Whole Nation

: Three thousand two hundred and sixty-six Wars again (2)

With the final sweep of the Battle of Rutiya Zibao, on December 18th, the regiment broke the weak two thousand imperial guards outside the capital of Eero, and approached the capital of Eero again with a victory. The Eero royal family dropped The king’s 400,000 Eeroes fled south, and the Eero’s deputy commander in charge of the Eero’s defense, Keluofu, committed suicide. The squadron entered the Eero’s capital, and then the Eero’s The nobles carried out a major cleaning

White snowflakes fell outside the window, the winter really came, the north wind passing by the sea beyond the window became colder, and the ripples on the sea seemed to slow down under the cold, the sea was freezing, the earth Withered, only a few pitiful branches left on the street, blown by the cold wind in the night, and disappeared the next day

In the emperor's office, the furnace gradually rose, slowly melting the frost that had formed outside the window

"Your Majesty, Lord Varisian is here!" Reports from the Imperial Guard came from outside the door

"Let him come in!" The fat man looked up from a document on the table and said

"Your Majesty!" Varisian appeared in front of the emperor in a black Imperial Legion uniform. The fat man picked up the document on the table. "Look at this!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Varisian stepped forward curiously, took the document from the emperor, glanced at it, and said in surprise, "Receiver?"

"Yes, Pudamia asked us to send a person responsible for accepting various industries to King Erow!" The fat man nodded, looking at the snow drifting out of the window with the wind falling on the wet street below, condensed. "Only yesterday, in the name of God’s Judgment, Pudamia ruled that 467 aristocrats in the capital of Eero were the anti-gods, of which 326 were sentenced to capital punishment and confiscated noble property. The total amount of income can not be calculated for the time being, but it should be more than 20 million imperial gold, and there are a large number of real estate, shops, manors, slaves, etc. of these Elo chamber nobles, if they are also divided into two, the value It will be greatly discounted, so Pdamia hopes that we can send a receiver to you. You can arrange it and send a competent man to go over and tell him to buy as much as possible with the gold coins given by the church country. Various commercial shops and estates"


Varisian grinned, what did the emperor do?

In the current capital of King Eero, under the looting of the Order Army, all the commercial shops and manor industries are almost run-down. In order to be able to leave King Eero, the owner of the shops and the manor is as long as If you give money, you are willing to sell. For these troublesome industries, others dare not want it, but the empire has no problem

Even if there is a complaint from the ecclesiastical side, but in the face of the real money from the empire, the ecclesiastical country that urgently needs a large amount of funds to consolidate the victory of this war will really swallow the occult state occupation. The fact that King Eero's capital has fallen into the hands of the empire?

I am afraid that this kind of wedding dressing for others will not be easily tolerated by the ecclesiastical country. Although the ecclesiastical country does not dare to take revenge on the empire for doing so, after all, the actual ruler of King Eero is to teach The regiment, if the other party deliberately manipulates a few times, the blow to the commercial industry is also quite fatal!

"Just do what I said. As far as the Order of the Order, there is no need to worry. Just two days ago, the Imperial Bank just accepted a new member. We are responsible for the business of King Eero, and she is responsible for the Empire. The absolute security of business in the north of Eero, which means that from today, the imperial merchants can be unimpeded in the north of Eero." The fat man knows what Varisian is worried about, and tells Varisian

"Absolutely safe?"

Hearing the word, Varisian froze for a moment, a big tone, what kind of person is this new member of the Imperial Bank, even daring to say such a thing, to know that the north of Eero is controlled by the Order , And the ecclesiastical state has always been repressive of commerce, even the top of the ecclesiastical country no one dared to say this, and now it has been slashed secretly by the empire. The results of this, I had to bite my teeth and give half of the empire. I believe that the Order of the Order must be quite dissatisfied with it. His Majesty the Emperor requested all efforts to acquire the various commercial industries of King Erow. The side will definitely take measures to suppress the empire. Who dares to say that the empire is given absolute security, unless it is the Pope Pudamia, who has just achieved the occupation of northern Eero and is gaining momentum in the entire Obaro region, but this may ? That's a pretty arrogant and godly woman. She doesn't seem to be very interested in things like property. At best, she is very ambitious!

"Execution of the order, no need to ask other questions!" The fat man waved his hand

"Yes, Your Majesty." Although his heart was filled with confusion, Varisian nodded and turned away.

The door of the office was closed again. The fat man rubbed his hands hard, lowered his head and huhed the heater, walked back and forth in the study, picked it more vigorously into the stove, and quietly closed him completely. Opens a slit. Let fresh air flow and replace to avoid suffocation

This was an opportunity for the empire, and Pudamia fully invested in the empire camp, which shows that the devout pontiff has a special mind and is no longer willing to be pinned by other forces of the pontiff, but is ready To truly become the master of a country, Pudamia is the Pope of the Patriarchate, but does not represent the Pope of the Patriarchate, it will always be Pudamia. This time, Pudamia decided to join the imperial camp. What do you feel,

Just two days ago, Pudamia personally met the fat man and brought a news that shocked the fat man. During the war between Pudamia and the Eero army in the outskirts of King Eero, he stayed in the country. Another Pudamia suddenly mobilized the Knights Templar to go south to chaos. During the raid, he captured the head of the Tia Club, the largest rebel group in the south.

Then the Templars, with the cooperation of 20,000 local unrest troops, defeated more than 70,000 southern rebels and decapitated 40,000.

Logically speaking, such news should be sent to Pudamia as soon as possible, but this is what made Pudamia feel problematic. For a full month, this delay was not known. How many military newspapers were sent to her, and within a month, enough things had happened. Pudamia had sent someone to sneak back to the country to investigate the situation. Although he didn’t know the specifics yet, the sect country had an expeditionary army. The supply of logistics was reduced half a month ago on the grounds that the southern rebellion blocked the road, and mobilizing the Templars to go south required the orders of Pope Pdamia!

"The Knights Templar moved. Except for my order, only the decision of the Presbyterian Church can make it. I don’t know how that woman did it, but that’s the fact!"

Pudamia’s big bright eyes flashed with anger, her white fingers clenched tightly. “From the current situation, although I have occupied the capital of King Eero, both the momentum and the financial resources have skyrocketed, but his subordinates The heavy losses of the army cannot be concealed. There are more than one hundred thousand religious regiments, but there are only fifty or sixty thousand remaining. The elite Templars under his command have lost all their lives, and they are far away in the north of Eero. As far as I know, if the sect is really as expected in the country, then I have to face the choice of a civil war! Fighting requires money, weapons, and soldiers. In addition to money, the other two are blank. , But the other party is backed by the Presbyterian Church, and has the reputation of calming the turmoil in the South! How can I choose to join the Imperial Bank, can the Empire help me?"

"Of course! Soldier weapons, the imperial navy can be delivered at any time

Fat people can’t refuse such a proposal. If Pdamia becomes a member of the Imperial Bank, it almost means that the church country that had the most rampant business will be fully open to the empire, and there is the Pdamia Zong hood, it is not an exaggeration for the ecclesiastical state to say that it is a vassal state of the empire. As for Pudamia, will he regret it? From Pudamia’s words, the fat man has already heard of Pudamia’s ambition, she Be a queen, not a pope who is always pinned! In the entire South Europe Baro, no country will support her to the throne of the queen. The only thing that can support her is the Northern Overlord Falcon Empire!

The empire supported her as a queen, and she promised to protect the interests of the empire! This is naked political exchange

Of course, the fat man also needs to arrange another thing, that is, to arrange a consolation group to go to the south of Erow. The news that Emperor Eiro Farouk died in Rutiya Zibao has worn through the entire South Obaro. The aggressive emperor fell. Although the reactions of different countries are different, but one thing is the same, that is shock

If it was only the Emperor Eero who died in battle, it would not be a big deal. Although the Emperor died in war, it was not unprecedented. What really shocked the southern countries was that there were nearly twenty others with this Emperor Eero. Ten Thousand Army, and another group of more than 100,000 heavy soldiers is only fifty miles away, and the Airo army is facing only more than one hundred thousand sect army. With such a disparity in combat power, anyone will think that the Airo side It must be a victory, but by the way, the Eero side suffered a fiasco. The emperor died in the Rutiya Zibao, and the remaining Eero army did not return to the king capital, but went crazy to attack the Empire-controlled Eero Port. , Again suffered a fiasco!

The 300,000 troops of the Eero Empire that had dominated the South for decades have disappeared. . . . . .

This is a bit of a stimulus for the southern countries. Fitzer, the six central countries, and now the Eero Empire. During the two years after the North-South War, the empire frequently shot several major military powers along the Inland Sea. The area of ​​influence has been pulled from the east coastline to the west coastline, and the entire inland sea is within its scope. This is still the case for such a large southern country as Erow, and the small and medium-sized countries with average strength near the coastline are even more uneasy, and The southward movement of the Royal House of Eero also affected the situation of the entire South Baro, which means that the last bridgehead against the empire was also lost

There are also rumors that the erosive defeat of Eero was caused by the empire in the back, but according to intelligence, the total strength of the empire in the northern part of Eero is only 30,000. In the face of the Eero Empire with a large army of 300,000, It is simply an opponent that is not enough to consider, not to mention the panic rumors of beheading Eero and defeating the 300,000 Eero army.

Winter is long, another benefit of the sea freezing is that the sky temple high priest Palsina has also temporarily stayed in the port of Eero. The southern port destroyed by the imperial navy is still being rebuilt. A large number of laborers are rebuilding the port of Eero under the heavy investment. After a winter of recovery, coupled with the appeal of the largest sea trade center in the south owned by Eero, the fat people are confident that Eero will truly become an area, and Not a city, Pudamia has promised that the area of ​​Port Elero with a radius of three hundred miles will be included in the empire area. Three hundred miles is already a province.

This also represents the sincerity of Pdamia~www.wuxiaspot.com~North of Eero, has been completely regarded as its own private area by Pdamia

The fat man turned back silently from the window, looking at his desktop with a melancholy mood, and there were two reports on NuoDa's desktop. As the most important document report on the surface, the fat man is obviously finished. The above content is from the Imperial Supervision Department. It is said that since the Imperiale’s Lisbonto incident, with the comprehensive investigation of the entire Lisbonto by the Supervision Department, the deep Digging roots, accidentally digging out a lot of spies from the South European Baro region, these national spies from the South European Baro region, under the guise of merchants, under the guise of nobility, buying spies in the Lisbon area, spied There are also hundreds of intelligence materials, and these spies have reached a profit sharing,

Although the Ministry of Supervision is fully responding, these spy agencies from the southern Obaro region are still expanding.

In just one month after cleaning up Lisbon, the Supervision Department captured more than one hundred spies. The Supervision Department found that a considerable amount of the intelligence information of the Empire had been leaked, and even the structure of the Empire Thor had been leaked. Because the technology is not enough, the Empire Thor cannot

The fat man moved, although he knew that the imperial weapon's lead could not go on forever, but it was not so easy to simply imitate, and the inspection department found that it was a talented craftsman inside the imperial weapon researcher who leaked the structural map . The improvement of the Empire Thor is what it advocates, however. It was such a young man with a bright future, who sold out a full set of map papers just for a woman, and until he was secretly executed, he refused to believe that the beautiful woman was a spy from the south.

\'"South, it's south again!" The fat man's eyebrows glanced slightly, his hands pressed heavily on the report

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