Whole Nation

: Three hundred and thirty-six turning point (3)

"Your Majesty, the frontline urgent report, the regiment army is breaking through the periphery and is marching towards Wangdu

The news of the breakthrough on the front line With the arrival of the hurried subordinate knight, interrupted the crowd in the red hall of Best Lulu, the capital of Eero, who is holding an emergency meeting, and Farouk, the emperor of Eero, who was sitting on the throne After listening to the battle report, I heard that the main force of the sect’s army suddenly stopped in front of the Rutiya sub-fortress, and the momentum of the army surrounding the Rutiya sub-fortress was displayed. It was like hearing something incredible. The emperor Faruk was originally The painful face turned into a meal, and other emperor emperors also looked weirdly, and looked at the slightly trembling back of the emperor, a weird atmosphere in the imperial decision-making place in the Bailu red hall.

"Isn't His Highness Nikayant now in Rutia sub-castle?"

"The squadrons will not all turn to the Rutiya sub fort for no reason. The greatest possibility is that the high prince has done something to attract them!"

"This is the king's style that uses individuals as bait to win time for the country. I didn't expect to see it on the Grand Prince."

"Now it seems that the High Prince’s request for full control of the peripheral military power may not be as unbearable as I envisaged, but it is entirely upholding the noble principle of the royal family and fighting for a new defense time for the king. And the consciousness of the huge conscious sacrifice made"

"We were still talking about the Grand Prince's need to take control of the peripheral military power alone, which is shameful and shameful to think of."

Hei Chongchen's face was heavy and low-sounding, and some people's faces were even more blushing. Obviously, everyone renounced the advancement of the sect of the Order and assembled at the Rutiya sub-castle. When they became the great prince, they sacrificed themselves as The result of the bait is not only the embarrassment of the emperor ministers, but also the sickness of the emperor Farouk on the seat is shaking, and the grip of the armrest of the throne with his fingers is not to make his body look too much. For his eldest son, it was naturally the one with the most high expectations, but in fact it also proved that the greater the hope given, the greater the disappointment received, neither military nor strategic expertise. None of the affairs can be satisfied. Except for being the prince's identity, there are no other outstanding places. Will it really show a move as prince Eero at the last moment?

Emperor Eero was silent, as an emperor, he knew that he should use the determination of the strong man to break his wrist at this moment, and use this time to delay to strengthen the king’s defense and gather the broken army that came back from the outer defense line, but as a father How to see a son who has no talents but shows his loyalty to the country at the last moment to die?

"His Highness Nikaant deserves to be my great prince Eero. The exemplary style of the crisis is admirable. It must be like the roar of the Erosha lion that trembles the enemy. The sect of the army is now heading towards Ruti. The assembly of Yazibao, although not a large military fortress, is a true capital of the capital, with the prince sitting in his own hands, the guards of the Imperial Guard who are brave and loyal, and the sturdy high walls outside. With the moat ditch, you should be able to support a strong enemy for a period of time. Your Majesty, please don’t worry too much!”

A gray-haired Elero will stand out from the general's queue and look dignified to the emperor Faruk who has some trance on the throne. "It is the High Prince who used his bait to buy us time. We are still arguing here. Endlessly is the waste of His Highness’ persistence, and it is better to ask His Majesty to make a decision immediately. Is it to immediately organize the troops to rescue the High Prince, or to immediately organize the troops to strengthen the defense of the city walls, but Andreger believes that if we let Zibao The line of defense was thus broken, sitting and watching the high prince stand alone in the Rutiya sub-fortress without rescue. How can we encourage our soldiers to fight back bravely when the corps of soldiers approach the capital of our king?" The man is currently the chief commander of the defense of King Hero

"Adult Lord Kasting said it well. Although the final defense line still has the walls of the capital, but if I really let the soldiers of the sect come to the city, I am afraid that the glory of Eero will be over. The best defense is naturally offensive. His Royal Highness used his own bait to display the royal style first in Rutiya Zibao. It is reasonable that our soldiers and I rushed to meet the Hunting Regiment together!" Another General Ero stood up and knelt on one knee On the ground, a general, a general, kneeled in front of the emperor, and even the heavy officials of the official government began to kneel down and asked Emperor Ero Farouk to send troops to rescue the prince."

"Enough is enough, so is your kindness. I already know your loyalty, but the same is true. As the emperor of Eero, as a father, I can’t sacrifice someone else’s son for his own son. As a member of the royal family, he has enjoyed a life that ordinary people can't enjoy from his birth. At the necessary moment, making the due sacrifice is also its value!" Attack request

"Your Majesty, if the repatriation army turns to the direction of Rutiyazipu, it should be possible to arrive in three days. At that time, a fatal blow to the sect army in fierce fighting will definitely reverse the overall situation, so the subordinates also believe that the reinforcement of Luti Yazibao was not his majesty’s personal behavior, but the best choice in line with the current battle situation.” Eragon stood up and looked at Emperor Eero, who was hesitant in his seat. What he said made the emperor’s heart endure. I can’t help but be shocked, yeah, the 200,000 troops who repatriated the king in the east are only three days away. As long as the legionary army is dragged back to the time when the reinforcement army returns, it is the time when the legionary army fails completely. After three days of complete crucifixion, what better conditions can be achieved than the Rutia sub-fortress! After such a thought, the originally hesitant heart suddenly became hot, Nikaante, you are really my good son!

"In this way, everyone will prepare, and at the same time order the troops to gather in the direction of Rutia sub-fortress as quickly as possible. You will fight in the front, and I will not be able to relax in the back. This time I will personally lead and hope that Iero will conquer in one fell swoop. Strong enemy!" Emperor Farouk's eyes swept through everyone like a heat, and it seemed to return to that energetic and sharp posture. In fact, his body was quite good among the emperors of Elero, but in order to Competing with the Adenites for Cornelia Port, personally commanding the million-level general battle for half a year, and still there is no staff like the Imperial Corps level. This kind of combat deduction and data are huge to describe. It's all pressed on one person, even the iron hit people can't bear it. In the end, the battle for Port Cornelia still failed

That was the first time Emero fell ill!

Hundreds of thousands of sergeants fought for half a year, and the number of casualties was as high as hundreds of thousands, and they got nothing. They also gave up the largest trading port on the eastern coast, and Emperor Ero felt that he was about to collapse. The subsequent incident of imperial inferior weapons in the empire led to the death of tens of thousands of people who had already worsened the Eero Guards. Even the emperor himself jumped into the river under the impact of the chaotic army. When I ran out of the river, I lost more than one hundred thousand elite in the front, and more than one hundred thousand elite in the back. I was also severely pitted by a group of imperial merchants. This is for the arrogant Emperor Eero, It is simply the biggest humiliation!

That was the second time Emperor Ero fell ill!

"Your Majesty is wise!" Veteran Kestin bent down and said respectfully that the generals hurriedly left to summon their respective troops for rescue as if they had opened the bowstrings at the same time. At this moment, their eyes were in the direction of Rutiya Zibao

In Rutia sub-castle, with the increasing number of squadrons in the sub-foreign exchange, the Eero defenders in the sub-castle have boarded the shooting position of the sub-castle. Although the senior prince Niro Ante ordered the army to give up The defense of the outer sub-fortress defense line retreated all the original fifty or sixty thousand troops. Although they were covered up by the army of the Order, along the way, more than 20,000 people still withdrew to the direction of Rutia sub-fortress.

Although the goal of the Order of the Order was initially the Rutiya Sub-Fortress as the command point, it was actually the Eeros themselves who were fleeing towards the defense of the Loti Sub-Fort. The army drove the Eero army to Rutiya Zibao from all sides, and it also virtually created the same form. As a result, by the time the sun went down, the army of the Religious Order gathered in Rutiya Zibao had reached more than 60,000 people. And the prince Niki Ante also began to become more mature and stable from the beginning, and at this moment, in the direction of Rutiya Zibao, he also gathered nearly 20,000 Eero remnants, plus In its own part, there are also 30,000 troops gathered under the great prince with Rutiya Zibao as the core

"Is it confirmed who Commander Hero is?" Mingyue poured like water on the earth, and also shone on the Pope Pdamia in white robe, with long hair hanging on the shoulders, two long and slender Feng Feng's eyes stared at the Rutiya sub-castle in front of him, and it looked so beautiful, just like the moon **** descended, the pope's attendants all looked down one by one, the atmosphere was cold and full of coldness

"We grabbed a few tongues, and after interrogation, we learned that because the former outlying commander was killed in battle, it is temporarily sitting on the side of the Rutiya Zibao is His Royal Highness Prince Ekaterite of the Eero Empire." The scout kneeled with respect. On the ground, salute this supreme leader of the Order

"Are you saying that inside the Rutiya sub-birth is Prince Eiro Nikayant?" Pope Pudamia turned around with a look of surprise, and after reconfirming, a look on her face was uplifted, It's really good, I didn't expect to be able to catch such a big fish in Rutiya Zibao. Although the prince Eero was rumored to be mediocre, he was also a child of the royal family of Eero, and he still had such a special status as the grand prince. Whether it was killing or alive, it was a heavy blow to the Erow side

"If you pass the order, you will attack Rutiya Zibao tomorrow!" Pope Pudamia waved to the generals behind him

In the early morning, the regiment began the first wave of attack on the Rutiya Sub-Fort. Twenty thousand light-shielded infantrymen who were used to attack were sent out, followed by archers. There are more than 20,000 to 30,000 Ero collapsed troops gathered here. Before you figure it out, it is not cost-effective to put too much force on it. The number of 20,000 light assault infantry is not too large or small, and the light infantry The advantage is that it is equipped with a shield and can quickly withdraw when it finds that it is not good. The so-called siege battle, unless it has sufficient grasp and sufficient combat equipment, first of all, for example, it starts from testing the opponent’s defensive strategy.

"Attention, the regiment is coming!"

A shout came from above the Rutiya sub-castle. In addition to the 5,000 people stationed in the sub-castle, the other more than 20,000 Eero troops were arranged outside the sub-castle. The rolled person made people feel dazed, but now, there is a long line rolling like a crowd of people, like smoke, and the sky is quickly rushing towards this side,

"Stop them, don't let them get close to Zibao! His Royal Highness is in the Zibao, the king will definitely come to support us!" an Imperial Guard officer shouted, and Eero soldiers heard that there was a big man in Zibao His Royal Highness, the low morale shuddered suddenly, pulled out his weapons, and looked at the opposite side of the head and rolled up the murderous intention~www.wuxiaspot.com~ shouted with all his strength, an Eero officer was the most Running out first, followed by thousands of soldiers, with a special eagle decoration on the helmet, showing very good training. With a command, the sound of the melee sword was pulled out neatly, like a shining knife Light, for the first time, met with the front line of the sect army opposite, kill! The sword was bloody, countless metal weapons collided together, and the assaults were killed. Both sides were assault infantry. Once they met, they must move forward, forward, and endlessly. The lines of force on both sides were staggered, and the blood that burst on the line was red. The earth

"Shoot!" A group of eagles in the sky swooped from the distant ground, fighting violently between the infantry on both sides, and the countless arrow clusters coming from the hurricane, almost simultaneously shot from the array of bow archers from both sides, densely packed The clusters of arrows pass by staggering, giving people a feeling of overwhelming even the light. The infantry of the two sides in the stagger of arrows and rain, as if hitting an invisible wall, rolled over,

"God is like a prison, punish sinners, tear them apart!" A team of about 1,000 Templar cavalrymen completed their prayers and began to dispatch. The horseshoes raised the sky and dust, and the wish tree covered on the horse's back was hanging, revealing a A holy feeling. Thousands of horses are advancing forward in a battle lineup. In front of them are the three cavalry squadrons with a strong look and armored body. They shake slightly rhythmically as the horses advance. The temple heraldic cloak flew behind him like a meteor tail that quickly flew across the sky, and a bright line of flashing bayonet flashes merged into the line and pushed forward intensively.

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