Whole Nation

: Three thousand four hundred and six

"The Imperial Army is coming up, hold on, don't mess up!"

The earth shook and the fire burst violently, and I saw a huge fire flash, countless pieces of iron cut into the human body, small iron beads hit the meat, and the heat wave that could scorch the skin could be separated by more than ten meters. The hair of people was scorched, and the cry of the officers of the Harvey Army was so weak. The army was shaken, and it was not stable by slogans. General Harvey's face was ashamed, and he didn't know how to give orders for a while. Well, it shouldn’t be. The party clearly has 80,000 troops, but now it has fallen into the position of being dominated by the entire Imperial Army! Obviously the strength of the Imperial Army is not enough to defeat your own in World War I

"The Imperial Army deliberately let us cross the river, so that we can use the river channel to cut off our army and cut half of our army with the entire strength of the Empire. It is difficult to think of it as an advantage!" Prince Xavi, commander of the Harvey Army, is guarding With his help, he stood up swaying, his eyes wide open, countless bloodshots gathered in his pupils, his fingers clenched tightly, his eyes closed suddenly, and then he opened suddenly,

Looking at the nearly collapsed war situation, the soldiers were covered with scars, bloodied, and soldiers who were too tired to stand, and the heavy spears of the heavy armored infantry of the Empire, like mountains, completely obscured the sight in front of them. It is a group of imperial infantry covered by the army. Behind it is the flanks that have been pierced. The imperial iron ride like a storm rushed directly to the battlefield. It was surrounded by storm clusters of imperial arrows and imperial thunder bombs with long black tails. Popping the reeling heat wave

"The back is the river channel, there is no escape route, everyone fights, fights with the imperial army!

What was cut by the imperial cavalry was that the fragmented front had been chaotic. Before the imperial infantry cluster was discharged like a wave, it was pushed forward by a row of straight spears like a forest, and the opposite was seen. Harvey infantry fell into pieces, like a wooden board that was slammed down. It was already cracked. It is now torn apart. It was exhausting overnight. I didn’t think it was. Now I have a brain surge. Long spears like forests, colliding, fighting, crushed by the heavy armored imperial heavy infantry of the imperial infantry, blood waves rolled, and cries of killing continued

"His Royal Highness, our army is not completely defeated, as long as we can retreat to the other side of the river, we still have half of the troops." The head of the Fifth Army, Curicia, was lifted from the front by the guards, and his blood was red and half of his body was removed. . The crossbow arrows in the two chests on the shoulder broke the arrow shaft, but the arrow did not dare to hit it for a while, but it was wrapped in a white cloth, and the blood stains were still seeping, and the injury was heavy. Although he tried his best to support it in chaos, he did not let the situation be complete. Collapsed, and finally fell because of excessive blood flow. It was carried down by the sergeants. Although the pain in the two wounds is not reduced, too much bleeding is difficult to support the body

"Withdraw to the other side of the river, on the pontoon..." Sethti's face flashed a bit of hesitation. There were people on the three pontoons, especially when he saw that the river beach was already in a state of defeat. The pontoon Not only did the Harvey army not speed up, but because the people in front wanted to go back, the people in the back were still moving forward, congesting there for a while

"His Royal Highness, the Eighth and Fifth Corps have been defeated, and the Fourth Army can't persevere for a long time. Why can't we cross the river? If your Highness died here, the remaining 40,000 troops will only choose to surrender!" General Uighur ran with a dozen guards covered in embarrassment. Everyone was covered with war marks, dragging the blood-stained nails, and said with a hoarse voice,

The Harvey army on the river beach has been completely involved. Once the gate is opened, the momentum of the entire line of collapse is a crash. The blood waves and corpses are pushed away by the entire black line like a river, and the defeated soldier turned pale. To run away, it is useless to let the officers use the leather whip, even the war team is running away,

Defeat defeated!

"Let's go, we cross the river!" Sethti's face was fierce, and he no longer ignored the immediate situation. He ordered the most elite guards to open the way and walked directly in the direction of the three pontoons. , That is the most stable 5,000 Harvey Swordsmen Regiment

These Harvey swordsmen are basically full of armor. In addition to long sword shields and weapons, they also have an edged two-handed sword with a length of 1.8 meters. Behind these swordsmen, they are the most terrifying Harvey swordsmen. Exist, Harvey's two-handed swordsmen, each of which is more than one meter eight in height. Although the armor on the body is not full body armor, but basically there is not much difference. These two-handed swordsmen are gloomy and lined up, even if they are in Under the bombardment of Thor, these tall Harvey two-handed swordsmen did not fluctuate at all.

"The whole army moves forward!"

Under the military order, they began to move forward without fear, removed their two-handed swords from the back, and stepped firmly into the battlefield that was already full of blood. They were the pride of the Harvey Kingdom Army and Harvey. The military soul of the army, most of the country is the Harveys of the mountains. It is famous for its resistance to war and hardship, and its physical strength is tough. Although it is impossible to forge extremely sharp weapons, the Harveys have their own clumsy methods, that is, lack of sharpness. The weight is used to make up. Once the two-handed swordsmen of the Harveys are thrown, they will be endless, because they are also feared by the enemy as battlefield meat grinders!

"Spread away, maintain the distance, and raise the sword." An officer of Harvey's two-handed swordsman looked at the imperial cavalry swooping in front of him like a tide, shouting vigorously, and the entire team of Harvey's two-handed swordsmen made their own moves. At a certain distance, the hands and feet of the sword are one and eight meters long. When waving it, the person most likely to hurt is his own person.


In an instant, countless imperial armor slammed into it, swept across the blood, and a Harvey swordsman was knocked off

Then the two-handed swordsman immediately came up to the bench. The 1.8-meter two-handed sword saw a blade of light fluttering and the warhorse hissed as if the flood hit the embankment, shouting loudly, and the two-handed sword swept by a full 1.8 meters. Even the armoured cavalry were cut and injured. These two-handed swordsmen stabbed with each other. For a time, it was like a semi-arc fan burst out in front of the imperial cavalry. The imperial cavalry turned around with agility. When the reaction was a bit slow, it was poked down by a two-handed sword, and cut to the ground by other long swords around. , These two-handed swordsmen were trampled by countless horseshoes,

Almost in a blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of people on both sides did not retreat in the slightest, did not dodge in the slightest, and just collided with no tricks! The sound of the war horse's hoarse sound, how many people lifted their horses at a time, how many swords stabbed into the body and how much blood splashed out, the cry burst out of the chest cavity! The two sides have not talked about formation, array, attack and cooperation, they are entangled and wrestled together, just sullenly fighting desperately! The sound of soldiers breaking the armor, the screams of people screaming, the sound of war horses mourning down, and the soothing sound of sharp weapons cutting into the flesh, intensively sounded. The battlefield of the whole melee became like Shurachang.

For the first time, the Imperial Army met an opponent worth fighting for


The Imperial Army also found signs that the Harvey Army wanted to escape, and the trumpets from the rear were one after another, urging the front to quickly open the passage

Both sides are completely red-eyed at this moment

"Forward, even if it is filled with human horses, we must fill out the road!" The head of the 4th Cavalry Banner of the Imperial Central Army led by the team, Gan Ganya, had bloodshot eyes. The duck that had reached his mouth, how could he let it fly!

Row after row of imperial army armours ran into it, facing the fierce Harvey army two-handed swordsman, like a tsunami and landslide, and at the beginning facing the northern Gauls' heavy armor dragon gun, the imperial cavalry was not afraid. However, besides, there are only two-handed swords in front of you, two-handed swords are fierce and not fake, but dancing and it takes strength, and because they need to maintain distance, they are actually single combat, and across from them, batches of imperial cavalry are like sudden rainstorms. Hit the lute,

"Pap Pap"

The imperial cavalry who rushed into Harvey's two-handed swordsmen, the armoured cones in their hands, the spiked Lianjia, the iron hammer pickaxe, and the iron mace's bones, all flew up and down, hitting these two-handed swordsmen The armoured armour, knocked on the armor, is the acidic metal collision and scraping, the dull sound of broken bones, and the screams that cannot be suppressed!

There was an extra layer of corpses on the ground, and the blood in the air was thicker.

The enemies of the two-handed swordsmen used to be infantry. This time they faced the cavalry clusters and were immediately pierced by layers. The chaotic warfare was like a wind. They were brave and not afraid of death, but the imperial cavalry on the opposite side was not afraid of death. Fill it with your life. To consume, they have to consume their clean ideas. There are too many dead people, and the **** gas seems to condense into a real thing. Even in the battle, Harvey's two-handed swordsman feels that he is sick! The impetus of imperial cavalry is so terrible!

Harvey Jun on the other side of the river was dumbfounded.

The sound of fighting across the river was deafening and earth-shattering. The imperial brigades clashed and slammed, fighting fiercely, rolling up the dust and circling it for a long time. The three pontoons were overcrowded, and they could no longer pass others in a short time. When the soldiers collapsed, they directly jumped into the torrent of the river in front of them, and were swept away by the torrent, making a burst of stern sounds, dragging out the voice of the elders, and they looked completely pale across the face. It's impossible to get past, some people who wanted to give it a try, they were scared back when they saw this scene,

"Look, there is another one!" Someone shouted, seeing an officer with good water ability, still struggling to swim back and forth in this tens of meters of river channel, caught by a long flagpole sticking out from the opposite side Just dragged across the river,

"What's wrong with the other side!" The crowd gathered around

After looking at a group of people around, the rescued officer's face was blue, and he scolded angrily, "What are you **** doing, isn't it just a river channel, you can't walk the pontoon, don't you know that you're just crossing the river channel, brothers are here The other side is fighting, you are watching like this? It is tens of thousands, tens of thousands of our brothers, you want to let them all die opposite!"

"Don't talk about it, brothers, we are dizzy! Whoever joins me into the water, I don’t believe it. Tens of thousands of people really jumped down and couldn’t fill a river. If so, it’s better to die! It’s over. , Our end will not be good!" A young Harvey officer looked excited and pulled out his knife, took off his armor, bited the knife with his mouth, jumped violently off the torrent of the river, struggling to swim forward,

"Fight, everyone fight!" Splashes rolled, and more and more Harvey soldiers took off their armor and jumped off the river, just like a stream of water, merged into a chaotic vortex, scrolling more ha The Uighur's determination to die is rushing, the opposite side will collapse, if there is no reinforcements, tens of thousands of people will die

"Swim forward, even if you die, you must swim past"

Puffy water sounded, dense crowds of people gathered in the river, tens of thousands of people jumped into the wonders of the river, and the people who were swept away by the torrents uttered a fierce shout. Pushing away, the river flow hit the wall of the people, making a rolling sound like a thunder,

"Stop it, our reinforcements are here!"

"Look, it's the flag of the front. The flag is at the position of the pontoon and moves closer to the front. "In the chaos, someone shouted in the direction of the pontoon. The first row of Harvey soldiers crossing the shore panted and faced Completely chaotic situation, they instinctively moved towards the direction of Prince Seth’s flag,

The sound of a horseshoe roars like thunder~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The blade of the blade shines in the sun, and countless black armoured cavalrymen turn from the direction of the original array, impacting back and forth, as if the blade rushed into the still-fighting Harvey two-handed swordsman. behind,

The heart of Prince Seth was trembling, and the five thousand most elite Harvey two-handed swordsmen were definitely over. In this case, even if you wanted to remove the two-handed swordsmen, it was his With all his hard work, there are less than four two-handed swordsmen in the entire Harvey Kingdom, two of which are in the king’s direct army, the other is damaged in the Battle of the Holy Capital, and the other is the one in front of him.

This is no fancy fight, and the imperial cavalry continues to move forward. And Harvey's two-handed swordsman was killed through the layers. The Imperial Cavalry is worthy of being the first cavalry in the mainland. Its fierce impact, its blood-red eyes round, distorted its fierce face, and was stained with blood. There are still a lot of furious battles in a few places. They also continue to have knights falling down, but there is no fear at all. There is only one in the eyes of these imperial cavalry. It is a heavy array of killing two-handed swordsmen, sweeping the entire north bank of the river! Even the other Harvey soldiers who had just crossed the river and watched this scene had only an inexplicable fear in their chests at the moment.

No wonder that in such a short period of time, tens of thousands of people crossing the river have been destroyed! It's no wonder that even the flag of the battle ran to the boardwalk!

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