Whole Nation

: Three hundred and seventy-four Nan Fenglie (2)

Just as the Central Church of the Biyadh was stunned because of the southward movement of the refugees, Li Long was standing on an imperial warship traveling by the wind and the waves, looking at the landscape on both sides of the strait, which was backwards like a shuttle. Refreshingly, without getting the recall order, he returned to the Southern Chaotang without permission. Li Long seemed to be able to see the stunned faces of the Chaotang ministers, but for Li Long, there was no fear at all. This time, he represented What the empire came to ask Chao Tang to fulfill the agreement signed between the empire and the dragon family, it is conceivable that when Chao Tang saw this completely one-sided agreement, what would it look like?

If this is not the case, how can it be worthy of the insult that the Li family suffered a while ago!

Li Long's eyes flickered, his hands clasped together, and his body standing on the bow of the imperial warship was straight, a strong hatred flashed in his eyes, and he clearly greeted the emperor himself, but finally returned to the emperor as the emperor. But it was other people, and after the emperor's news that the emperor abandoned him, his attitude towards the Li family was also a deviation from the ground. In the early days, he was still busy, like the most prosperous period of Li valve at the beginning. In the blink of an eye, it was the door sparrow, who could not wait to clear the relationship with the Li family. It seems that the word Li family is contaminated, which is like bad luck, and everyone is afraid to avoid it.

Going back this time, let the whole Chaotang really know what the Li family is!

The fleet traveled south along the tributary of the great river channel. After two days of navigation, they arrived at Baoqing City at the end of the tributary. The sudden visit of the three imperial battleships made the faces of the Chinese and Biyarosian officials in Baoqing City scared. The imperial dragon-tooth battleship was unique. The styling made the port full of people who watched the lively. As the news came out, the news of Li Longnan's return to the Central Church of China was also the fastest.

"What, Li Long is coming back?" The ministers glanced at each other, and no one thought that Li Long had eaten the bear heart leopard gall.

"Without His Majesty's order, Li Long came back like this to bully the king?" In the Prime Minister's Cabinet, Yu Fenglong, who was just appointed as the Prime Minister of the Chaotang, with a heavy, dull face, hummed, "Long Yi entered the Beijing Range, catch first!"

"Senior Prime Minister, what Li Long said is also the head of the Li family, one of the four gates, is this the fastest. The fastest..." The ministers hesitated, and some of them said, "Although the Li family is already weak, the so-called The big tree has deep roots, the head of the Li family of more than 100 years, and the disciples don’t know how much, saying that it is spread all over Centralbia, even if it is already weak, but its local influence is still not small. , Especially Li Tai, the patriarch of the Li family, is still alive. That is the person who has been in charge of the court for nearly 40 years. As long as this person is still there, although the Li family is weak, it has never been in a state of falling down, just because of unauthorized Returning south, he pressed the Li family to the death. There is no guarantee that the Li family will not make a terrible counterattack. The giants such as the Li family have inherited for hundreds of years, and the unknown details , I’m afraid not many people will know.”

"What are you afraid of, removing the Li family, but it is not my mind of Yu Fenglong, but the meaning of your majesty. With such support, what are you worried about!" Yu Fenglong glanced at the ministers, his face cold and harsh. He said, "The Dragon family has just inserted a knife in our back. The emperor's anger has not yet subsided. Li Long has made such a comeback. The Li family can't blame others for their own death!"

"Your Majesty is going to kill the Li family!" The ministers' eyes fixed at the same time. Although they knew that the emperor did not want the Li family to come back, they did not expect that the emperor even had the idea of ​​killing the Li family. Yu Feng Long Yi opened his mouth, and what he took off was a big hat for bullying the king. This was a guilty conspiracy. Even the Li family couldn't bear it. This is really the way to kill the Li family!

"This matter, everyone knows what is right. The sage mind is not something that I can wait to figure out at will!"

Yu Fenglong took a deep breath, stood up, and looked at the sky outside the palace with his hands behind his back, sighed and said, "Li Long knows that there is no possibility of returning to the South. He just makes a big noise, hoping to earn some sympathy. I hope you still have some old feelings, I’m afraid it’s really possible that Li Long could return to the South again,

The ministers were silent. Also, why was the place on the north bank of the Great Riverway treated by human beings? At any time, they might be caught and beheaded by the Yelu family, or they might be hated by the noble empire of Central Biya, The chicken that killed the chicken and the monkey! Now the rivers are even more turbulent, and the road leading to the north bank has been cut off except for the waterway." "I heard that the guards around Li Long were completely disappointed with the Li family, and all fled back in disgrace. An empty shell person in charge of the north shore of Centralbia, afraid that even eating is a problem, everyone can understand Li Long's sympathy, but the Li family, one of the four gates of Centralbia, was so powerful. These few years of kung fu are now on the verge of ruin, pitiful, lamentable, and deserve it. If the four gates are not shaken and withered, how can there be the rise of me now! "The emperor means, what can the ministers say,

"The Li family does not fall, and it is also a hidden danger for you"

Yu Fenglong's eyes flashed across the ministers' faces, his lips grinning, "Li Yang's return this time, I'm afraid I can't hide it!"


The ministers' faces all changed in unison. This sentence was really humiliating. In the hall, the emperor coaxed the emperor to order 100,000 troops to be stationed in the Yang River to stop the refugees from attacking the ministers' private land. Once Li Long revealed Come out, the emperor is afraid that if he does not kill a few people, he will not stop!

"No matter what, the Li family is always a wealthy man to the north. Now how do we treat the Li family? Once the Li family gains momentum, it will not spare us." A minister grudgingly gritted his teeth.

"Yes, absolutely cannot give the north a chance! Li Long can never return to Chaotang!" Another minister said with a straight face, these ministers are mostly from the background of the southern aristocracy, because the two emperors were broken, the northern aristocracy It has long been withered, and the wealth accumulated for several generations has been robbed by the prairie people in the broken city. The elites in the family were also killed and injured in the two wars. The northern faction, which originally belonged to the mainstream of the Central Church of China, has been unable to control it. The rise of the aristocracy in the South even decayed and withdrew from the core of power. Even the Li family is so embarrassed. It is conceivable that the other remaining northern factions are now a scene.

Now that the nobility in the south is in power, how can they make the north appear again! The representative of the North is undoubtedly the Li family

The ministers of the courts reached a consensus and were preparing to issue the order to arrest Li Long. The exact news from Baoqing City also came. This time, there were three imperial dragon-toothed warships and 500 imperial soldiers guarding Li Longnan. Li Long did not land on the shore, but was always on the three Imperial Longya warships. It seems that Li Long is also very clear that as soon as he gets off the Imperial warship, he will be immediately detained by the local government, but now on the Imperial warship, The local government also had no way to do it. He used to be brave and tried to send a team of officials to the past. As a result, he was stopped by the emperor before he got on the ship.

"It's a little troublesome"

Hearing this news, Yu Fenglong's complexion became ugly, and he walked back and forth in the palace unsteadily. He didn't expect Li Long to be guarded by the imperial team. Although there were only 500 people, he was a regular army of the empire. The arrest of Li Long by force is afraid of the possibility of war with the empire. Since the Fengtai Department, everyone knows how serious the consequences of provoking the empire, not to mention that the empire is still pressing 100,000 troops on the west road of the emperor, north of the river. The Yelu family also bowed down to the empire. If the 300,000 army of Centralbia is still there, or they can still clamor for a battle, they are now evacuated by two-thirds of the Long family, only 100,000 troops, and they want to pretend to be with the empire. With a powerful expression, the ministers feel that their backs are cold

It was difficult to reach a truce agreement with the Yelvs, could it not be possible to go to war with the empire as soon as they turned around? While Yu Fenglong was hesitating, a minister said, "Sir Prime Minister, although he cannot catch Li Long directly, we can change it. The people of the Li family are still easy to catch. As long as we have chips in hand, we will not worry that Li Long will jump. come out"

"Are you saying that those who arrested the Li family came to threaten Li Long?"

Yu Fenglong's eyebrows frowned together. It is undeniable that this method is feasible, but it is a bit mean, but it is a very special method in extraordinary times! As long as you can keep Li Long from speaking, it is best to return to the north of the Great Riverway obediently, then it is not a big deal to grab a few people from the Li family! Anyway, what can Li Jia do? When Li Long was arrested, the Li family was completely over! Yu Fenglong walked to the table, picked up the brush and wrote an order, covered the seal of his prime minister on the spot, and then took the order to the minister who made the proposal, reached out and handed it to him, and said, "Immediately Go, remember, don’t miss the wind!"

"Understood!" The minister took the order and nodded deeply. He knew the meaning of Yu Fenglong. After all, the Li family is also one of the four gates. Once people know that the people who arrested the Li family in Chaotang To threaten Li Long, especially to let local officials who have a good relationship with the Li family know that they might cause a lot of trouble,

With a snap, Li Long put down his pen in the cabin and stretched his muscles hard. A servant had been standing by for a long time. Li Long handed a letter on the table to the servant and said in a condensed voice This is handed over to the local government


The servant left with a letter, Li Long walked out of the cabin, took a deep breath, and looked at the nearby Baoqing City. The complex look, the sparkling river rushed against the stone steps on the pier, and countless white The line spread to both sides. The copy just sent away was a copy of the agreement signed between the empire and the dragon. Li Long thought of the shock of the ministers when he saw this copy, he felt an urge to laugh.

The emperor of Centralbia who betrayed the Li family, this time also tasted the taste of being abandoned,

In that agreement, China and Syria used the trade tax as collateral, as well as the control of six port cities. If it was implemented, then Centralbia’s finances would be reduced by a third, and the imperial merchants would In front of invading the market of Central Biya, in this fluctuation of the impact of the refugees, he made a lot of money, not to mention that Long Po had embarrassed him for months in revenge. Accept it all, and even deliberately set a stumbling block for Chaotang,

That is the Yangshui zone, which has completely become the private line of the Yangshui River among the ministers of the Central Churches of China. I am afraid that I haven’t thought of it. I have been swept by Long Po, and I added an agreement to the agreement. Part of the land was mortgaged to the empire in exchange for a bargaining chip for grain to be shipped directly to the southwest, and almost all of the Yanghe area was in

This is interesting. Li Long naturally knew the truth of Yang He. When he saw this, his first feeling was a toothache! Long Po really dared to dare to do so, but also, the Dragon family has completely given up the plan to enter the Central Biya Chaotang, so it does not matter to offend people. Instead, it weakens the power of the Chinese Biya Chaotang. For the Long family, the more favorable, just doing so blatantly, it really makes Li Long both feel so incredible that the world is changing,

Although he didn't have any affection for Long Po himself, Li Long also had to admit that this time, Long Po this time helped the Li family sigh out a lot of grievances. In the negotiations between the empire and the Long family, this dragon class The performance of the Lord was extremely refreshing, or it really gave up the thoughts of entering the Central Zhongbia, so the hatred of the Li and Long families was also invisible, and Li Long also saw that the first place in Zhongbia will be for the entire How deep is the resentment in the Central Church of China

If he had not seen it with his own eyes, Li Long would not believe it. The person who signed the agreement that almost sold out the interests of China and Syria in the negotiations was the one who led the Southwest Dragon family and the prairie people to fight for two. The owner of the dragon family for more than a year, the dragon family who is known as the ridge of the sky in Centralbia!

The content of that text is so distraught

Li Long, who sent the text, had to be protected by the emperor before he could go south. After arriving in the south, he did not dare even go down to the deck of the imperial warship. Only under the protection of 500 imperial soldiers could Li Long feel a sense of security.

Although it is known that the Central Asian Church did not dare to fight the Empire, but who dare to say that the Central Asian Emperor who was greatly stimulated would not go crazy! There are imperial battleships, at least in the waters of the river channel, you want to go! This is really Li Long's idea, so that the agreement text that should have been sent to the Southern Chaotang ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ cannot go south midway,

On the third day of June, in the government hall

Xia Ye cicadas, Cai Long, the Minister of the Interior, wearing a Gebu mid-list. In the still cold night, he was reviewing the documents to be sent to the Chaodian meeting the next day. There was a sweat on his head. There were two picturesque maids behind him gently fanning him. The meeting tomorrow is the first meeting of the Emperor Palace after the emperor returned from the south. The weight of which can be imagined, and no error is allowed. Even if the following people have already seen it, Cai Long will have to review them one by one.

"Master, this is urgently sent by Baoqing City!" A servant came in with a paper,

"Place it there"

Cai Long narrowed his eyes slightly and didn't pay too much attention. He waved his hand to the servant. Since Li Long arrived, the official palace of Baoqing City was tense. After all, the three imperial warships stopped on the pier, and the entire pier was destroyed by the empire. Soldiers are under martial law, no one can come close at will. Baoqing City is only an inland city. Where have you seen such a staggering posture, Baoqing Zhizhou sees this posture, its legs are soft, and it is reported every day. The party came early and took the emperors on the dock as soon as possible

Baoqing Zhizhou didn’t know that there was no plan to meet with the empire in Chaotang. During the day, they discussed using the Li family to threaten Li Long. Naturally, they were even more unconcerned about the requirements of Baoqing City. When Cai Long would need to prepare The meeting documents were well reviewed. It was already midnight and stretched a lazy waist. Cai Long glanced at the Baoqing City paper on the corner and hesitated, instead of picking it up, he blew out casually. There is nothing to see about the lights on the table. It is impossible for Chaotang to send someone to Baoqing to approach Li Long. As long as he drags over there, when he catches the Li family, Li Long will sit on his own. Rw

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