Whole Nation

: Three thousand two hundred and forty-eight days Lily (7)

"Emperor Elo's Battle of the Front" did not have much description in the historical materials of the Empire's conquest, but all historians and militarists who studied the war of "the sky" agreed that it was the imperial army at the critical moment The raid on the Eero emperor's front led to the collapse of the already victorious Eero side, and the Eero Guards who desperately defended the monarchy under the raid precisely because of their desperation to resist, let the Imperial army Confirmed the fact that the Emperor Eero was in the battlefield, and finally used this as an opportunity to pull the Eero army into the abyss of fiasco. "----"History of the Empire's Battle" Volume IV "Courage and Loyalty"

Facing the overwhelming black armored cavalry, the emperor's guards in the Erowen lineup, whether they were scarred or still fighting in the dead, gathered together under the emperor's banner, using their bodies and their own Life, impeding waves of imperial cavalry


"Protection of Your Majesty"

Emperor Farouk woke up from fainting, and what he saw was such a scene, looking at the black armored cavalry from the impact, and the shining cavalry bayonet of the mountain, constituting the tens of thousands of guards of this formation The corpses ran across the field, and under the impact of the powerful cavalry, the infantry guards were like leaves that were rolled up by the wind, and the body was turned by the horse.

The guards who "killed" themselves made a cry before the death. They were desperately blocking the front of the black armored cavalry, stabbed with a spear, blocked with a shield, and flung out with a blade that could be touched on the ground. . Some of the guards’ spears snapped and snapped over to catch the horse legs of the enemy warhorse, but the impact distance of about twenty steps has become a deadly battle line.

"How is this going to happen!"

Emperor Eero opened his eyes in anger, almost spitting out blood, didn’t he already defeat the Order Army, then where did these black armored cavalry come out, and the emperor Ero’s position was so Shock, what are the other armies doing! The battle situation suddenly changed, like the huge drop from heaven to hell, how he could bear it, for this battle, he sacrificed his son, and even can say that the future of Eero has been put into it. Lived the victory, just blinked, how could it be like this!

For more than ten seconds, Emperor Elo Farouk’s extremely weak body was trembling with anger, and the generals next to him no one dared to answer. What?

Even the generals didn’t figure out each other’s identity.

The Order of the Order of the Order? Impossible, there is no cross of the Order, and it is far more powerful than the Order of the Order, the black armor is more like the system of the Imperial Army, but everyone knows that the Imperial Army is only less than 5,000 in the Port of Elero Garrison, and now the center of gravity of the empire is entirely in Feishan's chaos, how could such a large number of cavalry clusters be invested in the Eros?

Of course, what made the generals most stressed was the direction in which this cavalry came out. It was the direction that should be the successor of the Eastern Army. The meaning of the generals did not even dare to think about it! The reinforcements of the eastern border troops are afraid that they are already fierce, that is to say, they are facing a cavalry cluster that can wipe out a large army of 100,000 troops. The strength is very different. It is only a matter of time before the collapse

Now we can only wait for the other legions to find out that the attack has occurred and rescue them!

Regarding the emperor's fierce question, the generals only resolutely answered, "Your Majesty, we don't know who the enemy is. They are like ghosts. They are killed from the rain behind our army, and the speed of the attack is fierce. The intrepid is obviously stronger than the Eero army. From the combat attack to the present, in just ten minutes, the thousands of guards in this formation have all collapsed, impacting the most ferocious black armored cavalry, away from your majesty. The Wang Qi is less than twenty meters, which is the result of the scarred guards desperately trying to block their advancing speed with their flesh and blood."

"Unknown enemy? As General Hero, you can say that too!"

Emperor Farouk's angry body shivered, and his deep-set eyes were filled with angry flames, and the greater depression in his chest was that he didn't even know who beat him! This is a shame for Emperor Eero of a generation of masters. When his angry eyes swept General Ero, General Eero bowed his head in embarrassment.

They can feel that the emperor's anger is like a volcano that is about to spew out, and no one wants to be a victim of the emperor's anger. The figure of Emperor Ero Farouk is undoubtedly as striking as the discovery of gold from a group of stones for the imperial cavalry who is looking for a target

"Found the target, under the Wang Qi on the right!"

An Imperial Cavalry officer shouted loudly, pointing his right finger forward. With his shouting, all the Imperial Cavalry he heard looked at it at the same time, and his hands were invariably made the same move. The Imperial infantry crossbow was drawn inside.

It can only be said that the position of Emperor Ero Farouk is too conspicuous at the moment. Whether it is the position where Emperor Ero stood, or the harsh face of scolding the generals, they are telling everyone that his identity is far in Egypt. The general Luo, who can have such an identity in the Ero army, except for the emperor Eero who has been searching hard and did not find him, for this moment, the Imperial Cavalry even gave up when it launched the impact The first wave of combat practice covered with a crossbow bow is to retain a shooting opportunity to open the bow string.


Looking at the crossbow that suddenly appeared in the hands of the black armored cavalry, the face of the imperial guards in front of the king's flag changed greatly, and they saw a sudden bowstring sound like a heavy rain hitting the ground. Out, even if only dozens of cold lights shot past, it made all the guards feel their hearts tighten, because that position is the emperor!

Blood burst!

At this time, as long as there was a breath of Eero, the guards were watching dumbly as his emperor was passed by dozens of arrow clusters. Although most of the arrow cluster soldiers did not hit, there are still Seven crossbow arrows shot into the heavy armor of Emperor Eero, like a red tomato that was struck violently, and Emperor Farouk’s body shook violently.

Puff puff! The arrow of the Empire's armor-piercing shot into the body. This Zoroastrian lord of the Eero Empire, his eyes wide open, blood spattered from the mouth he wanted to cry, no one could believe this fact. Emperor Eero, one of the overlords of Obaro, took the Eero Empire to the stage of power. The body of Emperor Farouk, known as the southern sand lion, finally fell straight on the ground full of sewage, cold Rain hit the corpse, flowing down a red trickle

"Your Majesty... Is he dead?"

Every Eero imperial guard, the thoughts in his head towered dumbly, and for a moment he forgot to fight! Heart Jing looked at the scene in front of him, it seemed very long and short, bursting out of the heart-breaking voice, the Empire cavalry also made a terrifying shout of cheering, they did not hesitate to force into Ero The gun array of humans, the survivors of the former servants, came to seize the target, kill it within the range of the crossbow, and completely destroy the Ero people's resistance to will!

"Hero is finished!" This is the unspoken sentence in everyone's mind. The emperor's death caused the nerves of the remaining Eero Guards to completely collapse. From the day they became the Guards, they were asked to deal with the emperor. Absolute loyalty, but now the emperor is killed unexpectedly, the frightened Ero of the Imperial Guard is soon completely crushed by the horse hooves of the imperial cavalry

"Your Majesty, the goal is completed in the first step!"

Varicien’s excited Zema came over from the front. Although he was prepared inside, it was still enough to see an imperial emperor fall in front of his own eyes. It was inexplicable to know that the emperor’s position must be Egypt. The most elite troops in the Romanian army are likely to be composed entirely of the Eero Guards. Even if three times the number of cavalry launched a raid behind, I want to emperor Eero together with this front before the entire Ero army has not responded. Slashing together is an adventure in itself, but once the battle is unstoppable, or is entangled by the emperor's array, the reeled army of the army will destroy the thirty thousand empire like a flood!

"I saw that, since the first step has been completed, then start the second step!" The fat man looked coldly at the front of the collapsed Eero army, raised his hand, and the **** breath came from the face, more Like a refreshing agent, his black pupil looked like a starlight, Eero's field collapsed completely, and Emperor Eero's king's flag was directly captured by the imperial cavalry,

A group of Imperial Guards cavaliers held the flag of King Eero slowly forward, and more rushing Empire cavalry began to burst into the tide and broke down the levee, rushing towards the rear of other scattered Eero troops,

At the top of the flagpole of Wang Qi, a head with a cross-crown helmet was vaguely visible. The cruel and ruthless gaze of the fat man flashed slightly at this moment. It was Emperor Farouk, who was already dead. The head of a person, as an emperor, is treated quite cruelly even after being treated like this, but it is also impossible

Above the battlefield, everything is used. The word cruel is only useful to those who are alive

In the face of the army of Eero, which still has tens of thousands of combat capabilities, if it does not want to face its fierce counterattack, it must completely collapse its fighting will

If it is under normal circumstances, even if you know that the emperor died, the Eero army that just won will not necessarily collapse, but the Eero army has been fighting for more than five hours, and the exhausted body and breathless pursuit, even if it is The most determined soldier sees the head of his monarch and the flag of the king fall into the enemy, and will shake and collapse!

"God, what is on Wang Qi, what's wrong with your majesty's formation!"

"What is impossible, what are you talking about!"

"Your Majesty the Emperor has an accident!" The Eero Corps, which felt wrong in front, began to turn, and everyone's eyes were focused on the Eero King Banner held high by the team of imperial guards. Several General Eero felt a whirlwind. Although ordinary Eero soldiers did not know the appearance of the emperor, but when they saw the emperor’s king flag held high by the enemy, they could guess who was the head of the king flag. , The emperor is dead! How did the emperor die?

"His Majesty the Emperor will never die, that is just the enemy's conspiracy! Let's not be fooled, everyone kills and snatches back the Wang Qi." An Eero officer shouted with a flushed face. The thunderous sound of horseshoes came everywhere, and countless black armoured cavalry swooped down like a group of eagles turned down in the sky. The Eero army discovered at this moment that the emperor Ben The position of the formation was long overwhelmed by these black armored cavalrymen. After the black armored cavalry broke down the emperor's formation, they pressed hard towards themselves like wolves.

"Run!" I don't know who yelled, the Airo army exploded completely, the emperor was gone, what else to fight! The Eero army in the chasing state has long dispersed. There is no line of strict formation, and the emperor's death is shaken. Looking at the group of cavalry who came from the ground and shaking, a Eero soldier abandoned his weapon and began to escape~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Soon more soldiers will flee. The Eero army, which was originally chasing the enemy, is like a collapse of the sand. It is almost a moment, and the black cavalry that is rolling like a wave in an instant is incredible. The high speed pressed into the back of a team of the Eero army. The dense snowy cavalry bayonet lined up from the back of the Eero soldier and bloodied in the chest. The black armored cavalry rolled like a heavy hammer, and the whole row Almost all of the most basic impact queues are not listed, and the former team has rushed into the opponent's array like crazy


Shouted slogans, a shattered voice came in front, the first collapse of the tenth army of Eero in panic and exhaustion, screaming and fleeing in front of the thundering imperial cavalry, the collapse of the Eero empire and The Regiment Army saw the Battle of Rutiyazi for three days. After the Imperial Army stepped into the battlefield, it quickly turned sharply. The Eero army was attacked behind it, and there was a large-scale escape under the heads of the dragons. The five-hour battle has been thorough After draining the physical strength of the Eero army, even if he could not escape, he fell to the ground in a few steps and was chopped to death by the imperial cavalry, a mess, firelight, fighting sounds, calls of escape, screams, countless voices Converged into a voice between heaven and earth

In the distance, the sky began to brighten, and the longest night attracted the dawn. Pope Pudamia, under the guard of more than one hundred sect members, Templars, had a complex eye as he watched the Eeroe, who would finally resist the Imperial Cavalry. The team broke up,

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