Whole Nation

: Three hundred two hundred fifty-five fire (7)

Mato hills, the bare ground presents a layer of white in winter, that is the frost formed in the cold night, it is now approaching December, snowfall has begun in many parts of Obaro, and the Mato hills near the Inland Sea The climate is only the degree of frost at night. On a **** in the hills, countless black armoured cavalry stand still under the black night. In the cold winter night, the heat from the noses of the war horses forms a The white thread-like white mist of the group, occasionally, a war horse uttered a low muffled noise, and was quickly pulled by his master,

"Sir, the Eero cavalry bite the target very tightly. The target has lost three-quarters of the guard. Do you need to release the bait now?' An imperial cavalry captain came from a distance, in front of the imperial general Varisian Strenuously strangle the horse,

Varisian's eyes were cold, his mouth snorted, a black general armor with a red bull's horn helmet that scared the entire Fisher, and a scarlet cloak fluttered slightly from the night wind behind him In order to strengthen the deterrent to the Fissan people, Varisian deliberately aimed at the unique costumes made by the annexation of Fissan. The red devil Varisian, in the area of ​​Fissan, was able to make the child demon king-level character, he shone brilliantly. 'S eyes looked at a dozen white dots in the distance heading towards the port of Eero. Behind these white dots, a team of Eero light cavalry in red armor was moving from several directions.

Several of these Templars could finally arrive in Port Elero. Varisian didn’t care. Since Pope Pudamia chose to use it as a bait, the Templars who followed him were naturally sacrificed. It’s an honor to be a warrior who can finally die on the battlefield as a warrior, and still die to protect the prince! Watching another team of Templars leave the team and turn towards the Eero cavalry as many wolves behind them, Varisian's hand could not help but tighten, and he looked away from the distance, coldly. Asked "How many of the Eero cavalry have been found?'" In addition to what we saw, we found the Eero cavalry approaching the bait in the east and west, and the total amount is about 3,000 to Among the three thousand five, the total of this one in front of it is more than five thousand! Even if the Knights Templar, who is heading towards the port of Elero, can finally reach the port of Elero, there will never be more than ten people left! Respectfully replied to the "Imperial Cavalry Captain" Five Thousand Eero Cavalry. ....... there are so many? "The captain of the Empire made Varisian take a deep breath, and the attack on the Eastern Army of Erow that night did not encounter the Cavalry of Erow. Therefore, in the heart of Varisian, he has put this force to the full. Luo Dongjun is regarded as a pure infantry cluster, even if there is a certain amount of light cavalry as a scout, the number will not exceed 2,000, and the report now shows that there are 5,000 people in the other party, and Varisian is not. Fear of the Eero cavalry, but because of the imperative order of the emperor’s imperial order! This is a bit more difficult, but for Varisian, who has always been cunning with his troops, there is also his own way to do this. ! "

Varisian commanded coldly that the so-called decoy warfare is a tactic of the Kugit prairiemen and a variant of the prairie cavalry tactics. In fact, it is a kind of bait that releases a small amount of light cavalry as a bait to introduce the enemy into the ambush circle. The way, soon, two hundred imperial cavalry who were specially selected as bait came out from the array,

The cold wind blew, the horse's mane blowing was flying,

Varisian's gaze swept over these cavalrymen, all of them were light cavalrymen. The cavalrymen only wore light armor, and the horses were not armored, and these light cavalrymen carried the prairie compound bow without exception, making it easy to extract clusters of arrows. There are two bags full of feather arrows hanging on the right side of the warhorse. These are cavalrymen. Many are Kugit shooters and Dongting shooters. They are the sharp marksmen of the prairie tribe. Under Varisian, this one The cavalry unit is called the Thousand Cavalry. Thousand Cavalry is a elite scout selected from the army under Varisian after he became governor of the Fraser and Istan regions, each with more than two years of combat experience Although the number of veterans is only one thousand, it is an important role for the eyes of the whole army when the army is fighting, and it is also a veteran who is good at seduce the enemy!

In the dark night, two hundred thousand cavalry troops descended from the hills and greeted the corps army who had fled towards the distance

The reason for the two hundred cavalry is that a squadron of the Imperial Patrol Cavalry is this number. In this case, after finding the Imperial Cavalry, the Eero Cavalry, which is chased after it, will only encounter the Imperial Cavalry that encountered the Order Corps. Treated as an imperial patrol cavalry, and the combat strength of these two hundred thousand cavalry is definitely not under the 500 ordinary cavalry. Even in an environment like the night, the thousand cavalry, which is itself an elite scout, can perform more exceptionally. Sure enough, as the two hundred thousand cavalry began to join in the pursuit of the distance, the exhausted Templar Knights who had already been chased, suddenly felt the pressure decrease "Ah!" The arrow of the armor-piercing pierced through the back of a Hero cavalry, and he saw the Elo cavalry in front of him suddenly penetrated by a white line from the arrow, and spattered his face with hot blood. On the top, a Templar was dumbfounded. He couldn’t believe it. Just when he was in a daze, more whizzing sounds had been shot from his side, and the sound of the arrows in the back and forth "His Royal Highness, it seems like imperial cavalry!"

A Templar knight who was guarding Pudamia made a sound of great joy, his eyes staring forward, like a flock of eagles in the sky. There were more than a hundred imperial cavalry in black armor from the other end of the hills. Swooping, like a sharp blade slashing **** the back of the Eero cavalry. Although the number of these imperial cavalry is not very large, they show amazing and amazing archery. The crotch drives the horse, one side During the run, I was shooting with a bow and arrow. The arrow cluster was shot from that direction. Obviously I could feel the sound of the Elo Light Cavalry falling behind the ground. "Attention, there are enemies!" "Pay attention to the other party’s bow... … Ah "" bastard, pay attention to the right, right. "The sounds one after another rang in the back, "It's really an imperial cavalry!" Pudamia also recovered from the sudden change, and stopped the horse in surprise, watching Behind him, the arrows of the imperial black cavalry who dumped down from the side saw the arrow clusters continue to shoot, and the arrows penetrated the human body. The battle immediately rolled down, and the blood-bloomed flowers spread out in the air, and it could be seen that the Eero cavalry in the back was chaotic under the sudden blow. This scene not only shocked Pudamia, but also those high-hearted The arrogant Templars are also dignified

The Templars are one of the heavy armored cavalry. The most feared encounter on the battlefield is this highly mobile long-range cavalry, especially the imperial bow cavalry equipped with imperial armor piercing arrows! In the North-South War, the Hungarian cavalry equipped with imperial armor-piercing arrows hit the heavy armor of the southern coalition, and it is said that the imperial guard cavalry equipped with the imperial crossbow was far above the Hungarian cavalry, and In the North-South War, the Templars had already learned the fierceness of the imperial cavalry. Seeing the fierce Eero cavalry just turned into the object of being hunted, the Templars could not help rising for a while The sense of sadness and death of the rabbit "kill!"

The turbulent imperial cavalry stormed into the eero cavalry behind them, followed by screams of fighting, screaming, and dying death. The panic-stricken eero cavalry was like a group of mice, and was equal to the number of imperial cavalry. Shocked, Pudamia watched the imperial cavalry rushing past them. These black armored imperial cavalry had no time to ignore them, as if they could not see them at all, they slammed into the Eero cavalry. Like the Thunder, the courage and courage and the high degree of cooperation displayed show the extremely high combat quality, especially the undaunted momentum when fighting, even her bystanders feel scalp dazed.

Such a sturdy cavalry is just one of the countless patrol cavalry in the empire... such a strong soldier is not inferior to its own Knights Templar. When passing by, the logo on the armored armor of the Imperial Cavalry crossed the sword and the shield, and the faces of the Templars next to Pudamia changed a little, and they immediately recognized the "Imperial Qianqi in the Feishan Region" Army! ""Thousand Cavalry Army?" "Pudamia is still at a loss in the shocking face." The most elite assault force under the control of Feisan and the imperial general Varisian in the Istan region is said to be only a thousand. Man, but has several times the fighting power!" The Templar Knight whispered that Varisian, as the emperor general controlling Feisan and Istan, has always been the focus of attention in the southern countries, and this The reputation of the empire general is not so good. It is not to say how bad Valisian’s private life is, but because Varisian is the only empire in the empire that has repeatedly broken the imperial-level capital, Gaul in the north, and South. Gangfei, East Istan, have not escaped the poisonous hand of Varisian, so there is also the title of "King of the King" among the countries, which is simply the character of the **** of plague. So, what I have seen is not ordinary Patrol cavalry!" Putamia's face was suddenly blank, and he breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be an elite army. It is no wonder that if any patrol team is of this level, the empire is terrible! I just don’t know how this elite force suddenly appeared here?

At a time when everyone was at a loss, an Imperial Cavalry officer strenuously strangled the war horse in front of Pudamia, and his eyes fell on Pudamia. Inside these people, if the woman was her, "Is it Highness Pudamia?" "I'm Pudamia!"

Pudamia patted the soil on his body and drove the horse out. The pale and pretty face was reddened. The other party was able to ask such a question at a time, which is enough to show that the empire has already known that it is coming. Quite thick-skinned, Pudamia was still a little embarrassed, but she deliberately led the Eastern Army of Eero, and did not expect to be intercepted by the imperial team before reaching the destination.

And the other party seems to have been waiting for a long time. This feeling is like stealing something from the host at night, but found that the host has already prepared at home to eat, drink and wait for himself, too Frustrated, Pudamia flashed the falcon emperor's seemingly honest face that he dare not dare to face, which still makes people alive! "I am waiting to be ordered to wait for your Highness here, please come with me!" The officer of the Thousand Cavalry Army paid a military salute to Pudamia

"Your Highness, this matter is a little too weird!" The Templar Knight beside Pudamia also felt something wrong, and whispered, "Since the Emperor of the Empire knows that we are coming, why only send such a cavalry? "

"Of course I know there must be a problem here, but do you think we still have a choice? If we don't follow them, I can guarantee that the arrow clusters will shoot at us." The voice replied that just now she had noticed that dozens of the nearly 200 imperial cavalry soldiers that had been killed had formed a siege around them, and a pair of cold and murderous eyes could be clear even in the night. I feel that on my own side, the guarding Templars are more than 20 people. Thinking of the staggering archery shown by the other party just now, Pudamia can be sure that this person is supporting them for a round. but

At least it looks like ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The opponent is indeed a real imperial cavalry, no doubt,

Otherwise, it is almost impossible to want to suddenly emerge such an elite bow cavalry in the north of Eero, who is not good at riding, and it is no secret that the emperor team has a large number of elite bow cavalry. It is said that the Empire's crossbow is unparalleled in the world, and no country has ever been able to contend with the Empire remotely, but it has never been expected to be so abnormal! It is no wonder that the Emperor Team swept the southern coalition of 700,000 with only 200,000 troops in the North-South War, and the role of the bow cavalry inside has been regarded as the natural enemy of the infantry cluster by the southern countries! "Woo! Woo! Woo!" A hurried cry for help, like a dark curtain igniting the surrounding hills, bursts of looming voices,

"We don't have much time. The enemy is asking for help. Soon, more Eeros cavalry will be thrown up. Please also, Your Highness, don't hesitate anymore!" The Imperial Cavalry Officer looked over there, Xiang Pu Damia said again

"Well, I'll go with you!" Pudamia nodded sternly, at least it seemed that these imperial cavalry were not malicious, and she also wanted to know what the empire wanted to do! I was attracted by the Eastern Frontier of 100,000 Ero this time, and the Empire has a fearless attitude here, which also greatly mobilized her curiosity.

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