Whole Nation

: 302 Night Kill (middle)

"Head Emma! You might not be familiar with reading a scene. Sierdian guarded Talmetzi from behind and looked at the prison-like scene in front of him. Talmetzi's eyes were unnaturally twitching* After a while, there was a hint of pain in the cold face

The fierce battle in the morning caused the Eighth Knights to pay nearly 5,000 casualties. Except for the thousand people who died under the crossbow, most of the rest were killed by the explosive flame, which reminded Tarmezi. In the scene of the Battle of Ai Chamor Canyon, the Fifth Knights, known as the Iron Wall, was based on a solid defense, and sent a 10,000 Kujit Rangers to a **** without a blast with a similar explosion.

Reminiscent of the situation when the Fifth Knights and the Wikiyas were "in harmony" when they arrived, Tarmezzi had to consider the middle problem. The blast is the secret recipe of the Fifth Knights. If it is said that there is no Fifth Knight The regiment was inside. No one believed it. When I thought about the miserable death of thousands of cavalry, Talmezi's sharp eyes swept Hutu Emma's face like a knife.

"I was also surprised!" Hutu Emma was taken aback by Tarmezi's look, and quickly put on a shocked expression, dissident Tarmezzi's slightly questioning words, his face resented. "Tal Commander Messi doesn’t think it’s my Fifth Knights who are funding the Vickia!

Tarmezi's face was cold and silent. Turned out a head of the Ernian Banner from him. His face wasn’t right. “It’s hard to say that your Fifth Knights arrived half a month ago, but they haven’t attacked the Wikiyas. Waiting for them to build a strong defense here, saying that there is a connection between you, it’s not one. It's impossible! Otherwise, why do the Wikiyas let you settle down at Wenzhilun junction, and they have this kind of explosive fire!"

"You fart!" With Hutu Emma's cultivation. Also swearing provoked by this sentence, "I have only 15,000 people in the Fifth Knights, there are 10,000 people in the Wikayas, what do you want me to fight against them, and can hold Wen Zhilun is already our limit. , Without us, you wouldn’t even be able to enter De Grim’s door!"

"Enough!" Talmezi, who had not spoken, waved his hands to stop both sides, and his voice was cold. "Now it is not time to investigate this matter. I will report the situation here directly to His Majesty the King. Everything will make His Majesty the wise!"

"Your Hutu Emma's complexion turned pale. She looked at Tarmezi with a vicious look.

Talmezi's sentence seems fair, but in fact it is equivalent to pushing himself into an unexplained abyss. Explosion has always been a unique symbol of the Fifth Knights. Other knights have strongly requested Hutu Emma to share the secret recipe. Was rejected by Hutu Emma, ​​and even the distinguished royal family and the prestigious Palahan College were also rudely rejected by Hutu Emma.

This is also the reason why the Fifth Knights have not been able to be promoted to the main knights. Now that such a thing is reborn, not only can the hope of the Fifth Knights be included in the official knights, but also Hutu Emma will be caught as a traitor. The establishment of the Fifth Knights will also be cancelled. "Of course, I believe that Captain Emma is not such a person!" Talmezi turned his head and pointed at the second line of defense on the slope. "If Captain Emma can command the Fifth Knights to break it, I believe those doubts Will soon disappear!"

"Rushing up the slope, Hutu Emma looked at the Wikia army in the distance and was swallowing with awkward looks. Active attack is really not his own strength. From the large-scale explosive ability of the Wikiia people just now, On this narrow ramp, the thick heavy infantry wearing two layers of armor under his own is a dish that cannot be run away. Once it is attacked by a blast, it is estimated to do nothing except burn in the fire. No!

"I have long heard that the Freemasonry Squadron of the Fifth Knights is known to be the strongest in the Kingdom! I don’t know if we can let us know!" The head of the flag leader who just spoke sarcastically said disdainfully.

"Impossible!" Hutu Emima said sharply. "The Freemasonry Squadron has never participated in the battle. They are the most precious alchemists in the kingdom. Don't forget that your weapons and armor are all forged by alchemists. Believe as long as today Pass it out, and build your own equipment for the Eighth Knights!"

The head of the "Sizzle" flag of the Ruierdian Banner immediately stopped chewing, and even Tarmezi's face changed slightly. Hutu Emma was right, although ordinary soldiers' equipment can be completed by a blacksmith, but a senior knight The armor needs the alchemist to help with forging. If the words just passed out, the Eighth Knights will calculate how much money, I am afraid that those singular alchemists will not help themselves build advanced equipment.

"Haha, Captain Emma laughed!" Talmezi smiled awkwardly. "The head of the Tulun Banner was just stunned by Vikia. This time his troops suffered the most losses. He died of a thousand cavalry. Under the explosion of the Vikians, look at the faces of these dead warriors. Please also head Emma not to worry about him!"

Humph Emma saw Tarmezi open his mouth and thought that the future of his Fifth Knights was still in his hands. He had to swallow this tone. He could only express his dissatisfaction with a few hums and turned around with a few names The **** left.

The two sides of the fierce battle stopped the battle very well in the night. The crossbowmen were divided into two groups to take turns to rest. The dozen braziers suspended from the arrow tower illuminated the entire front of the mountain 50 meters.

The catapult players lay on the top of the mountain in a row. There is still a cool breeze blowing, and if it was not for the latter to persuade people to rotate, the fierce battle of the day ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ let the trebuchet players have to collapse. But this time, the catapult players made a long suffocation. All the people who met them shook their thumbs up. During the day's battle, the catapult killed nearly a thousand people. Absolutely unimaginable

The night wind was blowing with damp moisture on the face, the stars in the sky were shining, the silver moonlight was floating on the battlefield, the black pits, the dry and burnt black soil abound, Dylan Scuse leaned on a rock In the distance, looking at the distant star stays in the distance, in the wavy sea, the bright star is an important basis for identifying the direction,

There is no sea here, but there are stars! Tiredness rushed up, and for a day, the compulsion of Lancecuse’s consciousness was lost, and he seemed to return to the scene of driving a warship on the vast sea.

A rush of footsteps from far to near, Dylan Scouts dreamed that his warship suddenly encountered a storm and bumped up and down in the violent wind. Black storm! It was the black encountered in the decisive battle with the Hulin tribe!

Dylan Scout suddenly felt a numb waist. "Wake up!" A kick kicked on Dylan Scout, who was still dreaming.

"Well! Who?" Dylan Scout raised his head confusedly, rubbing his eyes unwillingly, trying to pull out the guy who disturbed his dream, but his eyes were straight.

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