Whole Nation

: 3,218 Lies (3)

When I woke up in the morning dizzy, Tiernuris experienced the most complicated ideological battle in her life, cruising back and forth between acceptance and rejection, and finally chose to accept helplessly, the dead fat man was right, The emperor’s counterfeiting incident did indeed take place during the brother’s term as governor. If you really want to be held accountable, your brother Tirnarant is definitely the first person responsible. Since you need a person to recover, then it’s your own responsibility.” I know you’ll come Yes, Your Majesty is still resting. I made a special confession last night. If you decide to accept it, let me tell you the truth. “Sokutu Stellar raised her head from her desk, her beautiful eyes flashed an inexplicable luster,” The truth?" Tiernuris took a deep breath. Anyway, she was out of it. In front of the fat man, she felt that she must be doing nothing good.

Sokutus Delan smiled slightly at the corners of the charms of all beings, and pulled up the white hands of Tiernuris, who was stunned, and a long black velvet dress dragged to the ground, showing the skirt more. The slender and graceful two legs underneath, she was tall and gradual, just like the most beautiful banshee in the night, tall and plump seemed to burst from the tightly bound clothes, let Tiernuris also felt a little dry,

Sokotus Delane said softly, "Your Majesty said last night is only a part, if you refuse, there is no need to read another one. This time, the Eros have done too much and threatened with so-called evidence. The empire, you are also a Wikya, you should be very clear about the nature of your majesty. When have you seen your majesty have reasoned with others, and since the Elo people are so uninteresting, then the empire does not have to give face, this time with Eero 'S negotiations are meaningless"

"I'm a lie, I'm so untrustworthy...." Tiernuris' body shook slightly, her face pale. "Your Majesty was reluctant to get you involved in such things from the beginning, but let you take over this. The thing is what your brother meant. This letter was transferred from the Supervision Department two days ago. Your Majesty also hesitated for a day, and finally decided to let you decide for yourself!" Sokotus Delan took one from the table. Secret letter

Tirnuris accepted the secret letter with a surprised face, glanced at it, and the hand holding the secret letter shook suddenly.

The handwriting on the letter is indeed the handwriting of Tirnarant. As a senior nobleman of Wikya, Tirnarant from the high lord, fluent and gorgeous Wikya font, is not something that ordinary people can imitate. And Tirnuris did not think that, just to deceive himself, the emperor also needed to deliberately impersonate Tirnarante's handwriting. In the letter, Tirnarante made it clear that he wanted the emperor to remove his sister from At the request of the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs was the sphere of influence of the first princess of the empire, and Tiernerante was a direct member of the emperor. I think that if my sister has been staying in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is a very dangerous thing. Although the first princess has not put forward any requirements at present, there is no guarantee that the first princess will not have the idea to intervene in the Lisbono affairs. Sister is undoubtedly the best hostage

Unexpectedly, the truth turned out to be this way. Tiernuris was shocked, and did not know how she left the room. She came to a large banyan tree in the courtyard, quiet, peaceful, and a breeze blowing on her face, standing alone. Under the big banyan tree in the corner of the yard, Tiernuris looked up at the towering old banyan tree. The bark was completely cracked, which reminded her of the old banyan tree in Tilburg, all on the trunk They are all traces of broken branches. It has been a few years since I left Till’s house. Because of my suspicion, I and my brother have never been back to Tilburg. I don’t know what Tilburg was like now.

"Tell her this at once, is this too cruel for her?" The fat man's eyes looked through the window to the courtyard, and fell on the charming and sparse figure, hesitated and asked.

"People are always going to grow up, it's impossible to stay naive forever, not to mention that she is the sister of Governor Listo". The crisp and charming voice said behind the fat man. Sokotus Delane put a negotiation document on the fat man's table. On the spot, I glanced out of the window and condensed and said, "This is politics, and it is also a need for interests. You can't wait until everything is overwhelming before reacting, just like this time she was sent to Lisbon." Although Dernerant was injured in the attack, several months have passed. Even the injury should be cured, but the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been stuck with the annual assessment. As an administrative officer, Tirnerant can only stay in Emperor Jinghai Dacheng, and the people who are currently presiding over the work of Lisbon, are undoubtedly the people of the first princess. As long as the first princess is willing, in fact it has already mastered the operation of Lisbon. This is a naked seizure of power. If this time the first The princess did not send her, but another person. I believe that your majesty will never fall so lightly. The first princess clearly counted the emperor's entanglement with the Tyre family and took her to gamble! "

"It turns out that the first princess won the bet! Isn't it! At least until His Majesty returns to Dijing, Lisbonto is under the control of the first princess. Even if your majesty finds out, he just transferred people away. As before, the fierce and fierce repression came so hard."Sokutus Stellan walked behind the fat man, and her lovely body touched the fat man's back.

"This is the end of this matter, you don't have to mention it anymore." The fat man's nose snorted, saying that Mao Monagin had ambitions for Lisboa. I don't believe it. Mao Monagin had no interest in power expansion, otherwise it was just Mastering the internal affairs officials of all parts of the empire is enough to allow the Mao Mo family to spread all over the empire. Although the Mao Mo family has grown a lot in the past few years, they are only in business and in government affairs. Is the Mao Mo family not interested, or avoiding suspicion, there is no one of the Mao Mo family in the imperial administrative officer, which is enough to show that Mao Mo Naqing does not have a vice-personal vice, and that Mao Mo Na Qing can be the first in the imperial harem. The reason for being in the chair without being dissatisfied"

The fat man paused, withdrawn his gaze from the window and sighed, "If you really want to say, the real responsibility is on me, Tirnarant was assassinated, and the Lisbon people were in turmoil. There were rumors. If you change to yourself, it will be inevitable. Is to send someone to stabilize the situation in Lisbon, waiting for the emperor to return to make a decision"

"And the fact is that the interim governor Vihari sent by Mao Monagin in Lisbon was only responsible for investigating the attack during several months in Lisbon. Without interfering with any affairs of Lisbon, it is enough to explain Mao’s attitude. However, the sequelae brought by this are also quite obvious. This should have been the valve government’s governor’s office completely lost its function. As the supervisor, the general Duke was guarding against theft, and the Imperial Supervision Department was unable to interfere, and originally had three insurances. "Listorto, no longer has any protection at all, and has completely become a battlefield for the deportation of businessmen. The end result is that the Lisbono has been embarrassed by countries wanting to be robbed by fire because of the fake ordnance incident."

The fat man turned to hug Sokutus Delan’s slim and boneless waist, and took a deep breath of beauty. "Lisbon I will hand it to you. Those who try to take the fire to robbery, you give me a good The lesson of them, if they take advantage of it, they must spit it out. As for the Ero people, they can drag and drop, or that sentence, if you don’t come up with a province, this matter will have no value to talk about."

"Well, I remember, I won't let Soeros vomit blood this time, so I don't call Sokotus Delan!" Sokotus Delil chuckled, and a tall chest rubbed on the fat man. Full of arms

With the wind blowing, the sun, which has lost its hot breath, shines on the sparkling port of Lisboa. On the mast of a merchant ship like a forest, the white seagulls rise and fall. Most of the mountainous goods on the port are well-made ordnance. The carriages that were transported were also drawn by armaments in batches. They were hung on the pulley hangers of the port, and a box of boxes was hung on the deck of a large commercial ship. The arms trade, which was the top priority of the imperial commercial trade, experienced a month of suspension After that, prosper again

"Your Majesty, the ships of the Order of the Order have passed the Gibraltar Promenade, which is less than a day away from Lisbon." An Imperial Foreign Affairs Officer said carefully

"You deal with the affairs of the Order of the Order, but you are only a special envoy. It is estimated that you came to the Special Envoy of Erot."

The fat man put down the curtain of the carriage and glanced at the report in front of him. A beautiful and pure appearance flashed in his mind. The fat man would not forget the short journey and conversation, which was decided to turn around when Cornelia landed on the shore. The pretty back, and eventually Pope Damia, the pontificate of the Patriarchate, or the surrogate of Pudamia, is more appropriate." The Patriarchate just defeated the Eero Empire, and it was awe-inspiring. , Isn't it...: The foreign officials carefully looked at the fat man. The Order of the Order had just defeated the main force of the Eero Empire, and now the waters under the siege of the Eero empire could not be drained. For the entire Obaro, it can be said to be a sensation, as if already It is qualified to challenge the southern hegemony. In such a country, if the emperor does not know the truth, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not dare to deal with it without permission. "Let the people of the Order and the Erow live together. How do you feel? "The fat man grinned, and suddenly he laughed." Your majesty, this is absolutely not possible. The two countries are already fighting, and now they are not fighting yet? "The emperor's foreign official is pale in front of the emperor's mischievous laughter, and the sweat on his forehead is down." This is the order, just do it! "

The fat man's face sank. Didn't the Ero people want to lower the prices of imperial weapons? Well, let the Eero people see. The imperial weapons they don't buy, the sectarian countries will definitely want it, as long as the two countries compete, then It’s interesting that the Eero Empire and the Order of the Order were all fighting for the country.” At this time, the Empire is standing on that side, and the balance of victory is tilted on that side. Just let them The two sides live together, even if they are driven away, they will not leave!"

The fat man raised his head and looked to the opposite side. As a result, the foreign official of the empire had a dull face, and the corner of his mouth unconsciously skimmed. It can be said that with this complete defeat of the Eero Empire, it is still a little bit. From this half-year of war, it can be seen that the emperor Eero’s military ability is not bad, and he is more and more united. Although they are mostly defeated, that It was mainly because of fighting with the Adenites for the Cornelia port, and was stabbed from the back by the Order of the Order, and this time was dug by the Duke of the Settlement, which led to the current situation where the king is trapped.

But over a long period of time, it not only overwhelmed the economy of the Hérault Empire, but also within the Order of the Order. Although the Order State prevailed, the unrest in the South was even more violent, which greatly contained the attack of the Order State. The news was that the southern town of Sule was defeated by the rebels, and the 30,000 squadrons who defended the town of Sule were annihilated. This is enough to see the seriousness of the riots in the southern sect of the sect. Blocked, the soldiers came to the capital of King Eero, and it was the result of teaching the team to mobilize all resources and troops. This is like betting on everything. If the King Eero cannot be defeated, the situation is defeated by the Eero. !

The next day, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that the Special Envoy of the Order of Mission had arrived in Lisbon, and then the Special Envoy of the Eero Empire arrived in Lisbon. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs arranged the special envoys of the two countries in a villa according to the order of the emperor. The tragedy of the dead broke out, and the envoys of the two Ero envoys were hacked to death by the Templars of the Order, and the Templars were also chopped on one leg. Then the emperor team entered the villa and took the two parties in the name of safety. The weapon was taken away. On the third day, the special envoy of Ero, seen by Sokotus Stellan at the negotiating table, was already embarrassed with a bluish-black face,

It's just about personal force~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I have to admit that the patriarchal patriarch as a religious thug is obviously better. The envoys of the special envoy of Ero are mostly civilians. How could these perennial exercise knights The opponent, the crying father who was beaten, the mother crying, and howling. Every day, it was like suffering in hell. The people of the sect also saw that the empire did it deliberately, and it was unscrupulous, as long as it did not beat the dead. , The guards of the empire would not appear, and the Eero people would not have thought that the empire would be so rogue, and arranged them in a house with the envoys of the Order of the Order, and for a few days, half of the Ero envoys were healed. As a result, the remaining half of the people were shrunk in the envoy’s room, all with blue heads and swollen faces, and they hated their teeth for the arrangement of the empire. After all, they could not kill the envoy, so the **** incident on the first day Later, the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs specially dispatched five Imperial guards to be responsible for the security of the special envoy of Ero, so the room of the special envoy of Ero became the only safe place. "Adult, we cannot wait like this, there is no negotiation at all in the empire." Sincerity, we should immediately publish the evidence to Lisbon to let everyone see the ugly face of the empire." A Ero man with a swollen left face like a pig head said in the room of the special envoy of Ero, the hysterical indignation.

"Yes, announce it, and see what other face the empire has." The voice echoed. Everyone's suffocation was lit like a fire. Suddenly the door was pushed open, and a member of the special envoy stumbled in. Mouth shouted, "No, the **** of the sect of nations proposed to the empire that they were willing to buy the weapons that belonged to us at a price that was twice that of us."

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