Whole Nation

: 3202 The Battle of Beijing (4)

The black smoke plume ascended into the sky with the burning flame, the crackling flames glowed the sky, the scorched smell filled the air, and then, the sound of footsteps and shouts mixed. In the field of vision, the road was full of people running around, hurried steps, all kinds of shouts.

"Hurry up, the Adenites have come over, go to the city. Several villages have been slaughtered, do you know that everyone is killed, and the chickens and dogs are not left?" In the crowd, it became intermittent, the night wind screamed, the fire helped the wind, and the fire on the field was pushed away, as if it was a red and black long blanket, looking away, from near Beijing Most of the fifty miles are like this

"The first part of the Aden Army has arrived in Feng County, and most of the villages along the way were burned by the Aden people, killing more than 80,000 civilians."

"The Yuyang Army has a lot of fluctuations. The blood of the captain who requested to fight is more than one, it is a bit terrible. The emperor does not leave. Who dares to go first? There are two precedents of the emperor Jinghao. Everyone knows that once the Aden army breaks through Xinjing, it must be a tragic massacre

The shadow of the war is overshadowed. Merchants with business should transfer their interests, worrying about the damage to their home industry, and ask the familiar officials about the changes in the battle situation. Above the court, officials with various interests need to be connected in private; the generous and inspiring scribes Discuss the political affairs and express your chest. All kinds of things, a busy bustle.

When the real war is burning, when a large number of aliens are coming like a tide, no matter what their identity, soldiers, civilians, military commanders and officials, are involved in this huge vortex

On the map Tang Yu looked at, there was a blood red. Every village and every city was marked with various numbers. The red ones were slaughtered and looted. A rough glance, full of big red letters Covering a third of the map, the nearest location has reached the edge of Xinjing,

It has been two days since the Aden Army broke through Xian County, and it has penetrated more than eighty miles. With such a large depth range, in order to collect materials and food, the Aden people must be in a dispersed state except for the main army. The conditions for a harmonious relationship between time and place are now manifesting in the Central African Republic, and the news that Tang Yu is waiting for is also what he believes will ultimately determine the success or failure of the entire battle.

That is a local force in the critical Xinjing area, Hu Yangjun, Hu Yangjun is only a local force, and the number of people is only four or five thousand, but in the case of the Aden army rushing in, if this army can be in the Aden army Behind the scenes can definitely make the Aden army into a panic. Tang Yu has promised Hu Yangjun that as long as the other party can harass behind the Aden army, after the war, the other party will be officially incorporated into the Chaotang army, but Hu Yangjun’s reply But it was late, mainly because the tragedy of Lu Jiajun was ahead, and who still dare to believe in Chaotang now, but Tang Yu’s thinking is still in the center of Chaotang, so I did not expect this

At this time, a school captain hurriedly walked in, "Adult, I just received a report that the Fifth Army in charge of Yixian's guard engaged the Aden Army."

The daylight tilted, as the Central Beijing and Beijing did, and the Fifth Army violated the military order and saw no punishment. Moreover, in this case, the duty of a soldier is to fight, that is, to drive out these alien invaders, as long as victory, who What more will I say!

On the wilderness outside the city, the cold winds of the early winter screamed through the wild and **** wilderness. Countless stones thrown a line in the sky and hit the opposite wall, every time, It's like a vortex blocking the ground, the ground is shaking, facing the giant trebuchet at the peak level of Obaro, the city wall near Xinjing is obviously lacking protection, and just one hour, it was a crack.

The fighting that broke out on October 9th was a chaos that could not be taken care of by the commanders of the two sides. The 20,000 Chinese and Afghan troops stationed in Yi County suddenly launched an attack on the Aden Army. During the second collision, under the dark sky, a Central Asian officer stopped in front of the marching queue. The torches shone sparsely and extended a little far away. The array of thousands of people was in this marching atmosphere. , Actually seemed mysterious and quiet. When the buzzing whisper came, it made the silence deeper, and the night bird flew across the sky. The officer strangled the reins, listened to his ears, and then jumped off the horse. He was about to lie on the ground and attach his ears to the ground. Suddenly, the noise struck. The deep and short drinking sound, which was the alarm sound from the scouts around, followed by a burst of metal collision. In the sharp and fierce drinking sound, the knife light pinged together, and the spark burst in the darkness,

The "attack" team of thousands of people realized that the atmosphere had suddenly changed, first of all the slight vibration of the air. In the wilderness by the low woods, the grass was low and the grains of the soil quaked slightly in the grass, and then the sound gradually became louder, and the slight horseshoe gradually changed into a rapid roar. Suddenly, the war horse rushed from the side of the forest Out, one ride, ten ride, one hundred ride... Mercedes-Benz's horse team rushed towards the wilderness like a torrent of conflict. The knight on horseback was tall and rugged, wearing an interracial armor and an iron helmet covering the entire face There is only one cross as a lookout, not what the Aden cavalry can be. In the front of the row of cavalry pushed like a mountain, there is a sharp long cavalry bayonet, a spear tip made entirely of fine iron, which impacts the cavalry. With the addition of force, the resulting impact is strong enough to penetrate any tough protection


The cries of the aliens came like a cold wind. I don’t know that hundreds of thousands of cavalry rushed over here with a little bit of fire, but not long after, the light continued to spread like a knife. The influx, the horseshoes stepped on, the blades were hacked, and the scattered Central African soldiers were torn in a frenzy. The horse team rushed into the dense array of infantry, one team after another, like a crazy pile driver, Constantly rammed into the crowd of Central and Afghan army. Thousands of blades of light flew on the front line, blood burst and splashed, and horses and people crashed into mud on this crazy front. The cavalry on the war horse swung the knife into the dense crowd.

"Kill, fight with them"

"Lao Tzu is not a horde of fear of death"

In this situation, even if there are those who are greedy for life and fear of death, or even those who are greedy for life and death, there is no possibility of retreating. The distance of the war is shortened to zero, and the field of vision is swept forward along the earth. Biya failed to hold his arms high in his hands, and in the front of his field of vision, turned into a staggered arc of the bayonet.

With a hysterical roar, it's cracking. Seeing a series of black shadows coming out of the tide, he waved his hand violently. "The column rejected the front of the horse formation. The soldiers who were squeezed on the front line all marched and raised with a rifle toward the slope. In the snow-like gun forest, I saw the impact of the Aden cavalry hit, the blood was unfolding, the horse was screaming fiercely, the cavalry above had not responded, and I saw several hook-like things clasped, even if the Aden cavalry How well the armor was, was also pulled down from the horse's back, fell to the ground, and was immediately pierced into the body by countless spears, the blood was already blooming in the wilderness

"Asshole~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How did the people of Central Biya react so quickly?" The Aden cavalry officer who led the team was taken aback by the sight, and the cavalry was at a high level, always taking advantage of the cheap, but this time It's like being enchanted. The Aden Warriors who are still in battle are like pulling the war horse violently with an invisible hand. This strange scene makes everyone feel a scalp and use their eyes. This name The officer of the Aden cavalry only saw the reason. It turned out that some of the soldiers in Central Africa had a special hook gun. This kind of thing is in a chaotic war. As long as the cavalry on the horse is hung, the cavalry can be pulled down hard.

This is all thanks to the battle with the prairie cavalry in the past few years. In order to face the prairie cavalry, the Central and Syrian Army also learned various ways to deal with the cavalry. While the pikemen set up their gun arrays, another team fell down The barb's soldiers have been waiting for four meters of barbs, which are specifically used to pull the cavalry on horseback. I didn't know how many grassland cavalry was damaged by this trick, because this weapon is called a death hook. The Aden cavalry was unarmed, and they made moves one after another. Even if they were not stabbed by a spear, they could not avoid the hook gun in the crowd. The cavalry of hundreds of people was half in an instant. Cheers of victory

The Aden army is not so good! The victory of Yixian made the morale of the Central and Abyssal Army soar again. At the same time, the 200,000 Aden Army spread radially towards the northeast and southeast of Mercedes, just like a spread barb. After receiving this news, Towards Yixian County

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