Whole Nation

: Two hundred and seventy-eight are all mine (1)

The night is like water. The warm spring wind blew on his face. The melodious Sarris bagpipe bluffed in the moonlight, like the mother's gentle hand, gently soothing the soldier's homesickness.

The fat man has grass roots in his mouth, leaning on the fence next to the camp tent, feeling the slightly bitter taste of grass roots in his mouth. In front of him is the beautiful Djerbo Plain under the moonlight. On the endless plain, the green grass seeds emerge from the ground. Bud, the beautiful Satsuma Li River rang in the vicinity, and the distant riverside Songpai Lin made a loud noise in the night breeze, and occasionally a dark shadow traversed it. Traces, everything looks so beautiful,

Unfortunately, this beautiful spring is destined to be covered with a layer of blood


The fat man looked at the distant scenery and meditated. The broken stone bridge lurked in the night, leaving a black shadow. The body of the soldier who died in the fire turned into fly ash. The fat man always remembered seeing his general Caesar Sauron in the evening. Situation,

This nobleman with neat etiquette habits, this tough guy who still didn't change his color under Kujit's sharp scimitar, holding the ashes of the soldiers who had turned into ashes, knelt in front of the stone bridge and ran in pain. The cold river wets his clothes, the whole person is dull like a stone carving

This is the ashes of the soldiers of the North Army. The North Army is the unit that Caesar Sauron devoted all his efforts. From a squadron, to a flag regiment, and then to a regiment, the inside is bit by bit, and the hardship inside is exhausted, but now it is one. Lost in battle, the misery in my heart can be imagined

This was the biggest victory since Samor's army was established. Twelve thousand soldiers of the Northern Army were killed. Fort Jerbo was reduced to a ruin in the war. The army was annihilated, but the fat man was not happy, and the corpse ran across the front of the stone bridge. The defensive army of Djerbo, which had been dying all over the city, and the two elite flag regiments of the Samor Northern Army were almost destroyed. Scenes of the tragic scene of the death of Samor's soldiers in battle. Into the fat man's heart like Chin.

The fat man carried his hands on his back and heard a rustling sound of his feet on the lawn, "Adult!" Hu Keqili took a few guards and walked gently,

"Things are done!" The fat man didn't turn his head, and he asked a little, but the black shadow pupil was in the distance. Invisible light

"Yes!" Hu Keqili nodded affirmatively. "The warning about the Yin Erdian people may attack the rear. We have rushed to the German military's procurement point in Jerbo. I believe it will be passed soon. Go back to the Kingdom of Rude! This time the Murdian attack troops will definitely hit their heads and break the blood. This is also a little compensation for those brothers who died in battle."

"It was only Hu Keqi's words that hesitated and hesitated," he said, "The Ruds proposed that our Samor's army should enter the Mourdian country first, and then they would send troops to cooperate with us to capture Dekhrim."

"Oh, that's how the Ruds are!" The fat man stood up from the lawn and took a sip, spitting the chewed grass roots on the ground. "No matter what he is. In fact, with or without their help, we are in a position to capture Dehrim. It is imperative that the Dehrim region is dominated by the Djerbo Plain on the topography. As long as you like, the Miaoerdi regiment can overwhelm the Djerbo region of Pingchuan at any time. Today’s tragedy may be staged again at any time. I used to estimate that the situation was wrong. , I didn’t think that the Saerdians would be so mean and shameless, now we can’t let this happen again, otherwise don’t talk about ourselves. Even the 12,000 Samor soldiers who died will not let us go at night!”

"Adult means Hu Keqili's face is grieved and angry. Hearing the fat man's words, his body trembles a little, his eyes glowing hot, white with five fingers clenched

"The blood of the warrior cannot be in vain! This is the tradition of Samor." The fat man took the horse reins from the guard and turned his horse to order. "You immediately lead the guard cavalry flag regiment across the border and seize the southern fortress of Dehrim Winsborough, there is no intercourse! It is not my Samor's style. Since I dare to let the horse come, I have to bear the consequences of my Samor's anger. This is called compliance!"

In the early morning, Cosburg was quiet and peaceful with the morning mist. The white walls turned into beautiful gold in the morning light, and the wagon that drove the goods slowly walked on the winding moat. The farmhouses outside the city raised smoke, and the two garrison military camps were distributed on the hills outside the castle. The wooden fence is surrounded by boxes, and the Lion Flag of the Sixth Knights is flying high in the campsite

"Urgent report!" An embarrassed Rui Erdian herald soldier, while shouting loudly, galloping into the camp door

"Quick!, Express Master Fesler!" The messenger's swaying figure almost fell off his horse's back. The moisture of the morning mist wet his lightweight mail armor, covered with dark black mud

"What! This will be the case!" Baron Fesler, the garrison, opened the urgent report sent by the herald. His face changed suddenly because he was too nervous. The emergency report was twisted into a ball, he didn't feel it, he paced back and forth

"Ferres Squadron": What happened to the publication. The honorable Marquis Firner of Winksburg walked in with Sun Qiu's account outside his face. Because of excessive alcoholism, his face was white and blue, and his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes. He had not been fully awake from the dinner of Winksburg last night. Come here, shaking his head in front of Ferrers.

"Sir, look!" Ferrers handed him an urgent report with an ugly face. This piece of torn paper by Zou Cheng made Marquis Fellner frown slightly, so straightforwardly, that there was no ceremonial behavior. Unlike Ferres, who was born in the past, he was a noble marquis, and he was also a lord. Ferres, who had only a humble blood knight status, saw that he should salute and use honorifics instead of treating those humble untouchables. same

"Something!" He looked at Ferres' heavy face and suppressed his dissatisfaction. Received the urgent report from Phylers, swept the eyes suspiciously, and suddenly stayed blank, his mouth wide open, like a fat toad holding a breath

"This. How is this possible." Fernand screamed in surprise, "How could Lord Appleton be defeated by the untouchables of Vickia, our glorious Indian army, our invincible knights, could we beat those who took Samor farmers with agricultural tools!"

"Yes, Lord Appleton is defeated!" Felles nodded painfully, and the herald said that his head was hanging on Samor's flag, and his long, flowing soil was covered with mud. His shield inlaid with stainless steel and silver diamonds was taken to the auction house by the Samor, and the entire Sixth Army. Except for the second Macedonian squadron, everyone is dead! "

"Oh! The omnipotent god!" Mangnard's exaggerated right hand covered his chest, posing a pious look, eyes showing a painful look. "This is really terrible! These brutal Wikia Barbarian"

"This is not the worst!" Ferrers hesitated for a while, whispering. "Since the Battle of Wincoborg a hundred years ago, the Wikiyas once again set foot on this beautiful land. Our sentry tower on the border line yesterday At night, they were raided by the Wikyas, and I believe they were heading towards Dekiosborg."

"Yes! We also have Deqiusborg!" The panicked Phil Nader heard the word. It was like a shot of stimulant, and his face excitedly said, "In the rugged and important German Castle, we have thousands of elite infantry stationed all year round.

The reserve has one year's worth of food, no matter who has the idea of ​​hitting the fortress on three sides. Are destined to pay a huge price, and these proud Wikiyas will certainly repeat the same mistakes as their ancestors."

"Bump!" A dazzling golden dawn appeared a small black line on the low hills outside Winksburg, the horseshoe broke down and the wild grass with crystal morning dew remained

Hu Kenianli took a deep breath. The air was mixed with a faint fragrance. The low green plain was covered with a variety of wildflowers. The Wencos Plain was under his own horseshoe. Thinking of this, Hu Cochle could not help feeling excited. A hundred years ago, the army of Vickia was ambushed in this plain full of beautiful wildflowers. Under these gorgeous dazzling wildflowers, I don’t know how many Vekiya Snow Warriors were buried. Corpse.

After a night of back-and-forth attacks, the body of the mail has been wet with dew, but Hu Keqili has no sense of fatigue, because this time is different from several other battles, this is the rise of Vicya, which has become a second-rate kingdom. In the first battle, one hundred years ago, the ancestors fell here. One hundred years later, his own sword will cut this shame deeply in the hearts of the Vickias.

In order to confuse Ruidian's sentinel tower along the way, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com Hu Keqili with the guard cavalry first led the cavalry straight to the direction of Deogsburg, and pulled out the sentry tower all the way. Then he turned halfway and took advantage of the deep night forest to go straight to Wincoburg. "He fell there, he got up there! We are destined to be Vickias! Hu Keqili whispered in excitement, slowly pulled out his waist sword, and raised it against the beautiful morning sun. A brush came through him The sound of the brush was drawn, and the light of Xiao Xueliang converged into a silver river. Five thousand Samor's Guards cavalry like a large cloud of flashing light, the horses galloped, rolled up the splashing dust, and rushed out of Winksburg Barracks

"Well, what is that!" The soldiers on the guard tower of the Zhaldian Barracks were shook by the light in the distance. They turned around curiously and immediately shouted "Cavalry! Many cavalry" in panic.

"Woo". The loud trombone sound outside the military account drove the two who were still negotiating

One hop

"Enemy!" Fernad jumped nervously. His fragile nerve net was torn by the military newspaper, and now he was stimulated by the alarm trombone again. Although he is not a soldier, this represents an enemy attack. The trumpet sounds are still understandable. All adult Lord lords must go to Parahan College to learn basic military knowledge.

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