Whole Nation

: Three thousand three hundred and eighty-four Thunder's South (15)

The spring breeze blocked the river. After the spring, the temperature picked up. The weather that had just rained. The refreshing wind added a little vitality to the whole world. The cotton clouds floated in the sky. A large lush tree sea was quietly standing between the huge yellow-brown mountains. At the top of the mountain range above the clouds can be seen a white. There are white clouds floating around

A lying river divides the ground in front of it into north and south ends, the sparkling water surface is full of sunshine gold, and is immediately in the position of the river channel. A dark-haired young man in a robe squints towards the rolling river in the distance The Sanchakou at the place converges into another larger river channel, and a large river channel pier is faintly visible.

In the sun, several medium-sized merchant ships capable of traveling in the inland waterway are slowly docking. With the docking of medium-sized merchant ships, the pier quickly became lively. The merchants who unloaded the cargo and other people waiting to board the ship were all surrounded. In the past, the eyes of dark-haired youths fell on the mast of one of the merchant ships. This merchant ship, unlike other merchant ships carrying cargo, had a smaller size, but the sails were more and larger, and the bow was long and narrow. It’s the Clipper. The silver merchant’s logo on the main mast of the other merchant ships is fluttering, and the golden mast is on the mast of the merchant ship.

"Our luck is good, here we can also meet the special bank of the Imperial Bank to Lisbon, this kind of special boat departs from the southwestern area of ​​the empire, crossing the non-waterway, and can travel back and forth every half a month." Turned his head and smiled at the corner of a thin middle-aged man behind him

"Isn't His Majesty specially made this ship dock here?" The middle-aged man rolled his eyes speechlessly. Although he was attacked and injured and trained in Dijing for half a year, he still served as an administrative officer in Lisbon. I don’t know if the imperial bank’s special ferry between Lisboa and the southwestern part of the Empire only docks in a few large ferry cities, and the pier in front of it is obviously not qualified. This time it stopped, but it happened to happen to stop at such a coincidence. In front of the fat man, it is said that there is no greasy inside, who believes? But thinking about the fat man in casual clothes following himself to Lisbon, no matter how surprised he is, Tirnarant is already surprised.

I am afraid that the entire Obaro continent does not know that the emperor has left the sea city, hiding under his guard, and quietly heading south to Lisbon!

If it is not a fat man who is afraid of being exposed, it would be good not to drive over the Imperial Navy battleship! Just don't know who is going to be yin again this time? The fat man didn’t say that middle-aged people wouldn’t be so stupid to ask, and this time he was ordered to go south to Lisbon, as the first order issued by the Empire Emperor after the end of the annual meeting, it was already in the limelight and forced the middle-aged People had to go south immediately. For the first time, they went south to Lisbon to serve as an administrative officer. Although it also caused a shock to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, after all, that appointment was issued by the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs. The outside world just guessed that there was a Ministry of Internal Affairs standing behind him. The big brother, only Princess Momo of the Ministry of Internal Affairs knew who was standing behind him. Even the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who came to his appointment only thought that he was a special figure of the Imperial Army.

This time, it was no longer an internal order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but an order announced by the emperor himself, or an appointment served by the old minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but the attitude was completely different. There is no doubt that it was a little scared. . Middle-aged people can’t help crying or crying about such performances.

When he was assassinated in Lisbon, he was transferred back to the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs for the purpose of healing. This matter has also become the biggest laughing stock of the entire Ministry of Internal Affairs. That’s the golden Lisbon, I don’t know how many people have worked hard to get in.

I thought that I would eventually be killed from the army, and be the winner. I must be a person who can become an administrative officer in Lisbon. The Lisbontor, the merchant city of the mainland, was also nervous for a while inside the empire. Everyone wanted to see who came out and who was the backstage official of the Lisbontor.

But it is strange that for more than half a year, the assassination of the Lisbon Administrative Officer was like being forgotten. Many people originally wanted to watch the excitement, but they found that he was transferred back. The middle-aged people who were wounded by the Ministry of Internal Affairs actually did not come forward. The only one who knew that the middle-aged person was thin, Princess Mao Monaqing, just returned to the empire in that period. This time, it was lively, middle-aged. Although he was transferred back to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the position of the Lisboa Administrative Officer was not deprived, and he was still the leader of the Lisboa Administrative Affairs with a well-deserved empire.

Someone asked Princess Momo to re-elect the Lisbon Administrative Officer. The selected person was a person with close relationship with the Momo family, but the result was that the Princess Momo refuted the meal.

So some people had the idea of ​​letting the middle-aged people resign themselves. The first to find the middle-aged person was an executive officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who was in charge of personnel transfer. I saw myself in the office and put the documents on the desk on the desk. The slightly bare executive on the head compared the gesture of sitting down to the middle-aged man, then opened one of the documents and looked at it with a pretentious sweep. Afterwards, said with emotion

"Your luck is really bad, how could you be transferred to Lisbon, where there is a wealth of merchants, and the forces of all parties are complicated. Although it is the largest source of trade tax in the empire, it is also a very dangerous place. People like Rais who covered the sky with one hand were all swept in the end because of the fact that the Ruidian faction tried to intervene in Lisbon.

Her Majesty’s most beloved Princess Turrit also tried to intervene in Lisbon, and finally moved the Ministry of Foreign Affairs out of Lisbon. Such a man with no roots, such as your luck, just wanted to control Lisbon, just like luck, it was like standing Above a thin line, even half of his life was lost in Lisbon. Seeing your previous achievements, I can let them arrange for you again. What do you think of this? The Administrative Officer was transferred back to the homeland two days ago. Now there is a vacancy there. You go. I believe that with your ability, you can definitely manage the fifth district! "

"The fifth district of the Great Ocean City of the Empire? Is it the fifth district where the headquarters of four of the ten largest chambers of commerce are located?"

The middle-aged man's complexion reveals something wrong, but it's a piece of fat. The other party is really enough to make money. Even such a position is taken. I don't know how many people want to break their heads. One of the most prosperous areas in the Dijing area The best choice for mixed qualifications and political achievements takes only two or three years. It may be transferred to the middle level of the Ministry of Internal Affairs because of its excellent performance, which is much better than being completely idle now!

"Yes, that's the fifth district." The executive nodded, his eyes showing a certain luster. He didn't believe that in such a good place, middle-aged people would be indifferent. An unfounded administrative officer could climb God's capital. The location of the fifth district of Ocean City, this is simply a pie in the sky,

The middle-aged man does seem to be tempted. After struggling for more than ten seconds, he still stood up and said, "Adult's kindness, he is under the leadership, but Lisbon is so dangerous. If you let others go, wouldn't it? It hurts other people, anyway, I have already done so, so-called!"

"You!" The bald executive who had thought it was tenacious and steadily stood up suddenly, his face turned pale

"very sorry"

The middle-aged man's face apologized, but his heart was cold and disdainful,

"You have to figure out, but I am protecting you!"

The bald executive also realized that he was too sick, took a deep breath and sat down again, waved his hand at the middle-aged man, and said with a somber and ugly cold voice, "Forget it, you can go, you want I can’t do it in this fire pit, but because you haven’t handled government affairs in government affairs for more than half a year, I’m afraid you will be offended for your government affairs assessment. If you have been assessed as unqualified for two consecutive years, you The position of administrative officer will be canceled as well, so you know yourself! I also advise you to turn away from the middle-aged man, close the office from the outside, and hear the sound of something thrown on the ground from the room.

"How about, how about the assessment? Several administrative officials waiting outside the door all looked at him, and a foreign administrative officer who didn't know the situation approached and asked.

"No, I shouldn't be able to pass it." The middle-aged man shrugged his shoulders and seemed a little relaxed. It just fell into the eyes of others, more like a kind of self-deprecating. He was pulled by his companion and whispered, "Don't care about him, I can't pass it! I haven't been in my own political affairs for more than half a year. It's **** if I can live!"

"No, I heard..." The deep voice of discussion,

Hearing low-pitched voices in his ears, the middle-aged man walked calmly through the corridor, and all the people who saw him gave way in unison, which showed how unpopular he was in the Ministry of the Interior,

Seeing all this, the middle-aged man calmly walked down the steps of the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs and stopped at the doorway, and the corners of his cold lips were slightly raised. A group of ridiculous guys actually thought they were Rootless figures, just relying on this good luck to get to the position of the Lisbon registrar? Really funny enough

The reason why Princess Momo did not let herself return to Lisbonto was just because she was waiting for the emperor to return, and because the culprit of the Lisbonto attack had never been found. I'm afraid that even Princess Momo will be affected by myself, but I didn't expect that Princess Momo's delay and his own forbearance would look like this in the eyes of others!

In the end, even a second minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs came out. The middle-aged people still refused, but even so, the Ministry of the Interior still adjusted the wind of the Lisbon Administrative Officer after the annual meeting. Everyone sees Looking at the middle-aged people is like looking at a joke, "Listorto's position, can you keep it if you want to keep it! People must have self-knowledge! Some things don't belong to you, you want to take it forcibly, I’m afraid it won’t take over!” All kinds of cynicism followed,

Just as everyone was waiting for the newly appointed Lisbon Administrative Officer, the first emperor's order to be sent to the Ministry of the Interior after the Imperial Congress was that the middle-aged people had great achievements in governing Lisbon. Promoted to the Chief Administrative Officer of Southern Gang Fei, fully responsible for the administrative affairs of Southern Gang Fei, from a city governor to a regional governor, in terms of status as if promoted from the head of the flag to the head of the army,

Looking at this emperor’s order, everyone’s first impression was that it exploded. The voices in the Ministry of Internal Affairs that had previously encouraged the newly elected Lisbon Administrative Officer disappeared without a trace. “The middle-aged man recuperates In the past six months, he was also assassinated in his position. It can be said that he was the main person responsible for the financial volatility in Lisbon. It was very good without being arrested. Now it is said to have achieved great results. The position is not going down but rising, and The most terrible thing, it is not the Ministry of the Interior itself that makes such evaluations, but His Majesty the Emperor. At this moment, as long as it is not a fool, it can be seen that the backer of the middle-aged man is the Emperor!

This joke is a bit big, but it’s ridiculous that these people are still threatening and tempting in front of middle-aged people. They think that middle-aged people are rootless. They force middle-aged people to voluntarily give up Lisbono. Who would think that middle-aged people are actually The emperor's people, this is considered a severe face! The Ministry of Internal Affairs is completely messed up, and no one knows how the emperor will set off these people,

"What's wrong. Still feeling unworthy of the grievances received by the Ministry of Internal Affairs? That appointment should be able to give you a sigh of relief! Is it true that I can't clean the Ministry of Internal Affairs all the way up and down!"

The fat man smiled indifferently~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Eyes recovered from the imperial bank merchant ship docked on the pier in the distance, raised his finger and said to the river ahead

"Did you see the river in front of you? That is the Lesser River at the center of the waterway in the north of Gangfei. At that time, there were more than 100,000 northern frontiers of the Gangfei, which were forced by the imperial army to jump into the rolling river. The entire channel was The tragic scene blocked by countless non-military corpses seems to be what happened yesterday, but I did not expect that the battlefield where the corpse was everywhere, has now become a busy river crossing."

The fat man paused and continued, "From here, it takes only half a day to enter the waterway that is not in the hinterland. You can reach Lisbon in five days. If you are going by land, it will take at least eight days. The weather has already begun to be hot. , The road is bumpy, not as convenient and quick as the waterway, so I let the Imperial Bank make a special arrangement, but this is also good, this time you go to Lisbon to be too conspicuous, I am afraid I don’t know how many eyes are on the road Staring at you, if you suddenly disappeared, it was enough for them to chaos for a while, no one would think that you did not take the fastest sea route, but took the line just off the waterway, and still took the imperial bank ship, Believe that you, a non-Southern chief administrative officer, suddenly appeared in Lisbon, it will definitely cause a sensation."

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