Whole Nation

: 3409 Sunrise Chamber of Commerce

The crimson-colored city streets make the city in front of you more gorgeous. The May wind blew on your face. Even because of the relationship between the height of the mountains, there was no slight heat, but a refreshing feeling.

A man and a woman riding a horse slowly through the entrance of the city gate of Esma, the woman looks extremely beautiful, like the sun like a cloud of hair unconstrained on the shoulders, the clothes are not common noble women Costume, but a dark red real strength outfit, slender body and legs, and a knight sword on his waist

The man looks handsome, and his face is somewhat similar to that of the woman. Although there is an old scar on the cheek on the right side, it is more stable and steady. His eyes are sweeping, sharp as a knife, and his eyes fall on the sides of the front street. On the tree, I was surprised for a while. Obviously I didn’t expect the Crimson Tree Club, which only grows in Icadiwa. It grows so prosperous here, even more gorgeous than the local Icadivar.

In this way, the two people just appeared at the door, and they already attracted the attention of everyone nearby. Looking at the two people, an Imperial Bank staff who waited for a long time at the city gate greeted them and asked the woman to salute. "Is it the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce. Miss Crimson? I’m from the branch of the Imperial Bank Esma City Chamber of Commerce and have been waiting here for two days."

"Yes, I am Crimson Sorry, I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long. This is the first time I traded at the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce and I have been able to get the attention of the Imperial Bank Esma City Branch. It should be our honour. Crimson Rui nodded toward the young man, showing a little apology on Qiao's face, the reddish face was like a rose blooming, and the beauty was trance

"Miss Crimson is welcome, please come with me"

The reception staff of the Imperial Bank quickly said that this is a middle-aged man in a black dress. His temples are slightly white and his eyes are calm. In fact, he is the head of the Esma City branch, Vanto. A middle-ranking officer in the Kingdom Army, after Rui Erdian was swallowed by the empire, he was recruited into the Central Army of the Empire by the recommendation of Prais, and then participated in a series of battles in the Empire campaign in Normandy, the Southwest, and was later transferred into The Imperial Supervision Department, the emperor lacked manpower to establish the Imperial Bank. From the list of the Imperial Supervision Department, he is the only one who is one of the largest secrets of the Imperial Bank.

The Imperial Bank is a strategic weapon in the hands of the emperor, with independent financial and military power, and the top level is top secret. It not only covers the interior of the empire, but also involves the entire Obaro continent. Such organizational personnel are not transferred from the outside. Security, so the emperor simply transferred directly from his own supervision department. The outside world always thought that behind the Imperial Bank was the Imperial military, that was wrong. Behind the Imperial Bank was the emperor, the source of the supervision department, this one-sided The structure not only guarantees the high security of Imperial Bank, but also guarantees that the imperial bank’s military power and financial power will not fall into the hands of other ambitions.

People who don’t know the crimson reeds will only regard the shy woman in front of her as a noble girl from a big family, but no one will think that this is the former commander of the famous Nord Kingdom. , The original style of Crimson Rui when galloping on the battlefield, Vanto also saw it, but did not expect to meet so many years later, and sighed in his heart, Crimson Rui had left the battlefield for too long. Under a series of blows, the regimental commander has learned to be restrained! At that time, the Crimson House was suddenly declared as a traitor by Nord, and it was also a major event that shocked the entire Icadivar. The Continental United War has passed for six years, and the Empire has been in Obra’s five years. The original era has already been Never go back, people are changing with the times!

Wanto was right, Crimson Rui was no longer the original Crimson Rui, especially following Mao Monaqing in recent years, seeing firsthand how the empire built a city among the ruins, and it will be a land of war It has become prosperous, and the prosperity of the empire has far exceeded the limit that Crimson Rui can imagine. A super empire lying on three continents, with a total population of more than 300 million, has been a miracle in just five years. It is generally presented in front of himself, which also proves from another aspect that the man used force to exterminate Nord, and it is extremely correct to realize the unification of Iqadiwa.

Otherwise, it is still the case of the chaotic wars of the original countries. Not to mention the current empire. I am afraid that more than one million people will be displaced every year on the mainland of Ikadiva. Hundreds of thousands of people died in the war.

And now Icadiva is supported by the huge commercial market of Obaro, and there is no fluctuation of war itself. In just a few years, it has already recovered from the original war. The villages are popping up like mushrooms. A large number of immigrants from the Obaro side filled in the population, and the population increased sharply, especially the promulgation of the mayor system by the Ministry of the Interior. It was like giving a shot of blood to the merchants of Icadivar. It is also a rapid economic recovery and business. The urbanization of the city has begun to spread, and the function of the city has changed from a bastion in the war era to a real commercial area, and the merchants will govern the city.

At the beginning of the year, Crimson Rui accompanied Mao Monaqing on a tour of the homeland of Iqadiwa. What he saw and heard shocked Crimson Rui. In just a few years, it seemed that everyone had forgotten the trauma of the original war, and the empire took The original regional personnel’s approach to governing the region has greatly reduced the resistance of the conquered region to the empire. Of course, these people who were placed by the merchants as chiefs of the market, there are no lack of arbitrary actions, all of which are given every way by the semiannual inspection. Clear out

This inspection was very shocking to Crimson Rui. On the way back to Obaro, Crimson Rui even made a request to Mao Monaqing to hope to resign the captain of the imperial palace, hoping to return to Nord, in this peaceful sky. Next, do something you like. Few people know that Crimson Rui, who had been trained as a warrior since childhood, had the greatest hope to be a teaching whip and become a scholar who studied. That was once Crimson Rui thought it was absolutely impossible Dream, she is a military commander, the education she got from childhood is that her murder knife in the hands of the Nord family, holding a pointer to teach people, she is a traitor of the crimson family

But now it’s different. Who still remembers the crimson house, and Nord Wuchen has long been a dust of history. Even if he becomes a scholar who teaches and educates, who will control it? Crimson flowers bloom, crimson flowers thank you, you have already After spending five years in the imperial palace, the original resentment towards the emperor, as the crimson flowers flew down from the branches again and again, annihilated in the crimson smoke cloud, it was time to leave

"One year, as the nominal person in charge of this Sunrise Chamber of Commerce for one year"

Princess Mao Monaqing looked at her calmly and calmly. She did not show an angry expression for her sudden resignation, but a slight smile at the corner of her mouth, and proposed an exchange condition. "Anyway, it is only nominal, not I need you to do what you really want. After a year, I will never ask you if you go, and I will let the Ministry of Internal Affairs prepare everything you need."

In this way, Crimson Rui became the person in charge of the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce. Outside the hall door of the Esma branch, the bright sunlight was shining from the windows on both sides of the corridor. In the quiet and quaint courtyard, the white pigeon spread its wings. Fly up,

"Just come here, two people, please go in"

Vanto, who was leading the way, stopped and let out in front of the gate. His breathing was a little fast, not because he hurried, but because he knew what was behind the hall door. The Imperial Bank had 16 points. The head of the ministry, and the heads of the eight combat corps under his command, and 170 officers, are waiting for the first commander of the Imperial Bank corps. Although there is no regular empire of the Imperial Bank, the Imperial Bank flag The regiment’s weapons and equipment are the equipment of the imperial regular army. After all, they are the thugs of the Imperial Bank. Many empire officials cannot do things. They can do it. Even if the other party protests, it is at most a protest against the empire. Bank, the Empire official can easily dismiss it, the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce is the headquarters of the Imperial Bank Banner Group

"Thank you!" Crimson Rui thanked Wan Tuo, raised her hand and pushed to the door. As the door opened, she didn't know what she pushed, it would be an era, the crimson house known as the emperor's loyal dog, was this Pushed onto the stage of the times

"Stand up!" A loud voice, a uniform voice, scared Crimson Rui jumped, Crimson Jordo behind him even held the hilt directly in his hand, just wanted to pull the sword, but was given hundreds of eyes in front of him What's the situation! I didn't feel it at the door just now. I didn't expect to push the door open. The whole hall was dense and full of people, and he was wearing a uniform black silver-edged uniform, standing upright, all standing People's eyes are forgotten towards the door, a breath of breath, making Crimson's face more dignified

"Asshole, we were framed." Crimson Erdo took a deep breath and was stared at by hundreds of people like that, so embarrassing!

"I think this is a misunderstanding~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We are from the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce, we have gone wrong" Crimson Rui and Mao Monaqing have seen a lot of people in the world, and they quickly calmed down and crisp There was a slight trembling of the voice, all of them were soldiers. Why so many soldiers must have been in the wrong place, even in the meeting of the Imperial Military Department! "

Crimson Rui salutes the people in the hall, then pulls Crimson Erdo to turn around and leave

"Where are you going? We are here to hold the first plenary meeting of the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce. As the general manager of the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce, are you going to be absent?" A pleasant female voice came from the front of the conference hall

Hearing this voice, Crimson Rui turned around in disbelief and asked nervously, "What did you say just now, this is the first plenary meeting of the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce? How can I not know, and sunrise The chamber of commerce has just been established for less than half a month, and the current members are only my brother and me. Is there any misunderstanding here?"

"Ms. Crimson is welcome, if yesterday the sunrise chamber of commerce has only your brothers and sisters, then after today’s meeting, there will be all the people in this hall, as well as 200 large transport ships docked in the port of Esma City, and The 48,000 warriors who had already assembled outside the city, “the people in front of them spread out to the sides, and a beautiful woman wearing a purple dress came,

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