Whole Nation

: Three hundred and two hundred and sixty-eight The war is back (4)

In the snow, a small caravan slowly bought the border of the port of El Hierro and entered the completely different area in front of it. A man on a camel was wrapped in linen Changpa's vicissitudes of the old man looked at the ground in front of him with fierce eyes, and traces of war remained. The ruined villages and towns do not look much different from the other northern areas of Eero. The caravan is moving forward slowly. Although the camels and horses are loaded with what looks like cargo, everyone inside is alert. It is full of sturdy wildness, and more than half of them still hold weapons in their hands. Even in the carriages behind, there are more than a dozen blood-stained injured people. It looks like they have passed through extremely fierce. The fight

"Everyone can relax. It should be an imperial area. Even the sect army does not dare to do anything to us!" A mercenary dressed, heavy-looking, sturdy middle-aged man shouted towards the people inside the team Said, hearing his cries, the people in the team breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Etiya, are you sure that the Legion will not come here!" The old man on the camel withdrew his gaze from all around and asked in a condensed voice

"I have been lurking in Port Elero for half a year, and I can definitely guarantee this." The middle-aged man saluted the old man on the camel, and he looked extremely respectful. "Even when the Regiment was at its peak, the attack on King Elero was also from Egypt. The Luogang area has bypassed, not to mention the fact that the strength of the Order’s army in the north of Erow is greatly weakened, otherwise how will the Order send the entire area of ​​Erow to the Empire?”

"That's good!" The old man nodded his head. At this moment, the scout in front of the caravan heard the news. When he saw someone in front, the team immediately became nervous again.

"Don't worry, it should be the Erow prisoner who built the road!" The strong man Etiya said with embarrassment.

"Be careful, it's always better." The old man seemed quite cautious. Soon, as the caravan slowly moved forward, the scene of the spread of the earth in front of everyone appeared in front of everyone's eyes. Sure enough, a wide gravel road appeared in front. A large number of people who appeared to be prisoners of war gathered there, but what surprised the caravans most was the incredible. A large number of Erow prisoners of war are building roads. These Erow prisoners of war appear to be quite accommodating. The guarded imperial soldiers are just standing and chatting far away. They do not seem to worry about these Erows running away, but they are unsupervised. Under the circumstances, the Eero prisoners of war are doing their own good

\'"Are these Eeros crazy! Didn’t you even know to escape!" Someone in the caravan whispered, "I'm afraid I will kill if I catch it, so I dare not run." By the way, if I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I really thought it was a fantasy of night and night. The surroundings were so vast. The imperial guards were almost too lazy to control the terrain where they could run away at random. No one escaped!

"They won't run. In fact, it's useless to run, because the entire northern part of Eero is occupied by the Orders. On the contrary, the imperial area is the safest, and they don't have to run away. They eat and drink every day. There is also wages, as long as you finish the road, you can go home safely, who will run!"

Etya said with a bitter smile, his companions knew little about the empire, but it was also impossible. He had been staying in the southern part of the ecclesiastical country for many years and was pursued by the murderous Templar Templars. , Hungry, most of the news from the outside world is closed, and occasionally I heard some, but also came because of too much influence. Seeing the stunned face of the companions, Etia couldn’t help thinking of coming half a year ago. When I arrived in Port Herault, it was the same joke

"You can go home after repairing the road, and give back food and drink... In this case, you really don't need to run!"

As a leader, the old man's face is a little trance, and such a rule is simply unheard of,

Since entering the province of Port Elero, the old man has paid special attention to everything he sees along the way. This is his first contact with the imperial area. Although he has heard of the prosperity of the imperial area before, it is mainly the imperial The local area, and this is just a part of the northern area of ​​Eero that the empire has just planned to manage, and has just experienced a general battle of hundreds of thousands of people. It has basically returned to normal. Although the roads are still somewhat bumpy, but Eero Compared with the large ruins in other parts of the north, this is already a very lush place. In the mountains or woodlands, a large number of workers are cutting trees and mining stones, and the caravans are also endless.

"There are so many people..." The old man murmured.

"These are the workers and caravans who rebuilt the port of Eero," Etiya said. "As the war ended, the people of Port Eero who moved that day returned to the port and began the reconstruction of the port. This is a huge project. The Empire In the aspect, a relatively high salary was paid, and the city of Eero was re-regulated. The city outline was three times larger than the original Eero. The city appeared in the northern area of ​​Eero, and this area was also divided by the Empire. As the latest province of Port Elero, the population of other areas near Port Elero is also attracted by high wages and the unique land policy of the Empire. The number of refugees passing by is as large as six or seven hundred thousand."

"Six or seven hundred thousand!" There was an inspiratory voice inside the caravan

"So many people, eating and drinking every day is a big problem, can the empire be able to feed?" Some people also questioned that this huge number is already the number of most of the ethnic groups for them, and now here, just The huge gap in the labor force building a city in the empire not only shocked them, but even the old man was silent

A lot of six or seven hundred thousand? Others may not have any knowledge, but as the old leader of the tribe, but know that just half a month ago, in the Rutia sub-birth, less than a hundred miles from the back of the port of Eero, the army of the Order and the main force of the Eero Empire In a conference battle, the combined strength of the two sides was more than 400,000, and then the Erotti team attacked the port of Erow under the control of the empire, which was another hundreds of thousands of troops.

In this way, the elite army of more than half a million people has carried out fierce fighting in this area. Compared with the six or seven hundred thousand civilians, of course, the most terrifying thing is the port of Eero under the control of the empire. During the war, the imperial navy covered the port of Eero with the fierce artillery of the naval battleship, causing more than 30,000 Eero soldiers to be killed on the spot, more than 20,000 were disabled and captured, and more than 20,000 were missing forever, yes, It is missing, because there are too many broken limbs, and there is no way to piece it together, and eventually it becomes missing! This included the command of the Eero East Army, which was destroyed by the collective regiment, and then the remnant army was covered by the Imperial Cavalry all the way. There were countless deaths and injuries, which eventually led to the defeat of King Eero by the regiment army!

Compared with a real mainland power, he can only be regarded as a frog at the bottom of the well,

As the caravans continued to move forward, the sight in front of them became more and more difficult for them to understand, not to say that the refugees have always been the source of turmoil. Hundreds of thousands of refugees have flowed in, and the entire Port Elero area should be in turmoil and decline. Yes, but in front of them are temporary settlements. In addition to seeing the imperial team wearing black armor along the way, more are the Self-Defense Forces spontaneously organized by the Portero people. These are only wearing light armor and holding in hand Soldiers with all kinds of light weapons maintained the order of the area very well. A checkpoint appeared in front of them. After checking the caravan procedures, they let go of the road.

"What's the matter, shouldn't there be tariffs?" This was a fairly normal phenomenon, but it made people in the caravan fry.

"Don't they take a closer look, even the blind can see it, we are not caravans!"

A low voice came into the ear of Etia, and Edia’s head was low in meaning, and he dared not look at the faces of nearby people. It was really shameful to throw home. This is an empire. When did the empire impose tariffs? Yes, even if it’s not a caravan, the people at these levels don’t care. They are only responsible for maintaining the order. Even if someone tells them that there are robbers robbing the caravan nearby, they will immediately go after these robbers. In fact, most of these are It is a mercenary organization affiliated to the Imperial Chamber of Commerce. It has good combat capabilities. The Empire maintains the order in the port of Elero. It recruited mercenaries from the Imperial Chamber of Commerce. The number of people has more than 20,000. It is considered to be an official background of civilian armed forces. !

One day later, the caravan finally saw the enlarged outline of the front wall of El Hierro in the background. Against the background of the deep blue coastline, the sun did not hesitate to spill its own light on the surrounding wilderness, bringing boundlessness to the place. Vitality. The snowy ground, the sky is pure, the sky is blue, the clouds are pure white and flawless, everything in front of you looks like a condensed oil painting, quietly freezing the most beautiful moment

"The port is El Hiro, the golden port!" Etiah's eyes are shining. Although he has only been here for half a year, he feels that he is the most precious half a year. Here he can live freely and do not need to hide. In Tibet, no one will hunt him because of his wounds. The all-embracing national policy of the empire is equal for all ethnic groups of all countries. As long as he does not engage in acts against the empire, half of the empire officials will not interfere with normal Rhythm of life

"Does that person really meet us?" The old man also looked at the front with his eyes blurred, his chest undulating

"To be honest, I don't know, the other party took the initiative to find me!" Etiah hesitated, with a bitter smile on his lips. "The Knights Templar broke the Blue Pool City. We suffered heavy casualties, and Boya was also killed. After being taken away, several other tribes have begun to exclude us, and we seem to have no choice. In fact, I feel that if we can choose, why don’t we leave the ecclesiastical country and come to Port Elero?"

Port Elero, Sky Temple Division,

The snow-covered Port Elero is white on one side and has changed from azure to deep blue sea. It is like a huge flawless emerald in the sunlight, deep and moving, Palsina folds from the half-open window The next white flower in front of the window stretched out into the window. The fierce battle of Port Elero, although Palsina didn’t see it with her own eyes, she had heard it. Besides, the broken Port Elero was right in front of her and was attacked by the Imperial Navy. The port of Elero, whose fleet was completely destroyed, is obvious to all. It is said that five or sixty thousand Elero troops were covered by the Imperial Navy Fleet in Elero at the same day. More than 20,000 people were killed in battle, disabled on the ground, and stopped by artillery bombardment. The people who were hacked by the imperial cavalry who entered later could not be counted,

At the current port of Eero, even if the ground has been dug to a depth of seven or eight meters, it is still possible to see the spotted red that has penetrated human blood. Thinking that these are all caused by his stubbornness, Palschena felt a while in her heart. Tangled, I originally wanted to save Port Elero, but I was still involved in the war and caused so many deaths.

If he obeyed and persuaded to leave Port Elero at the beginning, wouldn't it cause the latter?

"What did the woman of Pdamia tell you?" The voice of the emperor came from behind

"Nothing, just a few words between women." Palchenana's nose smelt the fragrance of the white liufang flowers and whispered slightly in the corner of her mouth. "His Royal Highness said, when His Majesty the Emperor first met, It seems that she has a perverted feeling about her, and I don’t know if it’s true or not.”

The 30-year-old temple high priest is the most attractive and attractive posture of the elder sister. Today, she deliberately follows the style of the Central Asian woman. The fat people look at the inhalation, and it should not be with the Pdamiya. Let’s get together. Let’s see, in just a few days, it’s just that the virgin wants to change the rhythm of the demon. The long hair like a cloud has an exquisite bun on the back of the head. Lips, skin as white as rarely exposed to sunlight~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Under the silver-gray Zhongbian style robe, it shows a slender and long waist and a sharp contrast, plump and upright fat The buttocks hold the white long skirt tightly, and the two long, straight legs are pushed in the dark red deer leather boots,

"That woman must be crazy. I didn't even see her face for the first time when I saw her. Where is the beauty? "The fat man is so angry and funny.

"It seems that His Royal Highness Pudamia misunderstood His Majesty. In fact, Pope Pudamia was not an ambitious woman as His Majesty said. It was precisely during these days that I was able to feel the belief of the other side. How firm, although we believe in our own gods, but the piety is the same." Palschena turned coldly, looking at a pair of eyes staring at her fat man, and her lips showed a hint of looming. Without smile

"Faith? That woman's belief or the so-called gods before, but now it must be himself!"

The fat man didn’t care about Parsona’s resonance. Both were religious leaders and they were both women. Who knows what the two women would get together and talk about

If it’s the previous Pdamia, or it can still pretend to be a priest, at least there is a bottom line. The current Pdamia has long been in front of himself and has no need for the bottom line. He has made up his mind to go. On the road to becoming the queen of the Order, it is completely shameless,

A female pope who was completely blackened by herself is quite terrible. In just a few days, even Palsina was infected! After learning of the strange domestic atmosphere of the Order, this time, in order to strengthen his own momentum, he was not allowed to invite Palestine, the high priest of the Imperial State Church, to meet in the name of the Pope of the Order of the Order. This tiger flag is used to gain prestige for yourself, and only Palsina will be willing to be fooled. If you are yourself, don't take the opportunity to kill a knife to blame rw.

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