Whole Nation

: 3,238 turning points (4)

The bright light yellow winter sun shines from the colorful glass, and the whole hall shines brightly, and the conversation of several officers sitting not far away from the first floor

"Although this war has nothing to do with our empire, is the location of the outbreak only on the second floor?" his companion asked curiously.

"Did I say that? You should have heard it wrong. I just felt a little sick in my stomach and wanted to find a place. I just asked for directions!" Ambertell's face was better, and the corner of his mouth laughed. The companions continued to talk and laugh, but their eyes no longer dared to look towards the stairs and walked slowly on the wooden steps leading to the second floor. Palschena looked at the second floor and finally fell against the window. On the majestic figure beside me thinking day and night, my body shook a little, although I still guessed it, I still couldn't believe it, and walked affectionately. . . How did you come to El Hierro? ‘Parsina wanted to address your majesty, but the voice from the first floor was still audible, so I changed the title temporarily.

"I heard that the instructor came to Port Elero to pray for the branch. I happened to be on the opposite side of the Inland Sea, so I came to see it deliberately." The fat man smiled a little and stretched out his hand to ask Palsina to sit down opposite. , Beckoning a waiter to come and order a meal for Palsina

"Are you in Fissan? I thought you were still in Centralbia, but I heard that there was a rebellion in Fissan's side, is it..." Palschena's pretty face flashed a hint of curiosity and Unbearable look, the empire is strong against the rebellion, as a high-level sky temple, how do you not know

"Fei Shan's problem is not big. In fact, as long as you want, you can calm down within a day. I have ordered the control of the scope and will not cause much impact. Seeing you haggard, you have to pay more attention to yourself, just like today In the morning, I still go to Baiji Village. Even if such a small village has any patients, it should not be the turn of a sky temple instructor."

The fat man knew what Palschena was thinking, and shrugged his shoulders indifferently, thinking in his mind how he could take Palschena away from the port of Eero, and suddenly changed the strange battle situation and let his heart rise. The sense of crisis is getting stronger and stronger, and there seems to be an illusion that it can collapse at any time. Although fat people know that this illusion is completely unnecessary, the army of the sect is at least a hundred thousand army. Army, even if something really goes wrong, it should not collapse! So where does this feel that Han Mang is back!

"I didn't expect that the Empire Supreme would eat the vinegar of a group of villagers." Palsina's beautiful and charming face suddenly showed a beautiful smile, leaning leaning on the backrest, her slender and lean body posed like a willow. The thin, long white arms and thin, long, thin fingers lifted a drop of hair, sighed and said, "A Baiji village really does not need a sky temple instructor, but if it is one Where is the noble named Aden, that's another matter. You also know the relationship between Erow and Aden. No doctor is willing to accept his request, so only I went!"

"Noble of Aden, how could a noble of Aden appear in the territory of Hérault? Are you sure you are not wrong?" The fat man blinked.

"It shouldn't be wrong. Although the other party tried to cover up, they could not hide the traces of the nobles of Aden. When I arrived, I was dying, and finally I could only explain it according to the ritual of the sky religion, which was a relief for a foreign dead person. Well, the people in Baiji Village just knew that this person was seriously ill because of the road, and was eventually left by a mission in Baiji Village to recuperate," Palschena said calmly.

"Envoys...what was the time then?" The fat man's face suddenly changed, and there were already missions between the Eros and the Adens. This is very problematic. If the two countries are secret Reconciliation, then it is completely understandable, why the Eero army will suddenly burst out of the king's capital and generally fight against the army of the Order, because the 200,000 eastern border guards of the Eero Empire will no longer need to defend the Adenites This is definitely a powerful force enough to change the entire war situation. Where does that extremely repressed sense of crisis come from? The fat man has roughly got a direction.

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