexpectedly, Li Long seemed to have a considerable relationship with the person in charge of the empire (unfinished Continued...) rw

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