Whole Nation

: Three hundred and eighty-six Nanfenglie (14)

The sun was slanting west, and golden sunlight spread from the distant ridge, turning the earth in front of it into a golden color,

Zheng Zhi didn't expect that he would be so shocked when he waited. Just when he was desperate, the flow of people on the street suddenly began to disperse, and he saw a team of cavalry in armor wearing horseshoes. Slowly coming from the street in front, the cavalry armor of the cavalry shining in the setting sun shone brightly, and it seemed to be filled with a sacred atmosphere, especially the red cavalry cloak trembling in the wind, it was like a flame, attracting both sides Less gaze,

In the middle of the cavalry, there is a black carriage with no obvious marks on it, but the flow of people scattered on both sides of the street is enough to prove the identity of the people inside the carriage. The carriage was parked at the door of the Imperial Bank branch. The man came down from the carriage, it was Sun Hanli who Zheng Zhi had been waiting for

"It's Sun Hanli!"

The staff member who received Zheng Zhi was puzzled, and his face was dazed. It seemed that he did not know how Sun Hanli would return in such a posture. After all, Sun Hanli was only the person in charge of the small branch of Imperial Bank. It is the first time that the status of the military has been used, although there have been rumors that the Imperial Bank is behind the most powerful people in the empire. ??

Sun Hanli came down from the carriage and walked into the branch gate in front of him. His eyes fell on Zheng Zhi who had stood up. He walked straight over and placed his hand on Zheng Zhi’s hand. He said with regret, "Your loan application has been approved. , But the amount is deviated, not two thousand imperial gold"

"It's okay, I can understand"

Hearing that the loan may not be two thousand empire gold coins, Zheng Zhi did not show an unexpected look. In fact, if he can actually borrow two thousand empire gold coins, it would be whimsical. He is a little-known little person, and he has not even a trace of it. The imperial bank did not treat itself as a cheater for the property that could be mortgaged.

While saying this, Zheng Zhi glanced at the Imperial Cavalry behind Sun Hanli,

"Don’t get me wrong, these are not imperial teams, but our Imperial Guard’s own cavalry. One of their duties is to guard the heavy gold transportation." Sun Hanli smiled and shrugged his shoulders to explain. "You may not know yet, we The Imperial Bank is used for its own **** flag team. After all, most of the time it needs to be escorted by force. If it does not even have its own escort, how can the Imperial Bank implement the loan business?"

"It turns out so!"

Zheng Zhi's eyes slightly lifted, revealing a relief. It is not surprising that an institution such as the Imperial Bank, which specializes in lending, has its own private armament. Two thousand imperial gold coins can indeed be regarded as heavy gold. The Imperial Bank sent a team similar to hired guards. The **** is also reasonable." Who knows that Sun Hanli opposite him shook his head under his gaze, and looked very angry and said, "There are two thousand imperial gold coins, and it's not enough to send an escort. It's frank. Say, this time the empire promised to lend you money, it is definitely beyond your imagination, the number is this. . . . . . "Sun Hanli put up a finger mysteriously, and Zheng Zhi looked stunned,

"You mean that the Imperial Bank promised to lend me the money, which is 10,000 imperial coins!" Zheng Zhi's shocked body was shaking, his eyes were straight, and he almost fainted. Sun Hanli said that he had counted his own imagination, then this is The representative is not one thousand gold coins, is it ten thousand imperial gold coins?

how can that be!

Looking at Sun Hanli's finger, Zheng Zhi was short of breath and his face changed greatly. His eyes couldn't help but look at the black carriage again. This time it felt completely different.

Where is this carriage, this is the gold coin,

In his eyes, the entire carriage was full of boxes of gold coins, which was 10,000 imperial coins, and it was calculated to have three or four large boxes. It is not surprising that Sun Hanli came back in a carriage! Because this can't be moved at all. Ten thousand empire gold. If the imperial bank really lent itself ten thousand empire gold, then the Zheng family will be in a desperate situation this time!

"Master Sun Hanli, are you sure you are not fooling us!" Zheng Zhi looked at Sun Hanli with fiery eyes.

"Cough, the amount of money lent to you this time is really large." Sun Hanli coughed awkwardly, but because of the large amount, the Imperial Bank sent the **** cavalry to go back to Longchang Port with you. Their duty is Protect the security of imperial property, as borrowers, you are also protected

"Adult is saying that these guards will follow us to Longchang Port?"

The guards of these Imperial Banks also had to follow themselves to Longchang Port, which had to make Zheng Zhi frown and feel a little uneasy.

It should be known that even the Wu Family in Longchang Port has only two or thirty guardians, and the so-called guards of the Imperial Bank in front of them, although they are not regular army, can obviously feel that they are all in the body. After a hundred battles, the soldiers can send such a team of guards at will. The terrible background of the Imperial Bank can be imagined!

Who can guarantee that Imperial Bank will not deliberately use loans as a bait, but will eventually swallow the entire Zheng family,

Most of the good things that pie in the sky are terrifying traps. The Imperial Bank helps itself like this. If you don’t have ambitions, it’s self-deception.

Sun Hanli took Zheng Zhi's look into his eyes and knew that the other party must have such thoughts. He said with a more accented tone: "The number given by the Imperial Bank this time is too large. I won't tell you, but it's also good for you. I am afraid that even if you can go back to Longchang Port, the Zheng family will be killed overnight! People die for money, birds die for food, this kind of thing should not need me to explain! As for these guards, their duty is only to protect The property of the Imperial Bank will not be infringed, and will not interfere with the Zheng family."

"Say that, then how much the Imperial Bank is willing to lend us this time, if this doesn't tell us, we don't want another!" Zheng Long behind Zheng Zhi couldn't help but say loudly, the young man's blood is just like Zheng Zhi That was too old an accident. Sun Hanli raised a finger in front of him. Like Zheng Zhi, he thought it was 10,000, and he couldn’t help but be excited. But now it seems that it is not that simple. Although there are many 10,000 gold coins, but There is no need to send this kind of **** who is close to the army to accompany it. Now that I hear that the safety of the Zheng family may be endangered, I can’t help but play a retreat, even if this time the persecution by the Wu family, at least the Zheng family is Luck is bad, there is no danger of the family going out,

"In this case, it’s okay to tell you." Seeing that both the Zheng family were shaken, Sun Hanli gritted his teeth, and Shen said, "The one who went with you to Longchang is a million empire gold coins!"

"One... one million imperial gold coins!" Zheng Zhi opened his mouth wide, his entire head was stunned, one million imperial gold coins, this is to superimpose the entire high gate and big valve of Longchang, which may be the case. Financial resources, is this to buy exactly Longchang? "

"Don't think too much!"

Sun Hanli looked solemnly at the sunset in the distance and waved his hand to the guard cavalry outside the door. A guard cavalry came down from the horse and took out a document and handed it to Sun Hanli. Sun Hanli glanced and handed it to Zheng Zhi. Say "Take this, this is the handwriting of Princess Mingyue, and also the identity certificate of your Cai family. The fleet of the Imperial Bank has been waiting at the port. Of the one million gold coins, 100,000 are loaned to you from the Cai family. Under the 900,000 people, there will be people who will go back with you to manage, and from now until you pay off the loan, your Cai family is considered to be the private businessman of Princess Mingyue, the Princess of Centralbia. About Imperial Bank It’s absolutely impossible to tell a little bit about the matter, and you must bite it, the money is all from Her Royal Highness Princess Mingyue."

"This is a certificate written by Princess Mingyue personally!"

Zheng Zhi glanced at the document in confusion, and finally saw the Ming Ming Princess's Ming Jian at the end of the payment. The hand holding the document was almost scared to the ground. The beautiful and elegant handwriting undoubtedly shows that the other party is a woman, listening When Sun Hanli said that this might be the handwriting of Princess Mingyue, Zheng Zhi’s eyes are still the boss, and there is only breathing in his mouth.

Princess Mingyue is a household name in Centralbia, and the identity of the royal princess is directly above the door. The so-called private merchants are actually dedicated merchants. They are one of the family officials. The reason why the Longchang Wujia can be in Longchang Port Covering the sky with one hand means that by virtue of the identity of a private merchant of the second grade in the Chaotang, compared with Princess Mingyue, the princess of the royal royal family in the hall, what kind of thing is it! If this is really Princess Mingyue’s handwriting, it’s a great thing. Before paying off the loan, it’s the condition of Princess Mingyue’s private businessman. It is simply a thick thigh that fell from the sky, and it is still more than everyone’s. The kind that looks rough,

Zheng Zhi and the two got into the carriage and went straight to the port. At the port's location, there were already six large transport ships with silver and white falcon flags flying there. It's conspicuous, but if it's in the Obaro region, the silver-white falcon flag is enough to give many countries a green light. It is the mark of the Imperial Bank. The silver-white falcon logo is used as the logo of the Imperial Bank. This is decided by the fat man himself, because the fat man believes that as the two major forces in empire and financial resources, the golden falcon is the banner of the imperial army, then the silver falcon should be the banner of the imperial bank,

Under the sunset, the river surface is sparkling

Standing outside the port, watching the six ships flying the flag of the Imperial Bank flow down the river, and eventually disappeared in the distance of the river channel, the fat man's eyes narrowed into a line, and the fine light flashed, it seemed to be able to cross the earth barrier in front of him, always seeing The end of the earth leads directly to the edge of the sea. There are six big ports along the coastline arc of Centralbia, and it is also the economic lifeline of the entire southern part of Centralbia, because the roads on the north are cut off by the prairie people, and marine trade is already in the middle. Biya is gradually emerging, but this is the only thing that is invisible above the Central Church in China, because only in this way can the tax paid to the Central Church in each quarter be reduced to a minimum, and those The extra profits are basically divided between the ministers and local gatekeepers. Who would be stupid enough to run to the emperor to break this big fat, and even the new prime minister of China and Yuya, Yu Fenglong, is in such a huge interest In front of the group, they chose to keep their mouths closed

The emperor was also imagining to use the empire down to create pressure and squeeze more power from the ministers. The ministers also fantasized that the military could resist the emperor and keep their Yanghe production area. Taking advantage of this tide of refugees, To earn him a lot of money, and the military is surrounded by the imperial army, the morale is low, the army has no war spirit, only dare to stay on the front line of Deyang, hoping that Chaotang will reach a truce agreement with the empire as soon as possible.

This is the status quo in Centralbia,

Or someone once saw the importance of Six Port City, but that person is now withdrawn to the southwest. For the six port city, because it is not available, it is simply thrown out as a bargaining chip with the Empire.

Now it is only a group of short-sighted people who are fighting for power to gain control of China-Belgium~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If the Asian side wants to stop it, it will come out, which is not what they can afford. Their extremely weak financial resources can not only stop it, they may even be involved in it.

The only thing that needs to be considered may be the local gate valve of Six Port City. As a local ground snake, they may be regarded as the actual rulers of Six Port City.

"Send orders to the Admiralty, the South China Sea squadron of the Central Asian Empire, rushed to Longchang off the sea within ten days!" The fat man turned back and gave orders to the guards behind him. Soon it will have an effect, open the way with one million imperial gold coins, and first disturb Longchang, which is known as the golden sea forest in the six city ports,

As long as the market in Longchang is chaotic, other ports will inevitably be affected. Then the empire will be hit with large funds, and finally all six ports in Centralbia will be won.

As for those regional gatekeepers, the imperial emperor is quite experienced. The empire has conquered so many regions. It has always been believed that the best way to treat these local forces is to abandon all illusory absolute force suppression. On the verge of possible extinction at any time, any local power will often show a very obvious compromise. Therefore, after the empire conquers, the first thing is often to separate the local aristocracy, if the local aristocracy are all fledgling generations , Then in the turbulence, the dead bones have long been gone. It is precisely those nobles who are good at forbearance in the region. Each time they can continue in the turmoil because they know the truth of the wall.

Fat people believe that this is as common as Liucheng Port, with a murder knife on one hand and a wealthy and glorious hand on the other, as long as a fool knows what to do! 8

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