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: 3221 accident

Strand Sea,

The inner sea entering the winter appears to be exceptionally calm. The light clouds are like a thin layer of paper, rendered into red by the sunlight behind the clouds, and there is only a very weak light wave on the sea surface, reflecting the blue under the blue sky and white clouds The sky is the same, and with the sound of the water, the dense masts appear in the northeast of the Strand Sea. The white sails reflect the sun’s radiance and emit a dazzling light, as if the sea is also rising. Countless suns. After a while, the bows of countless large spindle-shaped warships ripped open the sea surface, marking a rough wave on the calm sea surface, and the turbulent waves were squeezed away by the hull, just like ripples colliding with each other on the sea surface. , Broken or merged into a larger circle, spread far away, and the strong sea breeze blew the huge imperial navy flag on the mast. On November 19th, it was completed in Lisbon. The Imperial Naval Squadron entered the waters of Strand,

Fat man in a black imperial military uniform, standing on the deck of the fleet's flagship dragon-class battleship, gazing far away at the crescent-like outline of Fethiye, the third largest island in the Sea of ​​Strand, in the blue sea and blue sky Underneath, the large coniferous forest on the island is like a layer of canopy, covering 50% of the island. It is a typical marine subtropical climate. "Your Majesty, in front of Fethiye is the island of Fethiria, where abundant rainwater brings the island The forest is flourishing, and it has always been the main source of wood supply for the Strant to build ships. "The commander of the Imperial Navy, Dusit Lunkai, raised his finger toward the distance and said with emotion." Camphor, another major specialty of Trant Sea

The island was originally in the hands of the Stratans. Because of its proximity to the southern coastline, it was often harassed by the southern navy. Except for a small number of garrisons and a few voyagers stranded due to storms or other reasons The foreign resident population is very small. After the empire took control, according to the instructions of His Majesty, he gradually migrated here in a planned way. The population on the island has reached 5,000 people, mainly concentrated near the port in the northeast."

"How far is it from the coastline of Hérault?" The fat man glanced across the sea ahead and asked hesitantly.

"The island of Fete Coria is about 237 miles from the coast of El Hierro. Even the fastest sailboat will take three days." Dagong’s other identity in the Inland Seas is the black crow, the pirate leader who made Rui Wen feel frightened.

The ancestors of the Libyans were fishermen, living in hardship, and still being oppressed by the neighboring Eero Empire. From a young age, Leaheye was determined to change the fate of Leah’s legal person. Compared with his predecessors, he was more enthusiastic about the road of self-improvement at sea like Haiguo. When he was 17 years old, he took over the position of Grand Duke of Liafa and used the strong customs of Liafa to form a private fleet. It’s actually a pirate, and it’s also a way for the fishermen of Liafa, so we can make Haitang Bay a beautiful building with two or three floors, instead of looking like a large gray ruined hut before.

Since the imperial navy entered the inland sea and attacked pirates everywhere, Liyafa’s pirates were well-known throughout the inland sea. Naturally, they were also the key targets of the imperial navy. Under the strength of the imperial navy, Liyafa’s The pirate was defeated, and the pirate ship he had owned had not yet left the port. He was directly sunk by the thunder of the imperial navy. Under the general situation, Liafaye had no choice but to surrender, because he was Liafa after all. The Grand Duke of the Principality, considering the influence of the South, the Emperor of the Empire finally chose to release him. Liafaye also guaranteed that the Liafa people would no longer be pirates, and the pirates of the Liafa also silenced them. Is still a fisherman

Only this time, Liafaye did not expect that his little Haitang Bay would be involved in such an event. "What the **** do these people want to do?"

"If this event attracted the Imperial Navy, we would be miserable! According to the agreement, if the Imperial Navy thinks that we are going back to our old business, it will completely wipe out the entire Haitang Bay!"

A few Liafay’s men complained that the archduke Liahayye’s eyebrows were tightly screwed together~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although he didn’t know what the Eero were doing, but with the intuition of the pirate leader, he I have probably guessed that some of the imperial navies searched a while ago, and these imperial merchant ships mysteriously avoided the imperial navy search, and also chose to drive into the Ero coast from the infamous Haitang Bay,

Such a sneaky act, it is strange to say that it is not a problem!

When Liyakeye was most disturbed, none of the imperial merchant ships that sailed to the coast of Eero had returned. There were a total of seventeen imperial merchant ships. The cargo above was not counted. There were only one or two thousand sailors alone. Where have these people gone? The sunset gorge itself is named after a huge bottomless pit in the gorge. When Liakeye murdered and succeeded, he often threw the body of the victim into the deep pit. Now, the Eero people It mobilized a force of two thousand people to block it, and the people they sent had not returned yet. Manpower, although there are two thousand Eeros, we will not have fewer warriors than him," Grand Duke Liafaye murmured, and looked at the family crest staggered by the family's double rod on the white wall. The subordinates were uplifted and raised their hands one after another. "Yes, our legal person is not a vegetarian. When the sea was vertical, the Eero people were not killed!"


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