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: Three thousand two hundred and sixty-four chaos fire (17)

A red fireball coming from the sea with a howling sound, a dense explosion like raindrops, countless red fireballs almost burst on each other at the same place, slammed, wow, and a house on the edge of the port was hit In the middle, the entire roof was blown up, and the scattered pieces were scattered like rain. The following conditions cannot even be distinguished with the naked eye. The eyes of the people who were stimulated by the flashing explosion light were hurting. Hours of naval fleet salvo, it doesn’t look like there are people who can survive!"

On the high platform on the top of the sky temple, someone with dark hair sighed with emotion, which was originally used as an observation deck to look over the beautiful scene of the port. Under normal circumstances, from here, you can look at the port, the blue sky and the blue sea, The sails are like clouds, but now, there is already a hell-like scene. "Did your Majesty Falcon start with deliberately enticing the Eastern Army to attack the southern port?"

Pope Pdamia, the pontiff state, stood beside the fat man and asked, her eyes staring at the explosion in the direction of the port, her entire face was pale, east of Ero of 60,000 or 70,000 people The main force of the army is in the southern port area. Even if there is no decent battle, it is covered by a violent explosion. Such a intensive explosion has even exceeded her cognition. ! No one can survive this explosion, and some lives will be rushed out in time, waiting for them will also be the slashing of the imperial cavalry who will soon fight back across the board!

I didn’t see anything before, but now she has sorted out her head, and is even more shocked and unbelievable. Why is she stupid? The empire has predicted that the Eero East Army will counterattack, and she has expected to reduce the teachings. The loss of the regiment and the loss of the Eero East Army to the port of Eero must be well prepared.

The southern port is basically the decoy set by the imperial emperor. From the beginning, the Eastern Army has been led by the Imperial Emperor. At the moment when the Eastern Army believed that they had won the victory, everything was a foregone conclusion! From the position where she stands, you can see a corner of the Southern District, and just this corner presents a hell-like scene, which has made the pope's beautiful face pale and extremely unconsciously shaking. The long hair fluttered in the hot wind blowing in the face, the exploding white light flashed in her pupils, and the main force of the Eero East Army, which almost completely defeated his army, was completely destroyed by the imperial navy? No one will believe this kind of thing, nor dare to believe it! But the facts are right in front of us.

"Why does your highness care about these unworthy attentions? Now what your highness needs to pay attention to is another thing!" The fat man did not answer Pudamia's confusion, but moved his eyes deep from the direction of Port Elero Shen Sheng said towards the black smoke

"What does your majesty say about that?" Pudamia asked with a wry smile, able to describe the main force of the tens of thousands of Eastern troops as a mere trifle, probably only the emperor of the army **** in front of him had such a qualification. After all, the North-South War, that is, the 700,000 Southern Allied Forces were wiped out as if the autumn wind swept the leaves. Speaking of it, the Knights Templar of their own church country was seriously injured in that war, so that the southern unrest It's more intense, but I just can't hate it. My military power is not as good as my national strength. I am not even qualified as an opponent in terms of strategic layout.

In this northern war of Eero, the imperial emperor’s unpredictable strategic layout capabilities have scared the pontiff, and now he is even more cautious, not daring to reveal a bit against the empire, who knows whether the empire will After destroying the Eastern Army of Eero, by the way, the squadrons with nearly lost combat power were also destroyed together! "Of course, it is the capital of King Eero. Did His Highness forget our agreement? Did His Highness watch the last group of heavy soldiers of the Eero Empire annihilate before his eyes? It is impossible to find even five thousand people!" The empire spent so much effort to drag the last group of heavy soldiers of the Eero Empire into the dead, in order to allow His Royal Highness to take over the Eero King without hindrance. I just hope that Your Highness remembers that according to the agreement, half of the capital of King Eero, but it belongs to the empire. ""His Majesty is really a joke. If you want to win the current King Eero, why do you need my army, I believe that as long as Five thousand imperial cavalry, you can win the King Eero! "Pudamia bowed her head and nodded her heart, and she also wanted to cry. The hundreds of thousands of religious corps battled in the north of Eero for half a year, and finally hit the capital of Eero, only a short ten days, the situation Has been reversed several times

Nearly half of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers were killed and wounded, and the rest of the army's morale was extremely low. If it was not the key blow of the empire in the battle of Rutiya Zibao, I am afraid that they have all died in Rutti Yazibao, not to mention what Elero King Capital is now! It is also false to say that you are not worried. The empire's external image is inherently arrogant and unreasonable. Comparing the strength of the current legionary army with the empire, it is a piece of meat in the mouth of the tiger. The empire can certainly win the king of Eero. The fat man does not seem to be malicious to the legionary army. His eyes are on the Pdamiya. There was a pause on Qiao's face, and she smiled helplessly. "But it also means that the empire will break the promise of not occupying any southern country when it signed the North-South Agreement. His Royal Highness is also the eleven who signed the agreement. One should know what it means to tear up the agreement, or maybe another North-South War! "

"I thought His Majesty the Falcon was not afraid of any pressure. I didn't expect to be afraid of an agreement!" Putamia breathed a sigh of relief, trying to calm down, secretly speaking to himself, relax, relax, and show a corner of his mouth. Smile "The falcon emperor who was like a **** of war is also a mortal, and there will be fear"

"It's not fear, it's just not necessary. The real purpose of the war is not to let everyone sit down and have a good talk. Why do you want to tear it up if you have signed a reasonable agreement?"

The fat man rolled his eyes dumbly." So the king who won the capital of Eero can only be His Royal Highness. In this way, this war is just a war of disputes in the southern countries. Although the empire was accidentally involved in it. That is also because the Eero army actively attacked the port of Eero, and the self-defense adopted by the empire was not against the content of the agreement. This is the truth of the whole thing!""But the death of Emperor Eero could not be concealed."

Pudamia hesitated and said hurriedly, she did not expect that the Emperor of the Empire directly defeated the army of Eero and killed the Emperor of Eero to the Order of the Order, although the State of the Order did not mind attracting the hatred of the Erow , But in this way, to blame the empire in vain, always makes Pudamia uncomfortable

The fat man looked sorrowful and compassionate, and looked at the sky, saying one by one, "The emperor Farouk of the Eero emperor is a rare open and enterprising monarch. If under his leadership, I believe that it will not take long for the Eero Empire to be south It’s a pity that the first big country was so jealous that it was beheaded by the regiments in the Battle of Rutia’s Sub-Fort. It is really painful. The Empire deeply regrets this. One thing, you don’t have to worry about His Highness!”

"Worried? I'm worried about your sister! Putamia's face is completely messed up in the wind. If she doesn't take care of her identity, she will be blunt as a pope. As a murderer, she still has to console... Knowing that the Falcon Emperor has always been shameless, but I did not expect shame to such a degree, it is simply not even the bottom line. "The king fell, is it not a regrettable thing? The fat man groaned incomparably solemnly, and suddenly said in a murderous manner. "By the way, I also asked the royal family of Eero, how to explain the sudden attack of the eastern army of Eero for no reason, I, Port of Eero! I in order to resist the attack, the port of Eero It can be described as tragic to the extreme, even the port is completely destroyed, and the loss can not be calculated. The port of Eero has the title of the golden port. It is the largest foreign trade port in the entire South Europe Baro. The empire developed for the port of Eero. But betting huge sums of money worth 30 million imperial gold, now all because of this unexpected war, it has become a rubble. If there is not even one statement, does the royal family really think that the swords of our millionaire army are all Is it decoration? Or really thought that my imperial fleet would not dare to go down the south of the Eero River!"

Listening to the sad expression of the fat man, if not the tragic sight of the port in the distance is still in the eyes, Pdamia almost believed it

"30 million imperial gold!"

Hearing the amount of compensation demanded by the fat man, Pudamia shuddered like a cat with a stomped tail, and he fought hard to the present, paying the price of tens of thousands of warriors, even himself They almost hung up. In the end, even if he won the capital of King Eero, it would be more than 10 million imperial gold.

In fact, the loss of Port Eero is so great, the residents in the port have already evacuated ahead of time. Most of the losses on the houses were picked up by the Imperial Army for the purpose of arming. Although Port Eero is the largest port in South Baro , But more sharing is still in trade, and luxury is far from being as luxurious as Listorto, so when it comes to losses, it is within a million, and the empire is 30 million empire gold. It's not a lion's big mouth, this is the life of the entire Eero royal family. How much can an Eero royal family run away from, and where can I find 30 million,

The request made by the empire is still justified, and no other country wants to intervene! Even Pudamia himself has to admit that the empire’s compensation of 30 million is just too high, not unreasonable! Because it is a fact that the Hérault East Army attacked Hérault Port! The countries of the South cannot refute this, and the only one who knows the truth is the Order of the Order!

"In fact, for the Order of the Order, it is also beneficial to squeeze the capital of King Eero hard!" The fat man withdrew his eyes from a distance, haha ​​said with a smile

Pudamia's eyes flickered sharply. This is the true face of the Falcon Emperor. I think that the Falcon Emperor, except for his imperial emperor's coat, is actually a profiteer. If you are not the pope of the ecclesiastical country, at this moment, it should also be a girl who is worried about what kind of gorgeous clothes to wear for the social banquet.

The times and destiny, let two people stand in the wave of the times

"Hero's royal family has lost the richest area of ​​the northern capital, and once again fell into the whirlpool of huge war compensation, and is very eager to counterattack to return. In addition to recruiting soldiers from the provinces of Eero in the south and collecting wealth, I am really Is it not possible to think of the second way? The situation in the south of Hérault, I believe that His Highness the Pope knows better than I do." The fat man touched his chin,

"It is true that the South of Eero has always been the focus of our attention!" Pudamia said in a clear voice. "The barrenness caused by the flooding in the past was still discriminated by the North for many years. If the North is still strong, Hundreds of thousands of troops are still under the Royal Family of Eero. Naturally, the southern provinces only have the capacity to swallow their hearts and obediently pay money, but now, the Royal Family of Eero does not even have a force to suppress the bottom. Those who want to take refuge and want to make the South to be docile and obedient by virtue of the perennial Jiwei, as long as our people operate a little, it will inevitably cause a huge rebound in the South.",

"Since the Pope has already planned, I won't say much." The fat man nodded solemnly, ordering the guard cavalry behind him, "ordering the navy to stop the bombardment" "Yes!" The guard responded, turned around Let's go, "Woo swish" A few minutes later, an arrow cluster flew into the air, with a pop, burst, a dazzling red dust mist

The imperial navy's shooting started to stop~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The smell of the smell came along with the wind, the fat man's eyebrows were slightly frowned, and Pope Pdamia was directly pale and covered Turning his mouth, vomiting, he was quickly helped by the Knights Templar to rest and watched Pudamia’s back disappear into the corridor. The fat man smiled at the corner of his mouth. Undoubtedly, Pudamia’s frowning also showed It was discovered that the Order State, a large country in Southern Europe, was unconsciously already in the same camp as the Empire, and the Emperor completely transformed the Battle of Eero into a war of justice and self-defense. Divide half of the wealth of King Eero with the army of the Order, and then use this as an excuse to beat the King of Erow, who has lost the king, and the State of the Order can only cover up the truth. , Because once the ecclesiastical state declares that it is the imperial army that beheaded the emperor Eero, it means that the ecclesiastical state will become the enemy of the entire southern Europe with the empire!

North of Eero, the Order of the Order, the Six Central States, the Kingdom of Fezer...

The four most powerful countries in the South European Baro coastline area, once the backbone of the southern coalition forces, have since been truly standing in the empire’s camp. In this case, even if there is really another outbreak of the North-South War, half of the power of the southern countries , Are on the empire side!

This is a strategic turning point! Just to be able to see, there are a few people!

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