Whole Nation

: 306 Talmezi's choice

The cold plain night wind blows on the face, the extinguishing fire shines in the Talmezi Talking Ghost Pool, half dark and half bright, and the coldness of the night turns into a night fog, flowing like a river in the woods, and the night is like water . Still unable to quell the remorse in Talmezi,

He watched as the mouth of the dark **** defense line turned into darkness in the dark night. Talmezi didn't expect that one morning, the ten thousand elite cavalry who stayed on the **** defense line turned into scorched earth, the scorch in the air. The smelly smell and the shocking black earth make this General Ruo Ruidian unforgettable all his life,

"Crack" There was a crisp sound of the tree branch being broken on the left side, Talmezi did not look back, a shadow came over from there, "Master, I just took someone to carefully investigate the Wikiia army that surrounded us, from the camp In terms of the number of legions and the number of legionary flags, there are at least more than 60,000 people!"

Lieutenant Tukocti squatted down next to Talmezi, carefully censored the knife, the black mud was covered with his armor, the handsome two thick eyebrows were burnt and curled in the past, and the body armor was also hung out Several notches, with a blood stain on his arm,

This is the trace left by the day when he battled the Wikayas, when he met a Samor's transverse spearman. He pierced the spearman's chest with a spear in his hand, but he was also killed by the transverse spearman. With a blow, the right arm was scratched. If not wearing two layers of mail, the right hand would have been cut off by a sharp horizontal spear. Thinking of the unyielding look of the Wikya. Tukoqi still feels terrified

Tukocs looked at the silent Talmetzi and continued, "And we are still in a few relatively high hills. Now the Vickia army is building stone throwers and a weird thing. I believe at the latest They will attack at noon tomorrow"

"Catapult!" He heard the adjutant mention the catapult. Talmezi's stiff face finally reacted a little. The daytime battle rolled over in his mind like a slide, and the tough personality of Talmezi showed a fearful expression on his face.

Raindrop-like fuel bombs slipped from the sky, and the bursting flames formed a wall of fire, segregating the 10,000 light cavalry who brought them back to rescue into dozens of segments, and countless Wikya infantry surged up from all directions with strange bows. The group of light cavalry assault became synonymous with suicide, and countless horses were shot into hedgehogs in an instant,

The divided Miaoerdian light cavalry group left and right in the fire, just like a delicate woman who was ravaged by a big man, and could not organize a decent offensive at all. The dense arrowheads completely dominated the battlefield, and countless Yinerdians The cavalry turned into a corpse full of arrows in the arrow rain. It was a one-sided butchery. If it wasn’t for his own knight who tried to protect himself, he would be afraid to escape doom,

"How many of us are there?" Talmezi's eyes began to recover, his pale face regained a trace of blood, and finally he remembered asking the most important thing,

"The two squadrons are around!" The adjutant Tukoqi responded bleakly, thinking of the huge army of tens of thousands of people, which turned into fly ash within a day, and his face could not help showing a bit of helplessness. Three squadrons rushed out of the encirclement and headed east! Now they should have returned to Wenzhilun Camp"

Hearing that the whole army was not overthrown, Tarmezi's face showed a trace of relief, standing up from the soft soil of the moist woods. In the surrounding campfire, the embarrassed soldiers lay on the trunk to rest, and the warhorse gnawed down. Grass on the ground,

The distant **** entrenched there like a huge beast in the night, a neat barracks occupied the entire plain in the distance, and the white tent appeared prominently in the fire of the night, like clouds, which is Wiki The camp of the Asian people, the whole piece of the spread, the end is not seen at a glance, like a rolling river, with the pressure of the face, making everyone peeping at him feel a powerless

"It seems that I fell into the Wikiia's calculations from the beginning!" Talmezi looked helpless. It is meaningless to fight this battle and regret it again.

The experienced Talmetzi has already seen it. In the distance, the dense camps consisted of more than 10,000 people, and at least more than 60,000 people. Obviously, the Wikiyas concealed their troops from the beginning, attracted themselves to attack the **** defense with weak forces, and then cut themselves off with ambush and returned to Wen Zhilun. 'S retreat,

This beautiful counterattack made the **** that he just occupied once again become a gate, a gate that completely shut down his 10,000 people in the slope. For this strategic layout, Tarmezi can only smile bitterly, just like a One hundred and thirty years ago, Miao Erdian played with the Xueguo army, and the other party's commander seemed to remember it. One hundred and thirty years later, Qiu returned.

The only hope now is the Fifth Knights on the other side of the slope, but from the current situation. This is simply impossible. The old turtle of Hutu Emma is afraid that she can't protect herself. There is still extra force to rescue herself.

"Adult, do you think we still have hope?" The adjutant Tukotchi looked at Tarmazzi in amazement, and asked in a low voice, as a child of the northern Tuco family, Tukot didn't seem to be like that. End your life~www.wuxiaspot.com~ how? "Talmezi turned back. His eyes looked like a knife, and his voice was cold: "You don't want to surrender to the Vickias!" "

"No, no, how is it possible". The adjutant Tukoqi was pale, and sweat was all over his forehead. The voice trembled. "The subordinates just thought that the Fifth Knights were weird in this matter. After all, we had 10,000 defenders on the slopes. As long as the Fifth Knights were willing to rescue in time, how could it be gone in one morning? ""Well!" Talmezi seemed to think of something, and fell into silence for a while, after a while, he said to the adjutant Tukotchi "or you are right, the Fifth Knights do have a lot of doubts, but as a Commander of the Miao Dian Army, I cannot rule on this matter, this matter must find a way to report to His Majesty the King immediately!

"But we can't even go back now. How could it be possible to go to Kyoto?" The adjutant Tukoqi looked embarrassed, suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Tarmeizi full of hope. "Unless we can send someone out of the encirclement, such as .

The lieutenant Tukocs looked hesitantly, and then looked at Tarmez with a cold face.

Tarmezi's sharp eyes fixed on the shining face of the adjutant Tukocchi, knowing this. The young man omitted a possible "or, surrender!"

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