Whole Nation

: Three thousand four hundred and eleven

The ocean breeze in May has become full of warmth, the desolate limestone has been covered by a large piece of emerald green, the blue waves hit the cliff, and there is a burst of roar, the traces of spots, that is the gap in the cliff The rising and falling seabirds are full of summer, and the sea breeze blows on the face, giving people a feeling of intoxication.

This is Rockburg in Central Europe

Rockburg was originally a prison on the cliff by the sea. Thousands of years ago, the Feiya dynasty suddenly fell apart overnight, and various forces rose up. The prison prisoners and guards on this cliff all fled. The prison built with hard rock gradually became the center where the locals lived. With the increasing population, Locke prison became Rock City. In order to resist the plunder and oppression of nearby forces, Rock City built its own local The garrison regiment, in the following three hundred years, as the forces of the Central European Baro countries gradually formed, in order to express its long history, and the city had existed alone thousands of years ago, it was changed back to its original name, Locke. Fort, and use this as the name of the force

Unlike other Central European Baroque monarchies, Lockborough is only 30 to 40 miles away, with a population of more than 200,000 people, and it is the Rock Council that controls Rock City, and the core of the condo is a Known as the Medici family, the Medici family has always been known for its generosity. It is not harsh on the management of Rockburg, and it encourages business and vigorously develops trade. Armaments are also complete. Rockborough, with a population of more than 200,000, has three 10,000 standing army

Therefore, although Lockborough is quite inconspicuous among the Central European Baro forces, it cannot be ignored, and now, some people have sent threatening letters to Lockborough

Looking back from the white seabirds that fell on the cliffs in the distance, the contemporary Medici patriarch La Prorentas stood on the white marble balcony and handed a document in his hand to the butler behind him. , And asked in a funny and funny way, "What is the origin of this sunrise chamber of commerce, why have I never heard of this chamber of commerce in the large chamber of commerce, and was sentimental, and even sent someone to send us a letter saying that we owe them 1.5 million imperial gold, if you don’t give it back, you will take extraordinary measures. This sunrise chamber of commerce regards Lockeburg as something. At first, the Hungarian cavalry dared not invade my Rockburg. You can check this Chamber of Commerce immediately. If you don’t punish it properly, not all cats and dogs will be able to bully us.

"Adult, although I haven't heard of this sunrise chamber of commerce, but if what is said above is true, then we may really owe them money!" The butler took the unknown letter, glanced over, pupils Can't help but tightened, his face hesitated, hesitated

"Walley, do you know what it means to say this?" Laplace's face sank slightly.

"Sir, we seem to have borrowed a total of 1.5 million Empire Gold from the Imperial Bank." The housekeeper whispered ugly in the back, sweating on his forehead

"Of course I know that we owe Empire Bank 1.5 million imperial gold, but that is Empire Bank, not the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce!" Lapruns sniffed his nose and interrupted the housekeeper, his eyes narrowed. A line, looking at the white waves of the Bihai line in the distance, the mouth sneered and said, "What if the Imperial Bank transferred this debt to the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce, we do not admit it, I would like to see that the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce can So what shall we do! This is Rockburg! At the time, Rockburg did not even dare to cross the border one step. The sunrise chamber of commerce such as a cat-and-dog-like chamber of commerce is nothing!"

"Spread my words, if the person from the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce comes, throw me in the sea, once for once, twice for twice, don’t they want money, then come to me first Speak in front of you!” Lapron’s lips are slightly raised, domineering, and somehow they are also the masters of the Medici family. There is still some momentum. A small business association who does not know the so-called small chamber of commerce also wants to regard itself as an empire. The existence of a bank is really crazy!

"Yes, sir!" Butler Wally frowned slightly, and bowed his head to answer. Although he felt some problems in his heart, he was able to take such debts from the hands of the Imperial Bank. The next sunrise Chamber of Commerce, I was afraid that it would not be a good deal, but The owner of the house has said so, so do it. The owner of the house is about to dismount the sunrise chamber of commerce!

But also, the breath of the owner has been holding back for a long time! Find the opportunity, how can you not send it!

The Central European Baro countries finally seized the empire's annual meeting and forced the empire to return to the port, but they were still put together by the empire. The port can be returned, but all the facilities in the port must be bought back. The pits of the Central European Baro countries are terrible. The value of a port’s facilities ranges from hundreds of thousands to millions, and the period granted by the empire is extremely short. Even the famous Medici family can take it for a while. Without such a large amount of money, in the end, they sold several large industries, smashed pots and sold iron, and only collected 1.1 million imperial gold, and loaned 1.5 million imperial gold from the imperial bank. Buy back from a large terminal

The wealth of the Medici family was almost empty, hurting the vitality, and the recovered port not only did not make money back, but because the empire vigorously developed the Feishan area near the sea, a large number of merchant ships and cargo merchants were robbed. Seeing that the port has directly reduced the trade volume by half in one month, the owner, Laplace, ordered on the spot to arrest the subordinate who signed the agreement with Dijing and put it in prison.

As the head of the Medici family of this generation, Laplace's talent is absolutely not bad. The criticism in Central Europe Baro is quite high. Not only is it connected with the royal family, but also the Medici family is generous Under the name of "Golden Bullet", it also attracted powerful countries such as Rila and the Kingdom of Alberts as military alliances.

Even the turbulent Hungarian turmoil that turbulent the entire Central Europe Baro, most of the Central Europe Baro was a **** storm. The refugees were everywhere, but Lokburg was unscathed and prosperous as usual. It was a miracle. Here, I just passed by quietly, without harassing Rothenburg, and even the name of the Hungarian military commander who can scare people to death. In one breath, he sent over 300 pieces of valuable artworks collected from various royal families. , Royal portraits, etc., so that everyone’s glasses are broken. In the eyes of the Hungarians, these are worthless things, and the Medici family likes the name of collecting art. The entire Central European Baro Everyone knows

This is the power of La Pruns. Even the Hungarian junior junta is willing to make friends with him. This Medici head who is not outstanding looks really understands the survival of a small country. Under his management, Lockborough is Among the countries in Central Europe and the Baroque countries, the only area that is willing to treat Hungarians equally is also a neutral force that has given Hungarian merchants considerable protection during several disturbances.

Although Lokburg is not large, it has two full ports. The Kingdom of Hungary is a landlocked country and has no estuary. A large number of specialty exports and the import of war materials such as iron ore are all relying on the port of Lokburg. With this, the Hungarians will not be embarrassed by Lokburg. Otherwise, the victory of Lokburg will only be for the Hungarians to gain some wealth, but they have lost most of their trade income, so even though everyone knows Lokburg It has a military alliance with the Hungarian rival Rila Kingdom, which has been deliberately ignored by the Hungarians

The Hungarian military commander is even stricter, those who stepped into the frontier of Rockburg, die!

The plundered Hungarians pryed away the golden walls of which the Anthea Palace at the north of Rockburg was proud, but even the sheep of Rockburg not far away had not killed one. It can be seen that Lockeburg’s status in Central Europe Baro is not strong, but it is not a country that can easily be provoked. It belongs to the kind of horse honeycomb. If you hit it, it may lead to a lot of alliances.

The Hungarian tooth chaos was a catastrophe for other Central European Baro countries, but it was a fortune for Lockeburg. Refugees from various countries poured into Lockeburg. There are many skilled craftsmen and artists. For a time, it was regarded as a turbulent haven, and a large amount of capital was also poured into Lockeburg. The Medici family took this opportunity to fly into the sky. Although Lockeburg is not a royal system, the industry of the Medici accounted for two points of Rockburg. There are more than one, it is not an exaggeration to say that Lockeburg is the home of the United States and the United States. After the rebellion of the Hungarian tooth was settled by the empire, Lockeburg became an economic and art center in Central Europe and the Baroque area. The population exceeded 600,000 and was The Baro people in Central Europe proudly call it the capital of art. Building from all countries requires the financial support of Lockborough.

Just ten days ago, a letter was sent to the Medici house. After reading the contents of the letter, even if he had a good temper, he almost crooked his nose.

Lapland’s ruling on Lockborough is loose, but looseness does not mean weakness. On the contrary, the Medici’s armament is not bad, and the soldiers in the army are all professional soldiers. Now, a name is the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce The small chamber of commerce even claimed that Lockeburg owed them 1.5 million imperial gold! Lockeburg is required to repay in ten days according to the agreement, otherwise special measures will be taken!

How is Lockeburg a side force, that is, the kingdom-level existence that the empire must recognize, and it also has a well-equipped 30,000 standing army. A small chamber of commerce dared to jump out and said that he would take special measures against Lockeburg. See how the other party took special measures against themselves!

In the port of Lockborough, large and small ships rise and fall with the waves. Although not as good as half of the original heyday, as the first commercial port in the Central European Baro region, it is also the capital of art, and it is still attractive to merchants and nobles. , The white sails were densely packed next to each other, as if the dense white clouds in the sky reflected on the sea, there was no gap at all

It was originally a turquoise and transparent coral sea. At this time, it became white, and the merchant ships kept orderly docking, unloading a lot of materials, and then transporting a lot of raw materials or artworks. Especially those merchant ships from the far south of Obaro, carrying the precious metals of South Obaro, will use this as a must-stop point, because the neutral position of the Medici family, even the enemies of the empire, will not Be held accountable, and from the west of Lockborough, across the mountains, that is, the southern area of ​​Gang Fei, so as to avoid the rigorous investigations of the Imperial Navy,

Among the densely packed merchant ships, some of the larger merchant ships are very eye-catching. The orders from the Medici family have also increased inspections at the port. Although Laplace is full of contempt for this sunrise chamber of commerce, it is also The port has arranged a large number of garrison teams to prevent this sunrise chamber of commerce from playing small moves,

These soldiers wore white mail armor, distributed in a straight line, and patrolled the port. They carried knight swords and shields behind them, exuding the chill of the sun under the sunshine. Among these soldiers on guard, there are several mobile whistle, their shoulders are tied with the family crest of the Medici family

"What is the situation today, with so many defense teams?" Merchants in the port also found that something was wrong. The Medicis were loosely ruled, and the army was generally stationed outside the city, unless there was turmoil in the city. Otherwise the army will not enter the city.

"Sunrise Chamber of Commerce... what is that"

"The ridiculous little chamber of commerce really does not know that the sky is vast and threatens the Medicis of Lockborough."

"Do they know what it means to threaten Lockborough, saying that it is too much to threaten the entire Central European Baro!"

"Don't dare to come, and you will be thrown into the sea when you come!" As some internal information came out, the merchants on the pier all ridiculed, weird, and low-pitched voices, everyone thought this The Sunrise Chamber of Commerce is crazy. Compared with the Medici, the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce is just like a little ant clamoring to challenge the elephant as ridiculous

Nearly at the same time, at the same time, two large commercial ships flying with special flags appeared on the sea outside the port, and the quay immediately began to commotion

"My God, it's really the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce!"

"It's really hard not to recognize it. This sunrise chamber of commerce is really coming!" The people on the pier looked at the flags of these two large chambers of commerce, and the red sunrise was surprised. The name "Sunrise Chamber of Commerce" is enough to be dirt. Even the muddy chamber of commerce flag is used, and the most eye-catching businessmen are the silver flag of the business alliance that should be the main banner. All are squeezed into the third row. The first row is the sunrise east, the second is the golden scale, that is the banner of the Imperial Bank, and the third is the banner of the business alliance. The senior officials of the business alliance saw that they must vigorously criticize it. The Imperial Bank is strong and not fake, but it has not climbed on the head of my business alliance. What’s more, you put your chamber of commerce banner above all the flags, then What else do you join the business alliance, have the ability, go alone!

"Notice above, the ship of the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce is coming!" The captain of the Port Guards, Yelusa, was shining with excitement, looking at the two merchant ships that had entered the dock, and there was a grin in the corner of his mouth, but it said that he would throw everyone When going to the sea, Rockburg has not done so for some years. A large number of soldiers of the garrison rushed towards the docking position. As soon as the people above came down, they immediately arrested

The people on the ship seemed to be aware of this, and until the merchant ship stopped, the people on it did not come down.

"Regardless of them, rush up and throw everyone down!" Yaleosa's fierce look loudly commanded, a small businessman dared to provoke the Medici's house, and today he would not let the sea be red, he was not Yeluza, soldiers Furiously rushed to the merchant ship, with a long sword in his mouth, and pulling the rope with agility to climb up,

"Long! Long! Long!" At this moment, a heavy vibration sound came from the inside of two large merchant ships, it seemed that something was moving, and then under the eyes, the windows of the middle cabin on both sides of the merchant ship's fore and aft The baffle was opened from the inside, and there was a sound of the chain scraping, and then everyone saw the black metal round barrel mouths emerge from the back of the baffle, these barrel mouths slowly faced down, the gloss of the black metal was The sunshine is full of mystery,

"What? "Everyone is stunned,

Are the people at the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce crazy? What do you do to launch something like this! Does he think we are rabbits? it's so funny! "A mockery of laughter from the crowd. Everyone wants to see this joke of the Chamber of Commerce. Sure enough, it is a Chamber of Commerce. Do you think you can be confident with the two merchant ships! In front of the Medicis who control Rockborough, what is this!

Suddenly, a businessman looked at the black iron tube's eyes changed, his face pale and pale, squeezed from the crowd, turned back and ran, ran too fast, and even fell, covered in blood Climb up without even wiping, and continue to run forward, just like a ghost,

"Rian Rhodo, you are crazy, what are you running!" The companion beside him looked puzzled,

I only heard a trembling voice from a distance, "It's Thor~www.wuxiaspot.com~That's the Thor of the Imperial Navy!"

"The Thor of the Imperial Navy?" The smile in the corner of the companion's mouth froze,


"Wow la la" suddenly fry around, looking at the muzzle of the black thunder god, everyone feels a chill hit the head, did not let you think that two merchant ships will make Thor, take a closer look, it is not The Thor who can't look straight at the Imperial Navy battleship! As businessmen, they have seen Thor, but have not seen it so close,

"Imperial Thor! My God!"

"Mom, run, I don't want to die!" A cry of excitement, panic, and explosion, at such a short distance, they were under the Thor's running mouth, and the onlookers were all in chaos, even crowded with crawling When they collided together, some of the boomers directly chose to jump into the sea. The two merchant ships, each of which had four doors, that is, the eight doors of Thor, faced the port below. At such a short distance, a single shot was enough to crush them! Don’t talk about these ordinary people, even the Medici soldiers who were climbing were scared and ran away. Yeluzah, who was also proud of himself, was twitching under the muzzle of the Eight Thunder Gods. Paralyzed to the ground,

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