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: Three Thousand and Two Battles of Beijing (2)

The early winter sunshine is like a layer of pale white clouds projected from the sky of different thicknesses of blue sky, shining on the field that has been harvested outside the Central Beijing Xinjing, the temperature is lower, and Sun Qizhu is wearing a willow wood Stick, looked around exhaustedly. The long line was all refugees who had fled from Xian County. The Aden army suddenly turned. Xian County was already in flames. Knowing that it is dead or alive now, I just regarded Luzhou in the south as a joke. I didn't expect Xian County to become a battlefield overnight. The look of daze, caution, and fear was mixed with the crying of children, hunger, and exhaustion. Together

This fluctuation is not just about Xian County, the whole periphery of Xinjing has moved, and everyone thinks that Xinjing is safe enough. Who knows that it has become a battlefield at once, with the tragic events of the two emperor's catastrophes in the past, the refugees will cause mutiny , Will cause instability in public order, but this time is very short. Most of these people are peasant villagers who live in peace for life. Since childhood, he has never been out of an acre of three-point land near villages and counties. After fleeing, most of them are scared and frightened. The homeland is inseparable. Moreover, the Biya people are the heaviest people in the homeland. If it is not compelling Whoever wants to come to this strange place will always have to go back! "Wait a minute, the 100,000 troops of Chaotang are stationed in Xinjing, and your majesty has also decided to take the lead by hand. General Tang Yu, who once defeated even the empire, will take over the military affairs, and will certainly be able to repel the Adenites and let everyone return safely. Family"

In this case, since this morning, it has spread. The heart should be cheered up, but the reality is that the soldiers who have collapsed from the front are one by one. They are holding steel knives and spears, and their faces are full of hesitation and fear. Yesterday There were looting and massacres in the outermost camp at night. Sun Qi escaped a disaster in a dark corner. The soldiers who did not know where to kill the villagers who fled together with Sun Qi. They looted property, killed the people they saw, raped the most beautiful girl in the village, and cut off all Human head, and then the next day, in front of a row of wooden poles in front of the porridge shed, Sun Qi saw a series of **** heads hanging on the wooden poles fluttering in the wind, like countless ghosts In silent cry

A sturdy officer, who was frowning and talking to the surroundings of the **** tomb, under the flagpole, was already surrounded by people and people. With the officer's statement, he continued to send out a burst of applause, "Kill it well, it should be like this!" ""Give the Aden people a gap, so the treatment is too light, it should be a cramp"

"This... what's going on?" Sun Qi was stupid all over. Even though his head was vague and bloody, he could not bear to see it, and even some of his face was chopped up, but the same villages that lived together day and night could still be seen vaguely, looking at these same villages Sun Qi's head is full of murderous knives and the shouting cry of women last night. What is the gap between these people? "Newcomers, haven't you seen a dead head?"

A young man next to the corner of his mouth skimmed, and one of the eyes was almost lifted to the forehead, thinking that Sun Qi was scared, and said with a trace of arrogance and disdain in the corner of his mouth. "These are the gaps between the Adenites. Way, otherwise how could the Adenians know the direction of the new capital. The Adenians gave them a lot of property, but this did not save their lives. Last night the army was only a raid, and they were all cut in the face of the Adenians. Kill, Chao Tang ordered to hang out these first-level leaders, just to warn those who betrayed the country. This is the betrayal of the country. In fact, the Adenites are not so terrible. At first, the grassland iron rides were blocked by us, and they were completely infantry Aden. What is a person?"

Sun Qi shivered and tried to justify, but his mouth was open, but it was a series of killings. The killing was overwhelmed. Sun Qi covered his ears and took a big breath. In his eyes, his The world is peeling apart piece by piece. How can it be, and why is it?" But they are not the gap between the Adenites, they are just ordinary villagers...""Tang Yu, I can only temporarily suppress this time, and because the military is insufficient, let the army To do such a thing, once out of control is a big trouble, who is the one to do it?" In the distance, the eyes of the prime minister Yu Fenglong in a casual dress flickered, his hair trembling slightly in the wind, and it looked quite anger

There was a trace of shame on Tang Yu’s head, and he said with a wry smile, “It’s a captain under the Third Army. You also know that the General of the Third Army, Jiyang, had gathered tens of thousands of refugees. Thief, impulsive to do things, and most of his men are Jianghu people. Although the ministers of the ministries agreed to take out the money, until now, there is not even one-tenth. Jiyang sent this school captain to ask for it. I made such a mistake in a rage. I have let Jiyang go to Xianxian for rescue. It is also a battle for crime.

Yu Fenglong's eyebrows could not help but tightened a bit. In order to calm down the internal chaos as soon as possible, the Central Church of China and the Syria had collected a large number of volunteers who had been hovering between the two after the peace agreement was signed by the Yelu family. This Jiyang is the largest one. The so-called volunteer army is naturally a mixture of dragons and snakes. The good ones are the volunteers. The bad ones are the thieves in the Xiaoshan Mountains.

Yu Fenglong said, "Xianxian's current position is very delicate. It's the last barrier of Xinjing, and the Aden Army was pressed against Xianxian, and he didn't move forward deliberately, hoping to use Xianxian as a bait to use our army's bait. In the end, all the fighting power was drawn, and the line in Xian County had been completely smashed, and our army was wiped out, and then entered into Beijing, and completely wiped out the whole of Central Asia. "The original adults also saw it!"

Tang Yu's cold face moved slightly, his fingers clenched together, and he said, "It shouldn't be a problem, it's a tough guy. When facing the prairie cavalry, he was stomped on three ribs and he still fought hard. Rain looked at Xinjing in the distance and hesitated and said, "In relative terms, I am more worried about the inside of the Xinjing Dynasty. From His Majesty the Emperor to the Ministers, Xian County is absolutely not to be lost, and even moved among the refugees. The idea of ​​recruiting soldiers ""I will do my best within the DPRK, at least to ask the ministers to pay for the military, and still hold them down for a while"

Yu Fenglong took a deep breath. Everyone said that he was a speculator, but Yu Fenglong knew more clearly the truth of falling down. His power came from the emperor, and he was the prime minister. The emperor was gone, he rained and sealed nothing, but the ministers in the court were not like this. Breaking Dijing twice did not have much impact on them. The emperor disappeared for more than half a year. A person in power, how should everyone live and live, life and death in Chaotang is far more important to them than guarding the wealth of their family. Chaotang wants them to take out the money, which is really to kill them. "Rejecting the imperial loan, and attracting the Adenites to go northward, was made by Yu Fenglong himself. The anger of the people was originally just a scourge in Luzhou. The Adenites ran out of the outskirts of Xinjing at once, and there was such a big leak, naturally it was rain. Feng Long is right to fill, how to drag everyone together! "For Yu Fenglong who proposed the imperial conquest, the ministers of the court were even more hateful. It was originally negotiated, and I don’t know who connected in private." No With money, the army could not move, and the army could not move, and the emperor couldn’t control the "collection of military expenses that had just improved, but it was cut off at once, so that something like last night happened.

In Xian County, on the left is a concave depression. The soft soil is not conducive to the construction of fortifications. The huge stones crossed the sky and smashed hard against the broken city walls. Rock debris splattered, arrows flew like raindrops, blood and shouting sounds continued to ring up and down the city, Aden's siege car like a giant hit the wall, and the huge baffle leaned against the wall. On the mouth, he was subsequently shot by the fire and was ignited by the spilled oil. The Aden soldiers howled and fell from the tower, staying in Xian County for three days, and finally came to the reinforcements from Zhongbian Xinjing. Twenty thousand people of the Third Army invested in the battlefield of Xianxian, with a large amount of supplies from Xinjing, the Third Army was firmly in the position of Xianxian,

The Xianxian battlefield has entered into a stalemate because of the addition of a fresh army. The siege equipment of the Aden army has begun to appear in large numbers. Huge building vehicles and siege vehicles continue to come, but the most tense aspect of the Xian county is still Aden in the distance. On the military array, the huge catapults lined up in a line, the ultra-long range and the destructive power of staggering, just one round, let hundreds of defenders flew in flesh and blood," the news came from the Central Church in China. Emperor Biya wants to take control of Xianxian County

"The Aden Marshal Hebia narrowed his eyes narrowly and looked at the broken wall of Xian County in the distance. Behind him, a dozen generals of Aden stood tall, and one of the generals said excitedly. " The Marshal’s strategy was successful, and the army advanced. Sure enough, a big fish was attracted. As long as we captured the emperor of Central Biya, Central Abia was our Aden.” “You are right. Central Abia is vast and our army It is impossible to attack every city. Only one hit, a quick battle, and a seizure of the emperor of Centralbia, this war can be ended in advance. "Herbia reached out and made a gesture of holding something." The Emperor Biya has already recorded two escapes. If he escapes again, the significance of our army’s raid on Beijing will be weakened by half. Because of this, our army deliberately poses the illusion of leading it away from Beijing. In order to be able to stabilize the other party, the current news indicates that the other party has not yet realized our military’s intentions, and the reinforcements transferred are only about 20,000.",

"Ferre!" Hebia's voice stopped, looking at a general behind him, and said sharply, "Your 8000 cavalry has been trimmed for three days. If you break through the Xian County in front of you, you will be rushed to the fastest speed. How long will it take you to go to the new city of Biyain?"

"If you try your best to be a Mercedes-Benz, you can arrive under the capital of the capital one day and one night." The general named Fei Li answered decisively. His appearance is not outstanding, but the temperament of the whole person is like the sun in the sky. The burning sensation makes people unable to make it exist. As the famous cavalry general in the Aden Army, Felix is ​​as famous as his name. The light cavalry under his command has the reputation of the wind cavalry. This time it is also the one that came with Hbia The weapon, the first few battles, Hebia did not let it fight, just to seal the throat for the last moment of the sword, the most taboo of the army expedition is to fall deep into the siege of the other party, while Central Asia is vast, a Luzhou is Let the 200,000 Aden army be burned, so it is impossible to conquer Zhongbia in a short period of time, so Hebia is a dangerous move, and chooses the opportunity to directly attack the new Beijing, and then unexpectedly "I’ll hand over this throat and a sword." Well, I’ll bet your day and night. Tonight, I will order the whole army to attack Xianxian. Be sure to tear a gap for you at the first time, and your eight thousand cavalry will go from the gap. "Go ahead to Xinjing" Hebia's face nodded steadily and his eyes flashed. The Central Asian side would never have thought that the 8000 Aden cavalry would flee to the Beijing from a gap ahead of time. The 8000 cavalry had only one role. Prevent the emperor of central bia from running away again

"Yes, my subordinates are here to prepare." Fei Li saluted respectfully and stepped on the warhorse to his troops. Fei Li's light cavalry was a real assault brigade, and his left hand had a semi-circular tower shield embedded in armor~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ A dangling spear in his right hand, wearing light cavalry armor on both sides, a blue spire on his head, and a war horse in a light outfit, only a part of the front armor, without too much weight, sunshine The color shining on these assault cavalry is a dark red color that seems to cool the air a little. They are the first sword of the entire army of Aden to pierce the central Beijing. The key to the ability of the 200,000 troops to turn north and make progress

In the dark night, the silent air exudes subtle flashes

Looking across the broken wall of Xian County in front of the fire, the marshal Hebia, who was dressed in uniform, slowly raised his hand, and then fell sharply and firmly, as if it was going to open the gloomy night before him.

"This command, the whole army attacked!"

The cavalry who issued the order held the torch in the night, like a meteor passing by, and in the invisible darkness, thousands of Aden siege infantry accelerated like an avalanche through the arc of the slope, without much hesitation, At the same time, they were advancing neatly. The flag behind the armor fluttered with the wind. The archers in the rear neatly raised the strong recurve bow in their hands. The wind slammed violently and rolled up the mist of the earth.

"Tonight, breaking the city" Hebia shouted loudly

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