Whole Nation

: Two hundred and eighty are all mine (3)

Second, the young nobleman shot the leader, Master Xin, with a sad face on his face. The guard on the city head is stupid. Who is this guy? It's so talented! This arrow can be said to have saved the entire castle. Otherwise, the suspension bridge would fall and the enemy's army would come to the city. Based on the more than a thousand defenders in the city, I want to know the result with my ass.

"Still stunned!" The young noble turned back and glared, waving his arm at the approaching black armor knight, shouting at him, "Are you waiting for them to step on the suspension bridge! Hold the suspension bridge fast if you don't want to die?" Pull it up." "Yes! Yes!" The guard responded, panic shouting to the winch driver, "Pull the bridge! Pull the bridge!" A dozen thick body winches pulled the axle at the same time, and the winch made a crumbling sound. The two iron locks stretched straight on the bridge, the suspension bridge slowly left the ground,

The black knight who ran at the forefront outside the city had run close to the suspension bridge for ten meters, and saw the suspension bridge rise slowly in front of him. Naturally, the suspension bridge will not be easily pulled up, and the crotch warhorse grows loudly, but the horse does not decrease but increases, regardless of the moat that is more than ten meters deep in the front. Leap forward and press down on the suspension bridge that has not been raised

"bump". The heavy horseshoe was pressed against the suspension bridge, and the slowly rising suspension bridge paused. The city's head rang out of an uproar. No one would think that the enemy was so brave. He even ignored the safety of the horse and pressed the bridge. High moat,

The calm river looks ordinary. Sparkling, a good place for fish games. In fact, it is extremely dangerous. A fortress is small on all sides and there is always a dark river and moat to figure out, in order to facilitate daily sewage discharge and garbage disposal, so many castles will There are sharp stones or pieces of iron buried under the moat, iron fences are placed at the entrance of the river channel, and even sharp iron thorns are buried in the moat silt of the large fortress.

In the Lord’s Act, there is a kind of divine rule that throws sinners from the castle into the moat. The method of judgment is very simple. If you are guilty, if you fall into the river from the castle, the prisoner will die. If it is not guilty, because there is a **** to protect it. The prisoner will not die, so we can see the danger of the moat

"Hurry up." The city guards saw the suspension bridge being pressed, and their faces were green with anxiety, but no matter how they shouted, no matter how the winch's face turned red, the **** suspension bridge hung on the riverside like this, "Lock!" The Samor's Guard Cavalry withdrew his sword from the waist. Constantly hacking on the thick iron lock of the suspension bridge, I want to cut the bridge lock of the suspension bridge, but there is no white spot except for a spark.

"Stainless steel chain!" This strange scene made Samor's Guard Cavalry take a breath. The scene in front of him was exactly the same as when he was fighting with the Miaoerdian steel knight the day before. Unexpectedly, this Winsburg Such a luxury. Even pulling the suspension bridge with precious stainless steel chains,

"dash forward". Hu Keqili shouted, followed by several guard cavalry, and prepared to jump on the suspension bridge. A rapid wind sounded. Hu Keqili's subconscious tilted his head, and a white light flicked through his ears. A guard cavalry next to Hu Keqili's body flicked down from the galloping horse, and an arrowhead crushed his Body armor. His waist is bloody

"Bastard!" Hu Keqili gritted his teeth and looked down the trajectory of the arrow. Sure enough, he saw a young nobleman in chain mail, bowing his arrow and aiming at himself. If you didn’t flash fast just now, this arrow will definitely reimburse yourself

War horses are flying like flying bridges. Hu Keqili gripped his horse's belly tightly with both feet, ready to lift the horse to jump

"Whoosh!" The young nobleman at the head of the city shot another arrow. "Lock!" The knight's round shield in Hu Keqili's hand made a crisp sound, and the arrowhead was flicked away. Hu Keqili's arm was sore with a strong anti-shock force, and he felt like he was blocking the opponent's hammer, and the steel round shield in his hand was shot into it, forming a round four sides.

"Bow Knight!" Hu Keqi strangled the horse with surprise, and a powerful bow knight stared at himself, and he did not dare to jump again anyway. Hu Keqili stayed with the fat man all year round. I have a deep understanding of the strong strength of the two bow knights of Kestay and Isamofer, knowing that once they jump into the air, there is no room for dodge, and they will be as powerful as a fat moth. Bow knight

"Shoot him!" The guard on the city's head responded to the cry of the young nobility. The archer quickly pulled the compound bow in his hand, and a rapid arrow of rain covered the city from the city head towards the Samor's guard cavalry on the suspension bridge.

"That Husi!" Hu Keqili's eyes widened, watching the guard cavalry on the bridge being shown by the chaotic arrows in Erzewo, and even led the horse off to talk about the moat ten meters below. Fresh blood pressure caused a red blood flower,

Losing the weight of the war horse, the suspension bridge was raised again, and was quickly hung up high. Seeing that the bridge was hopeless, Hu Keqili's ugly face returned to Lema. The battle outside the city's barracks was almost over.

In front of Samor's guard cavalry who had an absolute advantage. The Gangerdian squadron, with only a few hundred people, was completely destroyed, and Hu Cochli ordered the burning of the Inerdian barracks, and then took the Samor's guard cavalry, and disappeared into the distant sky as quickly as they came.

Smoke billowed from the hilly camp. The wind was mixed with an unpleasant smell of scorching smell, which made the defender who escaped from the robbery in the Winsco Castle and swallowed hard. Silent on the walls, if it wasn’t for the thick smoke of the camp outside the city, it wasn’t that the tragic corpse of Fernad was still lying outside the city, and the castle defenders wondered if they were dreaming

"Okay. You can move the body of Lord Lord!" The young nobleman calmly put down the compound bow in his hand, breaking the silence on the city walls, then the city guards showed up, the compound bow in the hands of the young nobleman It is completely different from the archer's compound bow. The long handle of the compound bow inlaid with glyphs is obviously half longer than the ordinary compound bow. The bow string is not a tendon winch, but a special metal with a glimmering silver light. In the middle of the handle, there is a small four-groove, where the family emblem should have been inlaid, but now there is nothing!

"Silver-blooded warrior bow warrior!" shouted on the city's head, and the guards' mouths were open. This was the most mysterious existence in the Knights of Miaoerdian. Only part of the Royal Guard exists. Responsible for protecting the royal family. Hereditary.

"My name is Tatuk! I am not a silver-blooded warrior of bows, I am just a foreigner." The young aristocrat smiled, lowered his head, and made a mysterious gesture in his hand, and then said, "Sir Fernand, what is it. Very enthusiastic master, I have some hard-to-decide things to come to Winscob for help But it’s a pity that the cruel Wikia killed him! This is really terrible! May the gods keep his soul in peace.

"Are you a leader?" The city guard saw Tatuk's gestures, his face slightly changed, that is the prayer gestures of senior command knights for the dead companions in the Miaoerdian army. People with such qualifications often At least they are the top figures in the Knights. They fight bravely, justly, and privately. Fame is very high, all companions are willing to entrust their lives to them, but there is another. That is people with extremely distinguished status, such as Marshal Miaoerdian, or a large lord who has a weight. They have the power to recruit the army of lords everywhere, so they are also called leaders."

"That's right!" Tatuk sighed, with inexplicable bitterness in his mouth. He seemed to remember something unpleasant, and shook his head. "That's all the previous things. Now I'm a knight, a best. Ordinary knight!"

"Okay, anyway, you saved us!" The city guards looked at Tatuk gratefully. If he hadn't blocked the Vickey Cavalry with his strong arrows, the suspension bridge outside the city had already fallen. Thinking of the swarming Wikyas climbing up the city edge, the city guards froze. "Where are you going to go? The city guards asked cautiously. For this mysterious leader, everyone has a heart in his heart. This kind of devotional worship. This is the most mysterious and noble group in the kingdom. They uphold their unique beliefs, respectful ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ humble, willing to work hard, and traveling around, seeing Tatuk is like seeing a The Ranger

"I'm going to travel to several border counties in the northern grasslands of the kingdom! There are people who can help me. Tatuk seems to have been touched. He hesitated before responding. "I also advise you to leave Winksburg early. Because here will soon become the key attack point of the Vickia army."

"No! Didn't the Wikyas have already fled?" The City Guard disagreed. "This is the defense area of ​​our Sixth Knights of the Mourdian, even if those Wikyas are rampant. The battle at Lord Appleton is invincible. In front of the knights of the country, only the deserted escaped!

"Oh, is it!" Tatuk sneered a few times, and handed the compound bow in his hand to the servant behind him, and said to the guard on the castle. "According to the latest news, Lord Appleton, who is invincible in your mouth, Already killed in the Jerbo area of ​​Wikya, and now the army of Wikya is heading towards the Dekhrem area. As everyone knows, Winscob is the southern gate of Dekhrem. Those just now are just Wikya. The forward light cavalry, the real army will return soon. If you don’t want to die, everyone will leave early."

Tatuk's words made the air on the city walls stagnate and fell into deathly silence again. Please log in if you want to know what happened. More than a few, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!

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