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: Three hundred and ninety-eight North Jinxue Road (5)

In Central Beijing, since the Aden Army moved north, the atmosphere between the streets has become subtle. For the latest news of the Aden Army moved north, it will always be here as soon as possible.

"The Adenites should not beat the empire, but the 200,000 Aden army, I am afraid that it will be enough for the empire to drink."

Chaotangmen, street alleys, and small households are all bulging their eyes, waiting for the latest news. Every day, it is like waiting for the opening of a big show on time. This mentality comes from the self-confidence of the Central Biya people. The superior wisdom, how about the empire with the world's fighting power, the same is true of the fierce and evil 200,000 Aden Army. In the eyes of the Central Biya people, they are only the Western Barbarians who only know about killing. In the deliberate propaganda, these Western Barbarians are all Kongwu powerful but have one less string in their minds, and a little benefit will lead them to kill each other. Really speaking about playing tricks and playing methods, just find one. When the Biyas came, it was enough to turn these Ximans.” These Ximans are stupid. Chaotang used only one Luzhou to get 200,000 Aden troops to go north to fight with the empire. Can easily wait for the exhaustion of the two Ximan fights, and put the final result into the bag. "If Ximan has a head, how can this world get!" On the second floor restaurant next to the road on one side, Early in the morning, it was already densely packed with people. They all stretched their necks and looked at the city pipes passing by the restaurant. Every day the messenger would pass by here. I don’t know Du Duo, they are waiting for Aden to go north. The news came, and even the news from Luzhou in the south rarely mentioned that Zhaotang had mobilized 100,000 troops to squat Luzhou, and the Lu family was badly injured. What could it be besides the capture of the hand, how could there be 200,000 Aden in sight? The collision between the army and the 200,000 Imperial Army has been wonderful and more attractive. It is better to have a combination of both sides. The market is turbulent and weird, and there are all kinds of things.

Chinese Prime Minister Yu Fenglong walked into the hall of Chaotang, and immediately attracted everyone's attention. All the voices in the quiet discussion quieted down. Yesterday, the news said that the Aden 40,000 forwards had stepped into Huizhou, and the war was about to happen. It has been a day since the news of the collision between the Adenites and the Imperial Army in Huizhou should also come. Once the two great powers are fighting in Huizhou, this is definitely a good thing for the Central Asian church. If the Aden army defeats, it is equivalent to going A scourge, if the empire is defeated, the Aden Army will continue to cross the river to the north to enter the Dijing area. After all, the Aden Army is far away. Even if it can enter the Dijing area, how long can it last? For the Adenites, Dijing and Luzhou are no different, but they are the objects of looting, but for the Central Abia, if they can redeem the Dijing area like the Luzhou from the Adenites, they will eventually return to the original state During the period, there was hope. "Without a soldier and a soldier, it would be worth it if you took back Dijing!" "Zhong Empire, my hope for the revival of China, see this time!"

Everyone who is eligible to participate in the distribution of benefits is watching secretly. Privately run together with each other. There are also some people who are furious, discussing how to divide the big cake after taking back the Emperor from the Aden. No one has thought about it. If the Aden did not go north, but suddenly turned to the Central Beijing, what should they do, The northward advance of the Aden Army was personally led by the prime minister, Yu Fenglong. Both the top and the bottom were well-received voices. "Long Xiang, can there be the latest progress in the battle between the Aden and the Empire in Huizhou?"

The emperor of Centralbia looked sharply at Yu Fenglong, with a bit of dissatisfaction in his tone. You can weaken the local power. You can also control the financial power of Chaotang, but the entire Chaotang is now almost paralyzed. You have to come up with a solution to this problem. How long will such a mess last? "There is no news yet, but the empire’s army in Huizhou has begun to move. After all, the Aden have enough 200,000 people, and the momentum accumulated along the way north, the empire is not afraid to fight easily. It should be in these few days. There will be new news!" Under the eyes of the emperor, Yu Fenglong said calmly,

Only he knew that the news of Huizhou was broken. According to the order, the Huizhou Army News, which was originally reported twice a day, received the last one day ago, that is, the Aden Army decided to leave Lichuan to enter the north. The reason why he participated in Yuqian The meeting was late because he had been waiting for the latest report to be sent, but the report that would be delivered in the early morning according to the usual practice, there was no shadow until he had to come to the Yuqian meeting

If he doesn’t come again, I’m afraid the whole Chaotang will smell bad.

"It's been a day, how could there be no news, wouldn't it have been an accident!" The emperor took a deep breath, his face sullen. Although he hated the Adenites, he was firmly supportive of this northward advance. Yes, because the Adenites moved northwards, it had too many benefits for the Central African Republic. For him, it was an excellent opportunity to take back the royal power. Facts have proved that this is correct, and the local power is the first. The Lu family was hit hard, and it was difficult to accomplish anything within ten years. It greatly inspired the morale of the central government, and the arrogance of the local forces' arrogance and arrogance, along with the northward journey, the local family of the Aden army copied all the way. More than three hundred, and a moment calmed down,

Even the once famous one-third Chaotang was well-known as the most powerful Icheon gate valve in Chaotang. This time it was uprooted, and the momentum fell sharply and completely. The ministers from local factions were already cold. Several local faction ministers who had held regiments did not participate in the Yuqian meeting, and even the officers in the military department were all sick within a day. Most of the powers that had been separated from the emperor were recovered again.

But it is not entirely beneficial. For example, the chaotic situation in the Chaotang is that the collective strike of the local faction ministers caused the Chaotang to be almost paralyzed, even the Luzhou rebellion that burned the eyebrows. The Chaotang announced the order to mobilize 100,000 troops to suppress Luzhou. , Now still locked on the desks of the heads of the military headquarters, because the officials strike, so that orders cannot be issued, faced with such a thing, even Tang Yu, the head of the military headquarters, is powerless, the army is out, not a sentence The matter involved, how much logistics was involved, the army was assembled, and even the weather turned cold. If the materials for the winter this year were not sent down, would it be possible for the 100,000 army to drink the northwest wind in Luzhou?

"Your Majesty, don’t worry, this time when the Aden Army marched north, the 30,000 troops of the flattering leader Chen Dongyang followed along all the way to ensure that there would be no deviation. At this moment, Chen Dongyang was stationed in the tomb of the west of Lichuan to stare, as long as the Aden Whatever the wind and the grass will move, it will immediately report "The sound of Yu Fenglong's stern reverberation echoes in the lobby, "That's it!"

The emperor finally showed a light look on his face

To be honest, he was also afraid of the 200,000 Aden army going north, but that was the 200,000 army, not 200,000 dogs. Once the Aden people stayed, they just reached out and asked for money For food, how long can a near-bankrupt China-British court be able to persist? This time the redemption of Luzhou’s money for food purchases was borrowed by Yu Fenglong from the royal private warehouse in the name of Chaotang. Originally, he also hoped that after the recovery of Luzhou, he would be able to intercept the North Korean tax revenue in the south. The family actually played a counterattack, not to mention the new occupation of Luzhou, and also deducted the southern part of the tax that has been shipped to Luzhou!

Now the emperor can only rely on the 100,000 troops to set off at an early date, open up the Luzhou road, and break the unsolvable deadlock.

But when it comes to the deployment of a large army, it is not easy to say, as long as the army is launched. This cost is an astronomical figure, not only the material consumption required by the army, but also the settlement fee paid to the soldiers before departure, which is enough to consume half of the royal private warehouse. The emperor of Centralbia ordered the establishment since returning to Xinjing In the private warehouse, the royal family used their power to inspiring wealth in various places, commercial trade, and the sale of some royal treasures. When it comes to the quantity, it is also amazing. Some time ago, Xiao Wei, two major forces of the commercial alliance uprooted by the empire on Dijing West Road, was Xiao Wei. The two, among which the Xiao family is behind the Central Biya royal family, is said to have been too impacted by the imperial business model. The Central Biya emperor was also following suit in secret, but the huge deficits that the Central Biya chapel pulled down in the past few years , Far from being filled in. With a short period of time to make money, the days are a little better, but now because of Luzhou, some of my savings are suddenly empty

‘I knew that, and it’s the most useful to promise to loan to the empire, at least to get it’

The emperor regretted it a little, and the atmosphere in the court was tense for several days. They were staring at the Adenese northward, watching the ministers one by one pretending to be silly and anxious, the emperor's finger Hold on tight, these guys made it clear that they want to avoid, because they have no money to fight Luzhou

The Yuqian meeting ended in a dull discussion. In the end, the ministers did not allow the ministers to come up with a sufficient amount of money and food for the crusade.

Yu Fenglong followed the accompanying guards and walked into a thick layer of horse-drawn carriage. Before the carriage, there were 20 armored guards opening the road, flanked by ten servants on foot, and passers-by along the way saw , Prime Minister Yu Fenglong put down the window curtain of the carriage and rubbed the swollen temple. After all, it was a certain age. This month, he calculated that the Adenites went north, and planned to pull out to weaken the local gate valve. Home, until now I figured out how to find the military expenses for the army, and now the news of the northward advance is broken. How many people know that the weight of his Yufenglong's shoulders is weighed on a slender

"Now we can only expect the report to be slower, otherwise there will be an accident, that is a catastrophe!" Yu Fenglong murmured to himself, the whole person leaned against the thick cushion of the carriage, and the carriage was at the gate When he stopped outside, several clever servants in the inner courtyard had greeted him. Yu Fenglong was a tired face, and his loose eyes were blue. The layers of wrinkles are denser than those of the next day, the color of decline is more obvious, and the chaotic unidentified situation is a huge shock. The forces that are stalemate in the middle of the DPRK will certainly reshuffle the cards. All the forces will hold their feet and wait for the best opportunity to start fighting for it. No one has noticed that the Lingcheng city has changed suddenly, and no one will I thought that the 200,000 Aden Army had suddenly turned towards the Central Beijing Xinjing, and when the war report about Huizhou came, the whole Central Asian Xinjing was presented in front of the war. Turbulence, raging from east to west

The 20,000-strong army of Chen Dongyang, who was in charge of the surveillance, was destroyed. Chen Dongyang’s whereabouts were unknown. The mausoleum as a throat card was destroyed. The defender Bin Feng and the five thousand guards were all killed. The 200,000 Aden army was like a raging fire. , At the fastest speed, it has penetrated the three cities in the frontline of Icheon overnight, or should not be hit, but directly drove in, because the Central Asian side has no defense at all, even The number of defenders is extremely scarce, and they have no combat capabilities at all. The Aden army just opened to the bottom of the city and naturally opened the city gate.

"Don't care about these places! Our goal is Central New Delhi". General Aden urged the troops to march all the way. As the light cavalry of the forward, they all moved forward. No one dared to stop along the way. The violent Aden army was the fastest The speed rushed towards the direction of Xinjing. By the time Zhongchao Chaotang reacted, it was already a gas pressure to Xian County, a major town less than two hundred miles away from Xinjing

It is equivalent to skipping the middle section that is most likely to encounter obstacles~www.wuxiaspot.com~ directly hit the outskirts of Xinjing, the old and ancient Xian County, which is the site of a 20,000 army in the Chinese church

Countless Aden army swarmed the walls like ants, the sound of crying, the blood of fighting covered everything. In the past three days, the wall of this city has been broken and changed hands twice. Because it is a military town, it has sufficient storage materials. Rolling wood and stones are thrown from the wall, and the fire oil is lit in the pouring. , The large flames ignited on the side of the city wall can be considered as the Aden's offensive

"Retired!" "So many, how to fight this!"

"Without reinforcements, I'm really going to die here." There was no cheers on the walls, but a sound of inhalation, a sound of silence, you could clearly hear the crackling of flames burning fat under the walls of the city, thousands of people covered The blood-stained soldier stood on the dilapidated watchtower, looking at the Aden army that retreated like the tide, and at the dense formation behind him. A little further back, the huge array of trebuchets spread out, and the large barracks stretched out. The loss in front of me was nothing in front of such a large army. I was really not happy in my face. It's heaven, but until this moment, I didn't see the shadow of a support army. From here to Beijing, it's two hundred miles. Is it that far?

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