Whole Nation

: 283 The 5th Knight (2)

Yi Ke sighed in frustration and said, "I also know that this army is dangerous. Is there a regular army in the Dekhrem region? I can't really ask me to rely on the army of those local lords to fight against the Wikiyas. Although the number of the Five Knights is not large, it is better than none, at least. The Fifth Knights have the strongest defensive abilities. I believe that as long as the Fifth Knights will be able to support Aunt De Herre for a while!"

"That's the truth!" Military Secretary Boshun nodded in agreement, and said with a grotesque expression. "The Fifth Knight's ability to defend the city is indeed the number one recognized by the army, and there are also some of his disciples. Many talents, if you can really control this army, I really want to congratulate you, I'm afraid

"Afraid of anything!" Eck glanced at the Secretary of the Military, Bos Huen. "You are afraid that I will be sold by the old man of Salbenis! Rest assured, I'm not that stupid. The old lunatic has a bad temper, something that doesn't taste right. Absolutely not. This time I heard that there are a lot of new-style gadgets from the Wikayas. I believe this. The old maniac will definitely be willing to go!"

"Okay! Okay" Boshun nodded his head and did not want to argue any more. "Since you have control of this army, I'll wait for the authorization letter from the Ministry of Military Affairs to come, but don't say me I haven’t reminded, the lunatics of the Fifth Knights are not good things, you should pay attention to it. Don’t be like the last Marquis of Fairhus. Take your life away.”

In mid-April, before the strong lineup of the Samor Army, the defender of Fort Winsco descended without a fight. The southern gate of the Dekhrem region was completely opened, and 60,000 Samor’s troops poured into Dekhre from the Winsco Plain. Mu Hill, this incident caused a shock across the continent.

Lentu River Beach, South Degrym

The cool moonlight sprinkled from the sky, the beautiful Lentu River shimmered in the moonlight, and the quiet riverside woods floated with a little light. That was the fireflies flying up and down, and a night wind was blowing. The woods swayed from side to side, and the night breeze in April was cool and refreshing, which shocked Hu Keqili's spirit for the whole day of the march.

A row of black shadows appeared on the other end of the river beach, and people stepped on the small boulders along the riverside, and there was a crisp sound. The cool moonlight illuminated the figure of the opposite person, and the white Ernian infantry robe appeared particularly conspicuous.

"Scatter around to take a look!" A small captain ordered that a dozen Miaoerdian infantry casually looked across the river. The spear in his hand fiddled with the bushes along the river, and a Ruidian infantry looked Opposite the dark river bank, I stretched out my feet and tried the river. The river in early spring in April is particularly cold at night. The Infantry infantry shrank again

"Haha! Coward Tokis!" The soldiers' cowering caused the laughter of their companions nearby. A horseshoe sounded in the night, a Miaoerdian knight came from a distance, his armor robe embroidered with a blue jade pattern chapter

"Report to the Lord, it's safe here, there's nothing!" The Infantry infantry lined up in a panic and stood up to report to the knight. The knight confirmed the situation by the river and carefully looked across the dark river for a while. The horse left, which made Hukochiri lurking in the woods secretly breath,

If this knight entered the woods opposite. It will definitely be full of Samor soldiers now. The black armor is the best cover color in the night. The crossbowmen lay the crossbow flat on the ground, and the spearman deeply inserts the sharp blade at the front of the long hair into the soil. It is to avoid the reflection of weapons.

In the dark night, a pair of policemen's slow eyes stared at the opposite beach,

A rumbling sound was getting closer and closer, and the desolate river bank was suddenly covered with people. A team of Rui Erdian infantry cavalry seemed to follow the night wind. Revealed from the dark night, dozens of lords of various colors, the colorful flowers slammed by the river wind.

These are the armies of the southern lords of Dehrem

In the Miaoer army system, in addition to the regular army of the knights directly under the king, the lords around the country also have an objective number of private troops, and Hu Keqili, who led the former army, received information. On the beach of Lentu, he headed for Dekhrem, and Hu Kechili led the troops to ambush.

After confirming the safety of the river beach, these lords began to lead the team to cross the river. In addition to the coolness of the river in early spring, it was actually not deep. Only the net was submerged to the position of the horse’s belly, and the war horse swayed a circle of water in the river. Beautiful ripples oscillated in the silver moonlight.

"Sniper Crossbowman Ready" Hu Keqili gently waved to the crossbowman behind him. The crossbowmen pulled the arrowhead from the soil, and the pulled bowstring sounded a slight creak in the night, and was quickly crossed by the river. Obscured by sound

The lords of the Gang'erdian wore luxurious knights' heavy armor. They held the lord's banner majesticly. They didn't know that they had at least ten powerful crossbows aiming at them. They were still leisurely wading in the river, completely Is a moving target,

These lords looked at the army in front of them. One by one, I feel that my confidence has doubled. Although these are all private troops, they are not very different from the regular army in terms of weapons and equipment. There are also some private soldiers in the regular army, but these private troops are often the most elite troops.

"Master Marquis Feige!" a lord laughed enthusiastically, pointing out the pride of the mountains and rivers. "This time we have to teach those Wikia barbarians who don't know the sky and the earth!"

"Yes! I heard that the Wikiyas have been fat in recent years, and this time just gave us some filial piety!" another lord said with a smile on his face. Waving his arms, it seems that he has already obtained a large sum of treasure

"Haha, Lord Bill is really right!" The lords laughed and responded, "If we don't have Miaoerdian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ they have already been wiped out by the Kugits!"

"Attack!" Hu Ke gave up his strength and looked at the lords who had approached the beach, his arms fell suddenly

"Whoosh!" Dozens of whistling white lines suddenly flashed out of the woods by the river. The lords holding the knight's banner immediately fell, and countless nights were killed from the woods not far from the river beach. Samor's spearman quickly built a wall of gun thorns on the riverside. Samor's deadly arrows shot around. The Miaoerdian infantry turned over in the waist-deep river. The blood stained the river red and floated. The body blocked the river"

"A great victory ahead! A great victory ahead!" Samor's herald soldiers rode on the war horses and flew from the marching queue. The wind and dust servants' faces flashed with excitement, waving a red battle report. Straight from the front of the queue to the fat man. Panting, "Sir! Yesterday morning, Lord Hukochili's forward cavalry defeated the coalition of local lords on the Lentu River Beach, chasing the remnants along the way day and night, killing nearly 10,000 enemies. Eighteen territories have all fallen into the hands of our army!"

"Well, good job!" The fat man smiled with satisfaction. He told the guard behind him, "To order the whole army to move forward, we must rush to the city of Dekhrim tomorrow night!" If you want to know what happened, please log in. More chapters, support the author. Support genuine reading!

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