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: Three hundred and eighty-nine Lu Jiajun (2)

"Turn, the enemy comes up from behind!"

Under the black sky, a bright line advancing at high speed first hit Lu Jiajun's field of vision. Lu Jiajun soldiers with sword shields looked like earth, and the enemy came too fast. When they found out, the thundering thunder of horseshoes could not be separated. Out of the points, the Lu Jiajun soldiers pushed the shield and began to shrink. When they saw the gleaming steel armor flashing out of the darkness, they were already surging like waves, quickly filling the eyes of the Lu Jiajun soldiers and setting up the shield! Shouted loudly, the shield in his hand suddenly opened the shield array, and saw a shield wave rolling, the Lu family soldiers shrank the queue as hard as possible, and the hand holding the mountain knife was full of sweat,

The alien cavalry had also been encountered in Yanzhou. At that time, the Wanlu family was beaten by the southward Yelv home, but the Lu family did not expect that in their hometown Luzhou, there was a moment when they encountered an alien cavalry, and this time The Aden cavalry they faced are two different ways of fighting than the prairie cavalry

The cavalry of this size suddenly exerted force, and the sound of the gun propelling neatly, just like the sound of tearing the cracked cotton cloth, pierced into the ears of people, and spread! , The horses that were marching neatly ran in a hurry, and the cold light of the bayonet was propelled at high speed, just like a hurricane, tearing the ground in front of them. Countless people were involved in the horseshoes that were rushing in and drowned. The cavalry flew out with a shock and impact, and the lightning cavalry lance relentlessly hit the body of the Lu family soldiers,

"The enemy came up and faced the battle! The sharp applause rang through the front, and the Lujia sword shield soldiers hit the cavalry waistcoat that was on the face, blood splashed, and the people turned their horses and turned directly. A general Lu family commanded loudly, The guards around the guards swept away the collided horses to protect the generals, and issued a sad cry. They were pierced by the countless lances that were covered up, and the gleaming gun head exploded with warm blood from behind the guards. The Aden cavalry wearing heavy equipment is like a steel wall advancing forward, with a long lance of four or five meters long on the flat end. With the high-speed impact of the war horse, the Lu Jiajun’s guard line is forcibly torn apart.

The cavalry's straight line swooped in the crowd and rolled up a large piece of smoke and blood. The Lu Jiajun's queue was like an original wooden board squeezed by a heavy hammer. It broke under a strong multi-level attack. The confrontation was very short, but the advantage was so obvious. , The huge earth dragon composed of cavalry, shattered the front end of Lu Jiajun at once, and the war horses were like a thundering iron flow, which was completely unstoppable. Countless iron hoof spears, like a flood, would wash down the front Lu Jiajun soldiers like a flood, scatter, and cover the wreckage. Brutal strangling, the Aden army flag fluctuated on the criss-crossing plains, the wind-blown flag hunted above the head, and the wind blew,


"So many Adens, how to stop them?" The generals of the Lu family turned pale, and from their position, they could see the huge cuts formed by the rows of Aden cavalry rushing in, almost breaking the back line almost effortlessly. The Aden infantry who entered the whole queue, the sharp spears like the forest, almost covered the back ground. The number of people could not be counted. The violent fighting sounds like waves of tide, showing that the defender suffered Great pressure

"The left side is also engaged!" Suddenly the noise came from another direction. A large number of Aden troops squeezed from the side. The infantry of the two sides collided intensively. The tip of the Aden infantry's gun was like a tidy movement. The frontal killing line was fiercely disturbed, and the captain of the infantry leader led his blood to his subordinates, struggling to roar, his eyes full of dense spears like grass, next to the falling bodies and spattering. The hot blood on the face, everyone lost the ability to think at this moment, just a few seconds, the place where the collision staggered is the body that fell

"Block it, don't back"

Various orders, many queues crowded together, Lu Jiajun’s mountain knife shield was stabbed with a spear, the Aden army used heavy infantry to open the way, and the heavy Lianjia hit the Lu Jiajun shield, a layer of cracked sound, just like Withered huge chopped straw chopped straw. *WwW.suimeng.lā The back of the Lujiajun soldiers with pale faces squeezed and cut off, no matter how the Lujiajun soldiers fought to resist, they were still beaten and defeated, and the subsequent Aden army was in charge of the Aden army. Under the command of Hebia, he did not enter across the board, but started to stop. He just moved a large number of archers forward. Hebia’s purpose was not to destroy, but to consume! There are not many people who see this

"Marshal, we can completely wipe out this Central-Arabic army. Why should we deliberately miss the direction of the river?"

A general of the Aden Army flashed his eyes, looking at the battlefield that was almost like a huge winch in the front, and some unwillingly asked, this time there were 150,000 Aden troops mobilized to participate in the war. According to this force, the number in front of you should be counted. It’s not difficult to kill all the battalions of the Central Asian Army here, but Marshal Hebia did not know whether it was taken into consideration or was intentional. He didn’t even care about the direction of the river. Hebias Marshal’s position was a real battle. Obtained, it is not an exaggeration to say that you have experienced a hundred battles, and the battle is even more resolute. It is impossible to make such a mistake. It has surrounded three sides. How can you just keep a mouth, this is definitely not the style of Hebia.

"Tens of tens of thousands of people are not a small number, even if our army has an absolute advantage to form a crush, once the other party is forced to die, even if our army wins, our army will pay a small price. It is better to give it a glimmer of hope and give it a blow to destruction!" Hebiah rode on the warhorse, casually overlooking the entire enclosure, and raised the whip in his hand with a cold mouth, saying, "The other party will choose to break out if it finds that the situation is wrong, and the best direction of the breakout is the front channel, although the width of the channel is There are 30-40 meters, but tens of thousands of people jump into the water, and it will also become crowded. When the army blocks the river with a shooter, it can hit it in the direction of the river. Finally, it can climb the opposite side. There will be no one-fifth, since it is easy to obtain the results, why do you have to force the other party to fight with us desperately, bluntly, this is the internal fighting of the Central Biya people, if it is not considered that once our army turns to the Central New Zealand Beijing, these tens of thousands of Central-Afghan troops will become obstacles, and I will never promise that the Central-Afghanistan court will help them eradicate this army."

Just as Hebia spoke, the Lu Jiajun heard a terrible horn, and the look of the general Aden was shocked. "The Central Azerbaijani army began to break through!" The direction was really the direction of the river, and I saw Zhongbia near the direction of the river. The army jumped into the river in large numbers and swam hard across the river. The rushing river hit the people, and the white rolled

"Archer, blockade the river" Hebia's eyes were full of coldness, his nose fluttered snorting, the voice spread, and the captain of the team of Aden bow and arrow began to order "lift the bow" loudly

"Brush" countless Aden archers raised the compound bow in their hands towards the sky, followed by a command, and at the same time let go of the arrow tail in their hands, eh! I heard a sound like a torrential rain hitting the ground, a large cold light rose like a meteor rising from the horizon, like a huge sweeping sickle, fell sharply in the direction of the river, tens of thousands of arrows cluster At the same time, it fell to the limit for the river, even if the Lu Jiajun had a shield in his hand, it was completely suppressed by the dense arrow clusters.

"The Lu family started crossing the river!" In the distance, Wei Lu and the two watched this scene quietly. Their complex looks, the Lu family finally chose to withdraw. . . . .

"I'm afraid it's too late! After tonight, the Lu family is afraid that they will be seriously injured." Zong Yuelong's face couldn't bear it. Such a fierce battle can be regarded as an eye-opener for him as a civil servant. That is, the strength of the two sides is very different, and the dominance is also changed overnight. First, Lu Jiajun swooped on the Aden striker with his advantage, then the main force of the Aden army counterattacked Lu Jiajun, and finally saw Lu Jiajun choose to break through from the river. Zong Yuechang was considered loose. Sigh, well, the stubborn Lu family finally broke through. If they all died here, then they would be too sinful. Tens of thousands of Lu family army,

"It would be perfect if the Lord Lu family died here"

Wei Lu's eyes flickered and his lips slightly flicked. Tonight, the Lu family was completely crippled. Even if 60,000 Lu family soldiers could run out of 20,000 people, even if they were in the sky, the Adenites were really venomous. They mobilized so many people. The shooter launched a sniping, the more people were injured by the arrow in the Lu family, even if the Lu family really broke through the river, such a large number of wounded soldiers was enough to make the Lu family unable to restore the combat power in a short time. It can be seen from this point that the commander of the Aden Army has rich battlefield experience. It is said that he is also a marshal of the Aden Kingdom. The control of the battlefield situation can be said to have reached the level of perfection.

The 60,000 Luzhou army broke through and was completely killed by the Aden shooter in the river channel. The Aden army shooter kept shooting toward the river channel, and countless blood was squeezed from the position where the arrow cluster fell

The Lu family soldiers were deeply punctured by the falling arrow clusters because the shield was raised slightly, and the Lu family’s light armor was not more useful than a thin piece of paper under the heavy arrow of the Aden archer. , I saw the blood coming out and stained the entire river saying. Every time the arrow cluster fell, there were a large number of Lujiajun soldiers hitting arrows. Many Lujia soldiers who fell to the ground were struggling in the river and were immediately hit by a second wave of arrows Covered by clusters, it becomes a blood gourd filled with arrow clusters. With the torrent, the floating corpses are too large, so that the river channel is blocked, and the river water hits the corpses and emits a thundering roaring sound.

"Homeowner be careful!" A guard raised his shield and blocked it behind Lu Xiaofeng. The arrows hit the shield. Lu Xiaofeng and his guards were cavalrymen. The war horses slowly moved forward in the river water. The arrow clusters shot by the Aden army landed on the surrounding water, and several feather arrows flew over the head and ears, and the strong wind brought straight to the point that Lu Xiaofeng's cheeks were faintly painful.

A scream from the guard came behind him, and then a body was hit by the torrent. Lu Xiaofeng wiped the hot liquid that was slamming on his face. Unknown, it was human blood, which was on his right cheek. With the blood stains scratched by an arrow cluster, Lu Jiajun was completely defeated in this battle. The command to evacuate from the river channel was just issued. The soldiers of Lu Jiajun no longer care about any formation, wanting to jump into Lu Jiang to escape, regardless of everything, this scene So that the entire spirit of Lu Xiaofeng completely collapsed the 60,000 Lu family army and besieged the 10,000 Aden army. This is the result. How could Lu Xiaofeng never think that something went wrong?

The air in Luzhou Mountain in early winter was a little dry, and the forests in the distance seemed to be covered with a layer of greenish air in the sun. Qian Li, who had just settled in the new military camp, stretched his sore arm. As the family chief, he It is not necessary to do this. Because Mono is moving the camp temporarily in the middle of the night, it is really understaffed, so he, the young patriarch, has not been spared. Qian Li, who is preparing to take a rest in the tent, sees a rushing in the direction of the camp gate. Xun Qi, while curious, the family servant found him "Young patriarch, patriarch invites you to go, there is an important situation!"

"Important situation? All gave way to the Aden people, what other important situation!" Qian Li laughed at himself, thinking that he gave way to the Aden people, and the young and energetic Qian Li felt very angry. The Aden army had two What about 100,000 people? Luzhou has been eaten up by the Aden people. As long as it is dragged on for a while, the Aden army will fall into a crisis of shortage of military food. Such a thing can be seen even by itself, but why are the ministers in the halls pretending to watch No, the opinions belong to the opinions. He didn’t dare to disobey his father’s orders. He followed his servants to the Chinese military camp.

"Father, you have something to do with me?" Qian Li opened the curtain and strode in. The situation in front of him stopped him. He thought that there was only one father in the tent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ All the officers came, and there were more than twenty, which filled the entire tent. This can be regarded as Qian Li's jump. Qian Feng, the patriarch sitting at the main table, saw his son walk in. He glanced somberly at him before saying to everyone: "Here is a message I just received in the morning. I was sending someone to Lujia camp to contact the follow-up, but according to the person who sent it, the entire Lujia military camp was empty. wild"

"What, the Lujia military camp is empty!"

"Just kidding, that's not a few hundred people. It's a huge army of 60,000 Lu families. How could it disappear overnight without a trace! The tent suddenly seemed to explode, and the officers were shocked and unbelieving. That’s tens of thousands of people, even if it’s tens of thousands of mice, right?

"The Lujia military camp is indeed empty, and it has been confirmed that "Qian Feng, the owner of the Qian family, has a sullen face. His eyes have swept the officers below, especially Qian Li, who is dull, and can't help but take a deep breath." However, when Xunqi returned from the direction of the river channel, he found that the whole river flow was rushing and had to follow the flow. It was found that the river was rushing because a large number of Lujiajun corpses were stuck in the center of the river channel. More than 20,000"

"What, more than 20,000! Overnight at home..." Inside the military account, there was a sound of inhalation, what happened to the Lu family last night!

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