Whole Nation

: Three thousand three hundred ninety-nine The arrow is off the string (7)

Kingdom of Harvey, Kigasan area

The milky white morning light slowly reveals from the east, like a line driving forward, shining on the wet land of Kigasan, unlike the generally dry prairie of Martinliya, the territory of the Harvey Kingdom is mainly in The area between the Rog Swamp and Zankia’s traversing mountains is half wet and pine woodland, and the other half is rolling hills at the top of the tall mountains.

Even in May, you can see that the snow has not completely melted, and there is still a thin layer that reflects the terrifying white light. At the foot of the mountains, the thick carpet-like grass is blowing with the wind at night The condensed round dewdrops were crumbling on the blades of grass, exuding a colorful light, and filled the land in front of them with vitality,

This is a beautiful land, but for the Harvey people living on this land, what it represents here is barren

The moist soil seems to be conducive to the growth of crops. In fact, because of the huge uplift of the huge Zankia across the mountains, it blocks the warm wind from the south, so the season here is one or two months later than other regions. The time of sunlight exposure is one month shorter than other regions. It is already the spring season in other regions. It is still bathed in the cold wind, and then directly passed through the spring and entered the hot summer, waiting for other regions to enter In autumn, it is still summer, and then it enters the cold winter directly, that is to say, there is no spring and autumn here, either the hot summer day or the cold wind rage, for the growth of crops, it has not yet time to mature. Into the withering,

The main crop of the Harvey people is an alpine plant called wheat, which has a bitter taste and low yield. It must be carefully cared for in order to get a part of the harvest before the winter wind blows, and the result is often a lot of energy. , But only three to four quarters of the harvest, so more than half of the food of the Harvey Kingdom comes from imports from the northern church country,

The financial resources spent on importing food from the ecclesiastical country accounted for almost one-half of the Harvey Kingdom, and the wanton price increase of the ecclesiastical country caused the Harvey Kingdom to pay a very tragic price. Every time the price of food is raised, it means a catastrophe for the Kingdom of Harvey. The most tragic one was that 67 years ago, a drought swept through Southern Obaro, the ecclesiastical countries were adjacent to the ocean, and the main production The grain area is also under the influence of the warm ocean winds in the north, so the impact is not great, but the Kingdom of Harvey is different. It is almost a national harvest. As a result, the sect of nations took advantage of the drought in the south to force the Kingdom of Harvey to approach the religion. Two provinces of the regiment as food exchange conditions

After the Kingdom of Harvey refused, the synagogue unilaterally closed the trading market on the border, and all the food merchants were withdrawn. In just one winter, more than 1 million Harvey people froze to death due to lack of food. Starved to death, we must know that the total population of the Harvey Kingdom at that time was only 5-6 million people. On average, one of the three people starved to death. Finally, the Harvey Kingdom had to bow his head and agreed to cede the two provinces to the church. Therefore, the ecclesiastical countries expanded the southern region to the direction of the Harvey Kingdom by more than three hundred miles, and completely cut off the only tentacles of the Harvey Kingdom that extended to the north. In the following decades, the Kingdom of Harvey was eating. Sadness

In the several wars against the Eros, the Order of the Church all regarded the Harveys as cannon fodder at the forefront, so the Harveys who died were probably hundreds of thousands in front and back.

From the perspective of the ecclesiastical country, it is the self-feeding of the Harvey people. The Harvey people should be grateful to Dade for themselves. It is a matter of course to fight against the Eero Empire with the ecclesiastical state. A vampire biting his throat not only squeezed the last copper plate of the Harvey Kingdom, but also constantly consumed the men of the Harvey Kingdom on the battlefield, creating a large number of widows, and the children of these widows will grow up and use What kind of attitude you look at the Orthodox Church, you can imagine, this is why the Harvey people did not hesitate to insert the Orthodox Church as soon as they found an opportunity.

This time, the Harveys not only recaptured the two provinces that had been ceded, but also included most of the southern part of the ecclesiastical country. Although the southern part of the ecclesiastical country is also a mountainous area, it is at least opened. On the road to the north, the Harvey Kingdom finally has to pay high taxes to the ecclesiastical country without buying a small item, nor does it need to look at the ecclesiastical country's complexion in order to transport specialty products. However, the happiness of the Harveys hadn’t come long before the border area was swept by the **** madness of the Martins. On May 7, the Kingdom of Martins, also the Southern League, announced the Harvey’s assault on Il. Clan lord Luya asked the Harveys to hand over the murderers. At the same time, at the moment Harvey had just received the news, the 50,000 elite Martin fangs had already rushed across the border like a tide

Da da da

A black line rose from the direction of the horizon, filling the entire land without any gaps, the wind and clouds changed between the heavens and the earth, and under the bleak sun, countless flying horseshoes stepped over the wet muddy ground, bringing Sand and gravel and wild grass were raised, and they were drawn into a team like a tornado,

Like a sandstorm sweeping from a distance, densely packed light cavalry, like a team of ants is surging, the horses and horses are almost connected by horseshoes, because there are too many people, they have to keep amazing progress Speed, if someone falls in the middle, it will immediately be crushed and completely melted on the ground. I can't see any traces anymore, it seems that the spring thunder exploded

The army swarmed, and the sand and gravel under the horseshoe seemed to dance, jumped up and down, and then fell again. As there are many invisible big hands, pick them up and put them down, it seems that the boiling water is dancing, the crystal dew drops drop by drop, and finally finally helplessly fell into the mud.

The earth trembles more and more, and even the blades of grass shake violently, the shaking movement becomes more and more intense, and finally finally completely broken, helplessly falling, and tightly attached to the earth, dense The cavalry cluster is like a huge gate knife, which divides the entire earth into two.

Behind the cavalry cluster, there are smoky villages, towns, and looting Martinli cavalry, riding the horses to open the doors of the Harvey houses, and there was a messy and screaming noise inside. The man was sure to kill Yes, women look at the mood, because in order to maintain the strong fighting spirit of the soldiers, among all the loot looted in the war, the other loot needs to be turned in half, and only the woman does not need to turn it in, which belongs to their own personal possession It can be used as a slave or sold for money. Even aristocrats are absolutely not allowed to draw any share from it, even the most beautiful woman.

With this practice, the Martin Cavalry cavalry will never let go of any village, even if the village is impoverished. For the Martin Legian, the so-called war means a mountain of wealth and beautiful women everywhere, waiting for them to go. Occupy, go to own, their crazy sprint, looking forward to being able to break into that rich area first.

Being behind means losing everything!

This is the idea of ​​the vast majority of Martin’s cavalry. To be backward means to get nothing. To be backward means to see others’ faces in the future. To be backward means to be surrounded by beautiful women, and you can only stare. My own speed is a little slow, and wealth and beauty will be robbed by the people in front.

So the largest number of Martin’s cavalry is the light cavalry, not only because of the brave elements, but because the light cavalry runs the fastest

The Martini people’s ability to exercise in the dry Martin Prairie, which is dry all year round, allows them to run continuously for three days and nights. Sometimes they can’t stand even the horses, they can still be energetic. Yiyi jumped off the horse and searched for all the targets that could be found. They claimed to be the wind, saying that they were like a sharp arrow through the vast barren land, that they were farther away from their sight, that there were better water plants, more abundant prey, waiting In order to occupy them, they must break in at the fastest speed and in an unstoppable posture, plundering everything they can plunder.

This is how the Martins live. The looting is legal and necessary. Without looting, there will be no Martins.

Before the advance of the army, the fifty thousand Martin's Ilya cavalry lances towered high into the air like a forest, the wind rolled up the flag of the Il's starry sky, and the crown prince Spike, wearing a gorgeous armor, was in the tens of thousands of Martin's Ilya In front of the clan cavalry, eyes glanced through the rows of determined faces, and drew a knife and shouted, "From the day we appeared, the Yi tribe let us use the sword to destroy the enemy! With both hands, take away and take away Everything! Use the chest to warm the lonely chest of the woman there! Burn all with the torch, we want to let the enemy shudder and wailing under the courage of my Il warriors, let this world become our world! Because of looting and killing Is the power God has given us, everything we do is the will of God."

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Fifty thousand Martin's Cavalry cavalry raised the cold light of the cavalry in their hands and roared madly. It is reasonable for the Martins to be regarded as flood beasts by the Southern Obarians. The Martins are best at taking part in the day and night, nonstop , Eating and drinking on horseback, often rushed into the hinterland in the blink of an eye, and set off a stormy blood, and this time, in the crown prince Spike personally led the team, with the Yi Erhuo Hofendre, with lightning speed, only It took one day to break through the more than 10,000 defenders of the Harvey Kingdom on the border.

Staring at the outline of the city in front of him, Spark’s gaze paused slightly. The front of Torre City was the intersection of the three white rivers and the Sanchuan River, and the location of Torre City was like a big gate, controlling the river. Upstream, this channel is the Tanggu River that can be used as the best forging water in the Harvey Kingdom. Downstream, it is the most famous forging city of Harvey, Longto, and it is also the strategic strategic place to be grabbed by Spike. Not to mention, just the blacksmith’s guild, which claims to have 30,000 people in the city of Ronto, is enough to make the iron forging standard of the Yi people go up to a higher level, and then surpass the Ansili and Sam in one fell swoop. The location of Thunder City, for the downstream Ronto, is tantamount to suspending a sharp knife on his head, taking Torre, you can go down the river and win Ronto in one fell swoop.

Many people think that his Spike has a simple mind. In fact, who knows that everything is pretended, there is a tricky white fox in front, and a Baron who is good at layout in the back. These two people have been eye-catching. How are they doing? Excellent, that is, similar to these two, it is not as good as the other road. In general, the average Martini people prefer the straightforward warrior type, and most appreciate the warriors who can lead them to plunder countless wealth instead of hiding behind the scenes. Conspirator

"With 80,000 troops and more than 1 million supplies, it was just a three-day battle, and in the end, no benefits were obtained. Is this still my Martin's style?"

Just like this time the Ansili white fox, with the hands of the empire and the sword of the dark survivors, took the opportunity to destroy the old enemy of the kingdom of Kalisu, but the response at the top of the kingdom was not very good.

Although the national shame was always on the mouth, but there was no good thing to catch, even the Ansili people are quite cryptic

After all, in order to give the Kalisu Kingdom Army a fatal blow this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ 80,000 Martin Lizards sneaked for more than 100 miles at night. Although they have already made considerable preparations, there are still more than 1,000 non-combat downsizing. The subsequent life-and-death battle with the Kali Su Army caused more than 6,000 deaths and 11,000 injuries

In the end, although the Kalisu people were defeated, the empire took the opportunity to go south and strangled the road to the north with Biyanggu, and half of the area of ​​Kalisu was included in the empire. On the south, south of Hanlu Mountain A large number of insurgents infiltrated in the south, and after they had established a foothold in the south, they immediately demanded the withdrawal of the Martini army from the south. It was quite ruthless to the extreme. In the end, it was the Karisu area that was imperial The people divided up, and the Martini people who worked hard only got a little fur on the border. Of course, from a political point of view, the Ansili ethnic group definitely made a big profit this time, and wiped out their old enemies in one fell swoop. The humiliation that has weighed on the Martini teeth for decades has been wiped out. The most important point is that after a few years of silence, the white fox once again proved its undefeated strength. This alone is enough to affect the upcoming coming. The market of the three tribes rotates,

If this is not the case, you don’t need to jump off the wall like this, and go to the empire to meet the emperor in person. Now, you have finally seized the opportunity. Just as White Fox proves that it is capable of overturning a country, you have to let the entire Martinli The lords feel that they can bring them countless wealth and hope!

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