Whole Nation

: Three hundred twenty-two turbulent fire (3)

"As the most important continuation of the Battle of the Rutiya Sub-Fort, which led to the collapse of the Eero Empire, at what moment did the Battle of Port Eero erupt, it is really impossible for future generations of historians to make a judgement because of missing Ruti In the battle of Azibao, more than one hundred thousand Eero's eastern frontiers filled with revenge, the first target was not the port of Eero, but the corps of the wounded soldiers!"-Fifth in the history of imperial warfare The volume "Hero's Desolation" The earth is turbulent, a small black spot climbs up the slope, and the Pope State Pdamia vigorously stopped his horse, looking towards the Imperial Barracks that gradually turned into a small black spot behind him In the direction of the ground, a sharp smile suddenly appeared in the corner of the upturned mouth. "Everyone, the empire has promised to send troops to attack the capital of King Erow. This time we can also let the imperial army try it as a cannon fodder!"

"Your Highness is wise, it is predicted in advance that the greedy adult Falcon Emperor will be hooked, but it is also that just after defeating the 200,000 Eero army with 30,000 troops, he also slashed the Eero Emperor Faruk. Become anybody, at this moment will be overwhelmed by such a glorious victory! "A handsome and middle-aged General Eero said with emotion." The 30,000 Imperial Army defeated the 200,000 Eero Army? Lord Huron is too tall Look at the emperor of the empire, even if it’s the **** of war, he didn’t dare to fight in an upright battle, but it’s the scamming of the dogs. It really made the word **** of war shame.” A big knight behind Pudamia Long face disdainfully said, "Yeah, the empire is completely successful in sneak attack!"

"If it were not for our army to fight **** in front for five full hours, the 30,000 Imperial Army might not be able to resist even one face in front of the 200,000 Eero Army, let alone the Emperor Eero!" They also agreed with each other." Lord Lita said that it was right. Without our control of the 200,000 Eero army, the Imperial Army could not have done this. Now it is helping the attack on the King Eero, which is what the Imperial Army should do as an ally. obligation!"

"What if the imperial emperor's conspiracy is done again this time, but the falcon emperor who defeated the 700,000 southern coalition in one fell swoop, shouldn't he have such eyesight?"

Someone in the general said inadvertently, all the sounds stopped suddenly, everyone shuddered, and was pitted once by the emperor of the empire, which had cast a shadow on the hearts of the generals of the Order, the Falcon Emperor What kind of characters are they? Although they all look down on them, in fact, everyone knows that with 30,000 cavalry in front of the two heavy army groups in Eero, it is like a sharp blade cutting precisely from its break, and finally killing with a raid. Slashing the emperor Eero, and finally spreading out the entire army of Eero. This step-by-step company still has the control that is generally spread. Without giving the Eero army a chance, it is like an extremely accurate instrument. Any step inside seems to be opportunistic, but in fact reveals the unprecedented precision of the entire battle.

And until now, Eero's generals couldn't figure out how to break their heads. How did the Emperor of the Empire let the remaining more than 100,000 troops of Eero's Eastern Army slowly arrive at the battlefield! This is the key to reversing the tilt of the final victory balance of the Rutiya Zibao battle! Because the reinforcements did not take long to let the Eero army fall into a dead fight, because the Empire Army suddenly emerged from the direction of the reinforcements, so that the emperor's position was unprepared! All in all, there is a problem in the reinforcement of the Eero East Army. No one is a fool. The Eero East Army rushing towards the Rutiya Zibao can’t stop by itself. Even the most likely, the Eero East Army’s reinforcements are afraid of the battlefield. It's only one step away!

And it was this step away that became the turning point of the entire battle. The 200,000 Ero army collapsed and the Emperor Eero died. Only the Falcon Emperor could do this. The name of the **** of war is already the real name. Go home! What's more, the Falcon Emperor is still the first person in the strategic layout of the entire Opel continent.

At the time, the seven hundred thousand coalition forces in the south were all killed, and the southern generals were destroyed by a third! It can be said that the entire Obaro region has five "but the enemy will come up soon!" Putamia's face is cold and cold, and the situation in front of her is worse than she expected. How can such an army block 100,000 Angstroms? Luo Dongjun? "Your Highness, IMHO, this time our army is afraid that there is no chance! So please make arrangements early!" General Eero also looked ugly, and one of the generals said, "The morale of the army is really in Luti." The Battle of Yazibao was completely cleaned up. These squadron troops who hit the capital of Eero all the way were absolutely elite troops, but they experienced a nightmare-like defeat and now have a serious lack of rest~www.wuxiaspot. com~ It's pretty good to barely line up!" Arrangement, what do you want to say! "Pudamia looked at the general". This place may not last long. If the war situation is not good, please ask your Highness to withdraw to the Port of Elero controlled by the Imperial Army! "The general took a deep breath with a heavy face, and while the general was speaking, the messy front direction was quieted down. The invisible force squeezed in general, and even showed an unbearable commotion. At a time when it was quiet, everyone heard a sound, which was a brush sound like wind and sand blowing across the ground, Pudamia Riding on the war horse, the hand holding the whip couldn't help but tighten tightly!" "

In the distance, a line of red came from the direction of the horizon, and the black crowded people gathered, countless snowy spears erected toward the sky, the cold light of steel showed a kind of dire under the bleak winter light, the kind of brush-like The sound came from that direction. Countless Eero soldiers wearing red armor spread like a huge arc surface, covering the earth and shaking people's hearts. When Pudamia saw this scene, her face was not discolored, and behind her Each of the generals has a dignified face. Such a large number of enemies are not uncommon. The 100,000 troops are not unseen. It really is the pressure of the 100,000 Eros that came out of the army. "It's murderous" This is a hundred thousand mourning soldiers! "The general of a squadron general gritted his teeth and gritted his teeth. The other side of the Eero army had the strength to die at first glance. Sweat,

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