Whole Nation

: Three thousand three hundred and ninety-one south of thunder (22)

The storm set by Sokotos Delan in Lisbon is a deadly one. The Chamber of Commerce that monopolizes the Central Business Road in Lisbon is also considered to be a powerful chamber of commerce in Lisbon. Otherwise, it is impossible to monopolize this gold merchant in Centralbia. Road, but in front of the behemoth of the Imperial Bank, just a small touch, it is already invincible, not to mention that other major chambers of commerce have chosen to sever these ties in order not to be affected. For the large chambers of commerce that were tired of running because of the opening of business, the Yelu family was the last straw that crushed the camel!

"What the **** is going on, what does Imperial Bank mean, what does that crazy woman mean!"

In the hall of the Azure Chamber of Commerce, a middle-aged man with a precarious popularity pressed a notice on the table, and his face was all dead gray, just in front of the trade hall just opened this morning, under the golden sunrise, in the past In front of the bulletin board used to publish announcements, there were already dense crowds. A notice with the seal of the Imperial Bank was posted in the most striking position. The above content made the entire Lisbon sensation. The Imperial Bank rarely appeared in the past. A very severe notice was issued at one time, which said that because of the trade fraud of some chambers of commerce, the Imperial Bank will recover its loans, and the blue commerce chamber is listed above.

Sokotus Dylan deserves to be in the business alliance for a few years. He knows these inexhaustible merchants very well and hits the dead spots of these big chambers of commerce that can monopolize a trade line. In the morning, before the big chambers of commerce had reacted, they fell into a situation of betrayal. The president of the blue chamber of commerce almost fainted when he saw the notice.

"The Blue Chamber of Commerce is over!"

The chairman of the chamber of commerce, Spike's face was ashes, like an eggplant beaten by frost, and there was a little arrogance of the president of the big chamber of commerce, let alone a day ago, he was standing in the same position with a smug face The good news of the Blue Chamber of Commerce’s loan from the Imperial Bank was announced to the entire businessmen of Lisbon, so that the whole business of the Lisbon business knew that even the monopolistic profits of the Central Business Road were broken, even if it was the siege of the major chambers of commerce, the Blue Chamber of Commerce Still have control of most of the commodities in the trade line of Centralbia,

This is only one day, why did it become like this

The attitude of Imperial Bank is almost a 720-degree turn. Although this announcement has no official effect, it does not mean that Imperial Bank will take punitive measures against several chambers of commerce. In a sense, it is one A notice of withdrawing investment, if it is just to recover the loan, it will not make this president of the Blue Chamber of Commerce, who has also seen the storms, so disoriented. After all, it is a powerful big chamber of commerce, and it is impossible to be recovered just because of a loan. It completely collapsed and really made this president of the Blue Chamber of Commerce feel desperate, that is the reason mentioned in the notice

There is fraudulent trade!

Isn’t that nonsense, how do businessmen make money without fraud, so-called profiteering is not equal in itself, he does not believe that Imperial Bank will not know this, but this is also the most deadly, knowing things must be The meaning is completely different when it is unveiled in public. This notice was issued by the Imperial Bank. In the eyes of the imperial merchants, it is an official notice. The blue business association is under the banner of fraudulent trade. Who dares to do business with the blue business association, and the Empire The bank's act of recovering the loan within a day also shows that Imperial Bank is not optimistic about the future of these chambers of commerce

"We ask Miss Sokoto Stella in front!"

"We believe that it is just a misunderstanding about the notice. We can explain it, as long as we can withdraw the notice and even negotiate the interest rate of the loan from the new one." In the Lisbon Trust branch of the Imperial Bank, several notices were named The president of the chamber of commerce said excitedly that in other places, they might be rich merchants with strong financial resources, but in front of the business queen of Sokotus Stellar, they found that they were not as vulnerable as a baby. Empire Bank thought If you want to destroy yourself, don’t even need a finger, or even a sneeze to sneeze at them, you can make their business kingdom disappear in just one morning.

"Sorry everyone, Miss Sokotus Delan is not in the branch at the moment"

The deacon of the Imperial Bank branch responsible for receiving them said calmly that the eyes of the deceased merchants were overwhelmed, and the heart of the deacon of the root bank of the Imperial Bank couldn't help but touched it. This time Miss Sokotus Delan shot It was really unimaginable. Just at noon yesterday, Miss Sokotus Delan returned to the branch from outside, and then the original copy of the notice was hand-written. When I got the notice at that time, The person in charge of this branch also froze for a few seconds before carefully asking "Does this notice need to be posted?

"Tomorrow is the most crowded Wednesday in the trade hall, right?" Sokotus Delane’s long black hair slanted close behind his ears, and his jade-like bright and fair face was extremely cool.

"Yes, every Wednesday is the time for the merchant fleet to dock, and tomorrow is exactly Wednesday." The deacon of the division took a deep breath. He was also very confused. Since the business queen took charge of the Imperial Bank, it seems that it rarely happens. Directly take measures against a large chamber of commerce, and this is the first time in two years that Sokotosdalen has targeted the chamber of commerce

"Then stick it in the bulletin board in front of the Lisboa Trade Hall tomorrow." Sokotus Delan flashed, raised his chin, and handed the notice to the branch deacon.

"Yes, his subordinates will definitely post it in the most eye-catching place in front of the trade hall." The deacon glanced at the notice, and his eyes lightened up, since the moment when the Yelu family announced the opening of trade restrictions during the annual meeting , Has already sounded the horn of war for China-Biasia trade routes. The powerful chambers of commerce have begun to look at the China-Biasia trade lines. A large amount of capital has flowed in. The number of caravans has tripled in one month. Not counting those small-scale scattered business travellers, these chambers of commerce had originally secured loans from the Imperial Bank to stabilize the situation. Who knew that this would be the result, even Sokoutuste, who had close ties with the Empire’s top management Miss Lan, all showing the attitude of not optimistic about these chambers of commerce, just a gesture, falling in the eyes of other caring people, Miss Dailan's announcement that looks painless and itchy, has actually been compared to the real sword Even more cruel,

I don't know where these big chambers of commerce have messed up Miss Sokotus Stellar! Miss Dylan, who hasn’t shown the Thunder's means for nearly two years, just released this notice of lore,

You know, in fact, compared to the national-level strategic financial behemoth such as Imperial Bank, these so-called Lisbon Toho merchants are really too eye-catching, even if there are, for Miss Sokotus Delan, it is just a Bigger ants, Empire Bank’s main customers have never been these ordinary businessmen, either the top royal family in each country, or the owl holding the power of one party, so the reputation of the Empire Bank is not obvious in the Empire, but in other countries. It can be described as a notorious degree, which gave the illusions of these big chambers of empire

That is, although Empire Bank has been established for more than a year, Sokotosdalen is in charge of Empire Bank as a woman. The only thing it seems to do is lend money. There is no toughness at all. The thirteenth deacon, who had changed his color, became obscure after he took charge of Imperial Bank! But at the moment, it was just a notice that turned Lisbon upside down and made the battle for the trade routes between China and Afghanistan, which had already become a half of the empire, after a month of hard support from several major chambers of commerce, finally at the Bank of the Empire. This announcement completely collapsed!

This is the power of the Imperial Bank. For the entire Lisbon, a random blow is an earthquake

The last afterglow of the sunset has disappeared, and the beautiful night has come quietly, and the brilliant stars have begun to glow silver. The starry sky in April is like a huge dark night sky. It is the time when the distant fairy constellation is the most shining. Lisbonto, known as the city that never sleeps, is also busy at this time in the main square of the pier Standing in a diverse crowd. There are businessmen who have just arrived, there are also foreigners with a confused look, some come to pick up others, some give away, sailors in uniforms, guards with their lips closed, and workers who follow cargo carriages, There are children jumping and jumping

In the tavern at the port, a young man with linen hair was sitting by the window, watching the sailors on the opposite table there wrenching his wrists, and could not help but burst out with a cry of applause, wearing a black dress It's just right to wear. A silver olive branch hangs on the shoulder. The thin square face reveals smartness. The light in both eyes is very old and prudent. There are vague wrinkles on the corners of the eyes and forehead. It’s handsome, but it’s not ugly. At first glance, you will think that he is just an ordinary manager, but in those eyes, there is a strong ambition that gives a burning sensation like a flame. Even the sturdy pub maid in the tavern swept the famous men who came here for credit every now and then, if no one greeted him, he would have beaten this mixed guy and threw it on the street I heard that this guy with a southern accent is a smuggler from the south, but I don’t know who offended. The ship was detained by the imperial navy, so this guy came here every day The position of the window, some people said that this guy was prepared to take the ship out of the empire navy’s dock while the empire navy was not paying attention

"Arturo, when will your wine money be given?" someone asked quipped

"Give it when you have money, and I won't owe you anymore." The man sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"I heard that you've been to many places in South Obaro?" A dark-haired young man walked into the tavern and appeared to inadvertently sit across from the man


"Have you ever been to Martinli, I heard that the Martinli people in the south are very savage and cruel?"

"The brutality is not good, at most it's honest." Mention Martin's eyes, the man's eyes are a little bright, and his mouth is unconscious. "In fact, people who have been to Martini know that Martini are quite hospitable. Yes, if you are their best friend, you can even be greeted by their wives, but they are not very friendly to businessmen. Those businessmen who sell things from here to another just change the place and deliberately price It’s too high, what is the difference with a liar!

"This insight is quite interesting! But if there is no benefit, who will transport things from here to there?" The young brunette raised his hand and asked the maid to bring two glasses of malt beer. This rye beer is in Lisbon The entrusted sailor was very popular, and the young brunette pushed the glass of rye beer in front of the man

"Actually, it's okay to earn some money, but it's really **** to deliberately harm people in order to make money, just like a nasty guy." The man took the glass and drank it, and he still touched the corner of his mouth.

"That nasty guy shouldn't be a normal person? "Black-haired youth smiled at the corner of his mouth." Sometimes it is necessary to take some means to achieve a certain purpose? "The dark-haired youth gazed deeply through the window and looked at the sea in the darkness ahead. The white wavy water line can also see the white foam rising in the darkness.

"I don't reject the means, but the means are also despicable and noble." The man's eyes flickered~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The black-haired young man who frowned slightly for the first time looked at his eyes and shook his hand holding the glass. Tight, the breath was even a little short of breath. After glancing left and right, hesitantly said, "Sharin asked you to come to me?"

"Sharin? It's true." The dark-haired young man smiled at the corner of his mouth, raised his hand and placed a green triangle logo with a finger cover on the table. "This is the token found by Sharin. I believe you should know this is What is it?"

"Oh, is there a problem?" The man's eyes fell on the azure blue mark, and his face was unusually calm. "I'm not a fool, I got on a smuggler coming to the empire so smoothly, and it was still there." Within the sphere of human influence, there are delicious food and drink along the way, and there are beautiful women to accompany me. I am not afraid to tell you that I did it on purpose, otherwise, I am afraid that if I can’t reach the empire, I will be killed halfway."

"Haha, if you are still as honest as I was just now, I will choose to leave. Now, I am starting to have interest in talking to you." The dark-haired youth smiled.

"Yeah, I also want to talk about it. I Martini people are not ferocious and barbaric. At least compared to your Excellency, there is no more brutal man in Obaro!" The man had never seen him in the face. Such a shameless look

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