Whole Nation

: 272 Storm of Final Battle (1)

Shallow corpses were collected by the Samoan army and placed in the second row of cabinets: the strong shields in front of the wooden row formed a steel wall, and the crossbowmen took a crossbow from the enemy corpses. Pull it out, throw it into the quiver behind it,

Everyone knows that it was just a striker of the Intel army, and the more brutal battle hate will soon arrive. No matter from the strategic layout, or for the crazy counterattack that is about to face the Samor army,

The Gangardian army will never allow this nail to stay behind, and Stone Bridge is the only way for the Miaoerdians to march, and it is also the only way to retreat.

Conventionally, only by defeating the Samor remnant army who was dead near the stone bridge, the Erndian army can continue to advance with confidence, but Appleton has little time to entangle with this exhausted remnant army,

Ten days! It takes at least ten days from Kyoto to Fort Djerbo, which is the time that Appleton must complete the occupation of Fort Djerbo,

This is based on the well-proven distribution of Samor’s troops. In order to implement the embargo against Krysdor in Kyoto, Samor’s nearly 60,000 main battle troops. Most of them are gathered around Kyoto,

The entire eastern army is empty. Samor’s remaining military strength is absolutely no more than 10,000 people. It is still a remnant army that has just experienced the **** battle of Tilburg. The combat effectiveness is certainly good, but the staffing and weaponry have not been completed. This is a godsend.

Appleton’s combat plan was already submitted to the Military Department in early January, and was received by His Majesty the King personally. Appleton’s plan proposed a big roundabout strategy.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the Uyghurs to go northward, they entered the Uyghurs' rear from the border of Jerbo in Wikya, and when they hit the front and back with the main force of the kingdom, Yin Erdian could not only reverse it in one fell swoop. The previous unfavorable situation can also recapture the Sartus corridor and achieve a major reversal

"Narumb's waste! Tell him if he can't take the Yarigo Forest in three days. Let him raise my head to see me!" The servant Appleton angrily threw the letter of help on the ground, leaving the first as a reserve army The third squadron joined the queue attacking the forest of Yaligo,

He personally led the first Cavaliers Squadron into the east of Jerbo, and now the entire Jerbo is an empty shell. Appleton believes that as long as a breakthrough, you can take down Djerborg

Storms are gathering at the southern pier of Fort Djerbo

"Slightly, Emperor" waves hit the ship's edge. Turned into white flowers, a large multi-legged warship was near the riverside, the baffle of the "snap" ship's side was dropped down, and a crisp sound made it hit the soft mud by the river

Clusters of Samor's soldiers gathered on the bank of the river, black armor, and gleams of cold light. The hiss of war horses and the hustle and bustle of human voices rang through the banks of the river, and the nearly ten-mile-long Samouri River was crowded with many troop-ships. It looks like a black dam, like a curved dam,

Inside there are big-bellied merchant ships, there are multi-foot ships dedicated to the Samor Army, and there are even many merchant ships from Salander. The rows of masts are like white forests.

"Gather! Hurry! Gather!" Captain Samor yelled in his voice and gathered his soldiers from all directions

The fat man tightened his trench coat, and the strong wind by the river blew behind the big red cloak. A team of murderous Samorian guard cavalry passed by him, black armored lances, backed by a light crossbow, and horseshoes splashing mud, and 5,000 Samorian guard cavalry had been running continuously for the night.

"Adult, the seventh of the Northern Army, the Second Banner Regiment has arrived at the southern pier ten miles downstream." Hu Keqili came with a group of guard cavalry from behind the queue, his head fluttered by the river wind!

"How is the North Army?" The fat man strangled the horse and asked the scout who had just returned from the front. It has been two days since I received a letter from the North Army asking for help.

The fat man originally considered that the east had just experienced the **** battle of Tyre. Both the army and the residents of the Tyre area needed a period of rest and recuperation. If a large number of troops stay in the Tyre and Djerbo areas, it will inevitably increase the pressure on the two places, and the degree of slow recovery will be better. It is better to transfer the army between Kyoto and Zhivadin, which can not only supplement material equipment, but also blockade Kyoto. The role. I didn't expect to be stabbed from behind

Upon receiving a letter from the North Army asking for help, the fat man knew everything in his heart,

This is a big trap, from supporting the royal family to start the business federation, to sending people to assassinate various princes, and disturbing the sight. The purpose is only one, to attract the main forces of the Samor army, and take the opportunity to strike the Jerbo area.

The fat man hasn’t left Kyoto. Several soldiers have emerged urgently. The guard cavalry advanced from Samor fortress along the road. Two elite light infantry flag regiments stationed in Zhivadin went up the river and two north of Kyoto. The flag group took a commercial boat from the outer city of Kyoto, and took a boat along the river. It took only three days to reach the southern pier of Jerbo, and nearly 40,000 Samor elite from three directions.

"Kay, Lord Caesar's Duron, Yi Xunshu lays in a fine sun and sags. He said that the corpses of clams with different shapes are panting in the scout mouth of the Yarigo Forest. The continuous long running power is very weak. I asked myself in person, my face turned red, my whole body shivered with excitement,

"Don't worry! Speak slowly!" The fat man waved easily, letting the nearby guard pass the scout water bag, and the scout threw a few excitements. Continue to "According to the marching traces along the way, the main force of the Miaoerdian Army is divided into two roads in Shiqiaobing, all the way to the direction of Jerbobao, and all the way to the Yaligo Forest, but there are still a small group of subordinates. From the azimuth, the traces of the troops are like going to the eastern border, we have sent people to follow."

"Eastern borderline?. The fat man's face was slightly sullen. Why did the Miaodian go to the east?

In addition to a barren saline-alkali land in the east of Jerbo, which is a large area of ​​white porphyry, even the industrious Isa family couldn't get the wasteland, and it has not been cultivated for decades, without success. In the end, I will not give up. It is a meaningless wasteland, so there is no garrison there

The fat man knows that the white porphyry is called saline, which is the main source of modern industrial salt. Things are good, but southern Samor is the largest sea salt production area, and many of them can drown themselves. I can't use these bitter and salty coarse salt at all,

"Does the Miaoerdian people lack salt? The fat man couldn't help thinking that, but he quickly rejected it, impossible! There is a large lush grassland in the north of Miaoerdian, which is an important horse-producing area in Myerdian, where the lakes are densely covered, Two of them are the Baili Great Salt Lake, which produces the best refined salt,

Said Miao Erdian lacked salt! That's not the rough saline, the refined salt in the salt lake is more valuable than the sea salt! It is the favorite high-end goods used by mainland nobles! "Forget it! Never mind him." The fat man shook his head. No longer working for a small team that mysteriously disappeared,

"Damn it! Catch the big and small, can you turn the waves?" The fat man took a sip and turned his head to command Hu Keqili. "I took the infantry flag regiment to defend Djerborg. You immediately led the guard cavalry. Hurry to the Yaligo Forest and capture the idiot commander Miao Erdian for me! "

"Yes, I must help adults catch a lively jump." Hu Keqili smiled, raising the horsewhip in his hand. Whistled away with the guard cavalry

A black line appeared on the north bank of the upper Lijiang River,

In the booming horseshoe sound, a double-headed dragon battle flag representing the third knight fluttering in the wind,

"Stop. Brant Bonnie waved to the troops behind him, strangling the crotch horse, and a group of hundreds of light armoured knights stopped neatly behind her.

One by one. The look was cold, and the eyes glowed with bones, letting the cold water vapor. Wet body is inlaid with white carved full body armor. There is no knight-specific spear in the weapon slot of the horse span, but two rows of sharp javelins,

The slight blood on his body showed that they were all blood-crossed knights in battle, and they were the whole. The third elite knight is the elite and best at assault combat, "Storm Javelin!"

The Storm Javelin Knight is one of the Kingdom's dedicated axe warriors in order to deal with melee ability groups. Arms, using the weight of war horses, with heavy short javelins as the main means of attack,

It can kill the enemy's heavy armor in a relatively short distance. It is the best knight unit in the light knight, the fierce and urgent javelin, and the precise and powerful medium and short range attack. Whether it is a heavy armor knight or a powerful heavy-handed axe warrior, as long as it is targeted, it is difficult to escape the fate of being killed.

They are bald eagles on the battlefield, quick killers in the knight arms,

The battlefield is the best experience field, iron and blood can teach people the most simple things! After two months of war experience and no experience at first, Bonnie, who had just left the academy, has grown into a qualified commander~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When faced with killing and death, he was as casual as eating. When piles of corpses become what you see every day you open your eyes,

The dignity of life is meaningless before the war. Everyone can only choose to kill or be killed!

"Everyone, in front of us is the Summer Lijiang River we are about to cross!" Brant Bonnie looked back, staring at the knight behind him with bright eyes, a bright and pretty face with a little firmness,

Facing the water vapor coming from the face, the finger raised the golden whip embroidered with gold wire, and the cuteness on the face turned into the cold and cold,

This time, Brant Bonnie flashed the head of the Third Knight Regiment Alexton frustrated


"Crossing it is the sideline of Djerbo. Fifty miles to the east of it, it is the largest grain hoarding area behind the Rude Legion. Salensk, the main force of the Rude people has been pinned in the north, and they will not think of you. They will go around from behind the Jerbo region, and once they are burned or attacked, Salysk, who is hoarding food! The Deutschland line of defense will collapse completely! Just like the rainy night more than ten years ago, our Mirdian Tieqi must crush them!", if you want to know the future, please log in more chapters, support the author, and support the genuine reading!

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