Whole Nation

: 3233 The Madness of the Empire (7)

   The air is full of smoke and the dust is blown over by the wind, the whole church is dead, and then there is a deafening cheering sound

   "Must win!"

   "Successful in the Order"

Depressed for more than a month and unable to penetrate the low morale, it burst like a volcanic eruption, everyone's face flashed with excitement, the heavy shield infantry lined up at the front, and the sound of knocking the shield neatly In response, with such a strong force, even if Eero builds more sub-fortresses, they can be removed one by one, and there is no need to let the soldiers bear the casualties of the attack. This is a counterattack to the Eero Empire from the Order State. For the soldiers of the Patriarchate, who have fought for more than half a year in the territory of Eero, there is nothing more exciting than this.

   "Your Excellency, why don’t you say that this weapon is so powerful, and if such a powerful weapon is exposed to the Eeroes prematurely, is it inappropriate?"

The Order of the Grand Knight of the Order, Akme Long, picked up his whip on the ground with a pale face. The power of Thor had already opened his eyes. It was like suddenly holding the Divine Blade in his hand, always eager to try. The idea, but suddenly compared with the siege Thor in front of you, the Thor in front is simply a pediatrics. The other party is not only amazingly powerful but also so accurate in the head. The Zibao, two hundred meters away, was destroyed by a gun. Compared with it, Previously, the sergeant's operation of the fifty gates of Thor was a joke. This was the main reason that made him feel angry and angry.

"Lord Lord, I don’t know what you mean? The test weapon is stipulated in the agreement. If the Lord Knight thinks that there is a problem, we can return to the corner of Empire Elide immediately with a nonchalant smile. Asked, knowingly,

The Raytheon provided to the sect of the Order is not equipped with a calibration caliper, nor does it have an artillery lookout. It completely uses the naked eye to judge the location of the Thor, which requires active and rich experience. In the meantime, the sergeants who can reach this standard belong to the rank of officer. It is conceivable that just after getting Thor for more than ten days, what kind of achievements can be achieved even if the sect of the sect is desperately researched? According to the emperor's ridiculous statement, anyway, this ecclesiastical state used these fifty Thors to shake the walls of King Erow. Even if the ecclesiastical country lacked training, in the face of a target that would not move, there would never be too much. Big question

"You..." Akmelong said for a moment, after seeing the power of the siege thunder god, sitting and watching such a huge combat force, it was evacuated. How could he be willing, not to mention, just now That one powerful shot has pushed the morale of the whole army to the top. After one shot, there was no sound. It was also a heavy blow to the morale of the whole army, but how can he say it if he wants to say the retention? !

In an embarrassing atmosphere, Pope Pudamia glanced at Akmelong’s discolored face, then looked at Elred, and said with a smile, "Akemelong’s knight is not malicious, but only acts as a global commander. , There must be a comprehensive consideration, and please don’t be surprised, His Excellency Elide, as the chief commander of the attack on the capital of King Erow, found that the most powerful weapon was suddenly exposed without preparation and was in a hurry. Only something was wrong, and I ask you to forgive me!"

   "Noble Highness, you said that, what else can I say?" Elred bent over to salute

Pudamia's brow frowned, but it could only suppress this unpleasant incident, just turned to look at the improved version of the siege Thor that was wiping and cleaning the huge cannon. The eyes could not help flashing the hot look, Empire The weapons are so sharp, it is no wonder that since landing in Obaro, the southern expedition and the Northern War, the massacre of the country has been countless, but it has never been blocked because of a strong city. With such weapons, who really can block the empire like fire Invasion

"Akmei Long Knight Chief, I'll leave the attack here to you, I'm a little tired" Pope Pudamia waved his hand, and today's limelight has robbed the Empire's siege of Thor, and at present This kind of sky-spraying situation is just a joke. What is the difference between staying here and laughing,

   "Yes, Your Highness"

Akemeilong's solemn salute, Elliott also turned to his own test article, ordered the subordinate operators to re-arrange the siege Thor's shooting table, and then looked at Akemeilong casually to the Thor location,

  Under Akemeilong's strict reproach

Thor has undergone new corrections. With the third launch, it has improved a lot, but the shot rate is still not. Thor is not a flat gun, but a curved gun, but the mysterious soldiers can see the mystery. Treated completely as a flat-firing weapon, from time to time aiming at the target in front of you, a variety of funny scenes, I can see Elaine and his Imperial engineering staff stunned, saying that the Order is a country, for all kinds of science Technology has always been regarded as heresy, and now it is blind when it comes to ballistics. Although it is all in the era of Obaro, the open national policy of the empire not only brings commercial development, but also science and technology. The vigorous development of various fields, the external expansion brought not only land and population, but also a variety of talents, but only the military industry, which brought one-fifth of the tax revenue to the empire

  The chief knight of Akmelong finally ordered the soldiers to lie down on the gun barrel, while aiming at the target, and shouting that the soldiers moved their positions

"This...I wouldn't want to launch like this." Elred saw this scene, and his face changed a little bit. He had seen brutality, but he had never seen such brutality, although he also treated the proud Ark The long knight of Meilong didn't have the slightest feeling, but it was impossible to watch the other party playing this life-threatening life. He quickly sent someone to tell the members of the sect that there should be no one on the cannon when it was fired.

"As a believer in the Order of the Order, it is also honorable to make some sacrifices to overcome God's enemies." Akme Long stood beside a Thor, holding a burning torch in his hand, and responded coldly to the sent person, He had lost such a big face in front of him, and even His Highness was mad. If he could not be recovered within the shortest time, he could be considered the end of the Grand Knight of Akmelong. Now that the Empire Thor is in place, fighting The strategy has been drafted, and the great glory of conquering the rival capital of King Erow is in your fingers. If he is deprived of command by His Highness at this time, what other face can he say in Akmelong?

   "Rumble" Thor's roar sounded with the torch in Akme Long's hand and lit the fire letter for a few seconds, then suddenly fired a fire-like thunder bomb towards the front.

"Ah, my ears, I can't hear anything." "With the sound of the gun going away, there is a terrible howl, this time I don't know if it is really effective, or whether it is yin and yang, dragging the long tail Raytheon flicked across a beautiful arc, whistling past a sub-fortress, absolutely no more than five meters away from the sub-fortress. This miraculous effect suddenly made the sect rejuvenated again, and Akme Long was even more happy. And repeatedly shouted, "See, who said that our sectarian state can't manipulate this weapon, just don't stop, today we will make a way from inside!" "In the rejoicing voice, there is no mention of casualties caused by shooting

The huge roar of "Boom Rumble" sounded again, and several Thor bombs were shot in the direction of the distant Zubao. This time, there was finally a Thunder God hitting the target, and I saw a collapse in the explosion fire on the front of Ziba. The Eero soldier inside ran out in a panic. Seeing this effect, Akmelong shouted loudly, "Fast fire, fast fire."

   "Sir, what if they do this?" A subordinate next to Elred looked at the performance of the soldiers of the Order, his face was white.

"It should not be too much. This time they only placed one ammunition number, that is, ten rounds, and Thor does not have more than thirty rounds of continuous shots. It will not explode, but this will not be until the wall is approached to launch a full-scale attack. It’s hard to say,” Elaine’s face was heavy, and his emperor gave away the 50 thunder gods of the Order, but he was not sent by a training officer, and he didn’t even tell the taboo of the exercise. , The meaning of which is very interesting, although the Imperial Thor is powerful, but how to operate and maintain it is very important, especially the operation above, it is too strict, and anything that does not follow the operation will even be sent. Supervision Department,

   "Go and tell the imperial people over there that they are not needed here"

The arrogant Akron Mei grinned, and his eyes just swept over Elide’s heavy face, thinking that the other party was hit because he saw how easy he was to correct the shooting accuracy. He believed that he only needed to adapt again, inevitable I am able to use Thor as smoothly as an imperial man. In this case, what else do these imperial men need to stay here! Soon, one of Akmelong’s personal soldiers approached the position of the empire where Ellad was located, and took Ake

Mei Long said it again

   "Since General Akron Mei has already planned and arranged well, we will not be busy here anymore"

Yi Laide's reckless return, the sect members let him go, just as his intentions, the tragic consequences caused by improper operation are not new to them, and the bombing is definitely the most terrible kind, so follow The imperial code stipulates that Thor must be cooled every time it shoots, but how can clerics without systematic training know? When I thought of the fiercest moment of the siege, the explosion of the bombs broke out in the Thunder God's rebellion of the fifty gates, and the Thunder God's rear was stacked with Thunder God's shells. It was absolutely like a hell. The possibly exploding ammunition depot was not in front. Yi Laid glanced at Akemeilong in the distance, and could only say that he was asking for more blessings. The emperor sent himself in the name of a test weapon. It turned out to be the last moment. Siege of the Thor to assist in the calculation of the walls of the King Eero, may have allowed the fifty imperial Thors to destroy themselves in a fierce battle, which was also expected by the emperor long ago. Can know how much

As Reid and other imperials retreated, Akleme launched a real straight line attack on the periphery of Erow. First, he used Thor to open the way and blow up the high sub-fortress. In order to improve accuracy, Akleme even He also invented the so-called concentration method, which is to use the fifty-door Thor to bombard a sub-fortress at the same time. Since the accuracy is not enough, the quantity is used to make up. The sect that has adopted this method has really achieved a lot. By the second day, when Ellett came to the location of the mound, it was found that four of the sub-fortresses in the word line strategy had become broken walls, and the scope controlled by these sub-fortresses had penetrated into the sub-defense circle for more than three hundred. Mi, the Arrow team sent a rescue team, and wanted to respond to the old method, to find the cover of the lost Zibao, the rescue team could not get close, and finally the Arrow team could only send infantry to block

   Standing at a high place, Yi Laide can clearly see the battle situation in the sub-fortress below

Eero sent a well-equipped Ryelling infantry~www.wuxiaspot.com~ wearing a long white tasseled helmet with thick blue heavy armor all over the body, advancing in a queue, there is a feeling of turbulent tide Therefore, it is also called Bailingjun in the south. The queue is scattered like a long dragon. The shields, spears, and the whole column are like mountains. The protection is extremely tight, but only a wall of more than one meter high can not be blocked. The queue is solemn. Suddenly, wearing elaborate locks and cavalry armor, and wearing a sharp red tassel assault cavalry on the head, a group of Eero cavalry began to break out in an orderly way, rumbling "at a distance of two hundred meters, scattered Eero cavalry queue, began to gather like a gathering, the sharp knight sword, brought a chill to kill

   "Children of God, march forward and defeat these traitors!"

Akme's loud voice came from a distance, with an indigo-blue shield sword tattoo, hundreds of Templars stepped on their horses, the elite of the elite infantry of the Order, the mad warriors followed, a row There are only more than a hundred people, but each one is very strong. Putting on heavy armor is like a thick steel wall covering the front. Metal armor and lances flash in the fog, rumbling "heavy hoof landslide The ground cracked, stepped into the sprawling front entrance, rolled up a white mist, like a half arc cut through the ground in front

The troops invested by both sides are only a thousand people, but because of the existence of this entrance, the strong wall of the Erow side has already opened a gap. If the Erow side cannot hide back today, then until tomorrow, this entrance will be It will become a sword that penetrates the defense of countless Zibao outside the capital of King Eero. Eero can see this, and he will not hesitate to send elite battles in the city, which is enough to show that Eero has realized the seriousness!

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