Whole Nation

: Three thousand two hundred and eighty-one Wind (1)

The chief administrative officer of the Empire’s Fissan area, Lakoye, visited Bolong City, the headquarters of the Imperial Rebel Army, and immediately exposed the empire that had been in Bolong City for nearly two months. The 20,000 empire army from the direction of Bolong City was too quick to cover his ears. The situation turned into eighty miles in one breath, and pressed down to the Danze City, one of the three cities where the Feishan nobility rebelled

Winter sun and cold wind

The imperial garrison of the iron armor, countless towering forward spears, and imperial hussars wearing cloaks shuttled back and forth between the arrays. Behind the garrison, a silver empire flag fluttered in the wind. In front of the general flag, the flag of the regiment, the flag of the squadron, and the straight side that collapsed in the cold wind, it looks like a huge meniscus knife, which may fall on the city of Danze at any time.

"Lord Marquis Kettli! You are not vowed to assure you that the empire needs to solve the problem of rogues most now. Will you have the energy to attack us before the end of the winter, then what is in front of us!"

On the head of the city of Danze, the former Duke of Feishan's guitar Lu was ashamed, his hands and feet were shaking slightly, and he looked anxiously at the other former Feishan noble next to him. Duke Lu was the Danze appointed by the rebellious Feishan noble The city owner, the former Minister of Internal Affairs of the Feishan Dynasty, has never been on the battlefield in his life. There have been battles like this before. He is a civil servant. He did not understand war and was appointed as one of the three rebel cities. Dan The Lord Ze Ze also explained that the noble Fei Ze nobles did not hold positions in their personal capacity. On the contrary, when a group of nobles gathered together, what they valued was the reputation and status of this noble.

"Master Duke Lu, please believe me, this time the imperial army must be just a trial. I once deeply studied the attitude of the empire towards the conquered area. Like the current large-scale disaster in Feishan during the winter, the empire will definitely Control the displaced people in the first place, otherwise why the 20,000-strong army of the Empire will not move in the city of Bolong."

The noble Feishan affirmed that this is a noble scholar. According to his research, the empire did not pay enough attention to the Feishan rebellion itself, and it took a lot of money for the empire general Varisian to mobilize the rebels. For more than a month, this can be described by the speed of turtles in an always invading empire. In addition to this cold winter, a heavy snowstorm hit the Feishan area, causing many areas to be large. The collapse of the area has resulted in more than 200,000 Feishan refugees. Compared with the three rebel cities that are not painful, these refugees should be the most urgent problems to be solved by the empire.

But who knows, the imperial army suddenly turned from static, and suddenly appeared under the Danze City like a raging fire, and now it is only dead! The Feishan noble army in the city of Danze looked at the array of black tide-like empires outside the city, and looked at the dozens of malignant muzzles of the Imperial Thor in front of the array. There was chaos before the battle

"Finished, who said the Imperial Army will not come this winter!"

"This is a huge disparity in strength. We only have 5,000 defenders, but outside the city there are 20,000 regular imperial troops armed to the teeth. What can we stop?"

"Mother, I just wanted to eat for a few months, but I didn't expect that we should fight with the Imperial Army. I won't do it. I'm not a soldier!" A noble army soldier's face was pale and his teeth were meditating. , He is an ordinary farmer, because the snow disaster some time ago crushed his house,

Chaos is spreading rapidly, and various low-pitched speeches are on the walls of Danze

Most of the soldiers of the so-called Feishan noble army were the slaves and servants of the Feishan nobles, and there were a small number of agitated peasant households in the three cities. I saw what the real army was like. The officers composed of the young nobles of Shan suppressed them. These noble soldiers turned around and ran away. The nobles promised to give them generous rewards, but they must have their lives to take it.

Of course, the aristocratic army is not completely without any details. After all, it is a collection of the entire Feishan nobles. Among them, the elite Feishan swordsmen belonging to the major families are professional soldiers. These elite swordsmen are originally serving the major Feishan nobles. Many of our family private soldiers are veterans who once came off the battlefield. They are well equipped and have strict military discipline.

"Master Duke Lu, let's go to the Imperial Army under the meeting city, and let these Imperial people know what my real warrior is."

An arrogant, middle-aged man in armor came to Duke Lu in the guitar, saluted respectfully, and said with a voice, he was the leader of the elite swordsman army stationed on the side of Danze in Naqlia. The deputy commander of the Imperial Guard, when King Feishan led the Imperial Guard to go to Bavaria, Naclia happened to be ill and failed to follow the king to attack Bavaria, thus avoiding the slaughter of Bavaria.

Then he participated in the assassination of Varisian who was approaching the king. During the lead attack, he was hit by an imperial crossbow in the thigh and fell into the pothole. He didn't know until he woke up and returned to the king, because the assassination Varisian failed, and the imperial army carried out a major cleansing of the royal capital's Feishan nobles.

The kingdom of Feishan, once in vain, was transformed from prosperity to decline in just one month! Not to mention that Naqlia could not accept it, that is, the entire Obaro continent at that time, who could accept it? It was precisely because the empire annexed Fissan’s sharp edge that the southern countries that felt the crisis spontaneously formed a confrontation alliance. A few months later, the North-South War that determined the entire Opelo hegemony broke out!

Naclia chose to run away without help. This time the noble Feishan raised his flag and rebelled in the city of Badya. He came immediately after he heard it, because he was once the deputy commander of the Imperial Guard. The military is also a military general known for its bravery. Naturally, he was appointed as the commander of the elite swordsman corps by the noble senior commander Fei Shan, because he had escaped death several times and was on the noble side. Rumors also have the nickname "Nucklia the Good Luck", but for a general known for his bravery, this nickname is more of an insult. For a long time, Naquelia has been waiting for a scrubber An opportunity to stigmatize oneself,

Danze has a thousand elite swordsmen. These elite swordsmen uniformly wear heavy plate armor, a helmet with a cross collar on their head, and the weapons in their hands are a large shield that can protect the neck and a long-handed cross sword. For real field heavy armoured soldiers, this configuration is still a bit thin, but as a private soldier of the nobles, it is not allowed to be configured like the field heavy armored soldiers, so it has become a simplified version of the present.

When I heard that there was an imperial army coming out of the city, these arrogant elite swordsmen were already eager to try. As the private army of the nobles, they were all elite selected from talents. Their destiny was to fight for fame. Now the greatest fame is before them, defeating the Imperial Army!

"The other party puts up a duel, sir!"

An imperial cavalry came to Lakoye and reported to the sullen-looking general. Although Lakoye had served as an internal officer for several years, he was after all a person who had experienced from Samor’s Iron Age and had both hands. Stained with human blood, the soldier's breath could still be felt. He rode straight on the war horse like a javelin, and returned to the army after many years. His excited eyes swept the front of the empire like a fan. The 20,000-strong army, the battle flags are constantly making noises in the wind, just like the drums are ringing at the dense spot, and the blood that belongs to the soldiers in his body is ignited at once

"Duel? These Feisan nobles have their heads trapped by the door, and they can even make such ridiculous requests! Tell them, if there is a species, they will go out to fight!" Lakoye heard that the Feisan noble army in the city even demanded a duel He couldn't help but grinned, looked at the sky, it was almost noon, the emperor gave himself a deadline, but he must take down Danze in two days, he was still here to rub against these nobles

The imperial cavalry under the city shot a message through the crossbow to the city wall,

"Sure enough, the empire refused!" Duke Lu's mouth grinned wryly, and the bleak horn sounded, the noble army in Danze was also gathered, and the imperial army entered at a position 300 meters below the city of Danze. The sound of footsteps echoed and the concussion continued, and there was a tacit understanding of keeping a straight line, crowded heads, bright armor, and a sky of murderousness pervading under the sky.

"It's over, I don't want to die yet!" The noble Fei Shan soldiers' heart was beating fiercely, his face pale and murmured. Behind them, the noble officers looked at them with red eyes of the Warlords. A sharp machete stuck in the ground. In order to let these soldiers stand up, the war squad composed entirely of the disciples of the noble Faisan went up to the city wall. The enemy formation, facing the imperial army like steel, felt the strength of the other party from the bottom of his heart, and felt inexhaustible involuntarily.

This swept across the entire Central European Baro, and beheaded 300,000 Feishan’s elite and powerful legions in Bavaria. The flag of the flying eagle grabbing the skull is the rumored symbol of the Varisian Guards. The ace army in the imperial army, the flag with olive leaves in the mouth of the flying eagle is the emblem of the imperial shadow tooth army. The first to enter the capital of King Feishan was this amazing light assault infantry; black falcon The silver arrow underneath is a sign of the empire's elite crossbow shooters. It is said that every elite crossbow shooter inside calculates the merit based on the head of fifty targets.

"Should we evacuate!" Duke Lu, the head of the Feisan noble army, felt his calves were cramping, looking at the murderous row, looking at the left and right wings like the wings of a giant bird. , Looking at the countless silver eagle flags fluttering in the wind, what he most wanted to do now was to escape, but the corner of his eyes swept the cold face of Naklia next to him, and Duke Lu went to the word of evacuation from his mouth, Swallowing hard again, this Naqlia is a famous hardliner. It can be said that he hates the empire to the extreme. If he really gives an evacuation order, Naqlia will definitely cut off his head as soon as possible.

In the Imperial Army under the city, Lakoye recovered his inner excitement, raised his hand, and said with a deep voice, "Let's start, attack!"

"All forces attack!"

The heralding soldiers flew all the way from the back, and the north wind roared all the way, "the whole army attacked, the whole army attacked". As the infantry queues neatly armored, wherever they stepped on, wild grass leaves flew. The powdery frost soil was rolled up by the north wind, and a hazy dust cloud was raised. The entire front of the imperial army began to sound the first drum sound from the left line, followed by the drums one by one,


"Long live the empire! Long live the empire!" The sound from the bottom of the city was like a thunder in the sky. The infantry lifted the cold shields together and began to move slowly. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The tidy footsteps were like a huge rock from the mountain. Rolling down, their speed is getting faster and faster, from slow to running, and then to Mercedes-Benz, and then advance at a terrible speed, the momentum is amazing, just like the torrential tsunami erupted and hit the wall of Danze City

"Asshole, quickly lift the spear! Lift the spear!" The piercing noise resounded through the walls of Danze City. As a city that is not important, Danze City's outer walls are not high, only about four or five meters, see below The imperial soldiers like the tide, the Feisan noble army soldiers above just glanced at them, and they felt that their legs were soft, too much, and the countless long spears were all pointing up, like a sudden appearance of a long The forest of spears, the spear tip shone with the terrible light of metal, just like the monsters appearing in **** rushed to the black clouds, and the rows of long ladders were steadily suppressed by the soldiers of the Imperial Army, because it was a raid, so The Imperial Army did not prepare siege equipment, but used ordinary siege ladders

"Papapap!" The sound of the siege long ladder colliding with the walls of the city walls

"Push away, push away." The horror of ghosts crying and howling above the walls. The two armies collided against the walls of Danze, which were not wide. They were chaotic and indistinguishable. The imperial army was like an unstoppable storm. Normally torn off the defense line of the Feishan noble army, even if the fierce imperial soldiers had been pierced by a spear, they would fight to half-death, they would rush to pull the Feishan soldiers above together, the flag was shaking, the shield Slammed his head, the axe slashed the helmet, and there were swords waving everywhere

"Hold on!"

Naqlia commanded the elite swordsmen to be tightly packed together in a dense formation, standing under the flag of General Fei Shan, which naturally became the focal point of the battle between the two armies. Naqlia wielded his own heavy sword weighing 20 kilograms, even imperial soldiers wearing heavy armor would be smashed by his terrible heavy sword

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